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1、考研英语经典美文朗诵 你爱阅读英语美文吗?你想在阅读中提升英语吗?跟着我的脚步一起来看看吧!下面是为大家整理的考研英语经典美文朗诵,希望对大家有所帮助! 考研英语经典美文朗诵(一) a fib 小小的谎言 i was six years old, my sister, sally kay, was a submissive three-year-old girl. for some reasons, i thought we needed to earn some money. i decided we should hire out as maids. we visited the neig

2、hbors, offering to clean houses for them for a quater cents. reasonable as our offer was, there were no takers. but one neighbor telephoned my mother to let her know what mary alice and sally kay were doing. mother had just hung up the phone when we came first into the back door into the kitchen of

3、our apartement. girls, mother asked, why were you two going around the neighborhood telling people you would clean their houses? mother wasnt angry with us. in fact, we learned afterwards she was amused that we had came up with such an idea. but, for some reason, we both denied having done any such

4、thing. shocked and terribly hurt that her dear little girls could be such boldfaced (厚颜无耻的) liars . mother then told us that mrs. jones had just called and told her we had been to her house and said we would clean it for a quater cents . faced with the truth, we admitted what we had done. mother sai

5、d we have fibed, we have not told the truth. she was sure that we knew better. she tried to explain why a fib (小谎) hurt, but she didnt feel that we really understood. years later, she told us that the lesson she came up with for trying to teach us to be truthful would probably have been found upon b

6、y child psychologists. the idea came to her in a flash, and a tender-hearted mother told us it was the most difficult lesson she ever taught us. it was a lesson we never forgot. after admonishing(警告,劝告) us, mother cheerfully begain preparing for lunch. as we monching on sandwhiches, she asked: would

7、 you two like to go to see the movies this afternoon? wow, would we ever? we wondered what movie would be playing. mother said:the matinee. oh, fatastic! we would be going to see the matinee, would we lucky? we got bathed and all dressed up. it was like getting ready for a birthday party. we hurried

8、 outside the apartment, not wanting to miss the bus that would take us downtown. on the landing, mom stunned (使震惊) us by saying, girls, we are not going to the movies today. we didnt hear her right. what? we objected. what do you mean? arent we going to the matinee? mommy, you said that we are going

9、 to the matinee. mother stooped and gathered us in her arms. i couldnt understand why there were tears in her eyes. we still had the time to get the bus, but hugging us, she gently explained this is a fib felt like. it is important that what we say is true , mom said. i fibbed to you just now and it

10、 felt awful to me. i dont ever want to fib again and im sure you dont want to fib again either. people must be able to believe each others. do you understand? we assured her that we understood. we would never forget. and since we had learned a lesson, why not go to the movie to see the matinee. ther

11、e were still time. not today. mother told us. we would go another time. that is how over fifty years ago, my sister and i learned to be truthful. we have never forgotten how much a fib can be hurt. 考研英语经典美文朗诵(二) if were a boy again如果再回到童年 if i were a boy again,i would practise perseverance more ofte

12、n,and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient.if we want light,we must conquer darkness.perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results.“there are only two creatures,says a proverb;“who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail. 谚语说:“能登上金字塔的生物只有两种雄鹰与蜗牛。如果我们需要光明,我们就得征

13、服黑暗。在产生的结果方面,毅力往往可以与天才相媲美。假如我再回到童年,我会更多地培养自己的毅力,决不因为事情困难或麻烦而放弃不干。 if i were a boy again,i would school myself into a habit of attention .i would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand.i would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once.the habit of attenti

14、on becomes part of our life,if we begin early enough. 假如我再回到童年,我会培养自己专心致志的习惯;一旦手头有事,决不让任何东西使我分心。我会铭记:一位优秀的溜冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。如果及早养成专心致志的习惯,它就会成为我们生命的一个部分。 i often hear grown-up people say,“i could not fix my attention on the lecture or book,although i wished to do so,and the reason is,the habit was

15、not formed in youth. 我经常听到成年认说:“无论我希望集中注意力听讲课或读书,但往往做不到。其愿意就在于年轻时没有养成这种习惯。 if i were to live my life over again,i would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory.i would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and,on every possible occasion.it takes a little hard work at first to

16、remember things accurately;but memory soon helps itself,and gives very little trouble. it only needs early cultivation to become a power. 假如我能重新活过,我会更加注意培养自己的记忆力。我要采用一切可能的办法,在一切可能的场合,加强记忆力。要准确地记住一切事物,起初确实要作出一番小小的努力;但用不了多久,记忆力本身就会起作用,使记忆成为轻而易举的事。只需及早培养,记忆自会成为一种才干。 if i were a boy again, i would culti

17、vate courage. nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice, says a wise author.we too often borrow trouble, and anticipate that may never appear.the fear of ill exceeds the ill we fear.dangers will arise in any career, but presence of mind will often conquer t

18、he worst of them.be prepared for any fate, and there is no harm to be feared. 假如我又回到了童年,就要培养勇气。世上没有东西比勇气更温文尔雅,也没有东西比懦怯更残酷无情。一位明智的作家曾说过我们经常过多地自寻烦恼,杞人忧天。 怕祸害比祸害本身更可怕,凡事都有危险,但镇定冷静往往能克服最严重的危险。对一切祸福做好准备,那么就没有什么灾难可以害怕的了。 if i were a boy again,i would look on the cheerful side.life is very much like a mirr

19、or:if you smile upon it,it smiles back upon you;but if you frown and look doubtful on it,you will get a similar look in return.inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner,but of all that come in contact with it. 假如我能再回到童年,我会凡事都看光明的一面。生活就像一面镜子:你朝它微笑,它也会朝你微笑:但如果你朝它皱眉头,它也会朝你皱眉头;内心的阳光不仅温暖了自己的心,

20、同时也温暖了所有跟他接触的人的心。 who shuts love out,in turn shall be shut from love. “谁将爱拒之门外,谁就会被爱拒之门外。 if i were a boy again,i would school myself to say “nooftener.i might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect,and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy. 假如我再回到童年,我就要养成常常


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