



1、六上英语期末测试来源于网络IV. Listen听力部分(共 50 分)(听力材料读两遍)A.I. Liste n and number.听录音,给图片标号12 分)C.ii来源于网络II . Listen and connect.听录音,将人名和对应的图片连线。(8 分)III .Listen, guess and write.听录音,根据对话猜一猜孩子们喜欢的课程,并将课程前的数字序号写在方框内。(4 分)1. Geography2. History3. French4. ICT5. Drama6. Scie nee7. Maths8. MusicV. Listen and choose.听

2、录音,在正确答案后的括号里打“V”。(10 分)Australia.A.()1. Susa n is fromArge nti na.B. ()1.3.*K2.4.J、-* |by bus.A.()3. She usually goes to schoolon foot.B.()I11* the pia no.A.()4. Her precious thi ng isthe basketball.B.()to have a good job.A. ()5. She wantsto be a musicia n.B.()VI . Listen and judge.听录音,判断句子的正误,对的在“

3、 内打“V”,错的打“X” (6 分)1.Mary is a Chin ese girl.2.There are 25 pupils in Mary: scgass and 13 boys.3.This year Mary will have a new subject: Drama.4.Mr. White will teach Mary Drama. She is his fan.5. All the pupils like art.6.Most pupils i n Mary s class like pop music.ido some housework.A.()2. She ofte

4、 n helps her motherfeed chicke ns.B.()来源于网络川.Read, choose and write.读问句,从方框中选择单词写在横线上,完成短文。(6 分)broke had put cut waswent1. Carlos s precious things are his fish.2. This CD player is precious to Anna.3.Sam s precious things are his books.4. The horse is precious to Mark.5. Jim s precious thing is hi

5、s TV.When Joel_ eight, he_ an accide nt with his bike. He_ hisleg and his right arm. He was in hospital for four weeks.Last year Joseph was on holiday with his pare nts. One day he_ swim ming. He_his foot on a broke n bottle. His mum_ a ban dage around it.IV. Choose and guess.从括号内选择正确的单词或短语写在横线上补全句子

6、。并根据短文的描述,在对应动物图片旁的圆圈内打“V”。( 8 分)It in East Africa. ( live, lives )F F;弋_一i t/It eats fruit and .(leaf, leaves ). ,jThey often_ in the mud. ( take baths, swim )People kill them and their horns. ( sell, buy ).(in safety, in dan ger )them. ( kill, help )V. Read and match.根据句子的描述,将方框内对应的节日名称写在横线上。Than

7、ksgi vingChristmas Mid-Autu mn Festival1.Families sit around the tree to sing a song. The childre n can get the prese ntsfrom San ta Claus on this day. It2.The childre n dress up as witches, mon sters or ghosts. They would go trick-or-treat in g.They had a lot of fun on that day.It s_.3.On this day,

8、 families get together and have a big dinner. People usually eat turkey, sweetpotatoes and otheregetables. It s_.读写部分(共 50 分)I . Read and match.读句子,将左右相关联的句子连线。( 5 分)A. She loves music.B. He feeds his fish every day.C.He likes watching sports and cartoons.D. He has got more than 3000.E. It can run v

9、ery fast.()1.I want to visit Big Ben. 1 m going to the capital ofC. the USA. the UKB.London()2.-Whats the matteryou?-Oh, I ve got earache.A. onB. withC. of()3.-What do you like doing in En glish?-I likeA. read storiesB. read ing storiesC. reads stories()4.Li Pi ngto the zoo last Saturday.A. goB.goes

10、C. went()5.Carlos enjoys.A. feed ing fishB. feed fishC. feeds fish: .()6.Beijing is in the northChi na.A. ofB. toC. i nHalloween()7.- Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital?-Go straight ahead, the n take the_left.A. onB. firstC. one()8. Bill s precious things_his stamps.A. areB. isC. haveII . Read

11、 and choose.选择填空,将正确答案字母序号写在括号里。(8 分)来源于网络4.On this day, families get together and eat moon cakes. People far from home look up at themoon and think about their families. It _来源于网络VI . Reading.阅读理解。(10 分)A.根据 Tony 的课程表,选择正确的答案回答问题,并将字母序号写在括号里。()1. How many subjects does Tony have at school?A. Eleve

12、n.()2. ItA. History.(True False1. The Eiffel Tower is in En gla nd.2. The White House is in America.3. The White House is the office of the preside nt of the US.4. The Great Pyramid is in Asia.steps to the top of the tower and it took twen ty-two years to build it.The White House is in Washington DC

13、. It is the home andoffice of the preside nt of the Un ited States of America.The Great Pyramid is found near Cairo in Egypt, in North Africa.A. It s Friday.)4. It(A. Fren ch.()5. ItB. It s Mon day.C. It s Tuesday.s 12:00a.m. on Wednesday. What subject is it?B. Maths.C. En glish.s half past ten on M

14、on day. What does he ofte n do?VII . Read and write.(5 分)A. He ofte n does sports or plays games. B. He ofte n works with nu mbers. C.He ofte n draws pictures.B.根据短文内容判断句子的正误,在对应的方框内打“V”。Famous Places Around the WorldThe Eiffel Tower is in Paris, the capital of Fran ce. It has 1,652要求:1、_ I占 hlJ介绍包括表格里的所有信息。2、条理清楚,意思连贯。NameCountryr_ -CityLike doingthe UKLiverpoolReadingBooks5. The Great Pyramid was the home of the ki ng.根据提供的表格


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