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1、The 8 Discipline (8D)Problem Solving Process 解决问题的流程8条戒律课程目标使参与者通过下列方式解决问题使参与者通过下列方式解决问题4To enable participants to solve problems by4使用使用8D流程流程following a discipline problem solving methodology using the 8 Discipline (8D) Process4使用合适的质量工具使用合适的质量工具applying the proper quality tools课程目标2课程内容 组建团队team

2、set up描述/定义问题Describe&define problem采取临时的遏制措施Takes interim containment action定义/验证根本原因define&verify the root cause(s) 识别/验证建议的永久性纠正措施Identify/verify proposed permanent corrective action(s)实施永久性纠正措施Implement permanent corrective action(s)预防再发生 Action(s) to prevent Reoccurrence交流/庆祝成功communica

3、te/celebrate success.练习excise:3解决问题高高低低急迫性急迫性高高重要性重要性8 D 既重要又急迫既重要又急迫重要但不急迫重要但不急迫既不重要又不急迫既不重要又不急迫 “不理他不理他”不重要但急迫不重要但急迫低低 什么时候使用什么时候使用8D When do you use a Reactive Problem Solving process?v 当高优先权问题出现时vFor high priority problems v 当产品的标准和规范不能得到满足时vWhen standards and specifications are not being metv当过

4、程失控时 vWhen a process is out of controlv 当要求正式提供解决问题的证据时vWhen formal evidence of problem resolution is required4统计工具Problem Solving Statistical Tools如果手中只有锤子,那么我们看任何如果手中只有锤子,那么我们看任何东西都像钉子东西都像钉子If the only tool you have is aHammer, everything looks like a nail对解决问题的正规方法要求你使用数据对问题和解决方法的有效对解决问题的正规方法要求你使

5、用数据对问题和解决方法的有效性进行评估,而不是仅凭思考和主观臆断性进行评估,而不是仅凭思考和主观臆断4The formal approach to problem solving requires that you base your assessment of the problem and the effectiveness of the solution on data, not speculation or opinions在解决问题的过程中,使用基本的统计工具确保结果的可测性在解决问题的过程中,使用基本的统计工具确保结果的可测性4Fundamental statistical too

6、ls are used throughout the problem solving process to ensure measurable results 5统计工具Problem Solving Statistical ToolsStep 1 形成团队Form a TeamStep 2 描述问题Describe the ProblemStep 3 遏制问题 Contain Problem Step 4 识别和验证原因Define & Verify CausesStep 5 找出纠正措施Identify/verify permanent Corrective ActionStep

7、6 执行及验证措施 Implement & Verify ActionStep 7 防止在出现Prevent RecurrenceStep 8 庆祝成功Celebrate Success流程图FlowchartsXXXXX脑筋风暴法BrainstormingXXXXXXForce Field AnalysisXX因果图Cause and EffectXX面谈InterviewingXX调查SurveyingXXX检查表ChecksheetsXXXX直方图HistogramsXXXX排列图Pareto AnalysisXXXX运行图Run ChartsXXX饼图Pie ChartsXXX

8、X关键线路表格Criteria Rating FormsXX网络图List ReductionX权重图Weighted VolumeX甘特图Gantt ChartXXX矩阵图PERT ChartXXX68D Problem Solving 识别问题Identifies problems 采取临时的遏制措施Takes interim containment action 将问题量化Describes problems in measurable terms 使用统计工具分析问题Analyzes them using data and basic statistical tools 找出根本原因F

9、inds the root cause 通过消除根本原因来解决问题Corrects the problem by eliminating the root cause78D Problem Solving行动行动ACT执行执行DOPlan计划计划检查检查CHECK4定义和验证根本定义和验证根本原因原因define &Verify Root Causes3遏制问题遏制问题Containment Problem2描述描述/定义问题定义问题Describe/defineProblem1组建团队组建团队Team Set-up7防止再发生防止再发生Prevent Recurrence8庆祝成功庆

10、祝成功/交流交流Celebrate and Communicate Success5识别识别/验证纠正措施验证纠正措施Identify&verify proposed Corrective Action Plan6实施和验证纠正措施实施和验证纠正措施Implement &Verify Corrective Action8DProcess8D遵循遵循PDCA循环循环 follows the logic of the PDCA Cycle(a.k.a. Shewhart or Deming Cycle)88D特点8D Problem Solving Characteristicsv

11、对指定的,可管理的,有明确定义的问对指定的,可管理的,有明确定义的问题有效。题有效。vWorks on problems that are specific, manageable and well definedv分析问题的所有方面分析问题的所有方面vAnalyzes all aspects of a problemv对建议的方法进行合理化分析对建议的方法进行合理化分析vDevelops rationale for proposed solutions v收集对问题和建议方法有意义的数据收集对问题和建议方法有意义的数据vGathers critical data about the prob

12、lem and proposed solutionsv基于团队的过程基于团队的过程vTeam oriented processv制定如何成功的实施和评估纠正措施的制定如何成功的实施和评估纠正措施的计划计划vPlans how to implement and evaluate the action successfully9步骤1:8D Process Step 1ACTDOPLANCHECK 1- 组建团队组建团队Team Set-up8D10决定对此问题是否需要成立一个团队,如果需要:决定对此问题是否需要成立一个团队,如果需要:4Determine whether a team is ne

13、eded to address the issue: if so,1. 选择成员选择成员Select and enlist the team members2. 明确角色和职责明确角色和职责Establish roles and responsibilities3. 评审团队的活动范围和目标评审团队的活动范围和目标Review the scope and objective of the teams activity组建团队:Step 1: Team Setup Objectives11成员Membership4利益关系人利益关系人Stakeholders4技能专家技能专家Knowledgea

14、ble people / technical experts4问题涉及的人问题涉及的人People accountable & responsible for problem area团队规模Team Size理想状态是理想状态是46人人Ideally, 4 to 6 members to 加强内部互动加强内部互动Enhance interaction 促进交流促进交流Promote communication 承担责任承担责任Drive commitment to the task范围,目标,角色和职责Scope, Objective, Roles and Responsibilit

15、ies4明确团队的期望明确团队的期望Identify what the team is expected to address4评估成员的参与性评估成员的参与性Review the teams availability4明确决策权限明确决策权限Clarify the level of decisionmaking authorityStep 1: The Problem Solving Team12Step 1: Team Activity目标Goals1. 明确陈述的问题明确陈述的问题Clarify the issue to be addressed 评价支持性的数据评价支持性的数据Revi

16、ew supporting data 评价规模评价规模Assess the magnitude2. 明确团队的角色,职责,范围和目标明确团队的角色,职责,范围和目标Establish the team roles, responsibilities, scope and objectives3. 针对此问题采用脑筋风暴法针对此问题采用脑筋风暴法Brainstorm potential problems surrounding the issue and ideas related to them4. 收集支持性数据收集支持性数据Collect supporting data about the

17、 problem area(s)5. 讨论针对此问题的一般性计划讨论针对此问题的一般性计划Discuss the general plan for approaching the problem(s)131.问题是否被确认问题是否被确认Have the reported issues been identified?2.问题的主题是否被明确问题的主题是否被明确Has the problem topic been identified?3.团队是否被建立团队是否被建立Has a team been established?4.会议和决策流程是否被统一会议和决策流程是否被统一Have meetin

18、g and decision-making processes been agreed upon?5.一般性项目计划是否被制定一般性项目计划是否被制定Has a general project plan been developed?Step 1: Team Setup ChecklistAre we on target?148D Process Step 2ACTDOPLANCHECK2描述和定义描述和定义问题问题Describe/defineProblemTeamSetup8D15目标Step 2: Describe/define Problem Objectives1.分析和解释数据来缩

19、小问题范围分析和解释数据来缩小问题范围4Analyze and interpret data to narrow down the problem to be addressed2. 给出问题的正式描述给出问题的正式描述4Develop a formal problem statement16一般性流程Step 2: Describe/define Problem General Processv明确问题的主题vIdentify the problem topics that may surround the issue, and select the problem target area.

20、v针对问题采用脑筋风暴法并记录想法vBrainstorm and record the teams ideas about the problem areav收集数据来确定评判问题的标准vCollect data to validate that a problem exists 确定可应用于此问题的标准和规范确定可应用于此问题的标准和规范Establish what standard or specification applies to the situation考虑所有和问题相关的,可得到的信息。考虑所有和问题相关的,可得到的信息。Consider all available sourc

21、es of information that may relate to the problem (including external sources)v提出并实施解决问题的初步方法vDevelop and implement a general plan for approaching the problem171. 总结和解释数据Summarize and Interpret DataA.解释已有的数据,如果需要,收集额外的数据来澄清问题解释已有的数据,如果需要,收集额外的数据来澄清问题Interpret the data collected, obtaining additional

22、(more specific) data if necessary to clarify the problem使用统计工具使用统计工具Use the basic statistical tools to clarify the data and display the findings in an appropriate format基于是否满足标准或规范,应评估收集到的数据基于是否满足标准或规范,应评估收集到的数据The collected data should be evaluated against the standard or specification required to

23、be met B. 把数据和商业目标,测量性能,应用标准,规范进行比较把数据和商业目标,测量性能,应用标准,规范进行比较Compare the data with business objectives, performance measures, and applicable standards or specifications 一般性流程Step 2: Describe/define Problem General Process182. 给出问题的文字说明Develop and Write a Problem StatementA.用用“目前状态目前状态”条目描述当前的形势条目描述当前

24、的形势Write the “Current state” statement describing the present situation.B. 用用“期望状态期望状态” 描述要求描述要求Write the “Desired state” statement describing the requirement or specification.C. 明确两种状态的差距明确两种状态的差距Identify the gap.D. 基于上述三条完整的描述问题基于上述三条完整的描述问题Combine the three to generate the Problem Statement 一般性流程

25、Step 2: Describe/define Problem General Process191. 基于可测量的方式,清晰的描述问题A clear statement of the problem in measurable terms基于数据,非猜测基于数据,非猜测Based on data, not speculation根本原因尚未发现根本原因尚未发现No causes - Root cause has not yet been developed不包含解决方案不包含解决方案No solutions - Solutions must target the root cause不要太笼

26、统不要太笼统Not too general 2. 描述问题必需包含:The Problem Statement must include:当前状态当前状态The “Current state” or “as is” condition期望状态期望状态The “Desired state” or required position差距差距The “Gap or difference between the current and desired states问题描述Step 2: Describe/define Problem Problem Statement20提交的问题Reported I

27、ssues1.客户测试失败率太高nCustomer test failure rates are too high2.和此有关的商业关系被伤害 nBusiness with this high profile customer is in jeopardyn问题主题Problem Topic客户的测试直通率不可接受nCustomer test yields are unacceptablen分析给出下列描述Analysis reflects leads us to the following problem statement 客户的测试直通率是75(当前状态),要求的直通率是95(期望状态)

28、,客户测试的直通率比可接受水平低20(差距)The customers test yield on our product is 75% (current state), the required yield is 95% minimum (desired state), the customers test yield is 20% less than the acceptable level (gap). 评估描述内容Review of the statement1. 是否基于数据Is it based on data?Yes2. 是否包含原因Are there causes in the

29、 statement? No3. 是否包含方案Are there solutions in the statement? No4. 是否太笼统Is the statement too general? No结论:问题描述满足上述标准结论:问题描述满足上述标准Conclusion: The Problem Statement meets the general criteria问题描述例子问题描述例子Step 2: Describe/define Problem - The Problem Statement : Example21团队活动Step 2: Describe/define Prob

30、lem Team Activity目标Goals1. 分析和问题有关的数据来确认问题分析和问题有关的数据来确认问题4 Analyze the problem data to try to confirm the problems2. 把数据和商业目标,测试性能,使用标准,把数据和商业目标,测试性能,使用标准,规格进行比较规格进行比较4 Compare the data to business objectives, performance measures, and applicable standards or specifications 3. 使用收集到的数据来建立当前状态,期望状使用收

31、集到的数据来建立当前状态,期望状态和两者之间的差距态和两者之间的差距4Use the collected data to establish the current and desired states, and gap4. 写出问题陈述写出问题陈述4Write the Problem Statement221.可使用的标准是否被识别可使用的标准是否被识别Have the applicable standards been identified?2.和问题相关的数据是否被收集和评估和问题相关的数据是否被收集和评估Has data about the problem been taken and

32、 reviewed?3.问题是否基于什么事情,什么时候,为什么,如何问题是否基于什么事情,什么时候,为什么,如何,多少被识别,多少被识别Has the problem been identified by What, When, Why, How and How Much?4.问题是否基于可测量的手段定义问题是否基于可测量的手段定义Has the problem been defined in measurable terms?5.客户的反馈是否被输入到问题客户的反馈是否被输入到问题Has the customer provided input to the problem?6.我们是否找到合

33、适的人员处理下一步工作我们是否找到合适的人员处理下一步工作Do we have the right team members to proceed to the next step?检查表Step 2: Describe/define Problem ChecklistAre we on target?238D Process Step 3ACTDOPLANCHECK3遏制措施遏制措施Containment ProblemDescribe/DefineProblemTeamSetup8D24目的:Step 3: Contain Problem Objectives1. 识别和选择临时遏制措施识

34、别和选择临时遏制措施Identify and select containment action(s) 2.实施临时遏制措施实施临时遏制措施4 Develop and implement a containment plan3.评估临时遏制措施的效果评估临时遏制措施的效果 4Analyze the effectiveness of the containment actions25遏制问题Step 3: Containment Problem遏制Containment 也称作短期纠正措施也称作短期纠正措施Also known as short term corrective action当根本

35、原因在调查中或纠正措施在实施中,采取的防止进一步影响当根本原因在调查中或纠正措施在实施中,采取的防止进一步影响客户的临时措施客户的临时措施Objective is to take immediate interim action to prevent the problem from impacting the customer while the root cause is being investigated and corrective action is established and implemented典型的遏制措施包含分类,筛选,返工等。典型的遏制措施包含分类,筛选,返工等。T

36、ypically, containment involves sorting, screening or testing with rework as required, and sequestering affected product or materials while awaiting disposition26Verification&validation; Occurrence&Escape验证验证Verification 确定纠正措施是否实施确定纠正措施是否实施the switch on, switch off measurement of the action

37、taken i.e. confirmation that the action has taken place.确认确认Validation 基于一段时间对措施的测量基于一段时间对措施的测量the measurement of the action over a period of time e.g. Shift, days, week, month etc.发生的事情发生的事情Occurrence实际发生的事情,如纠正措施是否实施实际发生的事情,如纠正措施是否实施逃逸逃逸Escape事情发生的渠道事情发生的渠道271.利用脑筋风暴法来收集遏制措施,从中选择遏制措施Brainstorm and

38、 select interim containment action(s)2.实施计划Plan for implementation3.实施遏制措施Implement containment actions 4.验证遏制措施已经被实施并评估有效性Verify interim actions are in place and effective一般性流程Step 3: Contain Problem General Process28利用团队的创造性能力来产生观点Uses the creative capacity of a group of people to generate ideas使用

39、Uses识别问题范围识别问题范围Identifying problem areas找出问题潜在的原因找出问题潜在的原因Finding potential causes of problems得出可选的方案得出可选的方案Generating alternative solutions指导Guidelines没有评价和批评没有评价和批评No evaluation or criticism鼓励异想天开的想法鼓励异想天开的想法Encourage wild ideas提出尽可能多的想法提出尽可能多的想法Strive for quantity类型Types 结构结构Structured4成员顺序发言成员顺

40、序发言Members participate in sequence verbally (Round Robin)4成员写下各自的想法成员写下各自的想法Members write their ideas down in the session (Slip method) 非结构的非结构的Unstructured4随机发言随机发言Random verbal input (Free wheeling)头脑风暴法Step 3: Contain Problem Brainstorming29头脑风暴法Step 3: Contain Problem Brainstorming一般方法一般方法Genera

41、l Approach:1. 识别任务组织者识别任务组织者Identify a facilitator to guide the session保持任务一直被关注保持任务一直被关注Keep session moving追求观点的数量追求观点的数量Promote a volume of ideas提问提问Prompt and ask questions2. 识别想法的记录识别想法的记录Identify the recorder of ideas (scribe)尽可能的记录未经修改的想法尽可能的记录未经修改的想法Ideas should be recorded as closely to what

42、 is said as possible让被记录的观点可以被看见让被记录的观点可以被看见Use a flip-chart to keep ideas visible3. 定义主题定义主题Define the topic4. 定义任务时间定义任务时间Define the time period for the session30计划Planning确保正式的措施在体系层面上展开确保正式的措施在体系层面上展开Objective is to ensure that formal actions are taken in a systematic fashion精心组织和可追溯的计划是必须的。推荐使用

43、甘特图精心组织和可追溯的计划是必须的。推荐使用甘特图A structured and trackable plan, using a formal tool such as a Gantt chart is recommended一般过程General Process1.把任务分解成可执行的若干步把任务分解成可执行的若干步Break tasks into achievable steps.2.分配任务分配任务Assign task responsibilities.3.设置里程碑设置里程碑Set up time frame and milestones.4.建立跟踪过程的文件建立跟踪过程的文件

44、Create a document for tracking the progress of the implementation5.对至关重要的额外信息要评估对至关重要的额外信息要评估Additional consideration for inclusion in the plan are strategies for communicating and gaining commitment, contingency plans, and measures to evaluate the effects实施计划Step 3: Contain Problem The Implementati

45、on Plan31甘特图甘特图Gantt Chart实施计划Step 3: Contain Problem The Implementation PlanIDTask NameStartFinishResource Names1Locate product2/15/002/15/00 Material Handler2Evaluate product2/16/002/16/00 Engineering3Screen product2/17/002/17/00 Production TesterMaterial HandlerEngineeringProduction Tester2/152/1

46、82/212/24eb32团队活动Step 3: Contain Problem Team Activity目标目标Goals1.选择遏制措施选择遏制措施Select the containment action(s) to be taken2.提出必要的计划提出必要的计划Develop any necessary plans3.实施遏制措施实施遏制措施Implement the action(s)4.验证遏制措施已经被实施并评估有效性验证遏制措施已经被实施并评估有效性nVerify the containment actions are in place and effective33检查表

47、Step 3: Contain Problem Checklist1.潜在的遏制措施是否被识别潜在的遏制措施是否被识别Have potential containment actions been identified?2.遏制措施是否被执行遏制措施是否被执行Have containment actions been implemented?3.遏制措施是否能保护客户免于此中问题遏制措施是否能保护客户免于此中问题Are the containment actions effective at protecting the customer from defects?4.遏制措施是否被评估遏制措

48、施是否被评估Have containment actions been verified?5.我们是否找到合适的人员处理下一步工作我们是否找到合适的人员处理下一步工作Do we have the right team members to proceed to the next step?Are we on target?348D Process Step 4ACTDOPLANCHECK4定义定义/验证根验证根本原因本原因define &Verify Root CausesContainment ProblemDescribe/Define ProblemTeamSetup 8D35目

49、的Step 4: defineand Verify Root Causes Objectives1. 识别引起问题的可能原因识别引起问题的可能原因Identify the probable causes of the problem2. 选择根本原因选择根本原因Select the root cause 3. 识别和澄清潜在的纠正措施识别和澄清潜在的纠正措施Identify and clarify potential corrective actions361. 识别可能的原因Identify Probable CausesA.评估客户的要求评估客户的要求Review customer req

50、uirementsB.使用脑筋风暴法来发现可能的原因使用脑筋风暴法来发现可能的原因Brainstorm and organize possible causes C.使用因果图使用因果图(e.g., cause and effect diagram)D.试图把原因分级试图把原因分级Explore levels of causeE.识别可能的原因识别可能的原因Identify probable causesF.依原因的重要性对原因进行排序;依原因的重要性对原因进行排序; 如:如: 重要,较重要重要,较重要Rank causes by correlation to effect: Strong,

51、Moderate or Weak2. 分析可能原因Analyze Probable CausesA.为可能原因准备收集数据为可能原因准备收集数据Select probable causes for data collectionB.决定收集方法决定收集方法Determine collection method (e.g., Checksheet)C.收集,分析数据来识别根本原因收集,分析数据来识别根本原因Collect / analyze / display data to identify root causes preventing the desired state” from bein

52、g reached一般性流程Step 4: define and Verify Root Causes General Process373. 选择根本原因Select Root Causes for ActionA.把根本原因按优先级排序把根本原因按优先级排序Prioritize root causesB.选择根本原因展开工作选择根本原因展开工作Select root cause(s) to work onC.决定采取的措施是否在团队的工作范围之内,或需要新的外部决定采取的措施是否在团队的工作范围之内,或需要新的外部资源资源Determine if taking action is with

53、in the scope or the team or if additional resources need to be enlisted D.设计和执行实验来验证根本原因设计和执行实验来验证根本原因Develop and implement experiments to test and validate root causesE.修正根本原因修正根本原因Revise problem statement (if required)一般性流程Step 4: define and Verify Root Causes General Process38因果图Cause and Effect

54、Diagram 脑筋风暴法脑筋风暴法A structured form of Brainstorming识别,探索和列出问题和可能的原因识别,探索和列出问题和可能的原因Identify, explore, and display a problem (effect) and all possible causes使用Uses 4分析问题分析问题Analysis of a problem 4指导讨论指导讨论Guide for discussion4图解技术状况图解技术状况Illustrate level of technology4评估流程评估流程Evaluate knowledge of a

55、process4收集数据收集数据Collection of data4学习工具学习工具Education tool最普通的原因类别Most common cause categories4人,机,料,法,环人,机,料,法,环People, machine, materials, methods, environment因果图因果图Step 4 define and Verify Root Causes - Cause and Effect Analysis39Name:Date: Time-frame: Material Method Environment Unavailable Didnt

56、 Order Not on bill (Current State) Missing Parts Training Set Up 人员People 机器 Machine因果图因果图Step 4: I define and Verify Root Causes - Cause and Effect Analysis40Name:Date: Time-frame: Material MethodEnvironmentUnavailable A Didnt Order Not on bill (Current State) Missing Parts B C Training Set Up Peop

57、le MachineRelationship to Effect A= Strong B = Moderate C = Weak因果图因果图Step 4: define and Verify Root Causes - Cause and Effect Analysis41团队活动Step 4: Define and Verify Root Causes Team Activity目标Goals1.使用脑筋风暴法,因果图找出可能的原因使用脑筋风暴法,因果图找出可能的原因Brainstorm the possible causes of the problem, using a cause an

58、d effect diagram2.对可能的原因排序并收集支持数据对可能的原因排序并收集支持数据Rank the possible causes and collect supporting data3.选择根本原因选择根本原因Select the root cause target(s) 4.如果需要,执行测试来确认根本原因如果需要,执行测试来确认根本原因Run tests to confirm the root cause(s), if necessary 5.如果需要,改变问题陈述如果需要,改变问题陈述Revise the problem statement, if necessary4

59、21.问题陈述是否被评估问题陈述是否被评估Has the problem statement been reviewed?2.可能的原因是否被识别可能的原因是否被识别Have probable causes been identified?3.针对可能的原因是否收集相关的数据针对可能的原因是否收集相关的数据Has data been collected on the probable causes?4.可能的根本原因是否排定优先权可能的根本原因是否排定优先权Have root causes been prioritized and selected?5.潜在的根本原因是否被识别和澄清潜在的根本

60、原因是否被识别和澄清Have potential corrective actions / solutions been identified and clarified?6.我们是否找到合适的人员处理下一步工作我们是否找到合适的人员处理下一步工作Do we have the right team members to proceed to the next step?检查表Step 4: Identify and Verify Root Causes ChecklistAre we on target?438D Process Step 5ACTDOPLANCHECKDefine &Verify Root CausesContainment ProblemDescrib


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