



1、新概念英语2 Lesson 95 A Fantasy 纯属虚构. 语法与词汇知识1. No one knew who _ the house on fire. A. makeB. takeC. setD. put 2. The Olympic Games, _ in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912. A. first playingB. first played C. to be first playedD. to be first playing 3. I agree with most of what you said,

2、 but I didnt agree with _.A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing 4. The plane leaves at 6:00 p.m., so you have to be at the airport _ 5:00 p.m. at least.A. untilB. afterC. aroundD. by 5. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a _. A. messageB. letterC. sentenceD. notice

3、II. 连词组句:请将下列词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次 6. known , mostly , hall , people , the , are , to , me , in_.7. know , dont , to , really , everything , pretend , you , dont , as _.8. floor , fire , night , broke , in , first , at , the , out , the_.9. young , do , dressed , know , the , you , man , in , white_

4、?10. have , because , nothing , am , day , I , hungry , eaten , I , all , very_.III. 阅读理解The first English dictionary was published in 1604. The dictionary was a list of about 3,000 difficult words, each followed by a one-word definition. The author, Robert Cawdrey, did not include everyday words in

5、 his dictionary. He believed that no one would look up a word in a dictionary if he already knew the meaning of the word. During the 1600s, more dictionaries were published. Each followed Cawdreys lead and presented a few thousand difficult words. Around 1700, one dictionary maker, John Kersey, did

6、define easy words as well as difficult ones. But until the 1750s, all dictionaries were not very valuable. In 1755 Samuel. Johnson produced the first modern dictionary. The 1800 saw the greatest improvement in the quality of dictionaries. In England scholars planned and prepared the Oxford English D

7、ictionary, a twenty-volume work. One of the most interesting features of the Oxford Dictionary is its word histories. It traces he history of each word from its earliest recorded use up to the time of the printing of the dictionary. 11. The first English dictionary published in _.A. 1604B. 1750C.175

8、5D. around 1700 12. Who produced the first modern dictionary? A. Robert Cawdrey.B. John Kersey. C. Samuel Johnson.D. Scholars in England 13. What makes the Oxford English Dictionary different from others? A. It only lists difficult words.B. It was published in 1755. C. It is the greatest dictionary.

9、D. It explains the word history. IV. 翻译 14. get a shock_ 15. break out_ 16. on fire_ 17. fire extinguisher_ 18. as usual_ 19. 母亲很生气李华的衣服搞得不成样子了。 The mother was angry with Li Hua for his clothes were in a _ _. 21. 他的房间总是一团糟。 His room is always in _ _. 22. 警察用枪瞄准了劫匪。 The policemen _ their guns _ the r

10、obber. 23. 总经理把他的新秘书派走了。 The general manager _ his new secretary _. 24. 警察开了一枪示警。 A policeman _ a warning shot.新概念英语2 Lesson96 The Dead Return 亡灵返乡. 语法与词汇知识 1. You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. Well, now I regret _ that. A. to doB. to have doneC. to be doingD. having done 2.

11、All the leading newspapers _ the contact between the leaders of the two countries. A. reportedB. printedC. announcedD. published 3. They were all very tired, but _ of them would stop to take a rest. A. anyB. someC. noneD. neither 4. As Mary _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep.A. was reading, was fallin

12、gB. was reading, fell C. read, was fallingD. read, fell 5. Can you believe that in _ a rich country there are _ many poor people? A. such, soB. such, suchC. so, suchD. so, so 6. We agreed _ here but so far Helen hasnt turned up yet. A. havingB. meetingC. to meetD. to have met 7. _ we will go boating

13、 tomorrow depends on the weather. A. IfB. WhetherC. ThatD. Which 8. Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my dog? Not at all, _.A. I have no timeB. I would rather not C. I wont like itD. Id be happy to 9. Sara _ her keys in her office so she had to wait until her husband _ hom

14、e.A. had left, comesB. left, had come C. had left, cameD. had left, would come 10. How beautifully Alice sings! I have never heard _. A. the better voiceB. the best voice C. a good voiceD. a better voice II. 完型填空We were driving along a narrow road when the car stopped working. We tried to fix it 11

15、there was nothing we could do. David and I wanted go off to find help but Bill insisted 12 staying near the car. He said it was best to stay until help arrived rather 13 go into the forest and get 14 .However, David and I did not agree with him and David pointed to a path which he thought would prob

16、ably lead to a village. We followed the path but soon we were lost. We wandered on. After 15 hour or so we began to feel very 16 . Unfortunately, David hurt his ankle. He 17 down by the side of the path to rest. I decided to climb a tree to see where we were, but it was no good. I went back to get D

17、avid and helped him to 18 up. We struggled on through the trees. We stopped to rest for a while and to drink some water from a stream.Suddenly we caught sight 19 a car and some men. We had gone round in a circle and had returned to the car! Bill is standing at the side of the car, talking to two men

18、 who 20 helping him to repair it. When we walked to the car, Bill smiled and shook his head.11. A. andB. butC. orD. Then12. A. onB. inC. atD. about13. A. ofB. forC. thenD. than14. A. loseB. lostC. intoD. In15. A. aB. theC. anD. /16. A. tireB. tiringC. tiredD. tiresome17. A. liedB. layC. laidD. lying18. A. getB. gotC. stoodD. stand19. A. atB. forC. ofD. on20. A. wereB. wasC. areD. isIII. 翻译 21. a cheerful occasion_ 22. the dead_ 23. lay out_


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