1、2019 届北京市顺义区初三一模英语试卷【含答案及解 析】 姓名 _ 班级 _ 分数 _ 题号 -二二 三 四 五 总分 得分 、单项填空 1. Jim, would you please pass _ the n ewspaper? Here you are A. me B . her C. him _ D. us 2. Whe n is the Earth Day? It s _ April 22nd every year . A. of B . in C. on D . at 3. Work hard, Tom, _you will not pass the exam . OK . I
2、ll try my best . A . so B . and C . but _ D . or 4. Mum, _ will the breakfast be ready? Five mi nu tes . A . how much _B . how long C . how often _D . how many 5. That s a nice mobile phone It is . My aunt _ it for my last birthday A . buy _ B . will buy C have bought _ D bought 6. _ you make a kite
3、 for me, Dad? I want to fly it in the park Yes, I can A Can B May C Need D Must 7. Where is Miss Lin? She _ my desk-mate with her lessons in her office A helps _ B is helping Chelped _ D will help 8. Is Jim in the classroom? No, he _ _ to the dining hall A goes B will go Chas D wen 9. Beijing is a n
4、ice city because more and more trees _ every spring A planted B are planted C will be planted _ Dplant 10. Could you tell me _ yesterday? Because my bike was broken on my way here Awhy you came late _ B why do you come late Cwhy you come late _ D why did you come late 、完形填空 11. 完形填空 , 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,
5、然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、 C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 The Magic of Waving It began a year ago, around Christmas While driving around the corner of our townhouse sports center, I alwaysBasked C thanked noticed an old man sitting by his front yard He was usually smoking or drinking and looked grumpy ( 脾气不好 ) One day, wh
6、ile I was driving past him with my daughter, I decided to _ at him with a lot of excitement At the beginning, when he noticed me waving at him, he looked a bit shocked( 震惊 ) Then, I saw his _ go up and he waved back Why did you wave at him? my daught er asked I told her that it was just an act of ki
7、ndness that didn t _ anything, and it gave both him and me a sense of joy She responded by saying that she was a bit embarrassed ( 局促不安 ) to wave to a _ , but next time she would try it as well Lucky for us, we lived close to the old man, so we _ him rather often Whenever we drove by, both of us wou
8、ld wave at him and, pretty soon, the old man waving at everyone who passed by his house One day, my daughter s friend ca me to visit and she told my daughter that she saw this strange old man near our home who waved at her very She mentioned that she waved back at him, even though she didn t know hi
9、m, and that it felt really good Upon hearing this, my daughter told her friend the story of how all the waving began Her friend responded, Tell your mom that s really _ ! Other friends made similar comments( 评论 ), and this response taught my daughter just how much an act of kindness can be very natu
10、ral and effortless, if you really want to do it It showed us how giving happiness _ both the giver andthereceiver Inspired by all these positive effects, we re planning to give our elder waving neighbor a thank-you card, to express our thanks for the warmth that he communicated through his enthusias
11、tic waves And to thank him for _ this simple joy with all who pass by his house 1. A look _ B laugh_ _ D wave B hand _ _ D head 3. A cost _ B bring _ Cbreak _ D hide 4. A smoker _ Cmanager _ 5. A saw _ Cshout _2. A legB stranger _ _ D driver Dvisited 9. A attracted D benefited 10. A getting _ B shar
12、ing _ C following _ D keeping 6. A started succeeded Cguided _ 7. A slowly_ Cexcitedly _ 8. A different D lasted gradually safely Ccool easy _ D humorous controlled Creminded 三、阅读理解 12. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B C D四个选项中,选择 最佳选项。 Children s Books Fair 刊64甜一屋 d Placet MAMis(ne eF our Early Reader S
13、pa亡亡 batk二Tt h話 surpfisin facts and ph琳強 eTrplaiTiing all abQut Mars. Auning mainly at kads ged 7 一 10, itJs an inter esting way for readers to find out more about the red planet. Th克 is rie of our Early- Eafth boks fcr hoys 他 4 gitls ciged 1315 *话 is a fun and fantastic way fki readers to find out
14、more th# weather on eur earth It offers sti a fiin way mining Facts, photos, and even ha5 a web pa.亡 with video clips eLplaining more about the infomiation in therbook Horses Kids Book of Fun Facts & Amazing Pictures on Ajuinals ID Nature 一 A Perfect Kors e Book for Kids Aged 58 The book written
15、 by Kate describe? the ncblest anwal on the planet for early readers. Hie book ts packed with beautiEbl an日 dear pictures that help yovi child to understand the (fiiri) facts about this animal. It also include s anadoniy(懈 剖)of horses. No other book on Earth sci ence i$ packed with so much fun Its f
16、or kidf 腿号 d 912.The Earth Science Eookl page? overflow 脚 th dosens and doxens of enjoyable, educational, and asy to-de activities that explain basic Earth science facts And important environmental issues. These shw ySE.语树是被种启己不会?壮 丢故用视动式,every spring.股现在时 标志。故选臥 第10题【答案】 第11题【答案】 冋七 鰹査过去帥 l.D 2. B
17、3. A 4. E 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. C 9.D 10. B 【解析】 沁藉般瞬蠶需曾举止 T 睜让个脾气暴躁的老人变得对人客气 1.*B的题目是頊手的魔力, 碰世 noticed me waving at b込此处応 式,根据下文意思,At the beginning, when he 2.d he ved bM“他回敬招手,要招手,那么手就得先抬起来。故选B。 3.A. cost 赛什么的。 bling带来C. break打破hide藏抿据答案竜思,再根据上下文意思s应是不花 融毀歸皿招手感到不安上文和老人打招呼是第一汰根抿上下文理这里应 5 “幸运的是我们离得很近,所以
18、会经常看到。情理之中。 期超群过關蒔我萨寒廨来他是不打招呼的y在我们向他打招呼的带动下,他应是开始向 7. A slowly B. gradual t “匚 ft-* excitedly兴奋地D. safel竣全地根抿答案意思 C。 證鵲譜。不同的B- 5 容易的c- 2 很酣11- ZZ 默的根据答案意思,和上下文 9.A. attracted!引 B. controlled.扌TS|C. xejninded 提D. benefite ,如果真的想去龜 是幸福的受益,觇龛给予者还是接痔署。根据上下文: 于这个简单的善举 齡答躍霸严如cfollowlngD-呎观保持根据答案意思和上下文 5 第
19、12题【答案】 1. A 2. E 3.1) 4.C 【解析】 輕井析:本文讲的是儿童團书博览会,介绍了火星沢天气、马沢地球科学浊几本 1. 单词沖込是太空的意思,火星是介绍太空的。故选転 2根据Eaith books for boys and gills aged 1315这句话可知答案,故选肌 乳根据 昨点 book written by Kate d ascribes the noble si aninal cn the planet for eaxly reiders, 话知答案。故送叽 4“根抿对四本书的理解,第向话是对的故选 6 第13题【答案】 1. A 2. D 3. C 4.
20、 C 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲的杰克和他的SAfflSil了路,自己通过曰常积累的知识味喈著走出了大山。 1 根据这句话恥沁 they sot to the fcot of the moiuitain, there was no siga of Jake,答案& 故 注卫 c 2. 扌艮擔这句话 He remember&d the advice fron lhese pzograns and knew that he Ehould. huild a hole in the mo啊如答案,故冼D* 士根据这句话 So I ot up and I found seme ski t
21、racks and I followed 十home知答索o 故选C 去根据文中意思,杰克迷了踣、挖了雪5臥找滑雪的足迹、找到灯光。故迭 s 第14题【答案】 1. C 2. C 3. E I解析】 翹紬逢縛籍買能冢廃这个新生事物现在还不太完善价格也很昂贵,但这是超势,可以改 1 “根据这句话羽乩 as lights and TV sets, sxd allows them to be contioiled fxcm far affray through electrical virinf, Twbilw phone comnunication or ViFi over the inteHne
22、t可知答案 I故琏 2滾巴第三部分主要讲的智能冢居,保持恒温接待客人哽畝浇花等这者虚智能冢居的优点好处 p故选c。 3*根据 smart home technology wil 1 chance the way vie live and work, 句话可知答睪* 故选Ei 第15题【答案】 1 根据这句话HSUIJEI vas sinpcrisi hov oliSEssed (看迷的)pcopl e are with taking pictures SHese Jays 答巍古攵选叽 2. A. Reviewing pictures always helps people bring bac
23、k meroiies.回顾團片总是有肋于人们帯 回回杞 Ef. Takijig pictures in 虫 musetun t OILT kelps students re co gm ze obj ec ts bett er . 仕博牺馆參观 的黑片可以對助学生更好地认识物仿O c. Pictures that focus on the details of objects acre likely la iipcrove people s mejiioris 團片集中在物体的细节上,有可能摄高人们的记忆。 b Peopl e should spend noe tine study in? l
24、eal obiectg tliaii tslring pictures of tkeii. 人 fj 应该花更梦的时间来研究崖实的物体而不需白摄他们喘照片O 丰R3B这句话 But shouldn; t zevievins pictures we have taken help vale up ouz memoiief? Ulis is true; tut only if v& speiid enouli trine doing 丄七“可知匚是对的心 故选亠 3. 根抿F文青思hrc32已 thtie are too ma of them and they arm t usualLy
25、very organiied on their computers .可推测amassing:应是积攒的意思。故选鞋 4. A. Sone skills tc learn for taking pictuies 些技巧来学习扌白照 E PeopleJ s obsession with taking pictures and its influence.人们对拍照的揃迷及其影响 C. How pic+uxe reinind us of oixr pst 團片如何提醒我们的过去。 D宇Hov to deal iHth pictures after taking tiips B如何在能行后处理照片根
26、据答案意思和短文 o *较符台文意譴连E 0 第16题【答案】l.D 2. C 3. B 4.E 但如果我们只是简单的记录下花不去欣當 【解析】 l.D 2.C IB 4E 5, A 【解析】 试肓擁韓驚麻肓咸绩,而是頁正的网鍛际让体肓课内容吏加丰富些 1上旬说不喜欢说话,下文说不喜欢户外运动。中间应该有畢上启下的连接句中故选叽 人上文谨到荟 这里也是承上启下的句子,故选a 3“前面说他们的测评成绩是沁如果按他们的意愿锻爆 成绩也就弘 也就是任务锻炼。故选日来总结。 4. 下文举例jSSsuch as throwing the handkexchie (手絹)and ihe sagle and
27、 the chickens,内容 ,嘉么工妥应磴与游戒有关的话题亠故选E. 5“最后应是总结性话语。故选航 第17题【答案】 1 Ray Tomi msorio 2.In 171. 3- Because it ivas net papular ani Bad just one meaning on the keyboard. 4.It t&115 us wher the US&T is (the place of the user) ” 粘 s- about hov Tomlinson invented the cnil and hovr imp ox t ant it is
28、in the world comnunicates * 【解析】 趣分析;本文诜的罡电子邮件的发明者汤拇林森,发明了电子邮件给人们的生活带来了便利。 1 “根据遠句话叫总 marL who invented, i片 was Ray TEhliiimorL可回答尺岂F Toitlinsan. 2 “欄g这句话Back in 1971, Tojnlinscn was vorking: on something that could send messages froft one cnnputei to anothecr ToiiHnson tTied to find a vray to separ
29、ate u.seis? aanu froik tlue nanies of theii conputeis. 可回答In 197L p.根摒兹段话 He needed some kini of symbol (符号).However, it couldn t be a popular one, aiud it cauldn1 t be on& that comuiers mighi knov in a different context (皆貰)* 11 also needed to be on Iseyboaxd at the same tin?, The vas theE? and
30、 pxetty &uch rw ome us&d i+ . It was perfect- Because 11 was net popular and had Just one meaning on the keyboard, 4 “根据这句话班 said where the ins ex 西呂可冋答 r 土 t ells us inhere the user is (the place of th)e user). 5 .根据矩文意思可回答It s about hew Tomi insen invented the enail and how lmpartaat it is in the voald couanunicates 第18题【答案】 题目 1 One possible version: Dear Peter, How is it going? I m writing to invite you to Xizommg s birthday party This Sunday 11 get togethei and hold a party in Xiao Mings house. If you want to join u
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