1、人教版八年级下册英语第四单元练习题及答案Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your pare nts?一单项选择()1. His father doesn t allow hwimming alone.A.goes B.to go C.goi ng D.go()2.What swith you?A.wrong B.the wrong C.matter D.up()3._give him a watch?A.What about Let CWhy don tD.Why don t you( )4.You could save some mone_you can buy a
2、gift for your mother.A.in order to B.because C.so D.so that()5.1 think the result must_ him very much.A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.surprises()6._he is very poor,_ he feels very happy.A.Although; but B.Although; /C.Because so D.Because /( )7.This math questi on is too difficult. Can you help
3、 me_?A.work on it B.work out it C.work it out D.work for it()8.He has two sons. They are Jim and Tom. Jim is Tom_brother. sA.old B.older C.elder D.young( )9.The old man looks very unhappy, because he lives ,and he feels very .A.alone; alone B.lonely; IonelyC.alone;IonelyD.lonely; alone()10.He should
4、_the teacher.A.explain B.explain to C.explained D.explained to()11. What s wron g?I can t do my homework now. Imy homework in the classroom this morning.A.leave B.forget C.forgot D.left()12.I m not sure. His fatherin the office.A.maybe B.may be C.may D.is()13.He is very angry with his mother, becaus
5、e his mother always_him with thebest stude nt.A.compares B.complains C.tells D.makes()14.ls there_in this story?A. w on derful somethi ngB. somethi ng won derfulC. w on derful anythingD. anything won derful( )15 .It is too loud.Please_the radio.A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down D.turn up完形填空Mon day m
6、orni ng is an importa nt time at our school. All of the stude nts go to theplayground. We listen to music, and we 16 the national flag (国旗)go up.Usually, one stude nt gives a talk on Mon day mornin gs. One Mon day last year, aboy gave the talk. He was 17 and excited! When I saw him, I wan ted to hav
7、e a try, too.Can I really do it?Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher 18 me, “Iknow you want to have a try. Next Mon day, you can give the talk. Go and write somethingdown. Get ready for it. I m sure you ll do well. ”“Thank you, ” I answered. It was such a grea9 for
8、me! When I got home, I wasexcited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I askedmy pare nts 20 . I wan ted to make my teacher happy.Mon day morning came. I bega n to feel 21. Whe n did I last give a talk to somany people? Never! This was my first time. Could I rea
9、lly do it? Maybe I couldn finish thetalk.When I got to school, we all went out to playground. I 22 in front of every on e. I opened my mouth, but I could n t say any thi ng.“Take it easy, ” I said to. “ Don t be nervous. You can do it. ”Just the n, I looked dow n at every on e. I saw about 1,000 eye
10、s. They were alllooking at me! I couldn t even stand up.I looked at their eyes more carefully. Their eyes were saying, “Youcan do it! Don tbe afraid, just talk!”I 24 a big breath(呼吸).Then I began to talk. It wasn t hard. It was easy.I don Iknow 25 I finished my talk. But I did it. I felt so good tha
11、t day. I showed myselfto every one what I can do.()16.A.watch B.see C.notice D.look at( )17.A.surprising B.proud C.amazed D.careful()18.A.asked B.asked for C.said to D.showed()19.A.chanee B.news C.time D.message()20.A.to listen to B.to listen C.listen to D.listen( )21.A.excited B.happy C.nervous D.s
12、urprised()22.A.stand B.stood C.was standingD.have stood()23.A.me B.my classC.myself D.my parents()24.A.took B.held C.put D.left()25.A.when B.how C.why D.whether阅读理解In the world today, all of the people n eed to have fun whe n they are free. We can workall the time if we are going to keep healthy and
13、 enjoy life.Every one has his own way of relax ing. Perhaps the most popular form (形式)is totake part in sports. There are team sports, such as basketball and football. There are alsoindividual(个人的)sports, such as swimming and running. Skating and mountain climbingare the most popular recreation ( 了肖
14、遣)for people who like to be outdoors.Not every one who enjoys sports likes to take part in them. Many people like watchingthem on TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people like some in door relaxati on,such as watch ing TV, singing and dancing.It does n t matter if we like in door recreat
15、i on or take part in outdoor sports. It isimporta nt for every one to relax from time to time, and enjoy some themselves.( )26.Which is the most popular form of recreatio n?A.SIeeping. B.Watching TVC.Sports. D.Singing and dancing.( )27.People want to take part in sports to .A. make friendsB. keep he
16、althy and enjoy lifeC. find a good jobD. make more money( )28.Outdoor sports in clude .A. watchi ng TVB. s inging and dancingC. liste ning to the radioD. skating and mountain climbing()29.Why do many people like watching sports on TV or listening to them on theradio?A. Because they don t enjoy life.
17、B. Because they don t enjoy sports.C. Because they like sports but they don t like to take part in them.D. Because they don t need recreation.()30.The passage 文章)mai nly (主要)tells us that .A. basketball is a kind of team sportsB. i ndoor recreati on is not as importa nt as outdoor sportsC. differe n
18、t people have differe nt ways of relaxi ngD. every one who enjoys sports should take part in them根据汉语意思完成句子41 你可以给他打电话。You can.42.他正在浏览一本杂志。He is_ a magazine.43 他和他的同学相处得不好。He can _his classmates.44. 昨天他把词典还给我了。He_the dictio nary to me yesterday.45. 商店里有各种各样的衣服。There are_ clothes in the store.单项选择()
19、1. Youshould work tonightwatching TV.A.in the place of B.instead C.insteadof D. expect()2. If you compare her work_his, youflilnd hers is much better.A. forB.with C.atD. o n()3. Thereno coffeewould you like a cup of tea_ ?A. insteadB.neitherC.ever D. already()4. If there anything you don understand,
20、 I be happy to_.A. explain B.decide C.train D.copy()5. It was a long time before I could get back into a car becauseI was very_about drivingagain after the accident.A. excited B.nervous C.tired D.angry()6. Hisparents allow him_ a movie oncea week.A. to watch B.watch C.watching D.watched()7.4. Do nt
21、argue anyonesmall th in gs.A. with;with B. with; about C.about; with D. about; about()8. He picked up his book and_reading.A. forgot B. hated C.con ti nued D. imagi ned()9.Bill,thanksfor sending me to the hospital._.A. It does nmatter B. Best wishes C.No problem D. Ilove to()10. I donmind you_ a dog
22、 in the house so Iong asit clsan.A. to push B.pushing C.to keep D.keeping()11. Lastnight, he offered_ me home, but I refused.A. drive B.to driveC.drivingD.to driving( )12. Every on ehad a differe nt_ on the subject at the meeti ng.A. opinionB. advice C.decisionD. discussion()13. _buy a jacket for yo
23、ur brother on his birthday?That agood idea.A. Why not B. Why C. How about D. How to()14. It difficult for a small supermarket to_ with the big supermarkets.A. share B.drop C.compete D. provide()15. My cous in alwaystakesmy th in gs without ask ing. _,Ith ink.A. It ight B. It ot a big deal C. It dang
24、erous D. It ot a good idea()16. If you d on un dersta nd, it estto saysoandgetthings_ .A. enjoyableB. clear C.fair D.necessary()17. I don think that hs_ way to do it. Let asksomeoneelsefor help.A. proper B. personal C.independentD.careless()18. Mrs. Gree nhasto_her little daughter or shew on work ha
25、rd at all.A. hate B. hurt C.invite D. push()19. We came home a nd found Lisa_ on the sofa.A. sleep B.to sleep C.sleepingD. slept()20. Mr. Brow n is used to_the e-mails as so on as he gets to his office.A. looking after B. looking forward to C.looking through D. looking for完形填空Do you often talk with
26、your parents about your problems? When you talk to the m, will they believewhat you say,listen to you and 21 you?It has 22 to do with both you and your parents. Some parents are easyto talk to, and they are greatliste ners, 23 some are hard to walk closeto. As com muni cati on is a two-way street, t
27、he 24 you talkcan causedifferent results. Soyou should foll ow the advice below.Be_25 . Tellyourpare nts about what you thi nk, feel, and want as clearly asposs ible. Theywill bemore helpful if they 26 what you mean and what sally going onMake your parents believe you. If you re27 honest, your paren
28、ts will believe what yousay.However, if you hardly tell them the truth, it will be difficult for them t o believe you.Try not to 28 . If you disagreewith your parents, can you see things 29 your p arents side? If bothyou and your parents think for each other, you will be able to tal k in a 30-way.()
29、21. A. depe nd on B. take after C. give up D. agree with()22. A. somethingB.no thi ngC.everything1D.any thing()23. A. orB. butC.soD.u ntil()24. A. timeB. placeC.troubleD. way()25. A. easyB. differe ntC.clearD. loud()26. A. understandB.changeC.c on trolD. question()27. A. sometimesB.alwaysC.neverD.ha
30、rdly()28. A. competeB.expla inC. compareD. argue()29. A.withB.fromC.inD.of()30. A. normalB.similarC.frie ndlyD.lo nely阅读理解Sally was a stude nt. It was going to be her mother s birthday. She wan ted to buyher a prese nt that would be nice and useful but not expe nsive.A week before her mother birthda
31、y, she went shopping after a quick andsimple lunch. When she had been looking for half an hour, she found a shop that was selling cheepumbrellas (伞),and decided to take a black one, since her mother had lost hers the month before.She thought, “ You could carry that whe n you are weari ng clothes of
32、any color.So she decided to buy a lovely black umbrella and took it back to school with herun til her classes had fini shed.On her way back home in the train that eve ning, she felt hungry because shehad such a small l unch that she went along to the buffet car (餐车) for ano thersan dwich and cup of
33、coffee. She had left the black umbrella above her seat in the compartment (车厢),but when she got back, it had gone! When she had left the compartme nt, there had bee n no otherpasse nger(乘客)in it, but now there were three.Sally bega n to cry whe n she saw that the umbrella was no Ion ger there. Theot
34、her passengersfelt very sorry for her and asked what the matter was. She told them that the blackumbrella she had bought for her mother was gone, and that she had to get out at the next station. Afterthe three other passengers heard it, they asked her for her mother address so that they could sent t
35、heumbrella to her ifsome one had take n it by mistake and brought it back after Sally had got out of thetrai n.The n ext week, Sally heard from her mother. It said,“ Thank you very much foryour lovely prese nts, but why did you send me three black umbrellas?”()31. Which of the following has the same
36、 meaning with the sentence You could carry that when youare wearing clothes of any color?AYoucancarry it when you are wearing anyclothes.BAny color of your clothes will be all right.CThe umbrella will be OKfor your clothes in anycolors.D. Youcan take any clothes that you like to wear.()32. Where did
37、 shefind the umbrella missing?A. Thecompartment. B. Her school. C.The buffet car. D.Theshop.( )33. From the passage,we can infer (推断)that_.A. her mother would write to her if shedidnt receivethe presentB. the three umbrellas were sent by the girlC. only four people had ever been to the compartmentD.
38、 nobody brought the umbrella back()34. The best name of the story is_.A. ALuckyGirlB.TheMissing Umbrella C.Mothers present D. AHappyMother()35. What does the writer want to tell us?A. Youshould take care of your things when you are traveling.B. Showyour love to others, and they will bring you love.C
39、. Childrenshouldoften come backto seetheir parents.D. Its no usecrying when you are in trouble.词汇运用46. I_ (usual)just have a sandwichfor lunch.47. Good_ (commun icate)is importa nt for bus in ess(业务).48. Thegirl is always_ (causeXrouble for people.49. I spent the whole class_(copy)notes on the black
40、board.50. It important for usto develop good study_ (skill).51. 我希望事情将会进展顺利。I hope thingswill_ well.52. 你跟你的邻居们相处融洽吗?Do you_your neighbors?53. 你不能马上还我钱,也没什么大不了的。It,_ if you can,pay me back right now.54请快速浏览一下这篇文章。Please_the article quickly.55. 她努力干活以便能到 6 点时把一切都准备好。Sheworked hard_everything would be
41、 ready by 6 o clock.56. 我建议你把这些单词删掉。I advise you to_hese words57. 依我看,健康最重要。_ ,health is the most important.58. 长途旅行之后感到疲惫是正常的。_ feel tired after a long trip.59. 她放学后没有回家,因此她妈妈很担心她。Shedidn go home after school so her mother_her.60. 昨天她拒绝和我一起逛商店。She_with me yesterday.书面表达下面是大明写给他的朋友 Tom 的信,信中描述了他的烦恼。
42、请你以他的朋友 Tom 的身份,给他写一封80 词左右的回信,在信中指出他的问题并给他提出建议。DearTom,My classmate, Lucy,bought a new pen. I liked it very much, so I used it without herpermission.Unluckily, I broke it. Then I put it backsecretly.Now shefinds out the trut h and is very angrywith me. I don know what to do. Canyou help me?Yours,Da
43、mingDear Daming,I know your problemYours,1. B allow sb. to do sth 是固定搭配,意为 允许某人做某事”。2. A What s wrong with sb 是固定句式,意为 某人怎么了? ”。3. DWhat about.?意为“怎么样? ”,后面接动名词形式;Let s do s 是祈使句, 意 为 让我们做某事吧”;Why don t you do sth 意为 为何不做某事呢? ”。该句 中的谓语动词为动词原形 give,且是问句,因此答案为 D 项。4. D in order to 意为 为了”,后面接动词原形;becau
44、se 引导原因状语从句;so 表 示结果;so that意为 以便于”,引导目的状语从句。5. A surprise sb 意为使某人惊讶”,mus 后跟动词原形,故只有 A 项符合题意。6. B although 作连词,意为 虽然,尽管”,而且 although 与 but 不能同时使用。7. C work out 意为 解决;算出”,work out 的宾语如果是名词,可以放在中间, 也可以放在后面,但是宾语如果是代词,只能放在中间。8. C elder brother 意为 哥哥”。9. C alone 作形容词,意为孤独的;寂寞的。,侧重于独自一人,没有其他人,通 常作表语;而 lo
45、nely既可以作形容词,又可以作副词,意为 孤独的(地);单独 的(地)”,表示人的一种心理状态。10. B explain to sb 是固定搭配,意为 向某人解释”。11. D forget sth.意为 忘记某事”;leave sth 则表示 把某物留在或忘在某地”。由句中的时间状语 this morning 可知该句时态用一般过去时,故答案为D 项。12. B 情态动词 may 表示推测,意为或许,可能”,与后面的 be 构成谓语;而 maybe 是副词,意为 大概;或许”,常用于句首。13. A 句意:他很生他妈妈的气,因为他妈妈总是将他与最好的学生作比较。根 据句意可知 A 项正确。14. D 修饰不定代词的形容词或不定式要放在该不定代词之后,而且该句是一般 疑问句,因此答案为D 项。15. C turn on 打开;turn off 关掉;turn down 调小;turn up 调大。根据句意 声音 太响亮”可知最佳答案为 C 项。完形填空16. A watch the nat
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