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1、2019学年湖北孝感高一上学期六校教学联盟期末联考英语试卷【含答案及解析】姓名_班级_ 分数_题号-二二三四五六总分得分、阅读理解1. The in troduction to Music Bibliography(参考书目)SiteWelcome to the in troducti on to Music Bibliography Site. Inthe site Friedheim Library will establish Music Bibliography Course. This year four sect ions of thiscourse will be& Th

2、urs. 9:30-10:20 a.m. (Room 214)& Fri. 4:30-5:20 p.m. (Room 116)The goals of Music Bibliographyof music reference sourcesTo write an article with foot no tes 尼 ndno tes and a bibliography about a major musical work.Note:The Music Bibliography Site serves all the teachers and students of thePeabod

3、y Conservatory of Music. ID card is required. If you are a student witha disability for which you require accommodati ons(住宿),please con tact Dr.Eilee n Sosk in, Associtate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Peabody Con servatory of the JohnsHopkins University at 410-659-8100, extension 4405, at website

4、 esosk in , or MsPeggy Hayeslip, Uni versity Coordi nator ofDisability Services on the Homewood Campus of the Joh ns Hopk ins Un iversity at 410-516-6225,at website to discuss reason able and appropriate accommodati ons.1. This year four sect ions of this course will

5、be offered_ .A.in spri ng and autumn_B. in summerand win terC. in spri ng and summer D. in autu mn and win ter2. If you want to attend the class in the afternoon you should come_ .offered: two secti ons in fallTime and Placeand two sect ions in spri ng.Section 1: Tues.Sectio n 2: Wed.To build a tool

6、 boxA.on Tuesday and Thursday_ B. on Saturday andSundayC. on Monday and TuesdayD. on Wednesday and Friday3. If somebody wants to get in touch with Dr. Eileen Soskin, he can dial_.A. 410-516-6225B.410-659-8100C. 410-659-8100, extension 405D. 410-659-8100, extension 44052.What is your favorite color?

7、Do you like yellow, orange, and red? If you do, you must be anoptimist (乐观主义者) , a leader, or an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Doyou prefer grey and blue? If you do, then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather followthan lead. If you love green, you are strong-minde

8、d and determined. You wish to succeed and wantother people to see you are successful. At least this is what psychologists tell us, and they shouldknow, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference, and the effectthat colors have on human beings. They tell us that we dont

9、 choose our favorite colors as we growup. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon asyou could see clearly.Colors do impact our moods there is no doubt about it. A yellow room makes us feel more cheerfuland more comfortable than a dark green one, a

10、nd a red dress brings warmth and cheer to thesaddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing. Light and bright colors make people notonly happier but also more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder, and havefewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rat

11、her than black or dark grey.Remember that if you feel low, you can brighten your day with a few colorful things. Remember thatyou will know your friends and your enemies better when you find out what colors they like anddislike as well.1. According to psychologists, _ .A.anyone can choose his color

12、preference in his lifeB.no one can choose his color preference in his lifeC. anyone is born with his color preferenceD. no one is born with his color preference2. According to the passage,_.A.if you enjoy life, you must like yellow, orange and redB.if you are quiet, you must prefer gray or blueC.if

13、you love green, you usually do what you have decidedD. if you love pink, you often go to flower shops3. The underlined word“ impact ” in paragraph 2 can be replaced byA. influenceB. ruinC. reflect D. explore4. Psychologists study the meaning of color preference because_.A.colors may decide the resul

14、ts of our work and studyB.colors may affect the emotional states of the peopleC.color preference can tell you who your friends are D. color preference can help you to seethrough your enemies3.An old man lived in a certain part of London, and he would wake up every morning and go to thesubway. He wou

15、ld get the train right to Central London, and then sit at the street corner and beg. Hewould do this every single day of his life. He sat at the same street corner and begged for almost 20years. His house was dirty, and the bad smell coming out of the house was horrible. The neighborscould not stand

16、 the smell any more, so they asked the police officers to clear the place. The officersknocked down the door and cleaned the house. There were small bags of money all over the housethat he had collected over the years.The police counted the money, and they soon realized that the old man was a millio

17、naire ( 百万富翁 ). They waited outside his house expecting to share the good news with him. When the old manarrived home that evening, one of the officers told him that there was no need for him to beg anymore as he was a rich man now, a millionaire.But the old man said nothing at all; he went into his

18、 house and locked the door. The next morning hewoke up as usual, went to the subway, got into the train and sat at the street corner and continued tobeg.Clearly, this old man had no great plans, dreams or anything significant for his life. We learn nothingfrom this story other than staying focused o

19、n the things we enjoy doing. What makes us happy iswhat matters in the end, not what we acquire.1. Why did the police officers clear the old man s house?A.Because the old man had no time to clear it himself.B.Because the neighbors of the old man asked them to do.C.Because they couldn t stand the ter

20、rible smell.D. Because the police officers were kind-hearted.2. The police officers stood outside the old man s house i n order toA.Tell the old man that they knocked down his doorB.Ask the old man to clean his dirty houseC.Make the old man count the money in small bags.D. Tell the old man that he w

21、as a millionaire.3. What did the old man do after the police officer told him the news?A.He did what he usually did the next day.B.He stayed at home doing nothing.C.He locked the door and went to the subway at once.D.He sat in front of his house and continued to beg.4.From the story we can infer tha

22、t_ .A.the old man cared about nothing but moneyB.the old man wanted to do what he enjoyed doingC.the policemen would take away all the money.D.the old man would not beg any more4.Hey, mom, I want you to stop dropping me off at the airport for some trip that I am about to takeand start becoming my se

23、atmate. I want to travel with youjust you.I want to explore a new place with a woman who raised me, who put up with my teenager anxietyand my rebellious( 叛逆的 )college years. I want to see my favorite cities with the lady who taughtme basic life lessons, such as looking both ways before crossing the

24、street, how to use a glue gun,and that the most important thing in the world is to help others.I always appreciated the vacations you planned for our family. I also remember how you watchedme as I read The Great Gatsby on the balcony at midday. I wonder if you felt proud of me. Thesedays, I am sick

25、of traveling to places with wishy-washy( 无主见的 ) friends. I want to travel with astrong woman who can see how capable I am of learning to speak French or hiking on a glacier oreating something as unpleasant-smelling fruit.Now I want you to see how much I grow up whileabroad- I m a different person, M

26、om. And I know youd bedifferent too. I know that someone has shared a similar burst of emotion while diving into Australia s Great BarrierReef for the first time.So what do you say, Mom? Will you throw responsibility tothe wind? I want to travel with you. Let s just go-wecan go anywhere in the world

27、, just you and I. You can pick the place, and I will do the rest.Love,Katka1. Which of the following is not the life lesson Katka s mother taught her?A.Looking both ways when crossing the street.B.How to use a glue gun.C. Exploring a new place alongside her mother.D. Offering help to others when it

28、s possible.2.What do the underlined words in Paragraph 5 mean?A. Keep you promise.B.Take care of me.C. Change your daily routine.D. Have a break from work3.How does Katka feel when she writes this letter?A. Eager._ B. Content. C. Doubtful. D. Upset.4. What s the daughter s purpose of writing this le

29、tter?A. To thank her mother for all she has sacrificed for her.B.To invite her mother to see the world together.C. To recall her childhood with her mother.D. To show her mother how talented she is.二、七选五5.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项是多 余的选项You probably know you should say “ please ” and“ thank

30、 youat restaurants. You probably know the rules of a library.You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates.1.In fact, there are some rules about playing music.Keep it dow n.2.You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it. Some peoplemight even get angry. Us

31、ually, when you play music loud on an MP3 player, other people can thear the words of the song. They justhear a loud sound. No one wants to listen to this. Very loud music can also be bad for your ears.Turn it off.You need to know when to turn your MP3 off and put itaway. Libraries and schools dont

32、a llow MP3 players. Thereare other places, like museums, that dont have rules, butit would be rude to have your MP3 player on. Sometimes,it doesn t make sense to listen on your MP3 player atan event. 3. You would miss what is going on andothers would wonder why you even came. Take one out.Once in a

33、while its okay just to take out oneearphone and not the other. 4. It would not be rudeto take out one earphone, tell him the way, and put back the earphone and continue listening. Youcan also do this when you order food at a fast food restaurant or when you answer the telephoneand its not for you. 5

34、.For example, some people can listen to music on their MP3 players when reading books, whileothers think it is disturbing. In cases like this, you need to do what seems right for you.A. It s your choice.B. Don t make your voice disturb others.C. But do you have music manners?D. You have to notice th

35、e amount of sound of your music.E. Why would you listen to music at a play, a movie or a sporting event?F. Imagine you are listening on your MP3 player when someone asks you the way.G. The music is active and inspiring as long as you can feel energetic when you are listening to it.三、完形填空6.完形填空Dear D

36、octor,There are timeswhen you need todecide what is best.My husband and I got married in 1965 and for the firstten years of our marriage I was very happy to _ homeand raise our three children. Then four years ago, ouryoungest _ went to school and I thought I might goback to _ My husband was very _ a

37、nd helped me to make mydecision He pointed out all of the things I can do around the, and said he thought I could bea great_ in business After several weeks of job-hunting, I found myjob, which isworking for a small publicrelations firm At first, my husband was very _ of meand would tell his friends

38、, My clever little wife can that company shes working for.But as his joking words were close to _ , myhusband stopped talking to me about my job I have received several promotions and payincreases, and I am now _more money than he is I can buy my _ clothes anda new car Because of our joint incomes,

39、my husband and I can do many things that we had always_ of doing,but we dont do these things because he is very _We _ about little things and my husband is verycritical of me in front of our friends For the first time in our marriage, I think there is a possibility thatour marriage may come to a( an

40、) _ I love my husband very much, and I do not want him to_ lower, but I also love my job I think I can bea good wife and a working woman, but I dont know_ Can you give me some _ ? Will I have to choose one or the other orcan I keep both my _and my new career?Please help DISTRESSED1. A see _ B look _

41、 C stayD leave2. A person_ B childCmanD lady3. A school_B factory_C workD study4. A grateful_B supportive _C disappointedDselfish5. A group _B house _C firmD husband6. A successB failure _ C mother_ D helper7. A peacefulB useful _C present _Dfamiliar8. A proud_ B fond _ C tiredD satisfied9. A sell _

42、B compete_ C hire_ D run10. A realityB evidence _ Cgoal _Dglory11. A makingB building _ _ C producing _Dgrowing12. A cheapB important _C own_ D informal13. A dreamedBbelieved _ C agreed _Dsupposed14. A encouraging Bconfident Cunhappy _Dcertain15. A communicate Bfight _C solve _Dinspect16. A question

43、B absence _C life _Dend17. A gain _ B feel _ C belongD suffer18. A what _ B where _ C why_ D how19. A dutiesB education _ Csuggestion_Dadvice20. A boss_ B child _C friendship _D.husband四、语法填空7.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The Amber Room, 1. was origi nally built in the 18thcen tury in Prussi

44、a, was once con sidered an“ Eighth Won derof the WorldIt is 2._ (amaze) that several tons of amber wereused 3. (make) it. Peter the Great of Russia admiredthis treasure duri ng a visit 4. Prussia and in 1716, it5.(give) to him as a gift by the Ki ng of Prussia,Frederick William I , to 6. the amber r

45、oom belonged. At first, the room served as a small recepti onhall in Russia.Later, Catherine口 had the Amber Room 7. (move) to apalace outside St Petersburg where she spe nt her summer.Sadly, the room got lost dur ing World War口 and wasn ever found ever sin ce. Some people thi nk that the roomdidn t

46、8. (survival)a fire in the war, while somebelieve that it still lies at the bottom of a lake. Its disappeara nee still rema ins a mystery.However, a new amber room had bee n built before the 300th birthday of the city of St Petersburg.9. took 25 years and 11 milli on dollars to recon struct the new

47、room.Do you thi nk the room is worth 10. (rebuild)?五、短文改错8.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出改加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在改词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Last weeke nd, I went to the zoo and saw t

48、he pan da, theanimal that I like best. The panda was not only the sign of rare animals but also a sign of China. Pandas areso lovely that almost all people are like them. But as the balance of nature is destroying, pandas becomeless. They mainly live on bamboo, and each panda needs to eat a lot bamb

49、oo every day. The area ofbamboo is becoming smaller for many difference reasons, so pandas have less land to live on. Pandas donthave many babies, and baby pandas often die, that makes the situation more serious. However, ourgovernment is working hardly to save them and many new plans have been made

50、 to increase the numbersof pandas. I hope that there will be more and more pandas live in the wild.六、书面表达9.书面表达假如你是李华,来自美国的交换生 Martin 在过去的一个月在你们学校学习,生活。现在 他即将返回美国。请你根据以下内容用英语写一篇欢送辞。1.赞扬他是一位阳光的男孩,善良友好,乐于助人,而且篮球也打得很好。2.非常怀念和他相处的快乐时光。3.感谢他对大家的英语学习的帮助。4.希望他再次有机会来到中国成都,到时一定陪他一起去游览成都的名胜古迹。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左

51、右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。Dear teachers and friends, I d like to say somethingbefore Martin goes back to the USA.That s all. Thank you第2题【答案】参考答案及解析第 1 题【答案】1.A 2.1)3.D【解析】试题分折;文童介绍了FtiedhCm團书馆幵设音乐裁考目录的时间、地点、目标及注意事项。1.屋田节推理题 根据第一段Thi yiear four sections of this course urill be offered:

52、 fwo sections in fall and t旳皿富insprinj.可知今年的四部分课程在春天和秋天开设,故选A,5:2O p-m. (Room. 116)可知下午的课程是在j. please contact DT. Eileen Sokiiij Associtate ear for Academic Affairs, the Peabody C onservat oiy of the JohnsFopkins UtiiYersily注t 410-654810Q, eteiLsion 440可知选H:led. & Fr . 4:ciO第 3 题【答案】1. C2. C3. A

53、4-E【解析【解析】试题分析:文章讲述了斷色代表的性格,颜色影响睛绪及怎样利用颜色改娈心情、了解别人。1卍细节推理题。根据第一段最后TSey tellLLSthatTEdn11 Ghoose our avotrite colois as we gxovf vip. If you.happen to love Lrowtij, you did so as soon as you op sued yaur eyes,OHat least as soon as you could see clearly 可知对颜色的喜好是与生俱菜的舁亦罡启关牺成的故 选G讥猜测词竟题。此处指颜色确实能影响我们的情绪

54、,i毗懾响”与倾同义,故选礼eastLSwhat psyclioLoists tell us?and. ikey should knoiw-p because they havethe meaning of color prefeience, and the effect that colors have学家研究对裔鱼真好的春义在干颜色能影响人的绪,故选吐食ray癒加love green3B两项不能甬you axe sixong-minded- and detexinined,可must应该用PHt/bablr才对;D项文中没;步及,4.JH 1been seiiously studyi on

55、human beings,可知“第4题【答案】l.EJ3.E3. A【解析】 羊豁鉴聖裁述了个乞讨的老人整天忙于乞讨,结果却是目己是百万富翁。但老人知道后毫无改1细节推理题。根擔第二段His house uas di工1:% and. the bad smell coming ou_t of the house was horxille Tlieneighbors coold not wtand the snell anyaoie,SQtheYtlie policeicers to clsax -the pl lace-可知老人的房子又脏有味,邻居无法忍受所臥让警察来清理散选艮& tv

56、iney waixea ou.isiaeHIE IICUESexpecting to share llie ood口ews更洙是为了告诉他不用再去乞讨,他是昔万冨羸故选D N 卫推理判断题。根据倒数第二段恥七牛e oli juan said, nctking a+ aLL; lie went in to I11 s house and lacked iheiaor. The Mit jiwjmitLg h吉WOLIEup as usual, vent to the suturay, got into the train nd sa.t at the street comer andcontin

57、ued to血可卡喘人毫无改变.,依然去乞讨0故选扎4叩Elearn notliingfrom tkis出七ory otlier tkanstaying: f ocused on file ihi_ng s ure &ELj oy doing. IFhat mates ns happy is vihat natters in tlae end, not what weacquireS15Jr口老h在乎白耳 不是叡而是他喜欢1fc的氛故选乩l.C2.1)2细节推理题茎丄艮据第三uraitedou.t?ide hrslicuseFithhX可铀警察谡_4,第5题【答案】3.A4-E【解析】

58、【解析】 舊题分折:本文是女儿写给母亲的一封信,信中表达了作者渴望和苛亲一起去旅游,一起去看世界的愿1上细节推理题。根据第二段I*曲七to see niy favorite cities wlth the lady诂.Qt-auglLt me basic life lessons,sucli a岂lookinj both vays befoze crossing the street, how to use a glue gun, and that the iftost important thing in th.evarld is to hell卫others,DfiJjE漏顷諳吴故选G2噴

59、测句意題。划线句子指抛开贵任,即脱离工作进行休息故选D.出4推理半J断题 喂据第一段I want to trave 1叩ith you-just you,及最后一段LE sS(J一冲冲Gan岸。anyvhexe in the world, just ycv snd匚Ytu can pick tkeaad I vill dethe reSt.可知作者渴望和母亲一起去旅游,故选盒第6题【答案】l.C 2.1)ZEXF5盅【解析】【解析】试题外析;文S1B讲述了听音乐.放音乐的礼貌和规则冋題,提審我们做有索质的人。LC無对匸F文的理解和推理判断育幼。上句讲了饭店、图书信的礼貌问题,下句讲听音乐也有规

60、则 ,也翁荊巴页就E启下,故选匚*本段讲不允许放音乐的场合及放青乐无青义的场合。E项符合4砖査对上下文的理解和推理判断肖加。止匕处指当有人问路时E耳机華出花F】页符合此情蔚故选兀 工本段讲什么时候听音乐是合适的曼由你自己决定,帧能翻蝕段,故选乩2 D考查对 的人。顾C本股主要讲不要把声音调的太犬控制好音崑不墓影响身边蜀讒警A.碍看见;B.“碣C.心。D.Z 离幵此处指我很高兴待在家里抚养孩 鶴考查名词。A.心皿人,B.心、拓C D囲女士此处指最小的孩子上学了。故*世青賣甬翱岸乡首罢孚毎校卡艮般专婪理“工厂;C即。工作;D. study学习。最小的孩子也上学了l.C2.B3. C4.E5. B6. A7.C8. A9.D10. A11. A12.


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