



1、2022年浙江省嘉兴市余新镇中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. a civil war _ if the three parties cannot reach an agreement.     a. will take place                           

2、   b. will be broken out     c. took place                                   d. broke out参考答案:a2. john is not

3、a man to count on, and it is very likely that the work _ by the time he arrives here.a. is finished      b. has finished    c. will finish     d. will have been finished参考答案:d3. wed better hurry. our teacher      us.

4、0;  a. wait forb. must wait forc. must be waiting ford. has waited for参考答案:c4. you cannot _ (competitor) with others in the job market if you dont    have a special skill. 参考答案:compete5. _ he _ himself there? no. i don't think so.a. do, enjoy     

5、0;  b. does, enjoies    c. does, enjoys     d. does, enjoy参考答案:d 6. have you heard the story of “the merchant of venice”?no when and where does the story?atake up btake placectake on dtake off 参考答案:b7. listen! whats on upstairs?mrs. li _ the exchange students

6、to perform beijing opera.a. teaches    b. taughtc. is teaching    d. was teaching参考答案:c【详解】考查现在进行时。句意:听!楼上在干什么?李老师正在教交换生表演京剧。现在进行时表示此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作;根据上文中的listen判断此刻正在教学生京剧,可见句中需要现在进行时,故选c。8. they tried their best to _ good use of the chance that their school offered to st

7、udy hard.amake  btake  cgrasp  dseize参考答案:a句意:他们尽力好好利用学校提供的机会努力学习。make good use of“好好利用”为固定搭配。9. it is _ surprise to every one of us that mark was finally made _ captain of the national team.a. a ; the              

8、                  b. a ; /                               

9、60;    c. / ; /                                    d. / ; the参考答案:b10. jane, i hear you _ to china. have you g

10、ot everything ready?a. have traveled       b. travel                          c. are traveling         &#

11、160; d. would travel参考答案:c11. sir, you _be sitting in this waiting room. it is for women and children only.a. oughtnt to   b. cant       c. wont      d. neednt参考答案:a12. _ mrs. black goes, her son always follows her.a. wherever 

12、60;      b. however                   c. whoever        d. whatever参考答案:a13. if you grow up in_ large family,you are more likely to develop_ ability to get on well w

13、ith_ others.a/;an;the               ba;the;/cthe;an;the            da;the;the参考答案:bfamily在此指的是同类中的任何一个,所以用a,表示泛指;ability加了后置定语进行限制,应用the表特指;others泛指其他的人,其前不用任何冠词。14. i _ have watched th

14、at movie-it will give me horrible dreams.   a. shouldntb. neednt          c. couldntd. mustnt 参考答案:a15. she always comes to our help when we get into trouble _ she is very busy.asince  bonce  ceven if  dso that参考答案:c句意:我们遇到困难时她总会来

15、帮忙,即便她很忙。even if意为“即使;尽管”,引导让步状语从句。16. i have made _ clear _ i have nothing to do with the accident.a. it; what  b. that; that   c. this; what  d. it; that参考答案:d17. all these data must be emailed to the university you are    to before december 31.a. appealingb.appl

16、yingc.arrangingd.announc参考答案:b18. the new railway winds its way to hainan, _ mountains, _ valleys and _ the qiongzhou channel. a. across; over; through               b. over; across; throughc. through; over; across  

17、0;            d over; through; across参考答案:d略19. i will never forget the day _  we worked together in londonawhen                  bon that   

18、0;           cwhich         dthat参考答案:a二、 书面表达20. 短文写作(满分25分)现在许多学生喜欢在一起议论他们欣赏什么样的老师,请结合一个具体事例,描述你最喜欢的老师。字数:120词左右。                 

19、60;                                                   &

20、#160;           参考答案:one possible version :nowadays, many students get together to discuss about what kind of teachers they like or dislike best. for most students, they like the teachers who are quite learned, cool, talkative and humorous. they love

21、 their students and are fond of communicating with them and know what their favorites are. if they had some major hobbies in common, students would most admire their teachers.my teacher mr. x is such an amazing person. he is always enthusiastic and eager to give a hand to any student who is in need

22、of help in study or life. his great experience and his abundant knowledge can be inspiring for any person. we admire him so much, not only for his being helpful in our daily life, but also for his being great as a man.all in all, no matter what kind of people our teachers are, we should respect them

23、 and mustnt say anything impolite about our teachers, since they are doing so much for us.三、 阅读理解21.   by now, most people know they should be eating more vegetables. but are there ways to get  more from the vegetables you already eat? a research shows that when it comes to vegetables, it&

24、#39;s not only how much we eat, but also how we prepare them, that decides the vitamins and other nutrients that enter our body.many studies show that people who eat lots of vegetables have less heart disease, and eye problems and even cancer. but raw(生的) vegetables are not always best. the research

25、ers found that 198 germans who eat raw food were short of lycopene, the matter found in tomatoes and other red vegetables. “there is an idea that raw foods are always going to be better,” says steven k. clinton, a professor at ohio state university. “for fruits and vegetables, sometimes a little bit

26、 of cooking can be helpful.”a number decide how the vegetables do good to people's health before they reach the table,  including where and how they were grown and stored before being bought. no single cooking way is best. some nutrients are easily lost in cooking if they are cooked in diff

27、erent ways.vitamins c and b are often lost. in january, another report said that boiling was better for carrots than frying or serving them raw. frying was the worst way to cook.what cooked with the vegetables can also be important? when the vegetables were cooked with fat, the diners can get more n

28、utrients. fat can also make the taste of vegetables better, meaning that people will eat more of them. putting on some other things that make it taste bettera little saltcan make the food taste better.25the writer mainly wants to tell us that _.a. people should eat more vegetablesb. the way people eat vegetables is importantc. eating vegetables is good for usd. how much vegetables one should eat26the people who eat the raw vegetables for a long time will _.a. have the e


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