1、Unit 5 MemoriesL14 Grandpas MemoriesPeriod2 Langue in use 王东梅京市顺义区第八中学 一、教材分析:Memories是北师大版初中英语八年级下册教材第五单元有关记忆的话题,13课(阅读课)是以孩子从多方面的感受,迫切表达对母亲的感恩之情;14课(听说课)是爷爷讲述了一段他父亲在战争中一些经历;15课(阅读课)是讲述了50年代英国与美国生活条件的差异。Communication Workshop话题(写作课)为最难忘的一件事。文章记叙了一个小男孩发生交通事故之后,妈妈在医院里对他的精心照顾(所做所言)。小男孩通过此
2、事感受到了妈妈对她的疼爱和关心,并决定做一点事情报答妈妈。本课(14课)分为两课时:第一课时主要内容为听力理解,所听内容主要是关于琳达和爷爷看家庭旧照片,谈论曾祖父年轻时经历的对话,对话中涉及到英德两国的战争以及生活艰辛等内容,对话大约200词。作者的目的在于让学生了解以前人们的生状况,珍存有关过去的宝贵记忆,珍惜现在的美好生活。l 教学难点: 关于琳达曾祖父战争期间生活的主要信息及细节信息的获取l 教学策略:利用听前预测、关键词和分层等听力策略,听对话获取有关great-grandpa的相关信息l 学习内容: 话题:祖父的记忆词汇:great-grandpa, prime minister,
3、war,Germany,German, bomb, curtain, marry语法:陈述句的间接引语口语表达:根据所听对话及表格中的信息提示,简单谈论琳达曾祖父的经历第二课时是一节语言知识教学课,主要内容包括课文词汇的使用(教材Activity 5)和功能句的运用(教材Activity 6、7、8、9、10)。功能句诗本节课的重点,主要是表达感叹与失望的情绪。首先回顾第一课时的学习内容, 让学生关注词汇在上下文中的含义和用法,以及表达惊喜和兴奋,表达失望和悲伤的功能句。然后通过听力和语音训练,让学生关注语调和功能句的语意功能。之后把含有功能句的句子进行正确排序,从而形成一个小情景对话,学生进
4、行pair work。最后,给出一些小情景,学生选择做对话,尽量使用本课的功能句。(如果时间允许,可进行自编childhood memories对话进行表演) 第二课时 Period 2二、教学目标:在本节课学习结束时,学生能够:1、发现并总结表达惊喜和兴奋、表达失望和悲伤的功能句;2、运用表达惊喜和兴奋、失望和悲伤的功能句描述所给的特定情境,表达自己的心情;3、在情景对话中体会功能句的意义。三、教学过程:教学活动设计意图互动模式&时间VocabularyStep 1Lead-inl Enjoy the song “I wonder” before class.l Get the st
5、udents to go over some sentences between Linda and her grandpa, pay attention to the underlined words.Linda: Oh no! That would be scary.Grandpa: Probably, but he said they were expecting it.Grandpa: The German planes often bombed the cities at night.Linda: Oh, I see.Grandpa: His building was hit by
6、a bomb.Linda: Thats so sad.Grandpa: Luckily, no one in the family was hurt. Later, he moved to the United States and married your great-grandma.Linda: Thats good.l Get students to read and put them into Chinese and focus on the underlined words.1. He said they were expecting it.2.That would be scary
7、.3.The German planes often bombed the cities at night.4. That was lucky.5.His building was hit by a bomb.6. Luckily no one in the family was hurt.7. Later, he moved to the United States and married your great-grandma.课前歌曲欣赏(演唱)学生回顾上节课的对话内容,译中文并学习划线单词的意思和用法,为下面的词汇使用做铺垫。听力稿中的句子,为词汇学习做准备体会重点词汇在句中的含义师生活
8、动6Step 2Vocabulary in usel Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. (Activity 5)bomb, scary, expect, luckily, moveexpect to do sth army, enemyexpecte.g: I didnt expect him to be a successful singer, but I expect you to learn English well.army参军:join the army我哥哥两年前参的军My brother join
9、ed the army two years ago.我哥哥参军两年了。My brother has been in the army for two years.My brother has been a soldier since two years ago.enemy We shouldnt forget the history and martyrs(烈士) and enjoy our peaceful life. (德育渗透)在核对答案中,利用情景教学,理解本课的重点词汇 (生词:army, enemy)(生)词汇讲解个人活动师生活动4FunctionStep 3 Key expres
10、sionsl Students listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers. (学案练习1)Wow, you look so young! / Is it? / He did?Oh, no! That would be scary. / That was lucky. / Thats so sad! / Thats good.l Get the students to observe these sentences and find them what the sentences are expre
11、ssing. (教材Activity 6)Expressing surprise or excitement1. Wow, you look so young.2. Is it? Really?3. He did?4. That was lucky.5. Thats good/ great.Expressing disappointment or sadness6. Oh no, that would be scary.l 7. Thats so sad.l Read the function sentences with intonatione.g A: “ Ms Wang, youve w
12、on the first prize in the singing.” B: “ Me? Really? I cant believe it! ( surprise/ excitement)A: But you failed in the dancing.B: Oh no. Its a pity. (sadness/ disappointment)l Deal with Pronunciation: Tone of voice and meaning. (Activity 9)l Listen and repeat. (Activity 10)l Get the Ss to choose th
13、e best expression to complete the conversation. (Activity 7)借助听力内容,让学生通过观察、体验,学习有关感叹与失望的功能句。在语境中体会句子的真正含义朗读,注意语调通过语音练习,让学生体会并判断功能句的真正含义在语境中体会并运用功能句朗读并模仿巩固与提升个体活动师生活动13师生活动5Sentences in useStep 4 Pair workl Put sentences in order to make a conversation, and then act it out.a: Yes, I was thin, but I w
14、as good at basketball. We won the national championship (锦标赛冠军)that year.b: Thats too bad.c: Heres a photo of me with my school basketball team when I was 16.d: Wow! You look so thin in that picture.e: Thats great! So did you play in the final(决赛)?f: No, I didnt. I fell over and broke my leg the day
15、 before the match. l Choose two groups to do “Role-play”.l Supply some situations and get the students to choose one of them, make a short dialogue and role-paly it. (Activity 8)Situations1. You won a prize or competition.2. You had an exciting trip or holiday.3. You were sad or unhappy.4. Youve fai
16、led your maths exam.5. Your little brother broke your computer.You lost something and found it later.ExampleA: I lost my pet dog a year ago. I was really sad.B: Oh, thats too bad.A: My neighbor found him and brought him back home a week later.B: That was lucky.Students make dialogues and show it.提升与
17、拓展把句子以排序的形式编成一个小对话,两人一组展示注意功能句在表演中的语气展示(两组)开放性练习学生运用所学功能句进行同伴问答,在小情景中体会功能句的含义展示(两组)师生活动生生活动15Step5summaryShow students a picture of English Drama which was held in Yangzhen No.2 Middle School, and one of student in our class(Zhao Jiaxin) took part in it.借助我班学生参加区级英语短剧表演,小结本节课所学内容(功能句)的重要性。师生活动2Homework: l Make a new dialogue about childhood memories,
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