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1、2013年六年级英语毕业句型复习(北师大版)一年级Unit 1 Hello 问候、介绍Hi, Im Mocky.Hello, Mocky.Unit 2 About me 介绍Are you a girl/boy?Yes, I am. / No, Im not.Ann is a girl.Ken is a boy.Im a monkey.Unit 3 At school 询问物品Whats this?Its a chair.Unit 4 Colors 颜色What color?Its yellow.Unit 5 Numbers 数字How many trains?Two trains.Unit

2、6 Happy birthday! 年龄How old are you?Im six.Unit 7 Animals 动物Whats this?Its a (rabbit).Unit 8 Shapes 形状What shape is it?Its a (square).Unit 9 Food and drink 食物和饮料What do you like?I like (hamburgers).Unit10 Family 家庭Whos this?This is my (mother).Unit 11 Clothes 服装Its a (dress).What are they?They are (

3、pants).Unit 12 I can walk. 能力I can (jump).Can you (swim)?Yes, I can二年级:Unit 1 有关问好及询问他人姓名的日常交际用语:Hello! Whats your name?My names Mocky/Ken/Ann/Uncle Bookey.Im Mocky.Good morning, children/ Uncle Bookey/Ann/Ken.是动词am is 的缩写形式:Whats=What isIm=I amMy names=My name isUnit 2 介绍单件物品的日常交际用语(同时复习打招呼用语和is的否定

4、缩写):This is Danny Deer. Hello, Danny Deer.This isnt Mocky. This is uncle Booky.Unit 3 有关询问他人及他人国家的日常交际用语(同时复is的缩写):Whos this? This is Cathy. Shes from Canada.Whos that? Thats Tommy. Hes from Britain.Whos=Who is Thats=That isUnit 4 有关询问他人是谁及回答的日常交际用语:Whos that? Thats my father/mother/brother/grandfat

5、her.Whos that? That is my sister/uncle/aunt/grandmother.Unit 5 介绍他人及物品归属的日常交际用语(同时复is的缩写):Hes my father. Thats his boat.Shes my mother. That is her car.Hes =He is Shes =She isUnit 7 有关询问(单数)物品是什麽的日常交际用语(同时了解肯否定回答):Whats this? Its a nut.Whats this? Its a lemon.Is it a nut? Yes, it is.Is it a pear? No

6、, it isnt.Unit 8 有关询问(复数)物品是什麽的日常交际用语(同时了解肯否定回答及are的缩写及否定缩写):What are these? They are beans.What are those? They are onions.Are these beans? Yes, they are.Are these onions? No , they arent.Unit9 有关询问物品数量的句型及回答:How many birds are there? There are seven birds.How many flowers are there? There are eigh

7、t flowers.Unit 10 有关询问物品颜色的句型及回答:What color is this/that bird? Its blue.What color are these/those frogs? They are green.What color is it? Its blue.What color are they? They are yellow.Unit 11 有关表示能力的日常交际用语的问答及表述:Can you run? Yes, I can.Can she dance? Yes, she can.I can run.You can draw.She can read

8、.He can dance.三年级汇总:Unit 1 能够运用表示禁止的祈使句型表达不要做某事。Dont (touch)! Do not (touch)! No (bike)!Unit 2 能够运用How much?询问物价并回答。How much is (the toy train)? The train is (nineteen)yuan.Its (nineteen) yuan.Unit 3 运用名词所有格形式谈论物品及归属。Whose (computer) is this? Its Kens. It is Kens.Whose (CDs) are these? Theyre Uncle

9、Bookys.This is (Lulus) book.Is that (Tommys) car?Unit 4 介绍房间及运用现在进行时表述正在做某事What are you doing? Im (cooking).What is she doing? Shes (drawing).What are the doing? They are (eating).This is the (kitchen).Unit 5 介绍学校教师、科目及设施。These are their (books). Those are your (books). They are our teacher.Are thes

10、e their (books)? Are they our (books)?Unit 7 运用Do you like?句型进行就餐询问。Do you like (hot dogs)? Yes, I do. No, I dont.What food do you like? I like (chicken). I dont like (vegetables).(Ken) like (bananas).Unit 8 运用形容词描述动物基本特征。He is a tall boy.Hes not a short boy.Is she a short girl? Yes, she is. No, she

11、 isnt.What animal is it?Is it a big animal?Unit 9 能够运用 “酸甜苦辣”等形容词描述食物This soup is hot.Is that milk cold? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Im hungry. Unit 10 能够运用商场购物语言进行购物。Can I help you?What do you want? I want a book.Do you have a book? I have this (camera).Do you have one? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Can I have

12、 the blue one, please?What does Mocky have?He has a (watch).Unit 11 能够描述身体健康状况How are you today?Whats the matter? Im not well.My stomach hurts.Im better.How is he today? Hes not well. His (eye) hurts.四年级Unit 1 能够询问某人职业。What does he/she do?He/She is a .Are you a .? Yes, I am. No, Im not.Is he/she a .

13、?Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.Unit 2 能够询问是否知道某人/物或者是否喜欢某人/物。Do you know .?Yes, I do. No, I dont.Does he/she know.?Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.Do you like.? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Does he/she like.?Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.Unit 3 在购物时运用Do you have any.?What size do you want?How m

14、uch.?等句型。Do you have any.? Yes, we do. We have some. No, we dont. We dont have any.What size do you want?Small/medium/large. Size 20. They are too big/small.How much is this/that.? Its.How much are these/those.? Theyre.They are too cheap/expensive.Unit 4 运用where这一疑问副词询问物品所在位置以及五个表示位置的方位介词进行回答。Where

15、is the.?Its on/under the.Where is your.?Its behind/ in front of/ next to the.Unit 5 运用where这一疑问副词询问地点位置,并运用方位介词进行回答。Excuse me. Wheres the .?Its near the.Its between the. and the.Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.You are welcome.Unit 7 运用What对于人们的日常活动进行提问并做出回答。What do you/ they do on Monday?I/ We/ Th

16、ey go to.What does he/she do on Tuesday?He/ She goes to.Unit 8 运用What time is it?这一句型询问时间以及Its.oclock.的句型进行回答。What time is it? Its one oclock.Its three fifteen. Its four thirty.Its five forty-five. Its time for sth. Its time to do sth.Unit 9 能够运用when这一时间副词提问什么时候做某事并做出回答。When do you/ they .?I/ We/ Th

17、ey always. at 7:00 in the morning.When does he/she .?He/ She always/usually/often/sometimes/never gets up at 7:00 oclock.What are you/ they doing?I/ We/They are doing sth.What is he/she doing? He/ She is doing sth.Unit 10 能够运用Lets do sth.和 Shall we do sth?的句型提出建议。Lets play football. Lets read a book

18、. Lets watch TV.Shall we go to a movie? Shall we take the bus?Do we have enough time/money? Yes, we do. No, we dont.Unit 11 运用be going to do sth的句型询问将来要发生的事并做出回答。What are you/they going to do? I am going to eat dinner.We are going to see a movie. They are going to watch a video.What is he/she going

19、to do? He/ She is going to play football.五年级内容:Unit 1 Anns dream 谈论过去的事情 (肯定)。I/You/He/She/We/They had a dream.Where were you yesterday? I was at home. We were at school.I/ He/She was in the park.They/We/ were in a spaceship.Unit 2 Mockys bad day 谈论过去的事情(肯定/否定)Yesterday I/You/He/She/We/They visited

20、a friend.What did you do yesterday? Yesterday I/You/He/She/We/They didnt visit a friend.I went to school. He wasnt at home.They werent at school.Unit 3 School sports day 关于过去活动的问答(疑问)Who was first? Mocky was first.Did you eat a banana yesterday? Yes I did. /No, I didnt.Unit 4 Mockys birthday 关于生日和年龄

21、的问答How old are you? Im nine years old.She/He is nine years old.When is your/his/her birthday? Its March 25th.Unit 5 Im taller 差别比较;对身高、体重的描述与问答Who is taller/younger, John or Marry? John is taller than Peter.How tall is Ken? Ken is 147 centimeters tall.How heavy is Ken? He weighs 33 kilograms.Who is

22、the oldest? Ken is the oldest.Unit 7 At the airport 能够使用名词性物主代词说明物品的归属。Whose pen is this? This pen is mine/ yours/ his / hers / ours / theirs.I want to Unit 8 The concert 能够理解will do/ wont do 表示一般将来时的概念。I will go to the concert tomorrow.She wont go on vacation next week.Unit 9 A football game 能够分清不同

23、特殊疑问句的用法(Whats / Wheres / Whos / Which/ Whens)Whos that?Whose book is this?Where is the book?Whens your birthday?Which row are we in?Unit 10 Buying e-books 能够使用多音节形容词对物品进行比较。The book is more interesting than that one.This game is the most difficult.Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky 能够理解表达祈使或指令的句子,并初步运用。What do we need? We needFirst, put 2 cups of flour into a bowl.Then, add 1 cup of milk.六年级Unit 1 最喜爱的:Whats your/his/her favorite? My/His/Her favoritebecause I likebest because He/She likesbest beca


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