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1、2020年山东省聊城市凤凰中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -is this the first time you_ chengdu?-no. but the first time i_ here, the city wasnt so beautifula. visited; came             b. visited; have comec. have visited ; have come    d. have visi

2、ted; came参考答案:d略2. nobody can figure out the what the letters on the wall of the shop _.    a. make for           b. sell for          c. stand for       &

3、#160;   d. go for参考答案:c3. all flights     because of the terrible weather, jane had to go there by train.a. was cancelledb. had been cancelledc. having been cancelledd. having cancelled参考答案:c4. the dog has a(n) _ sense of smell while the rabbit has a sharp sense of hear

4、ing.a. acute         b. cautious          c. flexible           d. valid参考答案:a5. _another hour,my brother said he could also work out the difficult math problem.  agiven

5、bto give    cto be given    dgiving参考答案:a6. i cant promise that all the people injured in the accident will be saved. all i can promise is that what _ be done _be done.a. must, should    b. can, can     c. will, must   

6、 d. can, will参考答案:d略7. you are saying that everyone is equal, _ is _ i disagree.a. which; where      b. which; what      c. that; where     d. that; what  参考答案:a8. -which one will i choose?-well, you can take _ of them;

7、ill keep none.a. both        b. all      c. any          d. either参考答案:b9.  many difficulties have _ as a result of the over use of coala. risen        b.

8、arisen        c. raised          d. arose参考答案:b10. unfortunately, when i dropped in, dr. green _, so we only had time for a few words.a. just left     b. has just left    c. had just le

9、ft   d. was just leaving参考答案:d11. i was about to go to bed _ suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.a. then       b.when      c.that       d.how 参考答案:b12. shall i take a message for you?  _.a. yo

10、u are welcome            b. with pleasure   c. thanks for your message    d. its nice of you 参考答案:d13. _flights had to be put off because of the hurricane all those days .a. a great many of       

11、0;                                                b. a great numb

12、er of  c. a great deal of                                              

13、;            d. the great number of 参考答案:b14. so _ in the darkness that he didn't dare to move an inch.   a. he was frightened        b. was he frightened      c. frighten

14、ed he was        d. frightened was he参考答案:d15. the couple _ some money every month for their future use even if their income is low.a. put off     b. put up        c. set down   d. set aside参考答案:d16.

15、          shenzhen is a beautiful modern city. but          shenzhen before the year1979 was a fishing village.athe; the            b/; /   

16、         c/; the            dthe; /参考答案:c略17. smoking does great harm to our health. _ is smoking allowed in public places.a. at no time          b. in no time&

17、#160;        c. at a time      d. at all times参考答案:a18.   i hear tom _ playing games recently.     it is no wonder he is easy to feel sleepy in class.a. addicting to         b

18、. addicts       c. addict to           d. addicted to参考答案:d19. he felt very tired because he _ in the field for at least 5 hours.a. has worked  b. had been workingc. worked      d. has been working参考答

19、案:b主句的时态是过去时,从句的时间状语是for at least 5 hours故应用过去完成进行时。二、 书面表达20. 假定你是李华,最近你的英国笔友james发来邮件说他的第一本小说出版了,并给你寄来了样书(sample copy)。请用英语给他回一封邮件,内容如下:1表示祝贺;2感谢赠书;3希望提些写作建议。注意:1词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。dear james,_yours sincerely,li hua参考答案:dear james,im very excited and inspired by the news tha

20、t your first novel has been published. id like to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your great success.actually, i have witnessed your progress with admiration all these years, and i can imagine how much effort you have put into your writing. besides, id like to thank you for mailing a samp

21、le copy of your novel to me. i can hardly wait to read it. by the way, im also very interested in writing and i am anxious to know how to choose a good topic for a novel and develop it. will you give me some advice?im looking forward to your early reply.your sincerely,li hua首先审题,这篇文章要求假定你是李华,最近你的美国笔

22、友jack发来邮件说他的第一部小说出版了,并给你寄了样书(sample copy)。请用英语给他回一封邮件, 主要内容如下:1. 表示祝贺;2. 感谢赠书;3. 希望给你提出写作建议。其次选用正确的人称和时态,表示主语现在的状态,用一般现在时,第一人称来写。然后写出单个句子,使用正确的连词,连句成段。具体来说,写这篇文章时,要注意文中给出的细节都要包括,不要遗漏。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单

23、词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。【亮点说明】本篇书面表达要点全面,结构紧凑,是一篇较好的范文。这篇短文使用了大量的复合句。例如:使用了宾语从句im excited and inspired to know that your first novel has been published.和定语从句so, id greatly appreciate your advice on how to choose a good topic for a novel and develop it, which will undoubtedly be a great help f

24、or me.三、 阅读理解21. scientists at harvard university have recycled a kidney(肾)-in a rat. the researchers  removed a kidney froru a dead rat. later, the renewed kidney was put into a living rat. it wasn't  perfect. it did, however, show signs of working like a kidney should."it's

25、really beautiful work," edward ross, a kidney researcher at the university of florida  in gainesville, told science news. he didn't work on the new study.kidneys are bean-shaped and act like guards in the body. they clean the blood by  reruoving waste and extra water. every day, a

26、n adult's kidneys filter(过滤) enough blood to fill a bathtub half full. along the way, they produce eight cups of urine(屎) from that waste and water. when a person's kidneys fail, all of that waste stays in the body. such patients can quickly become very sick and die, unless they are regularl

27、y connected to a machine that filters their blood.at any given time, about 100,000 people in the united states are waiting for a replacement kidney. but healthy donated kidneys are difficult to get. either a living person must donate one, or a kidney must be removed from someone who just died and ea

28、rlier had agreed to the donation. in either case, people receiving new kidneys face the risk that their bodies will reject the donated ones.but there may be another option.  researchers use knowledge of living things to grow or improve tissue that can aid human health. harald ott's team at

29、harvard started with a "used" kidney.scientists added kidney cells from rats and blood vessel cells from people to the matrix(母体). these cells attached themselves and began to multiply. before long, they formed new kidney tissue.the scientists placed this renewed kidney into another rat. t

30、here it produced a small amount of urine. rfhis experiment shows that the lab-grown kidney can do at least some of the workperformed by a healthy kidney.the results are a promising first step toward helping people with serious kidney problems. "this is still very early, but they've come a l

31、ong way," ross said.32. what can we infer from paragraph l?a. biology is a new and helpful science.b. it's hard to put the rebuilt kidney into the rat.c. kidneys are very important to our life.d. a used kidney may be recycled for new life.33. what does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?a. the r

32、elationship between kidneys and health.b. the difficulty of curing serious kidney diseases.c. the function and importance of kidneys.d. the methods of curing kidneys diseases.34. for what purpose does the author use the figure 100,000 in paragraph 4?a. to stress used kidneys are hard to get.b. to show the great need for h


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