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1、2022年河南省新乡市莘园外国语中学高三英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ his spare time that his english has improved a lot.a. so good use does he make of         b. such good use does he make ofc. he makes very good use of           d. he mak

2、es so good use of参考答案:b2. -would you _ a game of table tennis, cathy?-id love to, but i still have piles of homework to do.        a. care for b. care about    c. care to    d. take care of参考答案:a3. never for one moment, believe it or not, _

3、 being faced with such a situation where a helping hand was greatly needed.       a. i imagined               b. do i imagine           

4、;  c. i have imagined        d. had i imagined参考答案:d4. it is advised that our living expenses should be _ our economic conditions so that we can live within our means.a. in control ofb. in line withc. in contrast withd. in advance of参考答案:b【详解】考查词组。a.

5、 in control of控制;    b. in line with与-一致;    c. in contrast with与-形成对比;    d. in advance of在-前面。句意:有人建议我们的生活费用应该与我们的经济条件相适应,这样我们才能量入为出。结合句意可知答案为b。5. do you think an advertisement is _ help when you look for a college?  well, it all depends. anyway, i

6、t gives me more of _ chance. a. a; a          b. 不填; a              c. 不填; the            d. a; the参考答案:a略6. in many ways, the magic of ai i

7、s _ its not something you can see or touch.a. whetherb. whatc. thatd. why参考答案:c【详解】考查名词性从句。句意:在很多方面,人工智能的神奇之处在于它不是你能看见或触摸到的。分析句子可知,表语从句中为完整句子不缺成分,解释人工智能的神奇之处在何处,所以用that引导。故选c。【点睛】本题考查名词性从句,首先判断属于哪种名词性从句,再判断从句缺少什么成分,如果缺少主宾表,用what,不缺少成分和意思用that,缺少疑问词根据句意判断。7. the mobile phone has become a major means

8、of communication , _ us to keep in touch as well as to surf the internet to keep us _ of the latest news.a. to permit ; to inform   b. permitted ; informingc. permitting ; informed   d. being permitted ; being informed参考答案:c8. police have found       

9、; appears to be the lost ancient statue.a. whichb. wherec. howd. what参考答案:d考查名词性从句。动词found后所接为宾语从句,从句中缺少主语指事物,故填上代词what。9. media staff ought to grasp the news contents precisely, apply their own voices and techniques to _ the positive news values accurately.       

10、 a. broadcast            b. predict                c. convey                 d. consult参考答案:c略10.  &

11、#160;  success of zhu zhiwens singing has been    great honour to his hometown.a. the,a                            b. the;an   

12、60;            c. 不填,the           d. the,不填参考答案:a11. my friend has returned from the uk. she _  at oxford for four years, during which we communicated with each other on the internet.a. stu

13、died                         b. has studied                   c. had studied       &#

14、160;           d. has been studying参考答案:a略12. _ is often the case, he didnt study hard and failed to pass the test.a. what          b. which          c. it 

15、0;         d. as参考答案:d13. im calling, _my company, to thank you again for your generous help.   a. in favor ofb. in honor ofc. in memory ofd. on behalf of参考答案:d14. employees who refuse to_ the companys regulations will be dismissed.a. adjust 

16、60;  to    b. cater toc. turn to    d. submit    to参考答案:d【详解】考查动词短语辨析。 adjust to调整适应; cater to迎合;turn to转向,求助于;submit to呈交,顺从,服从; 句意:拒绝遵守公司规则的员工都将会被解雇。根据句意可知d项正确。15. - oh, my goodness! my laptop must have got stolen    -

17、 but where _ a thief have entered the house with all the doors and windows still locked?   ashould         bcould         cdare           ddid 参考答案:b16. bob, how about ha

18、ving a picnic this weekend? _. ill check my schedule.a. sounds great fun.             b. good idea.                c. im not sure.     d. well done.原创,命题意图

19、:考查情景交际用法,根据下文 ill check my schedule. 应该用im not sure.参考答案:c略17. the traffic problem has severely affected peoples life.      ,the govenment should spare no efforts to solve it.   a.besides      b.therefore      

20、;  c.meanwhile        d.however.参考答案:b略18.  _ it rain tomorrow, we would have to cancel the football match.a. were            b. would        c.will   

21、;        d. should参考答案:d 19. -how do you find james cameron's 3d version of titanic? -fantastic! it can't be _ and has brought us a wonderful experience. a. as impressive            b. more impressive  

22、   c. most impressive      d. so impressive参考答案:b略二、 书面表达20. 假定你是李平,你的英国朋友thomas计划参加2018海丝环泉州湾国际公路自行车赛(“maritime silk road” tour of quanzhou bay 2018)。请你给他写封邮件,向他简要介绍泉州秋冬赛季的气候概况,告知比赛分为若干赛段,并随信附上近两年赛事小册子供他参考,邀请他暑假前来体验。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 结尾已为你写好。dear thoma

23、s,_i am looking forward to your coming.yours,li ilua参考答案:dear thomas,so nice to hear that you are coming to participate in “maritime silk road” tour of quanzhou bay 2018 to be hosted in our city next year.since you have never been to our city, i will tell you something about the weather here. its qu

24、ite pleasant here, about 20 (in autumn) and 10-15 (in winter), but a bit windy. secondly, the tour is held between autumn and winter, and it is divided into several sections. you are required to make some preparations. when it comes to the details of the tour, the two brochures attached to the email

25、 can be very helpful. i sincerely invite you to come here and stay with me this summer holiday. if you have any further question, just dont hesitate to ask me.i am looking forward to your coming.yours,lihua三、 阅读理解21. lt123 workshopsim pleased to say that 2015 is our third year sponsoring the iatefl

26、information desk. this year, we are running three workshops covering some of the key areas of our wide-ranging special skills: testing, editing and vocabulary. we how to see you.russell whitehead    directorvocabulary testing: why, what and how?    by felicity o dell & russel

27、l whiteheadsaturday 11th april   3:50-4:35 pm    charter 4should vocabulary be one of the language features that we test and, if so, why? what vocabulary - and what aspects of vocabulary - should we focus on in our tests? what methods can we use to test vocabulary?we will di

28、scuss answers to these questions, considering the strengths and weaknesses of different types of vocabulary test for different teaching contexts. theres something missing from your project - the editor!    by david baker & fiona mackenziesunday 12 april   10:25-11:10 am&

29、#160;   charter 8big publishing companies no longer offer the single route to publication. whether you are self-publishing, a teaching institution developing its own materials, or a digital start-up, in a highly competitive environment it isnt enough to write something and just put it out

30、there.quality still matters - you cant afford to forget one of the key roles in successful publishing. vocabulary levels: which words are at which level?    by stephen bullonmonday 13th april   1:35-2:20 pm    charter 8while students develop their competence i

31、n the four skills and in their ability to master grammatical structures, they are together building their vocabulary.we will try to establish the standards involved in selecting appropriate vocabulary at the various levels students pass through: frequency, teaching requirements, and register are all

32、 factors that need to be weighed in the balance. lt123 is the new name for language testing 123, and we are proud sponsors of the 49th annual international iatefl conference and exhibition.manchester, april 2015. 75. to help improve vocabulary teaching and testing, the workshops will focus on _.  a. how to employ more scientific methods in vocabulary testing b. how to test vocabulary as the most important language feature c. wh


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