电大英语3光盘作业 第三单元_第1页
电大英语3光盘作业 第三单元_第2页
电大英语3光盘作业 第三单元_第3页




1、Unit 3 Society and Family LifeVocabulary>>Task 1along with连同一起alternative可供选择的办法;选择性的appearance外表,外观;出现;出场bacon熏肉,咸肉(be) born to出生proud (of)骄傲的,自豪的,得意的care操心;愿意;喜欢;关怀,照料care of照料carer照顾老人的人,(亲属中)护理病人者crime犯罪行为,罪行date约会;日期;约会,订日期decline下降;衰落;拒绝divorce离婚European欧洲的freedom自由hairdresser美发师head负责;出

2、发;头脑,领袖imagine想象,设想keep in touch保持联系normally通常地,一般地now and again不时地obviously显然地,明显地personal个人的proportion比例rather than不是而是recent最近的retire退休,隐退retirement退休rob抢劫,抢掠sharp(思路、视觉、听觉等)机敏的;尖锐的;刻薄的;(刀口)锋利的;明显的;准时significant显著的,有意义的,重要的size(尺寸/规格)大小,号码slight微小的,微不足道的society社会,协会split分开;分裂split up离婚,分开spontane

3、ously自发地,自然地;随心所欲地steady平稳的,稳定的;使稳定stressful紧张的toast土司面包,烤面包;敬酒trap时受限制;陷阱victim受害者,牺牲品Vocabulary>>Task 2alternative;appearance;bacon;carer;crime;date;declined;divorced;steady;freedomVocabulary>>Task 3hairdresser;imagine;normally;proud;proportion;sharp;society;victim;significant;headVoca

4、bulary>>Task 4C B A C D B C A B DReading>>Reading Passage 1D A B A DReading>>Reading Passage 2B A D A CGrammar & Function>>Task 11. rose sharply2. have risen significantly3. has fallen slowly4. increased slightly5. has declined slowly6. rose rapidlyGrammar& F unction&

5、gt;>Task 21.by;from;to;by;to2.by;from;to;from;to;byGrammar & Function>>Task 3从不,很少 never;not often;hardly ever偶尔,定期 occasionally;now and again;regularly;form time to time;sometimes常常,一直 usually;always;oftenGrammar & Function>>Task 4left;lost;got divorced;retired;died;movedList

6、ening & Speaking>>Task 11. the divorce rate2. the marriage rate3. the cohabitation rate4. the lone parent rate5. the birth rateListening & Speaking>>Task 21. write a postcard to my parents2. remember my brother's birthday3. telephone my aunt4. too selfish to help in the house

7、 5. telephone my cousins6. worried about my job WritingSociety and Family LifeLike most ordinary Chinese families, my family life is busy and meaningful. My family members often get up at about six o'clock in the mornings. My wife deals with my little kid's chores while I'm cooking the b

8、reakfast. I drive my daughter to her school and then to my work. My wife takes the subway to her hospital. Around 4:30 p.m., I pick up my daughter and do some grocery shopping. My wife is good at cooking. So when we arrive home, a delicious meal is waiting for us. During the eating, we chat about interesting things from our daily life and discuss current affairs. We go to bed at 10 p.m. of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Str


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