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1、2013学年第一学期四年级Module1-3测试试题听力部分(50分)学校_ 班别_姓名_一、听单词或短语三次,根据听到的内容找到相应的图,并在括号内写上英文大写字母编号。(15分)( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )二、听句子三次,判断所读内容是否与图意相符,如相符,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(15分)( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听句子三次,选择句子中所含有的信息,把所选答案的大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。(10分)1. _ ( A:How many B:How old ) are you? Im ten.2.

2、How many people _ ( A:are there B: are they )? 3. My fathers father is my _ ( A:grandfather B: grandmother).4. The _ ( A:house B:horse) is very cute.5. I have some ducks. _ ( A:There B: They) are yellow.6. The house has three_ (A:bedrooms B: toilets) .7. _ ( A:That B: This )is a picture on the wall.

3、8. Look at my bedroom_ ( A:for B:of ) one minute.9._ ( A:Are B: Do ) you like pears?10. A monkey _ ( A:have B:has ) a long tail.六、听对话三次,判断下列句子是否符合对话内容,如相符,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”(1分)( )1. Our school is very big.( )2. There are eighteen classrooms in the school.( )3. There is a swimming pool in the gym.( )4.

4、 Our playground is very small.( )5. The children like to sit on the floor and read in the library. 笔试部分(50分)五、找出下列每组单词中不同类的词。(10分)( )1.A: bedroom B:large C: living room ( )1.A: beautiful B:mouse C: big ( )1.A: swimming pool B:library C: kitchen ( )1.A: pink B:large C: black ( )1.A: between B: in fro

5、nt of C: for六、看图,根据所给的首字母,补充下列单词。 (写对8个得满分) c _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ d _ _ _w_ _ _ _ _ f _ _ _ _f _ _ _ _ _ _s_ _ _ _b_ _ _ _ _ _七、选择适当的单词把句子补充完整,并把其大写字母编号写在题前括号里。(10分)1.I _ ( A: want B: want to ) draw a picture.2.My house _ ( A: have B: has) three rooms.3._ ( A: What B: Whats) in your bag? _ Some book

6、s4.But we dont have _ (A: any B: some )grapes.5. Its windy ( 刮大风). Please_ ( A: open B: close) the window6.How people people (A:are there B:there are) in your family? 7. The gym is _ (A: next B: next to ) the library.8.There arent_ (A: some B: any )little ducks over there.9. I like to _ ( A: grow fl

7、owers B: take a shower) in the bathroom.10. We read books in the _ ( A: dining hall B: library)八、看图回答问题。(10分) ( )1、Where is the ball? _ ( )2、How many crayons are there? _( )3、What colour is the chicken? _( )4、Is the rabbits tail short? _( )5、Are there five balls in the picture? _九、根据上下文意思选择单词把对话补充完整

8、,并把单词抄写在相应的横线上.(5分) grow 、 has 、 There are 、 big 、 garden My dream house is _. It _ two doors and four windows. _ two living rooms , four bedrooms, a study ,a kitchen and two toilets. In front of the house, There is a big _. I like to _flowers in the it.十、读短文。判断句子内容与短文是否一致,如一致,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(7.5分)

9、 My name is Judy. There are five people in my family. We live in a house with four bedrooms, three bathrooms and a large kitchen. Our kitchen is really big. We do everything(任何事情) here. Grandpa cooks(做饭) here. We have meals and watch TV here. My brother and I do our homework here. We dont have a stu

10、dy. Our books are all in the living room. My father and mother love to read in the living room. My brother and I read in our bedrooms( )1. Judy lives in a small house.( )2. There is a TV in the kitchen in Judys house.( )3. Judy has a brother.( )4. Judy does her(她的) homework in her bedroom.( )5. Judy

11、s father and mother read in the study.2013学年第一学期四年级Module1-3测试试题听力材料一、听单词或短语三次,根据听到的内容找到相应的图,并在括号内写上英文大写字母编号。(10分) A: a kitchen B: a canteen C: a toilet D: a gym E: the teachers room F: a beautiful garden G: a swimming poor H: some beautiful flowers I: a library J: a study二、听句子三次,判断所读内容是否与图意相符,如相符,在

12、括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。(10分)1. There are three dogs in the picture.2.There arent any pears. Theyre apples.3.This living room is big .4.The bananas are yellow.5.The clock is pink.6.There are some green grapes.7.There is a big TV in the living room.8.These are two white rabbits. They are on the floor.9.The ca

13、t is between the box.10. The kitchen is clean.三、听句子三次,选择句子中所含有的信息,把所选答案的大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。(10分)1.How old are you? Im ten.2.How many people are there ? 3.My fathers father is my grandfather .4.The horse is very cute.5.I have some ducks. They are yellow.6.The house has three bedrooms .7.That is a picture

14、 on the wall.8.Look at my bedroom for one minute.9. Do you like pears?10. A monkey has a long tail.四、听对话三次,判断下列句子是否符合对话内容,如相符,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”(7.5分) Our school is not very big, but it has everything. In the classroom building, there are 18classrooms, a music room and two teachersrooms. There is a big playground in front of the classroom building.Beside the playground,opposite the classroom,is the gym and


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