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1、PEP小学三年级英语上册单元Unit 3 测试卷姓名分数 I. Read and number.1. foot2. arm3. body4. mouth5. ear6. head7. eye8. hand9. nose10. legII. Read and circle. (读句子,看图片,圈出正确的单词)1. Look at my ( head hand )2. This is my ( foot nose)3. Look at my . ( ear eye )4. Look at my ( arms legs) .5. I have a red ( body mouth ) III Rea

2、d and tick.(读一读,判断下列每组字母的大小写对应是否正确)( ) 1. G g ( ) 2. B d ( ) 3. C s ( ) 4. D b ( ) 5. E e ( ) 6. F l ( ) 7. H f ( ) 8. K c ( ) 9. I aIV. Read and write.(读一读,写出下列字母的左邻右舍). Aa Cc Ee Gg I i Cc Dd Hh一、找出不属于同一类的单词。(15分) ( )1. A. black B. pencil-case C. orange D. green ( )2. A. sharpener B. mouth C. crayo

3、n D.pencil ( )3. A. school B. eraser C. ruler D. pen ( )4. A. leg B. bag C. foot D. face ( )5. A. body B. head C. red D. nose二、Read and choose. ( 读一读,选择恰当的答句。)(30分) ( ) 1. Good afternoon. A. Good morning! ( ) 2. Whats your name? B. Me too. ( ) 3. Hello! C. Fine, thank you .( ) 4. Goodbye! D. Nice to

4、 meet you, too. ( ) 6. Good morning! E. My names John. ( ) 7. How are you? F. See you! ( ) 8. Nice to meet you. G. Good afternoon. ( ) 9. Lets paint! H. Hi! ( )10. I have a yellow pencil. I. OK! 三找出不同类的单词,把答案的序号填在括号内。(分)( ).A.name B.mouth C.nose( ).A.bag B.blue C.black( ).A.head B.green C.hand( ).A.

5、leg B.foot C.fine( ).A.morning B.arm C.afternoon四情景反应,把答案的序号填在括号内。(分)( )1.你想问对方身体怎么样,应说: .How old are you? .How are you? .Fine,thank you.( )2.你想让同桌出示蓝色铅笔,应说:.Show me your blue pen. .Show me your black pencil. .Show me your blue pencil.( )3.你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来,应说:.Brown,brown .Sit down . .Black,black.Stan

6、d up. .Black,black.Sit down.( )4.你想让同桌把图片里的书包涂成粉红色,应说:.Colour the bag pink. .Colour the bag purple. .Colour the book pink.( )5.你提议大家一起来画画,应说:.Lets play! . Lets sing! .Lets paint!( )6. 当你早上碰到Mike时,说:_ A. Good morning, Mike. B. Goodbye, Mike. C. Good afternoon. ( )7. 当你想知道别人的名字时,你应该说:_ A. Im Mike. B.W

7、hats your name? C. Bye,Tom. ( )8. 当班里来了一位新同学,你要说:_ A. Welcome. B. Thank you. C. Me too. ( )10. Lets play. _ A. Bye. B. Thank you C. OK. ( )12. 当你想把朋友Mike 介绍给 妈妈时,你要说:_ A. He is Mike. B. His name is Mike. C. This is Mike. ( )13. Hi, Sarah ._ Fine,thank you. A.Whats your name? B. How are you? C. Welco

8、me.五、写出所给字母的相邻字母的大小写:_e_ _D_ _G_ _Hh_ f_ _六、找邻居。12分1._ M _ 2._ P _ 3._ K _4._ q _ 5._ j_ 6._ o _一、读一读,选出不同类的单词。(10)( )1. A. body B. nose C. mouth( )2. A. ear B. pen C. ruler( )3. A. John B. Mike C. eye( )4. A. bag B. mouth C. leg( )5. A. face B. eraser C. foot二. Read and circle. (读句子,看图片,圈出正确的单词)(10

9、)1. Look at my ( head hand ) 2. This is my ( foot nose)3. Look at my . ( ear eye ) 4.Look at my ( arms legs) .5. I have a red ( body mouth ) 三读一读,判断下列每组字母的大小写对应是否正确.(9)( ) 1. G g ( ) 2. B d ( ) 3. C s ( ) 4. D b ( ) 5. E e ( ) 6. F l ( ) 7. H f ( ) 8. K c ( ) 9. I a四、从右边选择正确答语。(5分)( ) Good afternoon

10、. a. Nice to meet you, too.( ) Nice to meet you. b. OK.( ) Lets go to school. c. Nice to meet you.( ) This is John . d. Good afternoon. ( ) How are you ? e. Im Mike .( ) What is your name ? f. Very well,thank you.五、选择正确答案的序号填在括号里。(10分)( ) 1、 John: Good morning ,Miss White . Miss White: _ A. Hello ,J

11、ohn . B. Good morning ,John . C. Good afternoon ,John .( ) 2、 Kate: Nice to meet you ,Tom . Tom: _ A. Bye ,Tom. B. Nice to meet you ,too . C. My names Tom .( ) 3、 Mike: Good afternoon , Mr.Black . Mr.Black: _ A. Nice to meet you ,Mike. B .Good afternoon , Mike .C. Good morning , Mr.Black .( ) 4、 当你向

12、别人介绍你的朋友Mike时,应说:_ A. My names Mike . B See you ,Mike . C. This is Mike . ( ) 5、 与别人初次见面,应说: _ A. Whats your name ? B. Nice to meet you . C. Show me your name .( ) 6、早晨,你见到同学时,你会说:_ A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C.Goodbye.( )7、当你邀请别人一同上学时,你会说:_ A. This is John. B.Let's go to school. C.Let&

13、#39;s play.( ) 8、 Zip想问Zoom的耳朵在哪里,应说: _ A.What's your ear? B. Where is your ear? C. Where is you?( )9、当你想让大家都看着你,说: _ A. This is John. B. Look at me. C. This is me.( )10、当别人邀请你一起上学,你很乐意,说:_A. OK! B. Lets go to school. C. Goodbye.六、连词成句。(5分)1. how you are ? _ 2. lets school to go ! _ 3. your clos

14、e eyes. _ 4. is this mouth my . _ 5. at Look me. _ 七我会排。(将下列句子排成一个通顺的对话)(5)( )My name is Sarah . Nice to meet you .( )Good morning!I am Mike .What is your name ?( ) Great !( ) Lets make a puppet .( ) Nice to meet you ,too .八、把相应的翻译字母代号填在括号里. (5) ( ) 1.This is my nose. A你叫什么名字?( ) 2.Lets go to school

15、. B 认识你很高兴。( ) 3.Whats your name? C 下午好。( ) 4.Nice to meet you. D 这是我的鼻子。( ) 5.Good afternoon. E让我们一起去上学吧.三、为下列句子选择正确的译文。(40分)( )1.Look at me! ( )2.Good afternoon! ( )3.This is my head. ( )4.Good morning! ( )5.Nice to meet you. ( )6.Let's go to school.( )7.Nice to meet you,too. ( )8.Let's ma

16、ke a puppet!五、单项选择。(30分)( )1. _ Nice to meet you,too.A. Hello! B. Nice to meet you. C. Good morning!( )2.Let's to to school. _ A. Thank you. B. Bye! C.OK! ( )3.I have a crayon. _A. This is a pen. B. Me too. C.OK!( )4.What's your name? _ A.My name's Mike. B.This is Mike. C. Nice to meet y

17、ou, Mike.( )5.How are you? _ A.How are you? B. I'm fine,thank you. C. Hi!( )6.Hi!I'm Zhang Nan. _ A.Let's go to school. B.Nice to meet you. C.Fine,thank you.( )7.Shake your body. _- A.Thank you. B.OK! C.Clap your hands.( )8.Let's make a puppet. _ A.Great! B.Goodbye! C.Look at my nose

18、!( )9.Good afternoon. _ A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon. C.Good idea!( )10.Goodbye! _ A.This is Sarah. B.Bye! C.Very well,thanks.四、找出不同类的单词,把答案的序号填在括号内。(10分)( ).A.name B.mouth C.nose( ).A.bag B.blue C.black( ).A.head B.green C.hand( ).A.finger B.foot C.fine( ).A.morning B.arm C.afternoon五、找出下列单词的汉语

19、意思,把答案的序号填在括号内。(20分)( ).black ( ).white A.白色的 F.紫色的( ).orange ( ).blue B.蓝色的 G.绿色的( ).yellow ( ).pink C.红色的 H.棕色的( ).brown ( ).green D.粉红色的 I.黄色的( ).purple ( ).red E.橙色的 J.黑色的六、选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号内。(15分)( )1.Good morning. A.Great!( )2.Nice to meet,you . B.Fine,thank you.( )3.How are you? C.Good morning.

20、( )4.Lets paint! D.Me too.( )5.I have a yellow pencil. E.Nice to meet you,too.七、情景反应,把答案的序号填在括号内。(15分)( )1.你想问对方身体怎么样,应说:.How old are you? .How are you? .Fine,thank you.( )2.你想让同桌出示蓝色铅笔,应说:.Show me your blue pen. .Show me your black pencil. .Show me your blue pencil.( )3.你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来,应说:.Brown,bro

21、wn .Sit down . .Black,black.Stand up. .Black,black.Sit down.( )4.你想让同桌把图片里的书包涂成粉红色,应说:.Colour the bag pink. .Colour the bag purple. .Colour the book pink.( )5.你提议大家一起来画画,应说:.Lets play! . Lets sing! .Lets paint!五找出不同类的单词,把答案的序号填在括号内。( )1.A.name B.mouth C.nose( )2.A.bag B.blue C.black( )3.A.head B.gre

22、en C.hand( )4.A.finger B.foot C.fine( )5.A.morning B.arm C.afternoon六选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号内。( )1.Good morning. A.Great!( )2.Nice to meet,you . B.Fine,thank you.( )3.How are you? C.Good morning.( )4.Lets paint! D.Me too.( )5.I have a yellow pencil. E.Nice to meet you,too.七情景反应,把答案的序号填在括号内。( )1.你想问对方身体怎么样,应说:_.A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.Fine,thank you.( )2.你想让同桌出示蓝色


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