1、陶 pottery 瓷 porcelain / China 原始瓷 proto-porcelain 成熟青瓷 mature celadon 高温瓷 high-fired glazed ware 低温陶 low-fired pottery 新石器时代Neolithic Times夹炭黑陶charcoal-mixed black pottery印纹硬陶impressed pottery铅釉陶 lead-glazed pottery 熏炉 incense burner 罐 jar单色釉 monochrome glaze 彩色釉陶 poly-chrome glazed pottery 颜色釉 colo
2、r porcelain 青白釉 porcelain with a bluish-white glaze 豆青釉 bean-green 建窑黑釉瓷temmokou青瓷green ware绿釉green glaze白釉white glaze红釉 red glaze 青釉celadon德化白瓷blanc de China甜白瓷sweet white秘色瓷 secrete color celadon定窑Ding ware汝窑Ru ware官窑Guan ware(还有一个官窑,意义不同,为 official kiln )窑 kiln 民窑folk kiln哥窑开片 crackles三足tri-legge
3、d青花瓷 underglaze blue design / blue and white porcelain 釉里红 underglazed red 青花釉里红 underglaze blue & red釉上彩 overglazed珊瑚红 coral red glazed 郎窑红 oxblood豇豆红 cowpea-red / peach-bloom porcelain斗彩 contrasting color / designs outlined in underglaze blue and filled in with overglaze colors 五彩famille verte
4、粉彩famille rose珐琅彩 enamel decorate 卵白egg-white glaze影青瓷 light-blue porcelain 祭红sacrificial-red porcelain制作工艺胎体 clay body 陶片pottery shards弦纹 with string pattern镂孔 with openwork design人形 with human figurepattern曲折纹 with zigzag pattern圆圈纹 with ring pattern鸟纹 with bird pattern缠枝纹 with interlaced floral d
5、esign 刻花 with carved design划花 with incised design堆塑 with modeled design堆贴、贴花 with applied design印花 with moulded design剔花 with raffito design几何纹 with geometric pattern透雕openwork露胎贝占un glazed appliqu e绞胎marbled pottery堆纹modeling压印impressing占印appliqu e加彩coloring剔地cut-off ground剪纸占花papercut油滴斑oil-drop i
6、ron crystals白地黑花black design on a whiteground元素agent (such as copper, iron)碎片 fragment 灰胎黑陶衣 grey clay with a black coating 烧成温度firing temperature光泽 luster 苏麻离 Smalt 黑斑 speckle 粗瓷石 crude China stone 涩胎瓷雕 unglazed ceramic sculpture 雕刻 engrave 加工 refining 成型 modeling 装饰 decorating 烧成 fining 补水 water-s
7、upplying 勾线 drawing 打箍 hooping 分水 dark-light-processing 青花料 cobalt 龙窑 dragon kiln 柴窑 wood kiln 炉膛 hearth 氧化期 oxidation period 陈腐 aging 揉泥 kneading 拉坯 throwing 修坯 trimming 印模 impressing 云母 mica 内底 interior base 支钉 spur 芒口 unglazed rim 碗口 mouth rim 覆烧 up-side-down firing 叠烧 up-stacked firing青铜器镏金 gilt
8、 bronze爵 wine vessel鼎 food vessel (所有的青铜器名称不宜用拼音介绍,最好介绍其用途) 兽面纹 animal mask戈 dagger-axe 饰品 ornament范 clay molds 分铸casting in several pours合金铸造 bimetallic casting雕塑舍利sarira加IV少Gauze Kasaya莲瓣纹with carved lotus petals窖藏hoard画像石painted stone relief拜火教parseeism陶俑pottery figurine / pottery木俑painted wood天王Lokapala / heavenly guardian镇墓兽tomb guardian beast辟邪evil spirit exorciser石碑stele泥塑clay绘画水墨画ink and wash壁画fresco图卷hand scroll图册album leaves图轴hanging scroll高僧lofty monks(人的)字 designated name(人的)号 literary name墓室coffi
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