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1、八年兹英诵第 1 页共 8 英2017学年第二学期期末教学质駅检测八年级英语(试题)本试总共五大题,S页,満分】00分考试时间90分钟注总事项!J。1.吝卷*T.考生务必在冬堆卡上用黑也扌迹的倔笔我答字写自己旳考生号奴 试宝号 龙位号.再用 2B 佰笔把对应的号码的标号涂风.2送择题皐小冬辽出冬复用 2B 侣毛把字題卡上对应題目的签茂标号涂黑知缶要改动 用核皮搏干净 6.再通冷#他第亲不能冬雇试卷上3非巴扛題必狭 AL 虬己字辻的俏笔或卷字笔作冬答爱必须写在吝题卡各雄目指定区域的相总 住辰上;如缶要改动先划粹原未們咨案,然点吾写上無的冬衆,改动的冬案也不肓乂出指龙的区 域:不准使用侣笔.圆爪芝

2、和滄氏液不按以上要永作冬坳签衆尢效4.考生必茨保羚答建卡的络洁考试於农将本试卷和各越卡一并交回一、听力(共两节満分 20 分)戛一节 听逸仕息(头 10 小足;每小 H 1.5 分.滿分 15 分)听下面的对话#及丘冇几个卜烁各处坊欷林毎小題有 5 秒钟帕阅粗时间请根据各段垮放内窑及其相关小起.左 5 秒种内从越中所给时 A. B. C 项中,逸出及仕逸项.毎段搐放两遍 听下面一段对话.回答勢卜 2 两个小题.I. Uliercarc the speakers?A. In lhe library.B. In a computer slore.C. In the classroom2How ma

3、ny English books can the woman borrow at a lime?A. Three.B. Two.C. Five.听下血一段对话.回答第 37 两个小 JS3. What is the talk mainly about?AJobs of working as a volunteer.BPlans for summer holiday$CSuggestions for traveling(o Europe4Where does the man uant to visit?A. Asia.B. AfricaC. Europe.听下面一段对话,回答第 5%两个小題.5

4、Why is the man womed about his little sister?A. She never puts down her phone, ipad or computer.B She never docs her homeworkC. She alu-ays does her homework online.6How old is lhe mans litdc sixer?ASix.D. Seven听下面一段对话,回答第 78 两个小題。7. Where did Walter put his eraser?AIn the fridgeBIn die living room.

5、X. XVhat the relationship between the two speakers?ATeacher and student.BDoctor and patient,圻下面一段对话,回答第 9-10 两个小邈9How long is the hi 刃 cry of the World Cup?A. 80 years.B88 years.10. What will the speakers do tonight?AGo to Russia.BWatch a football match.第二节 回答问题(矣 5 小题;年卜題 I 分満分 5 分)听下而两段眩白,各毀后冇几个小飓

6、,请很据所听刘的内衣回怎相关问堆并把冬景写农各赵卡 标号为1115 的橫线上.各我搐及前每小题冇 5 秒钟的阅题时间.录合拮枚两遇每小勉将有 10 秒 伸的作答时间.听下面一段独白.回善狐 1172 两个问題11. What do Lucy and Lily like?12Why did the old man sit on the ground?听下面一段独白,回答第 13-15 三个问13When was the museum built?14. What can we see on the second floor?15. How many hours is the museum ope

7、n for a day?二语法选择(共 10 小题:毎小題 I 分.満分 10 分)阅读下面短丈, 按脛句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求.从下列各趙所给附 A. B. C 和 D 项中选出盘住选项.1 joined a club calledMPassing HelpMlast month. Now let me16 you why I joined ilOne evening this February, my old car 17 down on my way homc. It was far away from my home. 1 wantedto get a ride in som

8、ebody cIscs car, 18 it was dark and there was no car. It was also diflicult 19 a taxi. I decidedto take a bus home. 1 went to a bus stop nearby.After a while. & bus came, but it did not go to my townTlie bus driver was 20 young woman. She was kindand she told me which bus I should take. I waited

9、 there 21 about half an hour, but no bus cameAt last a carcame to me and a woman came out of llie car. She was just the bus driver.“When I reached the bus station, I got to know that there was no bus to your town at this 22 hour.C. Eight.八邙级英语第 3 页共 8 贞so I returned here. I just canvt leave you here

10、, she said. Get in my car and I21 yu“比t00Urhome.*lt is a long way/* I said.Come on. sir/* she said. *Lct s go.On the way she told me a story. A feu days ago her car 24 out of gns. An old man drove her up to a gasstation and then back to her homeWhen ue got (o my home. I wanted to give her some money

11、 to thank her, but she didnt acccpl it. onlywant lo help 25 and do something nice for somebody. Pass it along.* she said16. A to tellB tellc.tellingD.told17. A.breaksBis breakingC.brokeD. has broken18. A.soBandc.orD.but19. A.to takeBtakec.takingD.takes20. A.theBanc.aD./2L A.tillBforCtoD.on22. A.late

12、lyB. laterc.latestD. late23. A.would takeB. will takec.tookDhas taken24. ArunsB. was runningc.ranD.has run25. AotherBthe otherc.othersDanother三.完形填空(共 10 小懸:每小题 I 分.淌分 10 分)阅读下而短文,拿 41#大意,然后从 26-35 各題所给钓 A. B. C 和 D 项中选出最仕选顼The animals all got together, talking about who was the scariest. Girafle we

13、nt first.I have a really long 26 F Giraffe announced.Everyone laughedGirafle wasnt scary at all.Jm really big.” said ElephantMI can cat elephants Tiger laughed.cy want to fly out of die window.DThe students would bring a list of animals in order of their sizeCOHCTCis some advice to help you master a

14、 foreign language._Spend the time!|The more time you spend, the (aster you will leant the languageThis does not mean sitting in class looking out ofthe window, nor listening to other students who da not speak well, nor getting explanations in your own languageabout how the language works. This iiKai

15、is spending time on things that are connected io the language you arc leEing._Listen and read every day!Listen wherever you aw. Read what you arc listening lo. Listen to and read things that you like, things that you canmostly understand, or even partly understand. If you keep listening and reading,

16、 you will get used to the languageOne hour of listening or reading is more cficctivc ( f 效的)than many hours of class lime.|Pay attention ou cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It doesnol耐“曲 Youare learning and improving. The language will gradually become clearer in your br

17、ain. So jrnjoy it_46. You will get used to the foreign language if you_Akeep listening and writingB. keep reading and listeningCkeep listening to your own languageD. keep listening to people who do not speak well47. Listening or reading for_is better lhan many hours of class timeAten minutesBa whole

18、 dayC. one hourD. five hours48How many pieces of advice does the writer mention?A. Six.BFiveCFour.DThree49. Which of the following can*t help you be good at a language?A.Wait for the teacher to lull you what to do step by step.B.Find the ords that you need to understand your listening ar.d reading.C

19、Don*l *ony loo much and enjoy learning the language.DSpend time on the language you arc learning.50. The passage is mainly about_ .Aways to &pcnd your limeBways to relaxC.how to learn a foreign languageDhow to create a new language第二节 阅读填空(兵 5 小題;毎小越 1 分,满分 5 分)问读文章及文危 i项,选出可以填入空白处的股仕选项.Once the

20、re was a small boy named Shankar. He came from a poor family. One day. he was crossing through lheforest carrying some wood. 51 Shankar wanted to give him some food, but he did not have food for his ownSo becontinued on his way. 52 He wanted to give him some water, but he did not have waler, so he w

21、ent on his uay ahead.Then he saw a man who wanted to make a fire but he did not have enough wood. 53 In return, he give him somefood and water. Now he went back to the old man and gave him some food and gave some water to the deer. The oldman and the deer were very happy. Shankar tlicn went on his w

22、ay happily.54 He was in pain but he couldnt move and no one was (here to help him. But the old inan who he had helpedbefore saw him. He quickly came and pulled him up the hill. He had many wounds on his legs. The deer that Shankar hadgiven water saw his wounds and quickly went to the forest and brought some herbs (药 Q )55 All were veryhappy that they were able to help each other.AHe saw an old man who was very hungry.BOne day. Shankar fell down the hill.C. After some time his wounds ucrc coveredDOn his way, he saw a deer that was very thirsty.EShankar asked his problem and gav


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