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1、2018 年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试英语试卷考生注意 : 1.本卷有 7 大题,共 94小题2.试卷满分 150 分。考试时间 100分钟。3.全部试题均采用连续编号。请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不给分。part i listening( 第一部分听力) 1. listening comprehension( 听力理解 )(共 30 分) a. listen and choose the right picture( 根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6 分) 1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_6、_ 答案:1-6 d b a e g f解析:1. alice is al

2、ways active in math lessons. 2. we must wear seatbelts when we travel by car. 3. nowadays it is popular to make cookies at home. 4. the pretty clothes in the s hop caught helen s eye.5. cycling is good exercise, isn t it?6. jane and her daughter are having a good time in the swimming pool. 考点分析: 图片配

3、对题,听句子选择恰当的图片。a b c d e f g h b. listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear( 根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8 分) 7. a)apple. b)banana. c) orange. d)pear. 答案: c 解析:m: wow, so many apples here, they are my favorite. w: yes, apples are good, but i like oranges best. q: what is th

4、e woman s favorite fruit?考点分析: 偏爱和优先选择,根据问题,本题主要侧重女生的表述内容。8.a)at8:45. b)at 9:00. c)at9:15. d)at 9:00. 答案: b 解析:w: when will the foreign students arrive at our school tomorrow? m: at 9 0 clock in the morning, and the welcome party will start at 9:15 q: when will the foreign students arrive? 考点分析: 时间,

5、本题有一个混淆项,应根据问题确定答案。9. a)by bus. b)by bike. c) by car. d)by underground. 答案: d 解析:w: are we driving to the century park, tony? m: well, it s difficult to find a parking space there, let s take the underground? q: how will they go to the century park? 考点分析: 交通运输方式,本题的driving to the century park是混淆项,应选

6、择take the underground。10. a)rainy. b) cloudy. c)sunny. d )windy. 答案: a 解析:m: what a day! it s raining again.w: yes, it is. it has rained for the whole week. hope it will be sunny tomorrow. q: how s the weather today? 考点分析: 谈论天气,注意提问的是今天的天气。11. a)visit his uncle. b)visit his classmates. c) go to lond

7、on. d) go to a language camp. 答案: a 解析:w: hey, john, any plan for the summer holiday? m: i m going to visit my uncle in beijing. what about you? w: i ll go to a language camp in london with my classmates. q: what will john do in the summer holiday? 考点分析: 意愿和打算,注意提问的是john的假期计划。12. a)in a store. b)at

8、home. c) at the cinema. d)in a restaurant. 答案: b 解析:w: tom, go to the store downstairs and get some salt for me, i m busy cooking.m: ok, mom. i ll go right away.q: where does this dialogue probably take place? 考点分析: 场景推断题,根据i m busy cooking. 可知应选 b。13.a) husband and wife. b) doctor and patient. c)sh

9、op assistant and customer. d)teacher and student. 答案: c 解析:w: this pair of shoes looks perfect on you, sir? m: thanks. mm, but it s a little bigger. w: ok, try on this pair, please. size 41. q: what s the probable relationship between the two speakers? 考点分析: 人物关系推断题,根据对鞋的试穿可知,应选c。14. a) talk to lucy

10、. b)go to the supermarket. c) eat more. d)lose some weight. 答案: d 解析:m: i happened to meet your sister lucy in the supermarket. she didn t recognize me at first. w: it s not surprising. you put on too much weight recently. it s time for you to do something. q: what does the woman suggest the man do?

11、 考点分析: 卫生与健康,信息判断题,此题要注意女士的表述。c. listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false 下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用 “t”表示 ,不符合的用 “f”表示 )(6 分) 15. mary has just become a college student. 16. simon doesn t enjoy classroom discussions.17. mary has nothing interesting to do after c

12、lass. 18. simon will volunteer for an international exhibition in shanghai. 19. mary and simon will go to shanghai together in five months. 20. simon gives mary some suggestions about how to choose a job in china. 答案:t f t t f f解析:m: hello my name is simon, are you a new student? w: yes, i am. my na

13、me is mary. nice to meet you. m: nice to meet you too. i have studied in this college for two years. how do you like your college life? w: it is wonderful. and i am really enjoying the courses. m: me too. i think the courses are very interesting. the teachers are excellent. and i love classroom disc

14、ussions. we can express our own feelings freely. that s lots of fun. w: yes, exactly. but i cannot find anything interesting to do after class. m: you can join some clubs and i think you can also do some volunteer work. i have joined the volunteer organization. i will work as a volunteer for an inte

15、rnational exhibition. it will be in shanghai, china. w: oh really? that sounds great. by the way, when are you leaving? m: in five months. the city of shanghai looks so attractive on tv. i have always wanted to visit it. w: me too. i hope i will have a chance to go there in the future. wish you good

16、 luck in china. m: thank you. 考点分析: 对话理解,判断正误。这是一段迎接新生的对话,对话内容包括:问候和介绍-校园生活情感叙述(积极& 消极) -建议 -亲身经历介绍-祝愿等。考生在对话前,应对所给句子的大意有一个初步理解,以便在听的过程中迅速做出判断。d. listen to the passage and complete the following sentences( 听短文 ,完成下列内容。 每空格限填一词)(10分) 21. kitty wanted to plant a _ _with beautiful flowers for mums

17、birthday. 22. dad found that the flowers were _ _. they were plastic. 23. dad went to mr. white _ _some flower seeds. 24. kitty and dad worked for _ _ before mum came back. 25. after mum heard the _ _ she was moved to tears. 答案:21.little garden 22.not real 23.to borrow 24.3 hours 25.whole story解析:ki

18、tty s family had just moved to a new house. it was their first spring there. kitty was very excited because it was mum s birthday today. she wanted to plant a little garden with a lot of beautiful flowersfor mum as a birthday present. so she went to a flower shop and bought some flowers with all her

19、 pocket money. when dad saw the flowers he laughed because they were not real. they were plastic! dad told kitty they couldn t plant plastic flowers in the garden because they wouldn t grow. kitty was so sad and she started to cry. moments later, dad got a good idea. he went to his friend mr. white

20、to borrow some flower seeds . with the seeds, they started their work. they planted the seeds and put the plastic flowers above them. they worked in the garden for three hours . when mum got back she was surprised to see the plastic flowers in the garden. but after hearing the whole story, she was m

21、oved to tears by the special present. it was a present full of love. 考点分析: 信息转化,书面填空题。本文描述了一个生活故事,小女孩kitty 想要在小花园种上花,作为送给妈妈的生日礼物,但却花光积蓄买了塑料花,正当kitty 伤心时,父亲想出了注意,在朋友mr. white 处借来花种,并和kitty 一起工作3 小时,完成女孩的心愿。这是一份特殊的生日礼物。part 2 phonetics, grammar and vocabulary 第二部分语语音、语法和词汇ii. choose the best answer(选择

22、最恰当的答案)(共 20 分) 26, which of the following underlined parts is diferent in pronunciation?a) back b) chat c) hate d) taxi 答案: c 解析: 选项对比: a b?k b t? ?t c he ? t d t?ks ? 根 据 对 比 可 知a b d 中 元 音 字 母 a 都 读? ,故选 c。考点分析:音素语音的考查。27. hurry up! the concert will begin in_ minute. a) a b) an c)the d)/ 答案: a 解析

23、: 句意:快点,音乐会马上就要开始了。in a minute 固定词组,马上、立刻,故选a。考点分析:介词短语的考查。28.my father is a good doctor. _works hard to help his patients. a) he b)him c)his d)himself 答案: a 解析: 句意:我父亲是一位好医生,他努力工作以帮助病人。此处待会父亲,做句子主语,故选a。考点分析:代词-人称代词 -宾格29. karen and lily will go to russia to watch the 2018 world cup_july. a) on b)in

24、 c)at d)of 答案: b 解析: 句意: karen 和 lily 打算在七月去俄罗斯看2018 年世界杯。介词表示时间,月份前应用in,故选 b。考点分析:介词-时间介词。30. peter spent half a day fishing by the river,_he didnt catch anything. a)so b)or c)for d)but 答案: d 解析:句意: 彼得钓了一天的鱼,却什么也没钓着。根据句意可知,上下两句之间是转折关系,故选d。考点分析:连词-并列连词。31. catherine has two cousins. one is quiet, an

25、d_is noisy. a)another b)the other c)other d) others 答案: b 解析: 句意: catherine 有两个表姐妹, 一个安静, 另一个吵闹。 onethe other 表示两个中的: 一个 另一个 ,故选 b。考点分析:代词-不定代词。32. the bridge between the two islands is _ one in shanghai. a)long b) longer c)longest d)the longest 答案: d 解析: 句意:这 两个岛之间的桥是全上海最长的桥。根据句意可知,是形容词的最高级,故选 d 。考

26、点分析:形容词的最高级,注意,形容词最高级前要加the。33. frank is an independent boy. his parents are proud _ him. a) on b)to c) in d)of 答案: d 解析:句意:frank 是一个独立的男生,他的父母以他为傲。be proud of 固定词组,故选d。考点分析:形容词短语。34. -must i do the project on my own? -no, you_.you can work with your classmates. a)needn t b)can t c)shouldn t d)mustn

27、 t答案: a 解析: 句意:我必须独自做这个项目吗?-不必,你可以和同学一块做。must 的一般疑问句,否定回答时用need。故选 a. 考点分析:情态动词的考查。35. michael_in a school in yunnan from february to june next year. a) teach b)taught c)will teach d)was teaching 答案: c 解析: 句意: michael 将会在明年2 月到 6 月在云南的学校教学。next year 明显的一般将来时态,故选 c。考点分析:时态-一般将来时。36. mr black walked a

28、round and offered help_we were doing an experiment. a)while b)although c)until d)unless 答案: a 解析: 句意: mr black 在我们做实验的时候在我们身边走来走去提供帮助。选项对比: a 当的时候;b 虽然; c 直到; d 除非;根据句意可知和选项对比可知,应选择时间状语,故选a。考点分析:连词-从事连词 -时间从属连词。37. old mr. green doesnt feel_because some students visit him regularly. a)sadly b)gently

29、 c) lonely d)angrily 答案: c 解析: 句意: 林老先生并不觉得的孤独因为他的学生们会定期来拜访他。选项对比: a伤心地; b 有礼貌地; c 孤独的; d生气地;根据句意及选项对比可知,应选择形容词孤独的,故选c。考点分析:形容词和副词辨析。38. the film operation red sea_a lot of praise since its first show months ago. a)wins b)win c)will win d)has won 答案: d 解析: 句意:电影operation red sea(红海行动)自几月前第一次上映以来赢得了许

30、多赞誉。since its first show months ago 是现在完成时态的标志,故选d。考点分析:时态-现在完成时态。39. mr. zhou is good at cooking and he has decided_his own restaurant. a)open b)opened c)to open d) opening 答案: c 解析: 句意: 周先生擅长烹饪,他已经决定开一家自己的餐馆。决定做某事: decide to do sth. 故选 c。考点分析:非谓语动词-动词不定式短语。40. the debate on whether to keep pets_fo

31、rty minutes yesterday afternoon. a)last b)lasted c)will last d)has lasted 答案: b 解析: 句意:关于是否养宠物的辩论昨天下午持续了40 分钟。yesterday afternoon 明显的过去式标志,故选 b。考点分析:时态-一般过去时。41. sue practises_the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances. a)play b)played c)to play d)playing 答案: d 解析: 句意: sue 努力练习拉小提琴并经常做精彩

32、演出。practise doing sth.故选 d。考点分析:非谓语动词-动名词短语。42. the self-driving plane proves to be useful in many ways._smart invention it is! a)what b)what a c)what an d) how 答案: b 解析: 句意:无人驾驶飞机在各方面证明是有用的,多么巧妙的发明!what a/an+形容词 +名词 +主谓语!中心词invention 为可数名词, smart 是以辅音音素引出的单词,故选b。考点分析:感叹句的构成。43. please_the rubbish i

33、nto diferent litter bins according to the signs. a)puts b)put c)putting d) to put 答案: b 解析: 句意:请按标志将垃圾放入不同的垃圾箱。祈使句以动词原形开头,故选b。考点分析:祈使句的构成。44. -im awfully sorry for bringing you so much trouble. - _ a)never mind. b)its a pleasure. c)of course not. d)you are welcome 答案: a 解析: 句意:非常抱歉给你添了这么多麻烦- 没关系。选项对

34、比:a没关系; b 乐意效劳; c 当然不; d不客气;根据句意及选项分析可知,应选a。考点分析:日常用语考查。45.-_ - thats a good idea. a)ive got the first prize in the english speech contest. b)id like to invite you to my birthday party tomorow. c)shall we go to the farm to pick peaches this weekend? d)would you mind opening the window a bit more? 答案

35、: c 解析: 根据答语“真是个好主意”可知,上句应为提出建议,故选c。考点分析:日常用语考查。ill. complete the following passage with the words in the box. each can be used only once(将下列词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共 8 分) a)downstairs b )discovered c)answered d)invitation e)advantage everything went black! all the lights in our flat turned off, incl

36、uding the tv. mum took out the candles and dad went to see what was going on. one_ 46_ of living in a tall building is that you always have help nearby. so i went to our next-door neighbour, mr.smith. with a candle in his hand, mr. smith_ 47_the door. uh-oh! he didn t have lights, either. i _ 48_ th

37、at all the buildings in our neighbourhood were dark. our neighbours went _ 49_ and began chatting outside. they were not worried at all. 答案: 46-49 e c b a解析: 选项分析: a 楼下; b 发现; c 回答; d 邀请; e 好处;46:住在高楼的好处就是你总能就近得到帮助。47:mr. smith 来开门。 answer the door, 应门,开门迎客。48:我发现我们小区整栋楼都一片漆黑。49:邻居们都到楼下聊天。go ( went)

38、downstairs. 到楼下a)event b)cause c)correctly d)frightening e)suddenly then we heard a _ 50_ sound after a bright flash of lightning. it started to rain heavily in no time. in order to get some information, mr smith turned on the battery-powered radio. the weatherman said that the storm was the _ 51_ o

39、f all the problems. it hit a tower at the power station before the first flash of lightning. that was the reason why the lights_ 52_went out before the rain came. finally, the lights came back. we cheered loudly. the _ 53_ made it possible for the neighbours to have a chance to be together. 答案:50-53

40、 d b e a解析: 选项分析: a 事件; b 原因; c 正确地; d 令人恐惧的; e 突然地;50: 然后我们在耀眼的闪电后听到一个可怕的声音。51:天气预报员说暴风雨是一切问题的起因。52:那就是问什么在雨前灯突然熄灭的原因。53:这种事使邻居们有机会待在一起成为可能。考点分析:选词填空,根据段楼及句子意思选择适当的词填空。iv. complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共 8 分) 54. my cousin likes to co

41、llect _in his spare time. (stamp) 55. look! the_lady from the left in the photo is my favourite teacher. (six) 56. jessie cooked a meal for her big family by_on new years eve. (she) 57. shirley is an early bird. it was_for her to be late for school today.(usual) 58. fortunately, no one was_hurt in t

42、he earthquake several weeks ago.(serious) 59.the _of al( 人工智能 ) will enable us to learn more about our brains.( develop) 60. i will never_the days i spent with my host family in britain. (forgetful) 61. as we all know, a_ driver is always a danger to the public.(care) 答案: 54 stamps 55 sixth 56 herse

43、lf 57 unusual 58 seriously 59 development 60 forget 61 careless 解析:54 句意:我的表弟喜欢在空闲时间收集邮票。收集邮票collect stamps,名词变复数。55 句意:看,照片上左边的第六位女士是我最喜欢的老师。第六位女士the sixth lady ,基数词变序数词。56 句意: jessie在除夕夜亲自为一大家人做丰盛晚宴。亲自 by herself, 人称代词主格变反身代词。57 句意: shirley 是早到的人,她今天迟到很不正常。it is+形容词 +for sb. to do sth。根据句意应该变反义词。5

44、8 句意:幸运的是,没有人在几周前的地震中严重受伤。形容词变副词修饰“be hurt”。59 句意: 人工智能的发展将是我们更多的了解我们的大脑。the development of 的发展。 动词变名词。60 句意:我将永远不会忘记我在英国与寄宿家庭一起度过的日子。will+ 动词原形,形容词变动词。61 句意:我们都知道,粗心的司机对公众是一种危险。名词变less 变反义形容词。考点分析:词语运用,根据句子意思及结构用所给词的适当形式填空。v. complete the following sentences as required(据所给求完成句子。62-67 小题每空格限填一词)(共

45、14分) 62. john went to church with his brother last sunday moring.(改为否定句 ) john_ _ to church with his brother last sunday morning. 答案: didn t go 解析:一般过去式句子变否定句,借助助动词didn t,同时需将动词过去式变回原形。63. grace does online shopping four times a month.( 对划线部分提问) _ _ does grace do online shopping? 答案: how often 解析: h

46、ow often 对时间频率进行提问。four times a month 表示频率。64. we will hold a class meeting to talk about team work next friday(改为被动语态) a class meeting will _ _ to talk about team work next friday. 答案: be held 解析:被动语态结构:be+动词的过去分词。因will 后加动词原形,故be 动词不变, hold 过去分词为 held。65. “ how are you getting along with your new

47、roommate? franklin asked me.( 改为宾语从句) franklin asked me_ _was getting along with my new roommate. 答案: how i 解析:宾语从句结构:谓语动词+引导词 +陈述句语序。 how 引导词不变,因提问me 故将第二人称变成第一人称,与主句人称保持一致。66. keep working hard, and you will achieve success.( 保持句意不变) _ _ keep working hard, you will achieve success. 答案: if you 解析:祈

48、使句 +and/or,表示肯定或否定的条件状语从句,句意:如果你努力学习,即将获得成功。67. the secretary apologized to the manager for making the same mistake again.( 保持句意不变) the secretary_ _to the manager for making the same mistake again. 答案: say sorry 解析: apologized to=say sorry to, 向某人道歉。68. many ways, for us,are, to keep in touch, there

49、( 连词成句 ). _ 答案: there are many ways for us to keep in touch. 解析: there be结构的陈述句,ways for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事的方法。考点分析:句式变化,根据要求转化句子。par3 reading and writing( 第三部分读写) v. reading comprehension(阅读理解 )(共 50 分) a, choose the best answer(根据以下内容 ,选择最恰当的答案)(12 分) summer is a great time to improve your child

50、 s reading! reading over the summer can help your child keep up his reading gains during the past school year and also help prepare him for the next year! how to sign up: we are inviting you to sign up for free to help your child be an active reader this summer! *go to www. readfun org *selectparent

51、(notteacher) *click on the bluesign up what we provide: we provide you with thousands of free, high-quality articles with questions and activities. to make summer reading easy, we have selected interesting and knowledge-filled articles of different levels. you can go to www. r/summer-readi

52、ng to download and print the articles for free. how to use: tip 1 : articles for summer reading should be accessible , so be sure to choose articles at your child s reading level. don t be afraid to star with articles of lower grade levels. the important thing is that he reads, reads, reads! tip 2:

53、it s also important to help your kid develop good reading habits help him keep a good record of his summer reading. besides, encourage him to discuss what he has read with family members. that way, you will all have a good time. we wish you and your family a great summer!69. the first two sentences

54、of the text above are about_. a)different types of books b)the coming school year c)the importance of summer reading d)good places for summer reading 70. one of the steps for parents to sign up on www. is to_. a) select“parent” b )finish a test c)choose a tip d)print an article 71. what

55、does www. provide? a)online teachers. b)pen friends information. c)interesting videos d )articles of different levels 72.the underlined word accessiblein the text meanseasy to_”.a) write b)discuss c)understand d)compare 73. according to tip 2, parents should help their kids develop_good

56、reading habit(s). a) 1 b)2 c)3 d)4 74. the text above is written to _. a)introduce a reading programme b)sell books to school kids c)encourage parents to read more d) share reading ecperience 答案: 69-74:c a d c b a 解析:69 问题:上文前两句是关于_。根据关键信息a great time to improve your child s reading 及reading over th

57、e summer can help 可知,这两句主要讲summer reading 的重要性。70 问题:父母在网站www. readfun org 签约参加的第一步是_。根据文章how to sign up 的内容可知,应选a。71 问题:网站www. 提供什么?根据文章what we provide 部分( we have selected interesting and knowledge-filled articles of different levels.)可知,应选d。72 问题: 文中划线部分 accessible意为“便于 _”根据文章下文 (so b

58、e sure to choose articles at your child s reading level.)所以一定要选择孩子阅读水平相当的文章,可知夏日阅读的文章要便于理解,故选c。73 问题:根据 tip 2 可知,父母应帮助孩子发展_种好的阅读习惯。 根据 tip 2 部分(help him keep a good record)( besides, encourage him to discuss)可知。应选b。74 问题:上文写作目的是_? 全文主要讲到www. readfun org 网站签约,以培养孩子summer reading 的好习惯,可知应选a。考点分析:本文是一个

59、网站(www. readfun org )推出 summer reading 活动的宣传资料。b. choose the best answer and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分 ) chins mobille 4g 16:74 43% teaching material discussion group (15) hi! i m doing a survey of teaching materials in school. what kind of textbooks do you use? do you think the use o

60、f photocopied(复印的 ) netbooks and newspaper articles in the classroom can be accepted? please give your_75_. the use of such materials is certainly not _76_ for writers. textbooks are like other creative works. many people have to put their efforts in the writing of a book. the efforts of the writers and


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