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1、目录 TOC o "1-3" h z u 第一篇面试概述- 1 -一、 全面把握教师招聘面试考试- 1 -(一) 概述- 1 -(二) 面试流程- 1 -(三) 面试测评要素- 1 -二、 面试礼仪- 2 -(一) 教师形象- 3 -(二) 教师礼仪- 3 -(三) 教师语言- 4 -三、面试现场模拟- 5 -第二篇说课- 7 -一、 说课概述- 7 -(一)概念:什么是说课?- 7 -(二) 说课及试讲的区别- 7 -(三)说课的两个层次:- 7 -(四)说课的三个模块:- 7 -(五)说课评价标准- 7 -(六)说课中要注意几个问题:- 7 -(七)说课小技巧- 7 -

2、二、说课的基本程序- 8 -(一) 说教材- 8 -(二) 说学情- 11 -(三) 说教法- 12 -(四) 说学法- 13 -(五) 说教学过程- 14 -(六) 说板书设计- 16 -第三篇试讲- 20 -一、 试讲概述- 20 -(一)模拟课堂及常规课堂的区别- 20 -(二)模拟试讲考核主要内容- 20 -(三)怎样进行试讲?- 20 -(四)试讲注意事项:- 20 -(五) 时间安排- 21 -(六)课堂教学测试的分值比例- 21 -二、 教学技能- 21 -(一) 导入技能- 21 -(二) 活动设计技能- 22 -(三) 提问技能- 24 -(四) 结课技能- 25 -(五)

3、布置作业技能- 26 -(六)板书技能- 26 -(七) 临场应变技能- 26 -(八)课堂用语- 26 -三、教案写作- 27 -(一)什么是教案写作?- 27 -(二) 教案编写要求- 28 -(三)教案内容- 28 -第四篇面试答辩- 34 -一、 面试答辩概述- 34 -(一)面试答辩测评要素- 34 -(二)答题原则及技巧- 34 -(三)语言沟通技巧:- 34 -(四)发表意见技巧:- 34 -(五)语言沟通技巧:- 34 -(六)掌握答辩技巧,注重答辩方法:- 35 -(七)答题禁忌:- 35 -二、面试答辩试题类型及作答- 35 -(一)三个层面- 35 -(二) 教育基础理论

4、- 37 -(三) 学科专业知识- 38 -(四)教育时事- 39 -(一)“三有”:有观点、有逻辑、有表达- 39 -(二)制胜方略:- 39 -终结篇考前注意事项- 41 -一、 总结及回顾- 41 -二、考前注意事项- 41 -第 - 80 - 页第一篇 面试概述1、 全面把握教师招聘面试考试(1) 概述教师招聘面试是测查和评价应聘教师岗位能力素质的一种考试活动,是一种经过组织者精心设计,在特定场景下,以考官对考生的面对面交谈及观察为主要手段,由表及里测评考生的知识、能力、经验等有关素质的一种考试活动。(2) 面试流程面试通知报到和抽签排序抽题及准备(30-60分钟)试讲/说课和答辩(约

5、1520分钟)其他(演讲、主题班会)打分和成绩确认(3) 面试测评要素 面试过程中,评委测评的要素主要有教师仪表仪态、语言表达能力、专业知识、教育理论知识、课堂控制能力、综合分析能力、沟通协调能力、应急应变能力、自我控制能力及情绪稳定性、工作态度、进取心、求职动机等。 下表为某地面试测评要素及评分表。表1 某地面试测评要素及评分表测评要素评价标准分值得分仪表仪态1、精神饱满2、举止得体3、衣着整洁、大方4、五官端正10口语表达1、普通话标准2、语言表达清晰、流畅3、善于倾听、交流20心理素质1、具有较好的情绪调控能力2、理解他人、能够了解和体会他人的感受3、具有较好的环境适应能力15专业知识能

6、力1、专业基础知识2、粉笔字书写规范、流利3、多媒体操作熟练30职业理解1、热在教育事业、责任心强、有正确的教育观2、对学生具有爱心、耐心、具有正确的职业观、师生观3、将教育事业作为自己的职业追求25总分1002、 面试礼仪礼仪三原则:尊重考试 考生展现职业化形象 教师勿让考官烦 被观测者(1) 教师形象1. 着装社会评价教师服饰的基本尺度及学校教育教学环境的要求:(1)整洁:整齐、干净无异味、无异物粘附。(2)素雅:色彩不俗艳,不杂乱,款型端正。(3)自然大方:和谐而得体,自然而朴实。男士着装要求:西服: 上下颜色一致,深色为宜,熨烫平整衬衫: 避免亮色和突出图案,掖入裤腰领带: 避免亮色和

7、突出的图案袜子: 深色袜子,避免穿浅色球袜丝袜鞋子: 鞋面干净,及西服相配饰物:最好避免佩戴除手表之外的饰品提包:颜色搭配,黑棕等深色为宜女士着装要求:裙装: 避免穿背心、吊带衫,长度不高过膝盖15厘米上衣: 简单大方,忌穿无袖、透明装鞋子: 及衣服、手袋相配,低跟或中跟、干净,忌穿拖鞋袜 子: 避免图案过于复杂,肉色丝袜首 饰: 简单、大方、一致手提包: 颜色不要过于鲜艳,前卫注意事项:忌穿:牛仔裤, 短裤, T恤, 运动鞋, 拖鞋2. 仪容头发: 干净, 整洁, 适时梳洗,发型大方得体。男士前发不覆额,侧发不掩耳,后发不及领;女士前发不遮眼,侧发不掩眼,不染彩色发。手: 手和指甲保持清洁,

8、不染彩甲,不留长指甲。女士可以使用透明或传统的指甲油。嘴: 面试前请刷牙(或使用漱口水,口香糖),确保口腔没有异味。香水: 可选. 如果要用,避免太浓。(2) 教师礼仪1.静态礼仪(1)站姿站姿挺拔、轻松、自然 教师在面试过程中表现得最多的姿势就是站姿。良好的站姿能衬托出美好的气度和潇洒的风度。正确站姿的基本要求是: 抬头、双目向前平视,面带微笑。 胸腹距离拉长,双臂自然下垂,或相搭放置腹前。 躯干挺直,身体重心在两腿中间,不偏左也不偏右,两腿直立。男士自然开列,女士双膝靠拢,做到挺胸、收腹、立腰。不良的站姿:站立时缩脖、塌腰、耸肩;双手放在兜里或插在腰间;懒散,手臂环抱, 将两手插

9、入口袋等。(2) 坐姿坐姿端正、文雅、自如。正确的坐姿给人一种安祥庄重的印象。基本要求:入坐时要轻要稳,双肩平正放松,上身自然挺直。女士双膝靠拢,男士双腿自然开列。女子入座前若是裙装,应用手稍拢一下。坐在椅子上,应坐椅子的1/3或1/2,脊背挺直。  谈话时,身体不东倒西歪,不前倾后仰。上体及腿可以同时侧向对方。不良坐姿:两腿过分地叉开或长长地伸出去;跷起二郎腿;懒散的坐在椅子里,将双手放于臀下;腿脚经常抖动等。2. 动态礼仪面部: 真诚的微笑表示友好; 适当的点头表示理解,不要皱眉,扮鬼脸,吐舌头。手: 不要玩弄粉笔, 衣服, 敲击桌子。说课过程中手势不要太多。目光:目光

10、要坦然亲切,及人交谈时,目光应该注视对方,不要躲闪或游移不定。 目光注视对方眼睛到下巴之间的区域。 有一组人时, 和每个人都要有目光接触。步态从容、平稳、轻盈、充满自信   正确的步态给人一种自信稳重的印象。正确的步态要求是:   双目平视,面带微笑,跨步均匀,上身挺直,步伐稳健有节奏感。   双膝靠近,两腿的内侧落地时轨迹近于一条直线。 不正确的步态:用脚蹭地面;手插裤兜走路;左顾右盼;大摇大摆或左右摇晃。(3) 教师语言1.基本原则教师语言:诚恳、大方、平等、谨慎、朴实.使用低声,语调柔和,速度适中,抑扬顿挫,吐字清晰。2.交谈的

11、礼貌用语 (1)问候语:“您好”、“早上好”、“晚安”、“老师早”等。 (2)感谢语:“麻烦您了”、“非常感谢”、“您辛苦了”等。 (3)道歉语:“对不起,打断一下”、“对不起,让您久等了”、“抱歉”等。 (4)请字句:“请您留步”、“请问”等。3. 交谈中应注意的问题  (1)在交谈中不要涉及对方的“隐私区”和“敏感区”,以免引起不快。 (2)在长辈、师长面前不可以指手划脚。  (3)在交流中既不要过分谦卑,也不应趾高气扬,目空一切三、面试现场模拟开场礼仪:1.进门:敲门,开门,关门2.“走台”3.打招呼,开场白过程礼仪:4.语言表达(音量、语音、语调)5.身体语言(表情

12、、目光、手势)6.板书(内容、排版、书写)结束礼仪7.离开:感谢,结束语,道别,关门开场语示范各位评委老师:XX(时间段)好! (鞠躬)我是来应聘XX(学段)XX(科目)/XX组的XX号考生。今天,我说课/试讲的题目(/内容)是:。我的讲课完毕(/以上就是我的讲课内容),谢谢各位评委老师!(鞠躬,擦黑板,位移,关门)如报错时间,随机应变:各位老师上午好!下午更好!英语开场语示范Good morning, teachers:Im the candidate No.X applying for the primary/middle school English teacher. Today my

13、topic is _. Now I'll begin my class.第二篇 说课1、 说课概述(一)概念:什么是说课? 教师在备课基础上,在授课前面对领导、同行或评委主要用口头语言讲解具体课题的教学设想及其依据的一种教研活动。作用:考评教师的学科专业知识、教材分析能力、教学设计能力、语言表达能力、对教育理论的实际应用能力等(2) 说课及试讲的区别1.目的:试讲:上好一堂课 说课:检验教学设计情况 2.内容:试讲:教什么、怎么教 说课:教什么、怎么教和为何教3.对象:试讲:学生 说课:同行、专家4.方法:试讲:直接面授 说课:间接叙述(三)说课的两个层次:1.教及学:教材教法、学法、

14、程序、板书2.教及学的依据:学情分析、教育理论(四)说课的三个模块:1.教什么 内容(教学目标、重难点)2.怎么教 方法(媒介手段、程序)3.为什么这么教 依据(课标、教育理论)(五)说课评价标准说教学过程 60%说教法、学法 20%说教材 10%说板书设计 10&(六)说课中要注意几个问题:1.说课整体要流畅,不要作报告式,如“许多123”,几个环节过渡要自然。2.说课要有层次感,不要面面俱到,不要将说课说得很细,我们要说的都是一些教学预案,所以要多谈谈学生学习中可能碰到的困难和教师的教学策略。3.说课要自信,要富有激情和个性。既然是说课,说的成分很重要。最好能说的神采飞扬,激情澎湃

15、感染听众。同时要针对自身扬长避短,体现个性。(七)说课小技巧1.要在说课前准备好各种课型的框架。包含目标框架、理论框架等等。2.要合理安排好时间。目标一般23分钟要确定下来,重点去考虑教学设计的框架,以纲要的形式写下来。3.如果遇到不熟悉的教材怎么办?这时你首先要吃准教材,目标不要定错。回想同种课型的课通常处理方式,可进行套用。4.说课是课前的预案,不是课后的反思性说课,想象的空间较大,所以可以将课堂设计得精美。二、说课的基本程序说课的基本程序:1.说教材2.说学情3.说教法4.说学法5.说教学过程6.说板书设计Part 1Analysis of teaching material 1/ st

16、atus and function 2/ Teaching aims 3/ Teaching keys and difficult pointsPart 2 Analysis of Students Part 3 Teaching methods Part 4 Learning methods Part 5 Teaching proceduresPart 6 Blackboard design 开场语示范完整版:Its my great honor to present my lesson here. To make my presentation much clearer, Ill desc

17、ribe my thoughts in the following 6 aspects: analysis of teaching material, analysis of students, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one. (1) 说教材1. 说教材地位及作用:三个方面 分析教材整体把握:(1)把握整个学段教材(2)把握一册教材(3)把握一个单元的教材(4)把握一篇文章或一节教材对

18、于教材掌握的建议和要求:(1)认真、用心读教材、教参(至少1遍),让自己感动和心动;找到学生理解上的问题;分析学生到底需要什么;能给予学生什么等。(2)先阅读整个单元,不孤立看一篇课文,找到整个单元的教学重点和相似点,发现内在的知识结构。教材分析包括: 地位:教材的地理位置(教材版本、学段、单元中的位置) Eg.This topic is the first period of unit 4 in book 5 PEP 内容:本节的主要内容简介 Eg. This text is about ./The content is./The main idea is. 作用:本节内容的亮点/本节及前后

19、章节间的联系 Eg. This is an important lesson in this book. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and wr

20、iting. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.例1:What can you do(Book5 Unit4,PEP)This topic is the first period of unit 4 in book 5 PEP ,the content is close to the students' real life ,let the students learn happily and easily. This course's main idea is

21、 cultivating the students' quality of loving labour and protecting environment .例2:Dealing with trouble(Oxford English 8A,SEP) Im going to talk about the reading part of chapter 3 from Oxford English 8A, Shanghai Education Press. This text is about a diary of a boy, which content is focused on h

22、ow the boysfather dealt with a trouble. This kind of topic is related to Ss daily life, so the Ss will love to read the dairy and desire to speak out their ideas. Thats say, the text offer a good chance for Ss to improve reading skills and their spoken English. 2 说教学目标:三个维度知识及技能:各语言点的认知要求。(了解、理解、掌握、

23、运用)knowledge & skill /Knowledge object:learn,understand,grasp,applya. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases:Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn intob. Get the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern:If the populati

24、on keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room leftc. Students will be able to grasp five new words:d. Students will learn how to use three important sentence structures to ask and answer questions about : e. grasping the phrases/learning the sentence pattern,and using it to.f. grasp

25、the general idea of the whole passage and be able to retell the main idea of the passage过程及方法:学生在听、说、读、写诸方面运用所学基本知识和技能的能力。(通过体验/探索/感知)process & method /Ability object:experience/explore/discover.by .a. Ask the Ss to make up a similar dialogue.b. Help them to understand the dialogue better and im

26、prove the four skills.c. Develop their ability of thinking independently.d. Cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.e. Train them to collect information from the Internet.f. Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize Ss learning results.h.Students will streng

27、then their independent living abilities and form a reasonable and scientific living habit.i.fostering ss' observation competence, thinking ability, and self-study ability.情感态度及价值观:即德育目标,结合所学内容,落实思想教育、学科德育等方面的目标,同时还包括对学生端正学习目的、态度和人生观,培养学习毅力和科学思维等方面的内容。 (体会感情;产生共鸣;培养精神;陶冶情操)emotion & attitude

28、&values /Emotional object:promote, arouse, form, cultivate, foster.a. Arouse their interest in learning English;b.Help them to understand the background of pollution.c. Enable the students to love our earth and the nature.d. Be aware of the importance of stopping pollution & protecting out e

29、nvironment.e. Encourage the Ss to do something to save the earth.f.Students will promote their interest of learning English.g.Students will learn to treasure the time and make good use of it.h.arousing students' learning interest ,and helping the ss form the good habits of . team cooperation i.u

30、ltivate Ss awareness to . and to help Ssto realize the important of ., try to learn how to教学目标表述方法:对象、行为、条件、标准例: a 在老师的提示下,学生能理解地读出本课的五个生词的意思。(正确) b 让学生理解课文的主要内容。(错误)例1:What can you do(Book5 Unit4,PEP) Based on the new curriculum standard ,the teaching objects are: Knowledge object is grasping the p

31、hrases, sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the bedroom, water the flowers, empty the trash .and learning the sentence pattern "what can you do ? I can .,using it to introduce housework that he can do. Ability object is fostering students' form the observation competence, thinking abilit

32、y,and self-study ability .Emotional object is arousing students' learning interest, and helping the students form the good habits of paying attention to hygiene and Loving of labour, they can finish the work in team cooperation. 例2:What are you doing for vacation?(Grade8 Unit3,PEP) Knowledge Obj

33、ect :In this unit students learn to talk about future plans.and learn some key vocabulary: camping, visiting and so on . Use the Present progressive as future in the daily life . Ability Object :To train the students' ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. and ability of making fut

34、ure plans. Moral Object:students know the truth "You can't work efficiently if you don't have a good rest.""Making a good vacation plan can make your trip happy."3 说教学重点、难点:三种确定方式教学重点:教学重点是指有共性、有重要价值(包括认知价值、迁移价值和情感价值)的内容。教学难点:学生难于理解和掌握的内容:(1)学生没有知识基础或者知识基础很薄弱;(2)学生原有的经验是错

35、误的;(3)内容学习需要转换思维视角(如从宏观到微观)快速准确确定技巧三个方面(1)课题(2)课后练习(3)文中高频词汇其它方法:所在章节总体介绍;参考资料; 知识及技能为重点,过程及方法及情感态度及价值观为难点教学重点和难点具有不同的性质。难点具有暂时性和相对性。而重点一般都具有一定的稳定性和长期性。Teaching important points: help the students master the key vocabulary, understand and use the target language , master the usage of the different f

36、orms of “be” in the target language.The study of five new words: time, clock, breakfast, lunch, supper.Learn to use three important sentences to communicate with each other, asking and answering questions about the time.Based on the objectives, I make the teaching key points and difficult points as

37、follow.Teaching key points include the vocabulary and some phrases, such as .Teaching difficult points:help the students use the target language to talk about the future activities.Help the students to pronounce the word "breakfast" and to grasp the use of three sentence structures.While t

38、he teaching difficult points are to retell the story with the help of some key words, to write a dairy with the simple . tense.例1:What are you doing for vacation?(Grade8 Unit3,PEP) According to the teaching material and the students' characteristic , I think the key points are helping the studen

39、ts master the key vocabulary, understand and use the target language , master the usage of the different forms of “be” in the target language.The difficult points are helping the students use the target language to talk about the future activities (2) 说学情分析学生的知识层次、能力水平、学习方法、学习习惯、生理及心理特征等方面的现状,学生在教学中

40、可能出现的问题及其解决方式等。说学情包括两个方面: 1 知识和能力:已有知识和能力,尚欠缺的知识和能力(已知、未知) 2 心理特征:优势、不足(能知、想知、怎知)说学情模板:对于 XX 年级的学生来说,他们对 XX 知识有了一定积累,但对于 XX 知识有待加强,学生 XX 能力还需要提高。这一年级的学生思维活跃,求知欲及好奇心强,处于XX思维阶段(小学主要是形象思维;初中出现了抽象思维,需要感性经验辅助;高中主要处于抽象思维),但(理解能力/感知能力/生活经验)不足,可能难于理解所学内容,这都将成为我组织教学过程的考虑因素。各学段说学情模板:四年级学生思维活跃,求知欲强,喜欢动手、动脑。有很强

41、的好奇心和探索欲望。因此在教学中我抓住这些特点让他们通过动眼观察、动手操作、动脑分析归纳等来理解所学知识。初三学生已具备一定的小说常识和自学能力,感性认识较强,但理性分析不足。本文内容生动、语言形象,初中学生容易被其情节和语言所吸引,而忽略对思想性和艺术性的分析。The pupils of grade two are very active, and have curiosity about new knowledge. Besides, they are willing to play games under the teachers guidance, but their abstract

42、 thinking abilities are still not fully developed. Before this lesson, the students have already learned the number from 1 to 20, and theyre also familiar with time through the daily life, but they are not quite familiar with the five new words.Students in grade 5 have studied english at least more

43、than two years, and they've had certain skills in english. They are eager to learn, eager to show and their abstract thinking is developing . what's more they are forming the ability to explore english konwledge and skills with some tools such as pictures, radios, dictionaries.Students of Ju

44、nior 1 grade have strong interest in English study, they have a definite English learning motivation and active learning attitude. Besides, they own the ability to complete tasks by cooperating with each other. What's more, their abstract thinking ability is not fully developped, while their ima

45、ge thinking ability is comparatively strong. Their attention can be scattered easily. (3) 说教法具体要求说出:1.为完成本课时的教学目的和教学内容所采用的教学方法及理论依据是什么,为什么2.采用什么样的方法讲清重点、突破难点和抓住关键怎么做3.如何发挥教师的主导作用和学生学习的积极性,以及采用什么方法、怎样创造条件使学生能主动参及学习的过程新课标常用的英语教学方法:任务型教学法Task based teaching method交际法Communicative method情景教学法Situational

46、 teaching method全身反应法TPR method视听法Audio-visual method例1:According to the students physiological and psychological characteristics,I will adopt task-based language teaching method, TPR method and the situational approach to improve the students enthusiasm,design a variety of activities , make the stu

47、dents learn to play and play to learn .例2:As we know, its the best way for the junior students to learn English mainly by tasks. So with the help of the multi-media and balckboard, Ill use the task-based teaching approach together with the communicative teaching method ,the situational teaching meth

48、od , competition method and audio-visual methods. 一法为主,多法配合:选择何种教学方法,关键在于教师对教材特点和学生认知规律的把握,但无论采用什么样的方法,都要始终贯彻“具有启发性”、“突出主体性”、“注重思维品质”的原则。(4) 说学法 学法即学习指导方法。即采用什么方法和措施让学生爱学、学会、会学,其目的是引导学生会学。具体要求说出:1通过何种途径培养和激发学生的学习兴趣(调动优秀学生的积极思维和激发较差学生的学习兴趣)2采用什么方式训练和培养学生的哪些学习习惯和学习方法,培养学生哪些能力3采用什么方法指导学生学习。掌握何种职业技能和学科研

49、究方法主动探究、合作交流: 教师的说课过程中要体现以学生为主体,充分发挥学生在学习活动中的作用、调动学生的学习积极性。在最大程度上体现课改精神教师是课堂教学的组织者、引导者、参及者、启发者。常用的英语学习方法:自主学习法Autonomous Learning合作学习法Cooperative Learning探究式学习法 Researched learning例1:The students can get comprehensive language using skills by autonomic learning, cooperating, exploring, etc. The lear

50、ning Methods of this class are Pair work, Group work , Individual work and discussion. With these methods, it can make the class active and stimulate Ss enthusiasms.例2:according to the new curriculum standard and the situation of students, in this class, i will mainly use task-based instruction stud

51、ents will work in pairs and in groups to explore the comparatives changing rules, and the relative sentence pattern.例3:What are you doing for vacation?(Grade8 Unit3,PEP) Thirdly ,I will talk about the teaching methods and learning methodsAs we all know,the main instructional aims of learning English

52、 in the Middle School is to cultivate students abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson Ill mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, Ill let t

53、he Ss to get a better understanding of the target language. Ill give the Ss some tasks and arrange six kinds of activities: watching CAI, writing some activities, listening, make conversations, listening practice and group activities.(教法)At the same time,the students will pass “ObservationImitationP

54、ractice” to study language,study English language by Communication.(学法)During the teaching process , Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, ppt and school things will be needed. (教具)(5) 说教学过程整体的思路及环节每个环节的逐个介绍(重难点的突破)先介绍步骤的进行,再介绍为何这样做注意师生活动衔接语:OK, so much for the teaching methods and learning methods.

55、Next comes my most important part, the teaching procedures. Based on Students' physiological and psychological characteristics,In the class ,I will stick to the theory " the students are the master in the class ,and the teachers act as the director "“Learning by doing,learning by using

56、”"Learn to play, play to learn " I design the following procedures . 教学基本环节:热身 warm up导入 lead in新授 presentation巩固练习 practice 小结 summary布置作业 homework对话课教学过程: Step 1 warm up /lead in Step 2 presentation Step 3 practice Step 4 summary Step 5 homework PPP式教学过程: Step 1 lead in Step 2 presentation Step 3 practice Step 4 production Step 5 homework阅读课教学过程: Step 1 lead in Step 2 pre


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