



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上根据汉语提示写出单词Module 11.The _(行为)of parents have a great influence on their children.2.When doing an chemical experiment, the most important for students to pay attention to is to follow the teachers_(指示).3.The English teacher told me a few small errors in my composition need _(纠正).4. To be

2、 honest, I find it difficult to be _ (热情的)about math.5.Boys wear fashionable clothes to attract girls. _(同样地), some birds have bright feathers.6.To their _(失望), the result was contrary to their expectation.7.She speaks _(流利的)though not very correct French.8.We were all _(有印象的)with the beauty of the

3、West Lake.9.I was _(鼓励)by his words about the clothes I bought yesterday and I seemed to like them more.10.We watched our daughter at a distance until she _(消失)into the station.Module 21. With the mid-term exam approaching, all the students are busy _(复习) their lessons.2. It is natural for us to fee

4、l _(紧张) before strangers.3. We _ (感激)your efforts for the development of the company.4. The computer screen is _ (十分地)amazing.5. John has _(承认) breaking the window.6. As parents, they should be _ ( 耐心)with their children.7. Things like compositions and _( 摘要) are fun with Mr. Wu.8. _ (关系 )between te

5、achers and students are quite relaxed in our school.9. _(类似地 ), America has both state and private schools.10. It is important for the students to keep _ (纪律).Module 31. I was struck by the beauty of the West Lake, so I stopped to admire the beautiful _.(风景;景色)2.Petrol is the most important _ (产品)of

6、 many Middle-East countries.3.We are all _(疲惫不堪的)after the long journey. No one wants to move a further step.4.They _( 惊吓) the white bird away by rising to their feet suddenly.5.The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was one of the greatest sports _ (事件;赛事)in human history.6.We stood on the platform until t

7、he train disappeared in the _.(远处,远方)7.He _ (抛弃) his wife and went away with all their money.8.I kept what the old headmaster said at the graduation _(典礼,仪式) in my mind.9.I thank you very much indeed for this_(接见,面谈),which gives me the chance to know your school better.10.Kate is _(老练的, 内行的) in teac

8、hing small children.Module 41. Our school _ (组织) a party to welcome the new students.2. Many African people die of _ (饥饿) because of drought.3. Many people come to visit the _(吸引人的) West Lake all the year round.4. Luckily enough, he is one of the _(幸存者) of the earthquake.5. _(幸运地) enough, he was adm

9、itted to a key university.6. Almost 50% of those _(调查) said they supported the presidents decision7. His father was so poor that he couldnt _(买得起) so many sweets.8. With the final examination _(接近), we are feeling more and more nervous.9. I saw some great _(建筑) on the trip.10. He lives in the _(郊区)

10、of Beijing and works in the city.Module 51. Its very important for man to keep the _ (天平)of nature.2. The members of the club discussed the problem for a whole afternoon, but they didnt come to any _ (结论).3. All of our family were _ (惊愕的) to see my cousin seriously hurt in the match.4. As is well kn

11、own, metal _ (收缩)as it is cool .5. In my grandmothers time it was quite out of _ (普通的,平常的)for a woman to go to university.6. How did your mother _ (反应)to the news?7. The soldiers were _ (装备)with the latest weapons.8. A plan began to _ (形成)in his mind.9. Its better to drink _ (开了的) water .10. What is

12、 your _ (目标) in life?Module 61. Medicine should not be kept where it is _ (容易拿到的) to children.2. My daughter likes to describe her _(奇怪的)fantastic dreams to me.3. Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be _ (独立的) of your parents' help.4. They are making further efforts to decrea

13、se _ (军事的) spending.5. Ware had some _ (明确的) thoughts on those situations.6. The area is flooded, as _ (经常) happens during the typhoon.7. The high wall was built as a _ (防御) against intruders.8. Do you mind if we contact them and ask their _(许可)?His lack of education was a _(缺点)when he looked for a

14、job10What _(百分比)of the earth is covered by oceans?11When you begin to work, you should be able to _(全神贯注于)on the subject.根据下列句子及所给首字母,写出空缺处个单词的正确形式。(每空只填一词)1. The singer has recorded seven a_, which are sold well.2. We should notice the i_ of music on children.3. He was ordered to set a c_ system to protect his com


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