



1、小学英语阅读理解题(一)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。mr. king lived in a small town, but he has a job in a big city, so he moved there with his wife and his children last tuesday. on that day mr. king took his new car out of the garage(车床 ) and washed it. a neighbour( 邻居 ) came and looked at the new car for a minute. then mr.

2、king turned and saw him. “ thats a new car. is it yours?” the neighbour asked.“ sometimes, ” mr. king answered.the neighbour was surprised.“ sometimes? ” he said.“ what do you mean?”“ well, ” answered mr. king slowly,“ when theres a party in town, its my daughters. where theres a football game, it b

3、elongs to( 属于 ) my son. when i washes it and it looks very nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. and when it needs gas(汽油 ),its mine. ”( )1.there are people in the story. a.three b.four c.six d.five ( )2.mr. king worked in . a.a small town b.a big city c.the garage d.the gas atation ( )3.when mr. k

4、ing was washing the new car, his neighbour came to ask him . a.if( 是否 ) the car is new b.what car it is c.if the car is mr. kings d.how much is the car ( )4. “ sometimes ” in the story means that . a.when there is a party in town, the car belongs to his daughter. b.when there is a football game, it

5、is his sons. c.when the car looks nice and clean, its his wifes. d.when the car wants gas, it belongs to him. (二)a man was traveling abroad in a small red car. one day he left the car and went shopping. when he came back, its roof was badly damaged. some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it

6、. the man did not believe them, but they took him to a circus which was near there. the owner of the elephant said, “ i am very sorry! my elephant has a big, round, red chair. he thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it! then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry

7、and that he would pay for all the damage. when the man got back to his own country, the customs officers wouldn t believe his story. they said, “ you sold your new car while you were abroad and bought this old one! it was only when the man showed them the letter from the circus man that believed him

8、. read and choose. ( ) 1.a man was traveling abroad_. a. in a big bus b. in a green jeep c. in a red car d. in a red taxi ( ) 2.the car was damaged because_. a. there was a traffic accident b. the circus man broke it c. it rushed into a shop d. the elephant sat on it ( ) 3.the circus man said that_.

9、 a. he would pay for part of the damage b. he would pay for all of the damage c. he wouldnt pay for the damage d. he would buy a new car ( ) 4. when the man got back to his country, the customs officers_. a. would check his new car b. only checked his car c. searched him d. wouldnt believe what he h

10、ad said, ( ) 5.it was only_that made the officers believe him. a. the letter from the circus man b. a newspaper from the country c. the certificate of his d .the letter from the government(三)it was half-past eight in the morning. the telephone bell rang and mary went to answer it. its me-peter. hell

11、o, whos that? “she asked.peter was a friend of marys eight-year-old brother, johnny. oh hello, peter.what do you want?” said mary.can i speak to johnny? no, ” said mary, “you cant speak to him now. he is busy. he is getting ready for school. he is eating his breakfast. grandmother is combing hishair

12、.sister is under the table, putting his shoes on. mother is getting his books and putting them in his school bag.goodbye, i ve got to go now. i have to hold the door open. the school bus is coming. read and choose. ( ) 1.who went to answer it when the telephone bell rang? a. johnny s sister b.peter

13、c, johnny d.johnnys mother ( ) 2.whom did peter want to speak to? a. marys brother b. marys sister c. marys grandmother d. johnnys mother ( )3.johnny couldnt speak to peter because johnny _. a. was combing his hair b. was putting his shoes on c. was getting his books d. was busy eating his breakfast

14、 ( ) 4.how do you say to a stranger who is answering your telephone? a. who are you? b. anything to say? c. who is it? d. please. ( ) 5.from this story we know that johnny was_. a. a lazy b. a clever boy c. a busy boy d. a hungry boy (四)uncle wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. the

15、shop is not far from his home. it is about one kilometer away. so uncle wang seldom(很少)goes to work by bus. he usually goes bike there by bike, sometimes on foot. it takes (花费 ) him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. today his bike is broken. he wants to walk there. now h

16、e is having breakfast. he leaves home at ten minutes to eight and he walks to work twenty minutes earlier. his work starts at half past eight in the morning and finishes at a quarter to five in the afternoon. ( ) 1. what does uncle wang do? a. he sells books. b. he grows flowers. c. he makes shoes.

17、d. he works in a hospital. ( ) 2. why does he seldom go to work by bus? because . a. there is no bus b. his shop is not far from his home c. he likes riding a bike d. his shop isnt in the middle of the city ( )3. how long does it take him to walk to his book shop? a. twenty minutes b. forty minutes

18、c. ten minutes d. half an hour ( ) 4. what time does he usually leave home by bike? a. at ten minutes to eight b. at half past eight c. at ten minutes past eight d. at twenty minutes past eight ( ) 5. he usually gets back home from work at in the afternoon. a. 4:45 b. 5:15 c. 4:55 d. 5:05 (五)sandwic

19、h was an englishman. he lived in the 18th century(世纪 ). sandwich was rich(有钱的 ), but he liked to play cards (纸牌 ) for money. he often played for 24 hours, and didnt even stop to have his meals. he ordered( 命令 ) his servants (仆人 ) to bring him some meat and bread. he put the meat between ( 在两者之间 ) th

20、e two pieces of bread and held the food in his left hand while he played cards with his right hand. people liked sandwichs idea, and from then on they ate bread and meat as sandwich did. from the name of the man, sandwich, we have the word of the food sandwich today. ( ) 1. sandwich was the . a. nam

21、e of a servant b. name of a man with a lot of money c. poor man who lived on playing cards d. name of food which was liked by the rich ( ) 2. sandwich . a. was so interested (兴趣 ) in playing cards that he often had no time to have his meals b. often brought some bread with him to play cards c. never

22、 ate anything when he played cards d. had no money to play cards with at last ( ) 3. people liked sandwichs idea because . a. bread, together with meat was cheap b. he always won when he played cards c. they liked sandwich himself d. when they ate with one of their hands they could do something with

23、 the other ( ) 4. today, sandwich is . a. also a name of a rich man. b. two pieces of bread with meat in between. c. not interested in playing cards. d. not liked by most of the people. ( ) 5. as food, sandwich . a. is usually made of ( 用.制做 ) bread and chicken. b. sometimes smells (闻) good, but som

24、etimes not. c. is made of bread and meat. d. is easy for us to play. (六)the students were having their chemistry( 化学) class. miss li was telling the students what water was like. after that, she asked her students, “ what s water?” no one spoke for a few minutes. miss li asked again, “ why dont you

25、answer my question? didn t i tell you what water is like? just then a student put up his hand and said, “ miss li, you told us that water has no color and no smell. however, where to find such kind of water? the water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell. most of the s

26、tudents agreed with him. im sorry, children. said the teacher, our water is getting dirtier and dirtier. thats a problem. choose the best answer: 1.what were the students doing? a. they were having an english class. b. they were having a chinese class. c. they were having a chemistry class. d. they

27、were having a math class. 2. miss li was telling the students a. what water was like. b. what air was like. c. what earth was like. d. what weather was like. 3. what colors was the water in the river behind the students house? a. it was white. b. it was black. c. it was clean. d. it was clear. 4. mo

28、st of the children ( ) the student a. agreed with b. wrote to c. heard from d. sent for 5.why did the water in the river have color? a. because it was getting more and more. b. because it was getting less and less. c. because it was getting cleaner and cleaner. d. because it was getting dirtier and

29、dirtier. 6 (七)most english people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. their family name comes last. for example, my full name is jim allan green. green is my family name .my parents gave me both of my other names. people don t use their middle names very much. so “john

30、 henry brown” is usually called “john brown”. people never use mr., mrs. or miss before their first names. so you can say john brown, or mr. brown; but you should never say mr. john. they use mr., mrs. or miss with the family name but never with the first name. sometimes people ask me about my name.

31、 “when you were born, why did your parents call you jim?” they ask. ” why did they choose that name? ” the answer is they didnt call jim. they called me james. james was the name of my grandfather. in england, people usually call me jim for short. thats because it is shorter and easier than james.1.

32、 most english people have_ names. a one b two c three d four 2. _ is jims family name.a jim b green c allan d james 3. english people use mr., mrs. or miss with _. a the family name b the first name c the middle name d the first name and the middle name 4. the teachers name is mary joan shute. her s

33、tudents call her _.a miss mary b miss joan c miss mary joan d miss shute 5. people usually call the writer jim instead of james because _. a it s the name of his grandfather b it s easier for people call him c it s the name that his parents chose for him d it s more difficult than james (八)on christ

34、mas eve - the night before christmas day children are very happy. they put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. they want father christmas to give them some presents. mr. green tells his children that father christmas is a very kind man. he comes on christmas eve. he lands

35、 on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of present. christmas day always begins before breakfast. the children wake up very early. they cant wait to open the presents in their stockings. then they wake up their parents and call: merry christmas!do yo

36、u know what christmas means? christmas day is the birthday of jesus christ. when christ was born, many people gave him presents. so today, people still do the same thing to each other. 1. christmas eve is _. a the night before december 24 b the night after december 25 c the night of december 25 d th

37、e night of december 24 2. father christmas often puts the presents_. a into childrens hats b into childrens stockingsc under childrens beds d into childrens shoes3. father christmas comes into the house through the_. a window b front door c chimney d back door 4. on the morning of christmas day, chi

38、ldren wake up their parents very early and say_. a good morning! b happy new year! c best wishes for you! d merry christmas! 5. on christmas day, people often _to each other. a give money b ask for money c ask for presents d give presents (九)the new year s eve party was going on when the bell rang.

39、a tall man opened the door and came in. nobody knew him, but the host went over and took him in. the man sat there happily for an hour and drunk. then he said, “invited me to this party。i don t know you, or anyone else here. my wife and i wanted to go out in our car, but one of your friends cars was

40、 in front of our gate, so i came here to find him, and my wife is still waiting in our car!”1. when did the story happen? a at 7:00 b in december c on new year s eve d when the bell rang 2. the “bell ” here means the _.a time bell b doorbell c church bell d bell for class 3. the host went to meet an

41、d took him in because he took the tall man for _. a one of his friends b his brother c his classmate d his teacher 4. the tall mans wife waited in the car for _.a a long time b two hours c a half hour d an hour 5. at last, the host might be a little_. a happy b surprised c worried d afraid 9 (十)once an old man went to see a doc


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