



1、2020年江苏省泰州市中考英语试卷一、单项选择从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案.(丄5分):L IFsPity that many Wild animals are now in dan ger PleaSe havePityOn them SinCe they are Part Of OUr big family()A. a: /B.a; aC./; aD/; /2- WhO is at the door?-A deliveryman (快递员)OrWanting to sell his new products()A. everybodyB.an ybodyCsomebodyD.n

2、 ObOdy3- - - We have entered a WOrId Where robot OPeratiOnS He COme true With 5Gtech nology.-Hard to believe!Scientists are full OfWhiCh IeadS to great ChangeS in OUrlife.()Cpositio nD.con tributionA.attractionB.inve ntion4. It's aidea to build Cabin hospitls (方舱医院)to receive Patients during the

3、OUtbreak Of COVID> -19 (新冠肺炎)()A.cheerfulBxlassicalCcreativeD.curious5. - - - SOng Of AUtUmn by LiU YUXi describes autumn in a different way.-I agree MOSt POetS (诗人) describe this SeaSOn toa feeling Of Sadness,but in UUZS eyes autumn is full Of Iife and hope()A.excuseB.expressCexpectD.explai n6-

4、Andy PraCtiCed hardest am On g us a nd he won first prize i n the competition -A Clream Cart come truehard WOrk()A.byB.acrossCoverD.without7. ThiS Pair Of trousersSmOOth because they are made Of Chinese silk()A.feelsB.feelC.is feltD.are felt8. MOre and more teenagers have POOr eyesight SO ParentS an

5、d teachers ShOUld takeactionsthe SitUatiOn from getting WOrSe()A.stopB.stoppingCstoppedD.to StOP9 SOme Primary and SeCOndary SChOOISWinter SPOrtS to their COUrSeS SinCeBeijing WOn the right to host the 2022 Winter OIymPiC GameS()A. addedB.will addC.have addedD.were adding10. I WiIl VOlUnteer for a t

6、wo - day home Stay for an exchange StUdent from the UK. ICOnSider it a good Chanee to ShOW Chinese foodOUr kindness()A. as WeIl asB.so WeIl asC.as good asD.so good as11. FathGriStOOtiredtOday DOn't Call Himit is necessary()A.ifB.unlessC.whenD.whether12. Sandy SeIdOm goes OUt at WeekendS because

7、readingmost Of her freetime.()A.takes UPB .takes OnC.takes OffD.takes OUt13. - - - In Chinal many StUdentS feel StreSSed because Of too much homework- DonZt WOrry OUr government has realized this problem, Km SUre therebe good news for them SOon.()A.canB.mustCshouldD.need14- - - Why not go OUt for di

8、nner? Mytreat this time- BUt l,m busy PreParing for aninterview()A. Not at allBn your ClreamSC.SoUndS greatD.Don,t mention it15. - - - I heard NBA Star KObe BryanfS PriVate helicopter (直升机)CraShed IWOndGr.-All the nine PeOPIe diedt including his 13 - year od daughter, Ginna()AAVhere the accident hap

9、penedB. that his daughter died tooC. what WaS the Weather Iike that dayD. if there Were any SUrViVOrS in the accident二、完形填空阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.(15分)16. One day, a 7 - year - Old boy held a dollar COin in his hand and asked the ShOP OWnersalong the street, "Excuse me, do you Sell God?,AI

10、l the dayz the StU bbom (倔强的)boy We nt in a nd out of many stores, asking the (1)question, but each time he WaS (2) Ther at the SiXty - ninth StOreZ a 60 - year - OId grandpa (3) and asked theIittIe boy, uWhy do you Want to buy God? 'lThe boy told Him that his Parents had died WhGn he WaS S廿Il a

11、 baby and his UnCIe WaS now(4) him. BUt SeVeral days before, his U ncle fell off stairs a nd was u neon SCiOUS(昏迷)in hospital. The doctor told the boy that Only GOd COUld SaVe HiS UnCIe"How much do you have? ,the Old man asked"One dollar, , (5) the ChiICl"My boy, God,s PriCe is (6) On

12、e dollar; "said the Old manThen the StOrekeePer took a bottle Of ,Godu from the she. , (7) it, boy!Whenyour Uncle drinks it, he WiIl get Well SOon.,The Iittle boy (8) to the hospital and ShOUteCl happily to his UnCIez uUncIez Ibought GOd back and you WiIl get Well soon, l,The next day, a medica

13、l team (9) the WOrldlS top medical experts (专家)Came to the hospital. The (10) WaS Very SUCCeSSfUIlWhen the IittIe boy's UnCIe SaW the Iarge medical bill, he almost PaSSed OUt(11) , the hospital told him the bill had already been Paid by a rich elderly man.The IittIe boy,s UnCle Went to the (12)

14、to thank the OId man. BUt he WaS awayOn holiday, (13) a Ietter"You don't need to thank me The bill HaS been Paid by your nephew (侄子) Td SaVe you, he brought a (14)and We nt in to every StOre Io buy GOd Thank God, (15)WaS the One that SaVed you!"(1)A.sillyB.sameCseriousD.strange(2)A.pit

15、iedB.stoppedCsupportedD.refused(3)A.agreedB.smiledCsilencedD.complained(4)A.raisingB.servi ngC.protectingD.con trollingA.repeatedB.repliedC.remi ndedD.required(6)A.exactlyB.reallyC.hardlyD.truly(7)A.BuyB.GetGTakeD.Accept(8)A.movedBJoggedCrushedD.jumped(9)A.made OfB.made fromC.made UPD.made UP Of(10)

16、A.storyB.patie ntCmedicineD.operation(11)An steadB.OtherwiseC-HoweverD.Any Way(12)A.storeB.hospitalC.compa nyD.street(13)A.writi ngB.postingCeavingD.answeri ng(14)A.cardB.billC.letterD.dollar(15)AB.heCGodD.the StOrekeePer三、阅读理解阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案(30分)17. WeICOme to the SUmmer PalaCeOPening Hours:Apr

17、.l Oct.31; 6: 30 - 18: 00; InSide gardens: 8: 30 - 17: 00Nov. 1 Mar.31: 7: 00 - 17: 00; InSide gardens: 9: OO- 16: 00TiCket Price:Adult: age 18+ ¥ 30Child: age 6- 18 ¥ 15 Free for Chldren Under 120 Cm (3.9 feet) , Or below 6 years OId . The elderly OVer 60 enjoy half PriCe .(TiCket PriCeS

18、Of Dehe Garden, TOWer Of BUddhiSt Incense, Wen Chang Hall, SUZhOU Street and Danning Hall are not included)OnIine Booking:1 The tickets are SOld 7 days in advance (提前)2 YOUr PaSSPOrt Or ID information is required, and One PerSOn Can book OnIy One ticket Per day .3.One adult COUId OnIy book One Child

19、 ticketImPOrtant Notice: DUring COVID - 19 EPidemiC COntrOl Period:1 The real - time IOCal HHeaIth Code,will be CheCked before entering .2 BOdy temperature OVer 37.3 OCOr COUghing and ShOrt Of breath, ViSitOrS are not allowed to enter .3 Wear masks during the ViSit and keep distance With OtherS .FOr

20、 more infromatin, you Can visit: http: WWW . travelchinaguid . consuminer-PaIaCe - tickets - booking . htm(I) On NatiOnal Day, ViSitOrS Can enter the SUmmer PalaCe atA. 6: OO a mB.8: OOam.C.9: OOPm.D.anytime.(2 ) HOW much WiIl a 70 - year - OId Iady Pay at IeaSt to ViSit the SUmmer PalaCe?A. ¥1

21、5B. ¥30C. ¥45D.None(3 ) HOW much Will a youngCOUPIe With a 4 - year -Old Child Pay atleast to ViSit theSUmmer Palace? A. ¥30 B. ¥45 C. ¥60 D.Y75.(4) WhiCh Ofthe following is NOT true according to the passage? A. One adult COUld OnIy book OnG Child ticketB. One ShOUlcl Pay ex

22、tra money to ViSit Danning HaIl C-Passport Or ID in formation is needed Whe n booki ng tickets Online D.A man With a high fever Can Gnter the SUmmer PalaCe With a mask(5 ) Where is the PaSSage PrObabIy takenfrom? A.A StOry book.C. A SCienCe fiction.B. A news report.D. A travel guide 18 OnCe UPOn a t

23、ime, a king dressed UP and Went to a IOCal VilIage He PlaCed a Iarge StOne in the middle Of the main road and hid gold COinS Under the stone. Then He hid behind a huge tree and WatChed The first PerSOn down the Street WaS a milkman With his Cart (力、车) He CraShecl into the StOne himself UP and angril

24、y Went awayAfter a WhiIeZ a group Of WOmen Came along, each balancing a POt Of Water On her head One WOman tripped OVer (绊倒)the StOne and Her Water POt Went CraShing to the ground She PiCked hersdelf UP and Walked away in tears, Neither She nor Her friends thought about moving the Stone OUt Of the r

25、oad The king WatChed all day as many PeOPle COmPIained about the stone, but he found no body WaS WiIIing to move it. The king won dered, IS there no One in this ViIIage WhO feels anyto keep their neighbors from harm? l,JUSt then, the king SaW a you ng girl COmi ng along. She WaS the daughter Of a IO

26、Cal farmee She had been WOrking all day and WaS Very tired BUt When She SaW he StOneZ She Said to herse f,This StOne is a dan ger to any One WhO COmeS down the road afer dark IzII move it OUt Of the way.,After a grent deal Of effort, the girl finally SUCCeeded in moving the StOne to the Side Of the

27、road Imagine her SUrPriSe When She SaW the gold COinS Where the StOne had been!JUSt ther the king StePPed OUt from behind the tree"Oh sir, "the girl Saidz nIsthisgoId yours? If not, We SUreIy must find the owner; for he WiIl Cerainly miss it."The king Saiclz "My CleaG the gold is

28、 mine, but now the gold is yoursz because you are the OnIy PerSOn WhO HaS Iearnt the IeSSOn I Want IOt each my PeOPle NOthing good Can COme to a nation WhOSe PeOPIe Only COmPlain and expect OtherS to SOlVe their PrOblemS,(1) HOW did the milkman feel Whe n he crashed into the st one? A.AngryB.Sad CCu

29、riousD-Worried(2) WhafS the meaning Of the Underlined WOrd "responsibility" in ParagraPh (段落)4?A 欲望B 兴趣C 责任D 能力(3 ) Why did the king PIaCe a StoneOn the road ? A. He Wanted to give the girl a reward.B. He Wanted to hide gold COinS Under it.C. He Wanted to Play a trick On his PeOPIeD. He Wa

30、nted to See if anyOnG WOUld move it.(4) WhiCh Of the following StatementS is true according to the PaSSage ? A. AII the PeOPIe COmPIained about the stone.B. lt WaS not easy for the girl to move the stone.C. 0ne Of the WOmen in the group tried to move the stone.D. The girl WaS excited When Seeing the

31、 gold COinS Under the StOne(5) What,s the best title (标题)OfthePaSSage? A.A WiSe kingB.A kind girlC. A StOne On the roadD.Gold COinS Under the stone.19. AS USUaL Amber WaS hurrying to CatCh the yellow SChOOIbus, LUCkily the trafic IightS turned green as She WaS to CrOSS the road, SO She made it. When

32、 the bus PaSSed the golden arches (拱形门)Of MeDOnaIdZSZ they reminded her of a hamburger She hadrt had breakfast that morning because the fruit SaIad On the blue dish didn't IOOk delicious at all. However, Amber remembered that She WaS Still On a diet. SO now She WaS really in a black mood YOU may

33、 HaVe noticed that SeVeral COIOrS Were USed in the above StOry SO as to help describe Amber's mor ning. In fact, COlOrS influe nee your Iife more than you Can ever imagine. Take Ianguage for example: YOU may describe a SiCk PerSOn as being,a bit green" TO describe a depressed (沮丧的) PerSOnZ

34、you Say that the PerSOn is,feeling blue" In short, COlOrS do add interest to daily COnVerSaHons.Besides, COIOrS Can be USed in many PartS Of your daily Iife HaVe you ever thought about Why many SChOOl buses and taxis are Painted yellow, and StOP SignS red? SinCe yellow is the most eye - CatChin

35、g color, it Can CatCh PeOPIe ACCOrding to the PaSSaget if you are On a diet, might helpA. putting your food in a blue dish Or bowlB. turning On a yellow Iight during the mealC. painting the WaIIS Of the Cliningroom WhiteS attentiOrb especially in heavy traffic AS for red, it is the COlOr WhiCh USUal

36、Iy ShOWS warning; as a result, SOme trafic SignS USe this COlOr FOr the Same reason, hot - Water taps are USUaIly marked redThe COIOrS Of a CIining enVirOnrnGnt POSSibly decide how much you eat MOSt fast - food rest aura nts are Often decorated in bright COIOrS SUCh as red, yellow, Ora ng 已 and Whit

37、e for the PUrPOSe Of increasing people's appetites (胃) Thi is because bright COIOrS are natural COIOrS found in many foods, and,therefore, able Io raise people's SPiritS Blue, in COmPariSOn With bright COlOrSz is Sad to IOWer PeOPleZS appetites because few foods are blue in nature FOr those

38、WhO are On a diet, blue dishes and bowls might help!"Morning, AmberlWhat happened? YOU IOOk a bit greer "said Violet, Amber's best friend,"Nothing.just feeIing.blue, ,said Amber.,Hey!Come to my PlaCe tonight DO you know What I just bought? A wii! ItZS red - hot., Amber WaS tickled

39、 Pink to have the Chance to Play Wth the Wii and SaidZ ,Sounds great!"D. cover!ng the CIining table With an Orange ClOth (2 ) MOSt SChOOl buses are PaintGd yellow becauseA. it tells Other divers to PrePare to StOPB. it helps bus divers Say in a good moodC. it Can easily CatCh Other PeOPlezS att

40、entionD. it is the COIOr that most SChOOlChiIclren Iike(3 ) WhiCh Ofthe following Statementsistrue? A. Amber IOOked ill When ViOIet SaW her first.B. Amber ate UP all her fruit SaIad in the morningC. Amber refused to go to ViOletlS house in the end.D. Amber didn't eatch the SChOOl bus and WaS Iat

41、e for SChOOL (4) WhiCh Ofthe following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A-Colors influe nee people's daily IiVeS B.Most fast (OOd restaurants are PaintGd grey.C-Different COIOrS are USed for different PUrPOSeSD-Colors make daily COnVerSatiOnS more interesting(5) What Can we infer (推断)from the pa

42、ssage? A.Amber WaS not fat at all B.Amber CheereCl UP at ViOletlS invitation at last.C-Violet didn,t know how COlOrS in flue need OUr IiVeS D. Arches Of MeDonaId1S are Painted gold Only to make them四. 第二部分非选择题(共60分)阅读表达阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问 题(10分)20. Paying for bus rides With PIaStiC USUally makes PeOPl

43、e think Of PIaStiC bus CardS BUt One IndOnesian City has decided to accept PIaStiC recyclable WaSte in PaCe Of money for City buses.SUrabayat IndOnesia,s SeCOnd IargeSt city, IOCated On the eastern Gnd Ofthe COUntryZS main island JaVat made this decision in APril 2018 Now, IOCaIS Can Pay for their b

44、us rides by PUtting PlaStiC CUPS Or bottles directly On the bus A two - hour bus ride COStS 10 PIaStiC CUPS Or 5 bottlesIndOnesia is the SeCOnd IargeSt OCean PlaStiC POllUterf PrOdUCing UP to 2.4 million tons Of PIaStiC WaSte into the OCeanS every year according to a report Only in SUrabaya nearly 4

45、00 tons Of PlaStiC WaSte is PrOdUCed every day. The head Of Surabaya1S tranSPOrtatiOn department (交通部门)said, "With this decision> We HOPe to raise PUbliC awareness about enVironment, especially people's awareness about PIaStiC WaSte,EaCh City bus Can COIIeCt UP to 550 POUndS Of PlaStiC b

46、ottles and CUPS every day. The COlleCted bottles are SOld to recycling COmPanieS and the money earned from it goes toward running the bus COmPanieS and PrOViding money for green SPaCeS in the city. ThiS is Certainly tur ning rub bish into a n ational treasure The decisiOn is Part Of the city's P

47、UrPOSe to become PIaStiC WaSte - free by 202O. In Order to GnCOUrage IOCal PeOPIe to take buses, the City also added the new SUrObOyo buses The new buses are air - COnClitiOned, COmfOrtabIe and easy for elderly and disabled PaSSengerS to get On and off.The PrOgram is WeIl received PeOPIe in SUrabaya

48、 said, ,We Can reduce WaSte SO it doesn't Pile UP at home because We Can just bring it in and make good USe Of it. It is a Win - Win SitUatiOn "ThiS type Of PrOgram Can be a model for Other CitieS WOrldWide and encourage CitiZens to recycle their PIaStiC WaSte 回答下而5个问题,每题答案不超过六个词.(1) InStea

49、d Of money, how Can IOCaIS in SUrabaya Pay for bus rides now?(2) HOW much PIaStiC WaSte does a two - hour bus ride cost?(3) HOW much PlaStiC WaSte is PrOdUCed in SUrabaya every day?(4) What is the PUrPOSe Of the new PrOgram ?(5) What do IOCal PeOPIe think Ofthe new program?五、任务型阅读阅读下面的短文,并根据所读内容在文章后

50、表格中的空格里填入一个 最恰当的单词.每个空格只填一个单词。(20分)2i.NOiSy neighbors are a COmrnOn PrObIem in a SOCiety Where many PeOPIe IiVe CIOSely together And this Can be most important When you Share walls, floors Or CeilingS With neighbors in a fat A noisy neighbor Can make Iife ChaIlenging, especially if noise goes WeIl i

51、nto night, Or happens during early morning hours ThiS SitUa廿On needs to be dealt With PrOPerly, WhiCh requires your ability to keep CalmYOU ShOUlcl first try to tell your noisy neighbors about the noise. ThiS COnVerSatiOn ShOUld be POlitet even friendly. It Can begin With a Statement Iike,l am not S

52、Ure you are aware" EXPlain the PrOblem in an honest way, and ask the neighbor to turn down the music, Or not to hold PartieS Until 3 a. m YOU Can also add that you realize they hear your noise too, and you are CertainIy WiIling to try to StOP anything in your behavior that is Creating extra noi

53、se YOU ShOUlcl know that not all neighbors are going to follow your requirement, and SOme may act in a bad manner. If the noisy neighbors don't Change their behaviort the next SteP ShOUld be to Write the neighbors a letter. The Ietter ShOUld ShOW your grievances (不 j荷)and the dates When the nois

54、e WaS quite terrible FOr example if your neighbor has IOUcl gatherings every Friday night that IaSt into the early morning then Write down those dates.When the noise remains going on, you ShOUId report it to IOCal authorities (权力部门), Or even the POIiCe department, WhGn it is really necessary. OftGrb

55、 however, the PrOblem is SOIVed When the nOiSy neighbor knows you are going to CaII the POIiCe DO be aware that you CannOt always require noisy neighbors to be quiet When the nOiSe remains going on, it is WiSe not to deal With it in an angry Or retaliatory (扌畏复性的) fashion IfyOU HaVe COmPIeted the St

56、ePS and Iettert don't Start hitting WaIIS Or moors aroUndin your HOme Or turning UP the music to make your neighbors angry. JUSt have PatienCe and remember that COmmUnication is the most importantIntrOdUCtiOnA noisy neighbor makes Iife Chanengingl but the PrOblem needs to be CleaIt With (1)Withy

57、our neighborStart the COnVerSatiOn With POliteneSS . EXPIain the PrOblem (4)andask the neighbor to reduce noise .Admit (承认)that you make noise tooj and PrOnIiSe not to (5)VOUrneighbor any InOre .Writing IetterSSOme neighbors won,t VOUrrequirement Or Change their behavior .ShOW your grievances and the (7)When the noise WaS quite terrible .RePOrting to IOCal authoritiesIf the noise VOU ShOUIdreport it to IOCal authorities When really necessary .USUanyI the PrOblem Will be (9)W


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