



1、Un it 4 Body Ian guage色层演练人直击高号i阅读理解(2018 深圳第一次调研)Much information can be conveyed, purely through our eyes, so the expression“eyes also talk” is often heard.Can you recall any experienee that further proves this statement? On a bus you mayquickly gla nee at a stra nger , but not make eye con tact .

2、If he sen ses that he is being stared at , hemay feel uncomfortable.It is the same in daily life.If you are stared at for more tha n n ecessary,you will look at yourself up and dow n to see if there is any thi ng wrong with you.If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry about other s staring at you

3、that way.Eyes do conveyinformation, right?Look ing too long at some one may seem to be rude and aggressive.But things are differe nt whe n itcomes to stari ng at the opposite sex .If a man looks at a woma n for more than 10 seconds and refusesto turn away his gaze(注视),his intentionsare obvious.That

4、is , he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand thathe is show ing affect ion for her.However, the no rmal eye con tact for two people en gaged in con versati onis that thespeaker will only look at the listenerfrom time to time, in order to make sure thatthe listener does pay attenti

5、on to what the former is speaking, to tell him that he is atte ntive.If a speaker looks at you continuouslywhen speaking , as if he tries to controlyou, you will feel un easy.A poor liar usually exposes himself by look ing too long at the victim, since hebelieves the false idea that to look straight

6、 in the eye is a sig n of hon est com muni cati on.In fact, continu ous eye con tact happe ns betwee n lovers only, who will enjoylooking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show love that words cannot express.Evide ntly, eye con tact should be done accord ing to the relati on shipbetwee n tw

7、opeople and the specific situation.【解题导语】本文介绍了“眼睛会说话”的观点,告诉我们不同场合的眼神交流所代表的不同含义。1.What may a person usually do on a bus?A. Glance at a stra nger with eye con tact.B. Use eyes to talk to a stranger politely.C. Glance at a stra nger without eye con tact.2D. Talk to a stranger politely after a quick gla

8、nee.C 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,在公交车上人们可能会瞥一眼陌生人,但 不会有眼神交流。故选C 项。2.What does it mean if a man looks at a woma n for over 10 sec on ds?A. He likes her eyes.B. He admires her.C. He knows her well.D. He makes con tact with her.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句可知,如果一位男士盯着一位女士超过10 秒,他是想吸引女士的注意力,让她知道他很倾慕她。故选B 项。3.Why is a p

9、oor liar easy to be seen through?A. He thinks that he is honest.B. He wants to control the victim.C.He feels un easy about others eye con tact.D. He looks straight at the victim for too long a time.D 解析:细节理解理。根据倒数第三段最后一句可知,一个差劲的说谎者通常会因为看受 害者太久而暴露自己,因为他错误地认为直视对方是诚实沟通的一个信号。故选D 项。n七选五(2018 南昌十校模拟)Want

10、to live in a perfectlyclean environment and make it shinebrightly? 1. Then you will not n eed to purchase expe nsive clea ning products.Clean the toilet with Coke . It s amazing how powerful Coke might be as a toilet cleaner. 2.You ll save your health by not consuming chemicals that Cokecontains and

11、 save money by not purchasing professionalcleaners.Pour some cola overthe stains and leave it all for a few hours. Then let water wash the toilet!Removewater stains with orange peels . You ve just eaten an orange. 3._Do notthrow away those orange peels. You can use the skins to clean stainless steel

12、.Yourapplia nces will shine aga in after you rub(擦)them with the skins. The peels caneasily make those stubbor n sta ins disappear in a sec ond.Use banana peels to polish leather furn iture. Experts claim that banana peels aregreat for polish ing leather sofas and armchairs. Bananaskins are rich in

13、oils andhave the right texture to do the task. 4. Afterwards, remove the leftover with a cloth. This trick is simpleand cheap. Use it if you want your leather furniture to look brand new aga in.5. _ hy would you want to buy one when you can make your own product that ischeap and non-toxic( 无毒的 )? Ju

14、st pour 2 liters of slightly warm water into a deep bowl. Then add50ml white vin egar and half a teaspo on of dishwash ingliquid. Shakethe bowl and then fill up a plastic spray with the mixture. Use it to clean windows and mirrors. Make yourglass surfaces clea n and shiny.A. Wait a minute!B. Make yo

15、ur own glass cleaner.C. Follow the steps given below.D.Of course your answer is“ yes”.E. They leave no marks or scratches.3F.In stead of drinking it, use it to clea n the toilet bowl.G. They are economical and safe to use on all of furniture.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。想生活在一个干净的生活环境中、让一切光洁发亮吗?那就按照以下步骤来做吧。无需购买昂贵的

16、清洁用品,只需要一些小妙招。1.C解析: 根据空前的 Want to live in a perfectly clean environment and makeitshine brightly ? ”和空后的Then you will not need to purchase expensive cleaning products. ”以及接下来列举的几条小妙招可知,C 项“跟着以下步骤做”能起到承上启下的作用。2.F 解析:本段讲的是用可乐清理厕所,故F 项“你可以不喝可乐,而是用之清洁马桶”符合语境。3.A 解析:根据下文中的“ Do not throw away those orang

17、e peels.”可知,吃了橘子后,稍等片刻,不要扔掉橘子皮,你可以用之清理不锈钢。所以选A。4. E 解析:根据上文中的“ Banana skins are rich in oils and have the right textureto do the task. ”可知香蕉皮富含油脂,材质也非常适合擦拭皮质,使污痕或划痕统统不 见。所以选 E。5. B 解析:根据下文中的“ you can makeyour own product that is cheap and non-toxic( 无毒的)? ”“ Use it to clean windows and mirrors. Make

18、 your glass surfaces clean and shiny. ”可知,本段讲的是如何自制玻璃清洁剂,故B 项符合语境。川语法填空(2018 银川检测)World Read Aloud Day is celebrated each year on the firstWednesdayof March.It 1. (start) by the LitW in 2010 and has now reached 65coun tries. The aim is to en courage people worldwide who cannot read to enjoy

19、theben efits of a book .Its website asks every one 2. (celebrate) the day bytaking a book, finding an audie nee, and read ing out aloud .Itis about tak ing actionto show the world that the right to read and write 3.(bel ong) to all_people.The website asks 4._ (visit) to join in the movement to reduc

20、e 5.nu mber of illiterate (不识字的 )people in the world .It is 6.(absolute)_necessary to help those who cannot read.The website says, “It s time to start by reading aloud to 7.mightlike it.Share a book with a child who might needit, share a story with some one who would treasure it, and liste n patie n

21、tly 8.some one else s story as they share with you. ” The Un ited Nati ons says , “ Literacy in volves avariety of lear ning in en abli ng in dividuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge, 9.to participate fully in society.” In that way,World Read Aloud Day does help make a 10. (diffe

22、rent).【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了World Read Aloud Day(世界朗读日)。1.was started解析:考查动词的时态和语态。WorldRead Aloud Day 在 2010 年由LitW 发起。根据语境可知,此处需要用start 的被动形式,又因时间状语是“ in42010”,故用一般过去时。2.to celebrate解析:考查动词不定式。ask sb.to do sth. “要求某人做某事”,网站要求每个人通过拿本书、找到一位听众、大声阅读的方式来庆祝这个节日。3.belongs解析:考查主谓一致。这正是采取行动向世界表明阅读和写作

23、的权利属于所有的人。根据句子成分可知,从句的主语为the right ,故填 belongs。4. visitors 解析:考查名词复数。根据语境可知,网站让游客来参加活动,游客不止一5个,且空前没有冠词修饰,故填visitors 。5.the解析:考查冠词。the number of.是固定搭配, 表示的数量”。6.absolutely 解析:考查副词。帮助那些不能阅读的人是完全有必要的。7.whoever解析:考查宾语从句。是开始为任何可能喜欢的人大声朗读的时候了。whoever引导宾语从句且在从句中作主语。& to解析:考查介词。当他们与你分享时,你要耐心地倾听某人的故事。lis

24、ten to 是固定搭配。9.and 解析:考查连词。根据语境和句子成分可知,前后表示并列关系。10.differenee 解析:考查名词。make adifferenee有作用”,根据空前的冠词可知, 此处应用所给词的名词形式。IV短文改错When I was in the Grade One , I was terrible poor in English.Be sleepy in class wasone of the reasons why I rarely did well in sehool.Onee I even failed in a midterm exam.While I got thepapers , I realized that things would be better if I listened to the teacher attentively.My teacher told me, “ Yesterday is history.Today is agift .Ifyou bury you in En


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