



1、七年级英语Unit6 Topic1 导学案Unit6 Our Local Area Topic1 Is there a computer in your study ?Section A学生名:小组名:组长签名:时间:一、学习目标: 1.学习there is/are句型及方位介词和短语的用法。2 . 重点词语: beautiful garden bedroom second floor upstairs kitchen bathroom first under behindguitar window look after center left3 .核心问题:What s in your st

2、udy? There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on. Why not goupstairs and have a look? Let s go. You must look after your things. What time is it over?二、学习重点、难点:能正确使用there be 句型;正确使用方位介词表达物体的存在。三、导学流程:(一)思考:你能用英语写出并熟记你家的房间名称吗?书房卧室厨房起居室餐厅花园浴室1、 先学会单词:beautiful garden bedroom second floor upstairs ki

3、tchen bathroom second floor 看看哪组最棒!2、下面的问题你会回答吗?What s in your study? There is a sofa, a desk, some books and soon.3、用句型There is/are 描述身边事物的存在方位,小组内先写好,比比看看,哪组最厉害。4、 阅读1a, 找找里面有哪些重点词句?然后完成1c 的填空 ,12345 加油! !(三)能力训练1、小组再朗读1a,然后分角色朗读比赛哦.看谁棒!2、写出下列短语:在二楼在花园如此多在什么的前面(内部、外部)3. Match the words with the pi

4、ctures. Do 2a. ( 小组长做好检查哦!)4. Fill in the blanks according to 1a.完成下列空格,看谁做得又快又好!This is Jane s home. Her bedroom is the second floor. There a study herbedroom. There is a in her study. There many on the shelves. Shea nice study.四、学后反思:1 There be 句型表示: 2 . There be 的结构 3 . Be 如何使用4 . 变一般疑问句5 .为什么不一

5、?都有哪些表达? 6 .so many ,so much 的用法是什么?7.你知道下面这些词组的意思和用法吗?a moment later ,come in, in front of ,in the front of测评反馈12.用 be 动词填空。1. Therea pen in my hand.2. Theresome juice in the glass.3. there a study on the second floor?4. Theresome books on the shelf.5. There61 students in our class.6. there any app

6、les in the kitchen?Section B一、 学习目标:1. 新词句: lamp, clock, table, key, window talk about, near, under, put away, thing, dad, model, river2. 核心问题What s on your desk? There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.How much water is there? Only a little. How many boats are there on the river? There ar

7、e two.3. 拓展问题There be 句型的疑问句和否定句的用法。二、学习重点、难点:掌握 There be 句型三、导学流程:1.自读课本1a (P29 30).2.找出新词,新句型并进行背诵。谈论 在 附近 灯,油灯 钟 在 下面 桌子 钥匙, 答案 离开 东西, 物品 窗户 模型范例 江,河 把 放回原处英汉互译1 . What's your desk? 你的书桌上有什么?2 . My dogmy computer! 我的狗正在玩我的电脑呢!3 . are there on the desk? (桌上)有几架(模型)飞机?4 .看1a,判断正误:完成课文1b5 .仿照例子,

8、小组内完成一篇对话。使用Where is your ? It s.Is/Are there.? Yes, there is/are. No, there isn t/aren t.能力训练:I. 根据短文的意思及首字母提示补全单词;My mother often cooks for us inand do my homework in mybooks?me.This is my new house. It's very beautiful. It has two fthe k . I usually watching TV in thelroom after supper for a

9、little while. Then I go us. At 9:30 p.m. I usually go to bed in my b6 .句型转换。1) There is a picture on the wall. (改为否定句)2) There is a cat behind the door.(改为复数形式)3) She is making a cake. (对画线部分提问)4) Tom has some books. (改为一般疑问句)Tom5)I sit in front of her. (同义句转换)She6)There is a black car in front of h

10、is house. (改一般疑问句)3. 填空。A:the kitchen?B: It's on the first floor.6A:A: Where's the living room?B: It's next to the dining room.a garden behind the house? B: Yes,A: any bedrooms on the first floor?B: ,. But there are two on the second floor.四、学后反思:1 、我的收获:新词句有2、学习本节后,我能用英语进行3、 我的易错点:。 我需要

11、提高的是:Section C一、 学习目标:1、 词句: center ,in the center of, yard, beautiful, flower, large, left, people, mirror,drawer, chair, keyboard, pencil-box at the back of, on the left/right of2、核心问题On the left of the yard, there is a kitchen and a dining room.I love playing on the computer in the study.Where is

12、 the.?It's .Where are the.? They are.There is /are.3、2.继续学习方位介词和There be句型。二、学习重点、难点:写作:My Home自主学习1. 检测新单词:在中心院子美丽的,花,巨大的左边,人,人们抽屉,键盘,文具盒椅子,镜子在左面、右面.前面.后面 2 . 预习 31 页的短文,画出介词短语。预习填空完成31页的1b. I.根据句意及首字母提示写出单词1) There is much money in the dof the table。2) Kate likes wTV in the living room 。3) The

13、re are many bflowers in the garden 。4) Where is my key?It is on the k near the computer。5) Go and wash your hands in the b。3 .看P32 页的图片,小组内编一个对话。(组长负责组织)1 .三、导学流程:阅读P31 1a(A) 从文中找出生词并画线,试着自己拼读看看,记得多问哦。(B) 从文中找出下列句子并划线,试着翻译下列句子1. There is a small garden in the center of the yard.2. There are three be

14、droomsa large living room and a study in it.3. On the left of the yard, there is a kitchen and a dinning room.4. Now I m helping my father clean the study.(C)和你的同伴一起讨论翻译1a(做在书上)(D)翻译1a下的四个问题并回答(E)小组合作:2人一组翻译1b中的6个问题(做在书上),并根据自己的实际情况2人一组互相问答,描述一下自己的房间的物体摆放位置课后检测:单项选择:1).-Where is your bed ?-It sthe b

15、edroom.A under B on C in) 2).There-A be) 3).-Where30 boys and 20 girls in our class.B are C havemy keys?-in my bag.A is , They re B are, They re C are, There re) 4). Mom, where are my sports shoes? They re your bed.A under B in C behind) 5).There arenice books in the school library. Let s go and bor

16、row some.A so little B so many C so much四、学后反思:1 、我的收获:新词句有2、学习本节后,我能用英语进行3、 我的易错点:。 我需要提高的是:Section D一、学习目标:复习 there be 句型的用法,运用there be 句型来描述物体的存在方位。二、学习重点、难点: 掌握好Grammar (语法)与Functions (功能用语)。三、导学流程1 、看 1 的图片并完成课文里的填空。2、阅读课文2 并熟悉写信的格式。3、理解以下词语:talk aboutin front ofMany birds are singing in the tr

17、ees.Write to4、阅读Project 有关学习习惯的文章,然后用2 的词语写一段话介绍你的家,一定要写好试着总结there be句型的用法和结构(A) 含义(B) 结构:肯定的there be 句型:否定的 there be 句型:there be 句型:一般疑问句的回答:肯定 否定 课后检测:I.用There be或have/ has填空。1.We no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. a bowl ofdumplings on the table.3. Mr. Li a pet dog.4. some gifts for our Chinese teacher, Mr. Li.5. How m


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