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1、资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除国际商法专业词汇中英文对照A Note on the Incoterms( 国际贸易术语通则解释)Absolute Advantage( 亚当 .斯密的绝对优势理论)Acceptance with Modifications( 对邀约做出修改、变更的承诺)Acceptance( 承诺/受盘)Act of State Doctrine( 国家行为主义)Act of the Parties ( 当事人的行为)Administrative Management ( 经营管理)Advising and Confirming Letters of Credit( 信

2、用证的通知和确认)Agent for International Settlements( 国际结算代理人)Agreement of the Parties( 协议选择原则)Agriculture( 农业协定)Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR 解决方式)Anticipatory Breach in Common Law ( 普通法上预期违约)Antidumping Authority( 反倾销机构)Applicability of the CISG (CISG 的适用范围)Application of Home State Labor LawsExtrat

3、erritorially( 内国劳工法律域外适用 )Applying for a Letter of Credit( 信用证的申请)Approval of Foreign Investment Applications( 外国投资申请的批准)Arbitrage( 套汇 )Arbitration Agreement and Arbitration Clauses( 仲裁协议和合同中的仲裁条款 )Arbitration Tribunals( 仲裁机构)Artistic Property Agreements( 保护文学艺术作品的协定)Artistic Property Agreements( 文学

4、艺术品产权协定)Assignment( 合同权利转让)Attorney-General( 法律总顾问)Automatic Dissolution ( 自动散伙)Average Clauses( 海损条款)Avoidance( 解除 )Bank Deposits( 银行储蓄)Bases of Income Taxation( 所得税的征税依据/基础)Battle of the Forms( 形式上的分歧/冲突)Bills of Lading ( 提单 )Branch Banking( 银行的分支机构)Business Form and Registered Capital ( 企业形式和注册资本

5、)Business Forms( 商业组织形式)Buyer's Remedies( 买方可以采取的救济措施)Carriage of Goods by Air( 航空货物运输)Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine CargoInsurance( 海上货物运输及其保险 )Carrier's Duties under a Bill of Lading( 在提单运输方式下承运人的责任/义务)Carrier's Immunities( 承运人责任/义务的豁免)Cartels ( 企业联合/卡特尔)Categories of Investment

6、Projects ( 外国投资的项目类别)Charterparties ( 租船合同)Charterparties by Demise ( 光船出租合同)China's Fundamental Policies for Encouraging Foreign Investments( 中国大陆鼓励外国投资的基本政策)Choosing the Governing Law( 准据法的选择)CIF (cost, insurance and freight) (port ofdestination) (CIF 成本 保险费加运费付至指定的目的港)Civil Law ( 民法法系)Clearan

7、ce and Settlement Procedures( 交换和转让程序)Collection of Documentary Bills Through Banks( 银行跟单托收)Commercial Arbitration ( 国际商事仲裁)Commodity Arrangements( 初级产品/农产品安排)Common Enterprise Liability( 企业的一般责任)Common Law ( 普通法系)Common Procedures in Handling Bills ofExchange ( 汇票处理的一般程序)Common Stock ( 股票 )Company

8、Taxpayers( 公司/法人企业纳税人)Comparative Advantage( 大卫.李嘉图的比较优势理论)Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems( 内国法系的比较研究)Compensation for Winding up ( 清算补偿)Comprehensive Agreements ( 综合性的协定)Compulsory Licenses( 强制许可)Computation of Income( 收入计算)Conformity of Goods( 与合同约定相符合的货物)Consent to the Jurisdiction of the H

9、ost State( 给予东道国管辖权的许可/同意)Consideration in Common Law( 英美法上的对价)Contemporary International Trade Law( 当代国际贸易法)Contract Law for the International Sale ofGoods( 国际货物销售合同法)Contract Liability of the Agent ( 代理人的合同义务)Contract Liability of the Principal ( 委托人的合同义务)Contractual Issues Excluded from the Cover

10、ageof CISG( 排除在CISG 适用范围之外的合同问题)Copyrights ( 著作权/版权)Council for Trade-Related Aspects ofIntellectual Property Rights( 与知识产权有关的理事会)Coverage of Tax Treaties( 税收条约的覆盖范围)Creation of Agency ( 代理创立)Creditors of Partners( 合伙人的债权人)Currency Crises: The Role of Monetary Policy( 金融危机:货币政策的作用与地位)Currency Exchan

11、ge Obligations of IMF MemberStates( 国际货币基金组织成员国在外汇交易中的义务)Currency Exchange( 外汇交易)Currency Support( 资金 /财政援助)Custom( 习惯 )Customs Valuation( 海关估价协定)Debt Securities ( 债券 )Decision Making within the WTO(WTO 内部决定作出机制)Deficiencies in the GATT 1947 Dispute Process( 关税及贸易总协定1947争端解决程序的不足)Definite Sum of Mon

12、ey or Monetary Unit ofAccount( 确定货币的总额或者计价的货币单位)Definition and Special Features( 定义和特征)Delayed Bills of Lading( 提单迟延)Denial of Justice( 司法不公)Development Banks ( 发展银行)Direct Effect( 直接效力)Direct Exporting( 直接出口)Directors' and Officer's Duties to theCorporation( 董事和经理/首席执行官对公司的义务)Dispute Settle

13、ment( 争端的解决)Dissolution by Agreement ( 协议解散)Dissolution by Court Order ( 依法院令状散伙)Dissolution of the Partnership ( 散伙 )Distribution of Earnings and Recovery ofInvestments ( 收入分配和投资回收)Distribution to Shareholders ( 红利分配权)Doctrine of Imputability ( 归责原则)Documentary Formalities( 文本格式要求)Double Taxation P

14、rovision( 双重征税的规定)Double Taxation( 双重征税)Duress ( 胁迫行为)Duties of Agent and Principal ( 代理人和委托人的义务)Duties of Agent to Principal ( 委托人的义务)Duties of Principal to Agent ( 代理人、的义务)Duty of Care in Partnership Business( 对合伙事务尽心看护义务)Duty of Loyalty and Good Faith ( 忠诚和诚信义务)Effectiveness of an Offer( 邀约/发盘的效力

15、)Employment Laws in the European Union( 欧洲联盟雇佣/劳工法)Employment Standards of the Organization forEconomic Cooperationand Development( 经济合作与发展组织雇佣/劳工标准)Enforcement of Exchange Control Regulationsof IMF Member States( 国际货币基金组织成员国对外汇交易管理规则的履行)Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in thePeople's Repu

16、blic of China(在中华人民共和国境内外国仲裁裁决的执行)Enforcement of Foreign Judgment ( 外国法院判决的执行)Enforcement of Partnership Rights andLiabilities( 执行合伙事务的权利和责任 )Enforcement of Securities RegulationsInternationally( 国际证券规则的执行)Environmental Regulation( 环境规则)Escape Clause( 免责条款)Euro-currency Deposits( 欧洲货币储蓄)European Com

17、munities - Regime for theImportation, Sale, andDistribution of Bananas( 欧洲共同体对于香蕉的进口、销售和分销的管理)European Union Law on Trade in Services( 欧洲联盟关于服务贸易的法律)Exceptio non Adimpleti Contractus in CivilLaw ( 大陆法上履行契约之抗辩权)Exceptions( 例外 )Exclusive Licenses( 独占许可)Excuses for Non-performance ( 不履行的免责)Excuses for

18、Nonperformance( 不履行合同的抗辩/借口)Exemptions for New Members from IMF MemberState CurrencyExchange Obligations( 国际货币基金组织新成员国在外汇交易中义务的免除)Export Restrictions ( 出口限制)Exporting( 出口 )Expropriation( 征收 )Extraterritorial Application of U. S.Securities Laws( 美国证券法域外的适用问题 )Failure to Exhaust remedies( 没有用尽法律救济)Fau

19、lt and Causation( 过错和因果关系)Finance Ministry( 财政部 )Finance of International Trade( 国际贸易的结算/支付)Financing Foreign Trade( 对外贸易的价金支付)FOB (free on hoard) (port of shipment)(FOB 装运港船上交货)Force Majeure Clauses ( 不可抗力条款)Foreign Investment Guarantees( 外国投资的担保)Foreign Investment Laws and Codes( 外国投资法)Formal and

20、Informal Application Process( 正式和非正式申请程序)Formation of the Contract( 合同的成立)Forsed Endorsements( 虚假背书)Fraud Exception in Letters of CreditTransaction ( 信用证交易的欺诈例外)Frauds on Bills of Lading( 提单欺诈)Fraudulent Misrepresentation( 受欺诈的误解)Free Zones( 保税区/自由贸易区)Fundamental Breach( 根本违约)GATS Schedules of Speci

21、fic Commitments( 服务贸易总协定减让表中的特别承诺 )General Agreement on Trade in Services ( 服务贸易总协定)General Requirements and Rights of the Holderin Due Course( 票据持有人的一般要求和权利)General Standards of Performance( 履行的一般标准)Geographic Limitations( 地区限制)Government Controls over Trade ( 政府对贸易的管制)Government Guarantees( 政府担保)Governmental Interes


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