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1、2021年下半年英语四级高分作文范文(精选三篇) 声声祝福请微风替我传送,缕缕关怀托流水替我寄予,虽然忙忙碌碌无法常相聚,但却时时刻刻把你惦记。下面小编在这里为大家精心整理了几篇2021年下半年英语四级高分作文范文,有需要的同学们,可以参考一下,希望对你有所帮助。 2021年下半年英语四级高分作文范文1 写作题目:朋友 Some people choose friends who are different from them, Others choose friends who are similar to them. Which kind of friend would you choos

2、e-different or similar? 写作范文:Choose a Friend Who Is Different From You This would be a very boring world if we were all exactly the same. Our differences are what make us exciting and interesting. Personally, I prefer different friends since you can enjoy a variety of interests and you can also lear

3、n from each other. Firstly, the most obvious and undisputed advantage of having a different friend is that you can enjoy more kinds of amusement. Admittedly, if your friends and you have the same interest in something, you can share with each other and that will be an enjoyable time for you. However

4、, it will be more interesting if you can persuade your friends to enjoy your interests that he or she has never ever tried before, Secondly, a different friend means the opportunity to learn from each other. Given that each person can be good at different things, you can expand your scope of knowled

5、ge by making different friends. For instance, a friend of mine was very good at mathematics and I was quite good at literature, So we always learn together. She made some complex arithmetical problems clearer and I explained to her how to write an essay better. This greatly contributed to our gradua

6、l progress in school. We generally credited the progress to our differences. In conclusion, if a person makes friends different from him, he gets chances to be mixed with different people and benefits from the contact with them. Therefore, I prefer to make friends with people with different personal

7、ities and interests. (248 words) 2021年下半年英语四级高分作文范文2 写作题目:宠物 Keeping pets has seemed to be in vogue for the last few years. Some people say that owners of pets only have them because they are a status symbol while others say that keeping a pet encourages people to know, care about and show love to a

8、nimals. Which view do you agree with? 高分范文:Keeping a Pet Is Good for You Anyone who has ever loved a pet knows how much joy that relationship can bring. There is increasing scientific evidence that the unique bond we share with our pets dramatically enriches our lives, and improves our physical heal

9、th and emotional well-being. Personally I hold that keeping a pet yields more benefits than drawbacks. Firstly, keeping a pet contributes to our general health and well-being. Loving and caring for a pet can help anyone fight depression and loneliness, since the bond with a pet helps you maintain a

10、sense of purpose in life. A daily walk with a dog gets you out into the world on a regular basis and encourages exercise, both of which help counteract feelings of depression. Pets can be a great comfort in times of conflict or grief, since they offer unconditional affections. They often seem to kno

11、w when we are sad, and they are always attentive, nonjudgemental listeners. Therefore, by reducing our stress, relieving our loneliness and depression, pets can help us prevent heart disease and improve our general well-being. Secondly, keeping a pet can teach children a sense of empathy and respons

12、ibility. Taking care of a pet encourages children to care for animals and nurture responsibilities over them. Being praised as a means of aiding the personality development of children, pet-keeping is essential for children's health development. In conclusion, having a pet contributes towards a

13、person's well-being and promotes a sense of responsibility and caring towards animals among children. (245 words) 2021年下半年英语四级高分作文范文3 写作题目:找工作 You are about to graduate and so you are looking for a job. There are many things to decide such as big city, small city, big company, small company, hig

14、h salary, future prospects, in-house training, etc. In your opinion, what is important in looking for a job? 写作范文:Choose a Job You Love When it comes to choosing a job I believe that one's own interest should be considered as an important criterion. I concede that big cities usually provide more

15、 opportunities than smaller cities. And the challenges presented with big cities can also motivate new graduates to adjust to the real competitive world fast. In the same sense, remuneration undeniably would be a major factor as well. However, as far as I am concerned, the decisive factor should be

16、one's interest. People can easily be trapped in a job which does not inspire them. But work can also be a source of infinite pleasure and enjoyment if it intrigues an individual. Furthermore, one is much more likely to obtain achievements by playing to one's strengths. Life would be more mea

17、ningful when one endeavours to pursue one's real interests and follow one's heart. Admittedly, it is hard not to be tempted by a high salary. Yet, in the long run, one will come to the realisation that it is shortsighted to exchange one's passion for monetary rewards. In the final analysis, although there are a myriad of factors to be considered bef


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