已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 . . . .3a unit3 my friends story time 教学目标:1.能理解课文 ,能流利地朗读课文或表演课文。2.通过情景练习,能区分hes 和 she s,并能有意识地运用交际用语 she s.he s.she s/he s my friend.能在情境中正确运用goodbye向他人告别。3.能大胆、主动地向他人介绍自己的朋友,增加同学之间的情谊,对英语保持好奇心和兴趣。教学重难点:1. 能理解课文 ,能流利地朗读课文或表演课文。2.能正确区分 hes和 shes,能比较正确地使用交际用she s.hes.she s/hes my friend. 教学准备:1.多媒体

2、课件2.若干张友谊卡3.mike,yang ling 的图片4.课前学生制作友谊卡教学过程:课前热身t:first let s enjoy a song . 我们一起边拍手边唱。(s与t 一起拍手演唱) . . . .t:can you change the words?like this:good afternoon. now listen to me:good afternoon,good afternoon,afternoon,my dear. can you? s:yes. t:ready?go! (t 与 s一起改编歌曲 good afternoon) step1 warming u

3、p 1)greeting t:good afternoon,boys and girls. s:good afternoon. t:stand up!let s say good afternoon to the teachers. s:good afternoon,teachers. 2)free talk t: (对 s1 说)hello.i m miss zhu.what s your name? s1:i m. t:nice to meet you s1:nice to meet you ,too. t:can you be my friend?ok?(加手势)s1:ok. t:her

4、e s a card for you. (给友谊卡)you re my friend now. t: (对 s2 说)hello,i m miss zhu. . . . .s2:i m. t:let s be friends,ok? s2:ok. t:we are friends now. t:can you be my friends?ok?my dear friends, here s a beautiful song for you. let s enjoy it and tell me who are they.ok? s:ok. step2 presentation and prac

5、tise 1)enjoy a song. 2)教 she s,he s t:let s know them one by one.look,who s she?guess! s:she s yang ling.(板书 she s)t:good!she s,she s.look at my mouth and listen to me carefully. /? /,/? /,/i:/,/i:/, ? i:, ? i:,she,she (开火车读)/z/,/z./she s,she s(开火车两个两个读齐读)t 拿着单词卡片,指着女生读t:who s she? s:she s yang ling

6、.(操练整句话两个两个读齐读)t:how about her? who s she?guess! s:she s miss li.(多叫 23 个同学回答) . . . .t: (指着 s3)hello,who s she? s:she s.(s一起说)t:nice to meet you. s:nice to meet you,too. t:can we be friends,ok? s:ok. t: (指着 s4)hello,who s she? s:she s. t:hello,xxx. t:can we be friends?ok? t:(指着 s6 s7 s8 )who s she?

7、 s:she s. (在这一环节发友谊卡)t:yes,she s equals she is.follow me, (教读 is)同法教授 he s(注意加上手势,拖长he的发音) (板书 he s) chant t:now let s say a chant.first,listen to me and follow me. (第一遍一句句跟读)let s read it together. this time practise in groups of 4. 男他,男他, he,he,he. hes,hes,he s liu tao. . . . .女她,女她, she,she,she.

8、shes,shes,she s yang ling. t:wonderful! can you use he s or she s ? let s have a try!(每题选择 23 个学生,再齐读)t:wow!you can use he s or she s so well.you see,i m new here.i want to know you all.introduce for me.ok? like this(叫同桌两人) :hello,who he?he s. hello,who s she?she s. (再叫另外一组):hello,miss zhu.he s . he

9、llo,miss zhu.she s . t:good!here s a card for you.you re my friend now.(发友谊卡)3)教 friend t:hello,boys and girls. now you re my friends.i have 2 cartoon friends.who are they?look!who s she? s:she s mei yangyang. t:yes.she s my friend.(板书 she s my friend)t:friend,friend.look at my mouth and listen care

10、fully. end,end,riend,riend,friend,friend.(操练时握手)s两两齐读,男女生读t:she s mei yangyang.she s my friend(重音落在 my,加上手势 ) /ai/,/ai/,my,my . . . .整体教读 my friend(手势)t:yes,she s my friend.(板书)t:who s he? s:he s lan yangyang. t:yes,he s lan yangyang.he s my friend.(板书 he s my friend.)t:yes,she s mei yangyang.she s

11、my friend.he s lan yangyang.he s my friend,too they re my friends.(板书课题、教读ds的发音)t:look.,i make a friend card to my friends.look,she s mei yangyang.she s my friend.he s lan yangyang.he s my friend. you please.come here.now introduce your friends. t:do you have your friends?now take out your friend ca

12、rd. introduce your friends to me. now practise by youeself. can you?tell me your friend.practise in pairs. s互相介绍他们的朋友。t:hello,xxx.( 发放友谊卡)4)呈现文本呈现图三t:now you re my friends.my good friends! look, my friend is coming.who s he? s:he s mike. . . . .t:let s say hello to him. s:hello,mike. t:who s mike s

13、friend? let s watch the cartoon,and tell me . s:yang ling. t:good!yang ling and mike are friends. how do they introduce their friends? let s open your books ,read and find. t:how does mike introduce yang ling? s:she s yang ling.she s my friend. t:let s read after the tape. t:mike has new friend.he s

14、 so happy.can you read happily? (用手做笑脸)t:can you read excitedly? (用手指着 yang ling 夸张的说 ) t:can you read lowly?(用手做手势,捂嘴)呈现图四t:how does yang ling introduce mike? read it. t:read after the tape. this time you can choose one to read. 选择一种你喜欢的读一读。 t:you did a good job! . . . .here s the song for you. 播放歌

15、曲时介绍: he s mike,he s my friend.she s yang ling,she s my friend. t:listen:what are they saying? s:goodbye. 呈现图一t:let s look at it carefully. who can read the sentences? t:what does miss li say? this one or that one? what do they say? now i m miss li,you re class.ready?go! this time i m class,you re m

16、iss li. 呈现图二t:look,who s he? what will he say? who s she? what will she say? t:read after the tape. t:who can be mike?who can be yang ling? let s read and act. t:who can be mike? who can be yang ling? . . . .t:this time girls are yang ling.boys are mike. step3 consolidation and production 1)听录音整体跟读全

17、文t:now let s read the text. 2)read after the teacher . t:show me your finger. 3)practise by yourself. 4)t:great!you did so well.let s try to dub.给课文配音。5)t:now it s your show time. work in groups of 4.choose one way to read. if you read together,you can get 1 star. if you can act picture one and two,you can get 2stars. but,if you can act picture three and four. you can get 3 stars. ready,go! 7)t:are you happy?i m so happy today.who s my friend?show me your card!wow,i have so many friends.you can make more friends after class.ok?do you know do you know :a life without a friend is a lif


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