



1、精编学习资料欢迎下载五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料Unit 1 What s he like?1. A Let stalkWu Yifa n: Do you know Mr Yong?Oliver:No, I dont. Who is he?Wu Yifa n: Hes our music teacher.Oliver:Is he young?Wu Yifa n: No, he isnt. HeOliver:Is he funny?Wu Yifa n:Yes, he is.Oliver:Great! I like funny teachers.你认识杨老师吗? 不,我不认识。他是谁?他是我们的音

2、乐老师。他年轻吗?s old.不,他不年轻,他很老。他幽默吗?是的。太棒了,我喜欢幽默的老师。2. B Let stalkChen Jie: Hey, Ms Wang will be our new嘿,王老师会是我们新的语文老师。Chin ese teacher.Joh n:Really? Whats she like?真的吗? 她怎么样?Chen Jie:Shes kind.她很和蔼。Joh n:Is she strict?她很严格吗?Chen Jie:Yes, sometimes.是的,有时候。Joh n:Do you know her?你认识她吗?Chen Jie:Yes, shemy

3、mother!是的,她是我妈妈。Joh n:Haha. Cool.哈哈。酷。4.单词:baby婴儿happy咼兴的win dy有风的sunny天晴的sorry对不起old老的young年轻的funny滑稽的kind和蔼的strict严格的polite有礼貌的hard-work ing工作努力的helpful愿意帮忙的clever聪明的shy害羞的know知道our我们的MS女士will将要sometimes有时候robot机器人him他speak说fin ish完成5.句子:Is he young?No,he isnWhat sshe like?Shes ki nd.Unit 2 My wee

4、k1.A LettalkJoh n:Gran dpa! Look at my picture.Gran dpa: Great! What do you have on Thursdays?Joh n:I have maths, En glish and music.Gran dpa: Oh, I love music!他年轻吗? 不,他不年轻。她什么样?她很和蔼。爷爷,看我的图片。 很棒!你周四有什么课? 我有数学,英语和音乐。噢,我喜欢音乐。精编学习资料欢迎下载Whoyour music teacher?Joh n:Mr Young.Gran dpa: Is he strict?John:N

5、o, hefunny.What do you do on Thursdays, Gran dpa?Gran dpa: Oh, I have a cook ing class with your gran dma. Joh n:Haha!2. B Lettalk(ItSaturday after noon)Zha ng Pe ng: Hi, Sarah. Whatthat?Sarah:Its a storybook.Zhang Peng: Do you ofte n read books in this park?Sarah:No, I donDo you ofte n play footbal

6、l here?Zhang Peng: Yes, I do. I like this park very much.Sarah:Me too.3.单词:do homework做回家作业watch TV看电视play football踢足球often时常park公园tired疲倦的feet脚beef牛肉meet见tea茶read读eatTuesday星期二Wedn esday星期三Thursday星期四Saturday星期六Sunday星期天wash my clothes吃Mo nday星期一Friday星期五洗我的衣服play sports做体育运动should应该every每个day一天sch

7、edule日程安排谁是你的音乐老师?杨老师。他严格吗? 不,他很幽默。爷爷你周四做什么啊?噢,你奶奶教我厨艺课哈哈。(星期六下午)嗨, 萨拉。那是什么? 是一本故事书。你时常在这个公园读书吗?不经常。你经常在这踢足球吗? 是的,我非常喜欢这个公园。我也是。read books看书cook ing烹饪精编学习资料欢迎下载4.句子:What do you have on Thursdays?I have maths, En glish and music.Do you often read books in this park? No, I donUnit 3 What would you lik

8、e?1. A LettalkFather: Im hun gry.Mother: What would you like to eat?Father: A san dwich, please.Mother: OK.Sarah:What would you like to drink?Father: I d like some water. I m thirsty.Sarah:Here you are.Father: Than ks.很棒!你周四有什么课? 我有数学,英语和音乐。 你时常在这个公园读书吗? 不经常。我饿了。你想吃点什么?请给我个三明治。好的。你想喝点什么? 我想要点水。我渴了。给

9、你。谢谢。精编学习资料欢迎下载2 B. LettalkSarah: What S your favourite food?Zhang Peng: Noodles. I love beef no odles.They fe delicious. Whats your favourite food?Sarah:Fish.Zhang Peng: Well, let s see.We have beef no odles and san dwiches today Sarah:Great!3.单词:cow奶牛flower花wow window窗户sandwich三明治tea茶fresh新鲜的healt

10、hy drink喝thirsty渴的favourite哇down下slow慢snowsalad沙拉hamburger汉堡包健康的delicious美味的hot特别喜爱的雪yellow黄色ice cream冰激凌辣的sweet甜的food食物Dear亲爱的onion洋葱4.句子:What would you like to eat?A san dwich, please.What would you like to drink? Id like some water.What s your favourite food?Noodles.They fe delicious.你想吃点什么? 请给我个

11、三明治。你想喝点什么? 我想要点水。 你最喜欢什么食物? 面条,它们很好吃。Unit 4 What can you do?1. A. Let s talkMiss White:We1l have an En glish party next Tuesday!我们下周二有英语联欢会。What can you do for the party, childre n?Zhang Peng:I can sing En glish son gs.Miss White:Won derful! How about you, Joh n?Joh n:I can do some kung fu!Miss Whi

12、te:Tha nk you, Joh n.你能为联欢会做什么,孩子们?我会唱英文歌。太棒了!你呢,约翰? 我会武术。谢谢你,约翰。2. B. Let s talkMr Ma: Good after noon, childre n.Today well learn some kung fu.Childre n:Cool!Mr Ma: Can you do any kung fu, Joh n?Joh n:Yes, I can.Mr Ma: Can you do any kung fu, Oliver?Oliver:No, I ca n t.Mr Ma: No problem. I can hel

13、p you.孩子们下午好。今天我们学习武术。酷!你会武术吗,约翰? 是的,我会。你会武术吗,Oliver?不,我不会。没关系,我可以教你们。你最喜欢的食物是什么? 面条,牛肉面条。它们很好吃。你最喜欢什么食物?鱼。好,我们看看。 有牛肉面和三明治 太好了。精编学习资料欢迎下载精编学习资料欢迎下载3.单词:book书look看football足球good好balloon气球food食物Zoo动物园noodles面条sing English songs唱英文歌play the pipa弹琵琶do kung fu练武术dance跳舞draw cartoons画漫画cook烹饪swim游泳play b

14、asketball打篮球play pin g-p ong打乒乓球speak En glish说英语wel = we will我们将要party聚会next下一个won derful了不起的learn学any任何的no problem没问题want想要send发送email电子邮件罗宾4.句子:What can you do for the party, childre n?I can sing En glish son gs.Can you do any kung fu, Joh n?Yes, I can.Unit 5 There is a big bed1. A Let stalkSarah

15、:Your room is really nice!Zha ng Peng: Than ks.Mike:There is a big bed.Zha ng Peng: Yes. I like my bed.Mike:There is a nice photo, too.Sarah:Wow! You look cool!Zha ng Peng: Thank you.Hey, my computer is here on the desk.Letplay.2. B. Let s talk3.单词:rainbow彩虹rainy下雨的paint涂wait等say说way方向birthday你能为联欢会

16、做什么, 孩子们? 我会唱英文歌。你会武术吗,约翰? 是的,我会。你的房间真不错。谢谢。这有张大床。是的,我喜欢我的床。还有张好看的照片。哇偶,你看起来好酷。谢谢。嘿,我的电脑在桌上。我们一起玩吧。Zha ng Peng:This is the liv ing room.Mike:Wow! There are so many pictures here.Zha ng Peng: Yes. My father can draw very well.Sarah:There are so many pla nts here, too.Zhang Peng: They Fe my grandmothe

17、rs plants.My gra ndpare nts have a garde n in front of theirhouse.There are lots of flowers in it.Sarah:Cool!这是卧室。哇!这有很多图片。 是的,我爸爸画画很好。 这也有很多植物。 是我奶奶的植物。 我爷爷奶奶房子前有个花园。里面有很多花。酷。生日Mon day星期一clock时钟pla nt植物water bottle水瓶bike自行车photo照片in front of在-前面betwee n在中间above在上面beside在旁边beh ind在后面there有gran dpare

18、 nt祖父、祖母精编学习资料欢迎下载their他/她/它们的house房子lots of许多flower花move搬家dirty肮脏的everywhere到处mouse老鼠live居住nature自然界4.句子:There is a big are so many pictures here.Unit6 In a nature parkZhang Peng:Miss White:Zhang Peng:Is there a river in the forest, Miss White?Yes, there is and there are some small boats.Cool! Let s go boating.森林里有条河吗,怀特老师? 是的,还有些小船。 酷!我们去划船吧。2. B. Let s talkZhang Peng:The n ature park is so quiet!这个自然公园好安静啊!Miss White:Yes, Zha ng Peng.是的,张鹏。There aren t many people.这里人不多。Zhang Peng:


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