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1、中美税收协定( 中英文对照 )UNITED STATES-THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA INCOME TAX CONVENTION建议:与美国企业公司签订合同前必读1984 年 4 月 30 日北京签订,1986 年 5 月 10 日第二份协定签订,7 月 24 日美方批准, 10月 22 日交换文本, 1987 年 1 月 1 日生效。Agreement And Related Protocol Signed at Beijingon April30,1984; Second ProtocolSignedat Beijing on May 10,198

2、6;RatificationAdvisedby The Senate of The UnitedStatesof America on July 24,1986;Instrumentsof RatificationExchanged on October22,1986; Entered into Force on January 1, 1987.条款目录TABLE OF ARTICLESArticle 1-涉税人 Persons CoveredArticle 2-税种Taxes CoveredArticle 3-定义DefinitionsArticle 4-居民ResidenceArticle

3、 5-常设机构Permanent EstablishmentArticle 6-不动产所得Income from Real PropertyArticle 7-经营利润Business ProfitsArticle 8-关联企业Related EnterprisesArticle 9-股息 DividendsArticle 10-利息InterestArticle 11-特许使用费RoyaltiesArticle 12-收益GainsArticle 13-个人劳务收入Independent Personal ServicesArticle 14-雇佣报酬Dependent Personal S

4、ervicesArticle 15-董事费Directors FeesArticle 16-艺术与体育活动所得Artistes and AthletesArticle 17-退休金与养老金Pensions and AnnuitiesArticle 18-政府雇员与退休金Government Employees andPensions精选文库Article 19-教学与学术所得Teachers, Professors and ResearchersArticle 20-学生与培训所得Students and TraineesArticle 21-其他收入Other IncomeArticle 2

5、2-避免双重征税Elimination of Double TaxationArticle 23-非歧视NondiscriminationArticle 24-共同协议Mutual AgreementArticle 25-交换信息Exchange of InformationArticle 26-外交事务Diplomats and Consular OfficersArticle 27-生效Entry into ForceArticle 28-中止效力TerminationProtocol 1-协定书of 30 April, 1984一、协定中华人民共和国政府和美利坚合众国政府, 愿意缔结关于

6、对所得避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定,达成协议如下:The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China, Desiring to conclude an Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of tax evasion with respect to taxes on income, Have agreed as follows:第一条本协定适用

7、于缔约国一方或者双方居民的人。ARTICLE 1 (Persons Covered) This Agreement shall apply to persons who are residents of one or both of the Contracting States.第二条 ARTICLE 2 (Taxes Covered)一、本协定适用于下列税种1. The taxes to which this Agreement applies are(一)在中华人民共和国:(a) in the People's Republic of China:个人所得税;(I) the ind

8、ividual income tax;中外合资经营企业所得税;(ii)the income taxconcerningjointventureswithChinese and foreigninvestment;外国企业所得税;(iii) the income tax concerning foreign enterprises;地方所得税。(以下简称 “中国税收 ”)(iv) the local income tax (herein after referred to as "Chinese tax").-2精选文库(二)在美利坚合众国:根据国内收入法征收的联邦所得税。(

9、以下简称 “美国税收”)(b) in the United States of America: the Federal income taxes imposed (hereinafter referred to as "United States tax").二、本协定也适用于本协定签订之日后增加或者代替第一款所列税种的相同或者实质相似的税收。缔约国双方主管当局应将各自有关税法所作的实质变动,在适当时间内通知对方。2. The Agreement shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar taxe

10、s which are imposed after the date of signature of the Agreement in addition to, or in place of, those referred to in paragraph 1. Within an appropriate time period,the competentauthoritiesof theContractingStatesshallnotifyeach otherofanysubstantial changes which have been made in their respective t

11、axation laws.第三条一、在本协定中,除上下文另有规定的以外:ARTICLE 3 (Definitions)1. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,(一) “中华人民共和国 ”一语用于地理概念时, 是指有效行使有关中国税收法律的所有中华人民共和国领土, 包括领海, 以及根据国际法, 中华人民共和国有管辖权和有效行使有关中国税收法律的所有领海以外的区域,包括海底和底土;(a) the term "the People's Republic of China", when used

12、 in a geographical sense,means allthe territoryof the People'sRepublicof China,includingitsterritorialsea, in which the laws relating to Chinese tax are in force, and all the area beyond its territorial sea, including the sea-bed and subsoil thereof,over which the People's Republic of China

13、has jurisdiction in accordance with international law and in which the laws relating to Chinese tax are in force;(二) “美利坚合众国 ”一语用于地理概念时,是指有效行使有关美国税收法律的所有美利坚合众国领土, 包括领海, 以及根据国际法, 美利坚合众国有管辖权和有效行使有关美国税收法律的所有领海以外的区域,包括海底和底土;(b)theterm"theUnitedStatesof America",when used in a geographicalsense

14、,meansall the territory of the United States of America, including its territorial sea,inwhich thelawsrelatingto UnitedStatestax are inforce,and alltheareabeyonditsterritorialsea, includingthe seabed and subsoilthereof,overwhich theUnitedStatesof Americahas jurisdictioninaccordance withinternational

15、lawand inwhichthe laws relating to United States tax are in force;-3精选文库(三) “缔约国一方 ”和 “缔约国另一方 ”的用语,按照上下文,是指中华人民共和国或者美利坚合众国;(c) the terms "a Contracting State" and "the other Contracting State" mean thePeople'sRepublicof China or the UnitedStatesof America,as the contextrequir

16、es;(四) “税收 ”一语,按照上下文,是指中国税收或者美国税收;(d)the term "tax"means Chinese taxor UnitedStatestax,as the contextrequires;(五) “人 ”一语包括个人、公司、合伙企业和其它团体;(e)the term "person"includesan individual,a company, a partnershipand anyother body of persons;(六) “公司 ”一语是指法人团体或者在税收上视同法人团体的实体;(f) the term &

17、quot;company" means any body corporate or any entity which is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes;(七) “缔约国一方企业 ”和 “缔约国另一方企业 ”的用语,分别指缔约国一方居民经营的企业和缔约国另一方居民经营的企业;(g)the terms"enterpriseofa ContractingState"and "enterpriseofthe otherContracting State" mean respectively

18、an enterprise carried on by a resident of aContractingState and an enterprisecarriedon by a residentof the otherContractingState;(八) “国民 ”一语是指具有缔约国一方国籍的所有个人按照缔约国现行法律取得其地位的所有法人、合伙企业和团体;(h) the term "nationals" means all individuals having the nationality of a Contracting State and all legal

19、 persons, partnerships and other bodies of persons deriving their status as such from the law in force in a Contracting State;(九) “主管当局 ”一语,在中华人民共和国方面是指财政部或其授权的代表;在美利坚合众国方面是指财政部长或其授权代表。(I)the term "competentauthority"means (I)in the People'sRepublicof China,theMinistryof Financeor itsa

20、uthorizedrepresentative;and (ii)in the UnitedStatesof America, the Secretary of the Treasury or his authorized representative.二、缔约国一方在实施本协定时, 对于未经本协定明确定义的用语, 除上下文另有规定的以外,应当具有该缔约国关于适用本协定税种的法律所规定的含义。2. As regards the application of the Agreement by a Contracting State any term notdefinedthereinshall,u

21、nlessthe contextotherwiserequires,have the meaning which-4精选文库it has under the laws of that Contracting State concerning the taxes to which the Agreement applies.第四条 ARTICLE 4 (Residence)一、本协定中 “缔约国一方居民 ”一语是指按照该缔约国法律, 由于住所、 居所、总机构、注册所在地,或者其它类似的标准,在该缔约国负有纳税义务的人。1. For the purposes of this Agreement,

22、the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who, under the laws of that Contracting State, is liable to taxtherein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of head office, place of incorporation or any other criterion of a similar nature.二、由于第一款的规定, 同时为缔约国双方居民的个人, 双方主管当局

23、应协商确定该人为本协定中缔约国一方的居民。2. Where by reason of theprovisionsof paragraph1 an individualis a residentof both ContractingStates,then the competent authoritiesof the ContractingStatesshall determine through consultations the Contracting State of which that individual shall be deemed to be a resident for th

24、e purposes of this Agreement.三、由于第一款的规定, 同时为缔约国双方的居民公司, 双方主管当局应协商确定该公司为本协定中缔约国一方的居民。 如经协商不能确定时, 该公司不应作为任何一方的居民按照本协定享受优惠。3. Where by reasonof theprovisions ofparagraph1 a company isa resident of bothContractingStates,thenthe competentauthoritiesof the ContractingStatesshalldetermine through consultat

25、ions the Contracting State of which the company shallbe deemed tobe a residentfor the purposes of thisAgreement, and,ifthey areunableto so determine, the company shall not be considered to be a resident of eitherContracting State for purposes of enjoying benefits under this Agreement.四、由于第一款的规定, 美利坚

26、合众国的居民公司根据中华人民共和国和第三国的税收协定,同时为第三国居民时,该公司不应作为美利坚合众国的居民按照本协定享受优惠。4. Where by reason of the provisions of paragraph 1 a company is a resident of theUnitedStatesofAmerica,and, undera tax agreement between the People'sRepublicof China and a third country is also a resident of that third country, the

27、companyshallnot be consideredto be a residentof the UnitedStatesof America forpurposesof enjoying benefits under this Agreement.第五条 ARTICLE 5 (Permanent Establishment)一、本协定中“常设机构 ”一语是指企业进行全部或部分营业的固定营业场所。-5精选文库1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "permanent establishment" means a

28、 fixed place of business through which the business of an enterprise is wholly or partly carried on.二、 “常设机构 ”一语特别包括:2. The term "permanent establishment" includes especially:(一)管理场所;(a) a place of management;(二)分支机构;(b) a branch;(三)办事处;(c) an office;(四)工厂;(d) a factory;(五)作业场所;(e) a works

29、hop; and(六)矿场、油井或气井、采石场或者其它开采自然资源的场所。(f) a mine, an oil or gas well, a quarry or any other place of extraction of natural resources.三、 “常设机构 ”一语还包括: 3. The term "permanentestablishment"alsoincludes:(一)建筑工地,建筑、装配或安装工程,或者与其有关的监督管理活动,仅以连续超过六个月的为限;(a) a building site, a construction, assembly

30、or installation project, or supervisory activities in connection therewith, but only where such site, project or activities continue for a period of more than six months;(二) 为勘探或开采自然资源所使用的装置、钻井机或船只, 仅以使用期三个月以上的为限;(b)an installation,drillingrigor shipused forthe explorationor exploitationof natural r

31、esources, but only if so used for a period of more than three months; and(三) 企业通过雇员或者其他人员, 在该国内为同一个项目或有关项目提供的劳务,包括咨询劳务,仅以在任何个月中连续或累计超过六个月的为限。(c) the furnishing of services, including consultancy services, by an enterprise through employees or other personnel engaged by the enterprise for such purpos

32、e,but onlywhere such activitiescontinue(forthe same or a connectedproject)withinthe country for a period or periods aggregating more than six months within any twelve month period.四、虽有第一款至第三款的规定,“常设机构 ”一语应认为不包括:-6精选文库4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 through 3, the term "permane

33、nt establishment" shall be deemed not to include:(一)专为储存、陈列或者交付本企业货物或者商品的目的而使用的设施;(a)the use of facilitiessolelyforthe purpose of storage,displayor deliveryof goods or merchandise belonging to the enterprise;(二)专为储存、陈列或者交付的目的而保存本企业货物或者商品的库存;(b) themaintenance of a stock of goods ormerchandisebe

34、longing to theenterprisesolely for the purpose of storage, display or delivery;(三)专为另一企业加工的目的而保存本企业货物或者商品的库存;(c) themaintenance of a stock of goods ormerchandisebelonging to theenterprisesolely for the purpose of processing by another enterprise;(四)专为本企业采购货物或者商品,或者搜集情报的目的所设的固定营业场所;(d) the maintenanc

35、e of a fixed place of business solely for the purpose of purchasing goods or merchandise, or of collecting information, for the enterprise;(五)专为本企业进行任何其它准备性或辅助性活动的目的所设的固定营业场所;(e) the maintenance of a fixed place of business solely for the purpose of carrying on, for the enterprise, any other activit

36、y of a preparatory or auxiliary character;(六)专为本款第(一)项至第(五)项活动的结合所设的固定营业场所,如果由于这种结合使该固定营业场所全部活动属于准备性质或辅助性质。(f) the maintenance of a fixed place of business solely for any combination of the activities mentioned in subparagraphs (a) through (e), provided that the overallactivity of the fixed place of

37、 business resulting from this combination is of a preparatory or auxiliary character.五、虽有第一款和第二款的规定, 当一个人在缔约国一方代表缔约国另一方的企业进行活动,有权并经常行使这种权力代表该企业签订合同,除适用于第六款的独立代理人以外,这个人为该企业进行的任何活动,应认为该企业在该缔约国一方设有常设机构。除非这个人通过固定营业场所进行的活动仅限于第四款的规定, 按照该款规定, 不应认为该固定营业场所是常设机构。5.Notwithstandingthe provisions ofparagraphs 1

38、and 2,wherea person,other thanan agent of an independent status to whom paragraph 6 applies, is acting on behalfofan enterpriseand has and habituallyexercisesin a ContractingState an authoritytoconclude contracts in the name ofthe enterprise,thatenterprise shallbe deemed-7精选文库to have a permanent est

39、ablishment in that Contracting State in respect of any activities which that person undertakes for the enterprise, unless the activities of such person are limited to those mentioned in paragraph 4 which, if exercised through a fixed place of business, would not make this fixed place of business a p

40、ermanent establishment under the provisions of that paragraph.六、缔约国一方企业仅通过按常规经营本身业务的经纪人,一般佣金代理人或者任何其它独立代理人在缔约国另一方进行营业,不应认为在该缔约国另一方设有常设机构。但如果这个代理人的活动全部或几乎全部代表该企业,该代理人和该企业之间的交易表明不是根据正常条件进行的,不应认为是本款所指的独立代理人。6. An enterprise of a Contracting State shall not be deemed to have a permanentestablishmentinth

41、e otherContractingStatemerelybecause itcarrieson businessin that other Contracting State through a broker, general commission agent or anyother agentof anindependent status, provided that such personsare acting in theordinary course of their business. However, when the activities of such an agent ar

42、e devoted wholly or almost wholly on behalf of that enterprise, he will not beconsidered an agent of an independent status within the meaning of this paragraph if it is shown that the transactions between the agent and the enterprise were not made under arm's-length conditions.七、缔约国一方居民公司, 控制或被控

43、制于缔约国另一方居民公司或者在该缔约国另一方进行营业的公司 (不论是否通过常设机构) ,此项事实不能据以使任何一方公司构成另一方公司的常设机构。7. The fact that a company which is a resident of a Contracting State controls or is controlled by a company which is a resident of the other Contracting State, orwhich carries on business in that other Contracting State (whethe

44、r through apermanent establishment or otherwise), shall not of itself constitute either company a permanent establishment of the other.第六条 ARTICLE 6 (Income from Real Property)一、缔约国一方居民从位于缔约国另一方的不动产取得的所得, 可以在该缔约国另一方征税。1. Income derived by aresident of aContracting State from real property situatedin

45、 the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other Contracting State.-8精选文库二、“不动产 ”一语应具有财产所在地的缔约国的法律所规定的含义。该用语在任何情况下应包括附属于不动产的财产,农业和林业所使用的牲畜和设备,一般法律规定的适用于地产的权利, 不动产的用益权以及由于开采或有权开采矿藏、水源和其它自然资源取得的不固定或固定收入的权利。船舶和飞机不应视为不动产。2. The term "real property" shall have the meaning which it has un

46、der the laws ofthe Contracting State in which the propertyin questionis situated.The term shallin any case include property accessory to real property, livestock and equipmentused in agriculture and forestry, rights to which the provisions of general lawrespectinglandedproperty apply,usufructof real

47、property and rightstovariableor fixedpaymentsas considerationfor theworkingof,or therighttowork,mineraldeposits, sources and other natural resources; ships and aircraft shall not be regardedas real property.三、第一款的规定适用于从直接使用、出租或者任何其它形式使用不动产取得的所得。3. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply to income

48、derived from the direct use, letting or use in any other form of real property.四、第一款和第三款的规定也适用于企业的不动产所得和用于进行独立个人劳务的不动产所得。4. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 3 shall also apply to the income from realproperty of an enterprise and to income from real property used for the performance of independent

49、personal services.第七条 ARTICLE 7(Business Profits)一、缔约国一方企业的利润应仅在该缔约国征税,但该企业通过设在缔约国另一方常设机构在该缔约国另一方进行营业的除外。 如果该企业通过设在该缔约国另一方的常设机构在该缔约国另一方进行营业, 其利润可以在该缔约国另一方征税, 但应仅以属于该常设机构的利润为限。1. The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in that Contracting State unless the enterprise

50、carries on business in the other Contracting State through a permanent establishment situated therein. If the enterprise carrieson business as aforesaid, the profits of the enterprise may be taxed in the other Contracting State but only so much of them as is attributable to that permanent establishm

51、ent.二、从属于第三款的规定,缔约国一方企业通过设在缔约国另一方的常设机构在该缔约国另一方进行营业,如果该常设机构是一个独立和分设的企业,在相同或相似情况下从事相同或相似活动, 并完全独立地同其所隶属的企业进行交易, 该常设机构在缔约国各方可能得到的利润应属于该常设机构。-9精选文库2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3, where an enterprise of a Contracting State carries on business in the other Contracting State through a permanen

52、testablishmentsituatedtherein,thereshallin each ContractingStatebe attributedto that permanent establishment the profits which it might be expected to make ifitwere a distinctand separateenterpriseengaged in the same or similaractivitiesunder the same or similar conditions and dealing wholly independently with the enterprise of which it is a permanent establishment.三、确定常设机构的利润时,应允许扣除其进行营业发生的各项费用,包括行政和一般管理费用, 不论其发生于常设机构所在国或者其它任何地方。但是,常设机构支付给企业总机构或该企业其它办事处的特许权使用费或其它类似款项,以及因借款所支付的利息,都


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