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1、委婉语the 1ow-income groupthe have-notsa man of modest meansa negative saver (积蓄为负值的人)urban camping(流落街头)culturally deprived cnviromncnt (贫民窟) apple of one' s eyes心肝宝贝,掌上明珠 follow one,s nose 直往前走,凭直觉彳亍事indian summer小阳春(深秋季节里一段风和日丽的吋期);愉快宁静的晚年 putting two and two together.根据事实推断 five and ten 便宜的 the

2、 salt of the earth 精英 the last straw 最后一击 the lion' s share 最大份额 词汇口我检查5/28/2012leach of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the answer sheet. ( 30% )1. and "inare.a. morphemesb.inflectiona

3、l morphemesc. derivational morphemesd.free morphemes2. "influenza" being shortened to "flu" is the result ofa. back clippingbfront clippingc. front-and-back clippingd.shortening4. which of the following words is a fxinctional word?a. oftenb. neverc. thoughd. apple5. which of the

4、following words is not formed through clipping? a. memob. autocidec zood fridgeu why is sunday the strongest day?""because all the others are week days.mthis passage is the rhetoric use of.a. polysemyc homonymsc homophonesd. metaphor7. the opposite meaning of clear in the sentence mnow tha

5、t eve told her everything, i can leavewith a clear conscience"is.a. dull,b.harshc confusingd.guilty8. the word search turning from a verb into a noun is calledas far as word-buildingis conccrncd.a. conversionb. suffixationc. affixationd. compounding9. arc bound morphemes because they cannot be

6、used as separate words.a. stemsb. rootsc. affixesd. compound10. which type of transfer is the word help in “the student assistant is an efficient help:?a. transfer of sensationb.associated transferc abstract to concreted.concrete toabstract11 what type of word-formation is the process "from lip

7、-reading to lip-read"a. from noun to verbb. back-formationc conversiond. frcc-phrasc16. context clues very a great deal. the sentence mary united nations employees arc polyglots, mrs mary, for example, speaks five languages here the context clues isa. explanationb. examplec synonymyd. relevant

8、details17. the following groups of words symphony piemo, trio, tenor, model are loan words froma. greekb. italianc latind. french1& which of the following is a case of suffixation?a. hemisphere b. attempt.c bec d. correspondent.19. which group has not the same kind of antonyms?c.male-一female, yo

9、ungolda. employed-unemployed, dead-aliveb. warm一-cold,narrow-一wided teacherstudent, childrenparents20. "heart and souf' is an idiomin nature. that is to say it has the same function in asentence.a. norminalb. adjectivalc adverbiald. verbal21 even the chainnan condescended to stop by and con

10、gratuate our team for the awarda. managed b. agreed c. benefited others d. lowered himself22. pass this policy change on to your subordinates at the earliest date possiblea. business groups b. members c. clientsd. juniors23.1 was wondering if you would care to elucidagte your governments position on

11、 this.a.rcthinkb publishc. explaind dcfbnd24. reece electric response to the takeover bid has remained ambivalent, although unofficial reports coming out of the company show a favorable attitude.1) types of meaning changes; 2) semantic shift.according tomatch 1a1. synaesthesia (通感)2. transferred epi

12、thet (移位修饰)3. elevation4. metaphor5. synecdoche (提喻)6. degradation7. naitowing8. extension9. metonomy10. onomatopoeia(拟声)a. guarded b. unclear c. hostile d. indecisive25. somebody made some banal suggestion, but other than that the room was so quiet you couldhear a pin drop.a brief b jovial c. inapp

13、ropriated unoriginal26. fortunately i was able to intercept the note before it reached mr. smith's desk.a.deliverb.editc. stop d. include27. in return of their testimony the two men were guaranteed complete immunity.a. payment b cure c exemption d. medical care2& chief of police bob pearson

14、commcnded the two officers for not giving up until they had apprehended the kidnappers and recovered the ransom money.a.promotedb. praised c.mentioned d relieved29. in the end, reasonable minds prevailed and the peace accord was signed.a. made sense b. argued c won d gained strength30. his paintings

15、 reveal a narcissistic trait in his personality.a artisticb. humanec paranoidd. self-centered(21-30参考答案见最后)ii study the following words and expressions and identify(10%)a. hiss, tick, kodak, patterb fame (rumour, report > celebrity, renown)c. the kettle is boilingd. campus (field grounds of colle

16、ge)e companion ( someone who shares your bread with you > person who shares in the work, pleasures, misfortunes of another)f. argument is a warg. glad tidings, a dizzy heighth. knave (boy>dishonest person)i. delicious perfumej. two heads are better than oneaccording to 1) types of rhetorical f

17、eatures of idioms; 2) types of word formation; and 3)sense relation(10%)match 212. repetitionb. wear and tear13. juxtapositionc neck and neck14. rhymed. from start to finish15. initialisme. hippo = hippopotamus, perm = permanent wave16. clippingf. bric17. acronymg. purplc:color18. synonymyh fact-fic

18、tion, boom-recession19. antonymyi. con 一- rip-off, shrewd一astute20 hyponymyj.ufoiil true or false (10%)1. the first people in england about whose language we have definite knowledge are the celts2. old english has much less loan words compared with modern english.3. the early material of middle engl

19、ish is of limited value, because it is largely written in latinand french.4. semantic unity and structural stability are general features of idioms, but there are manyexceptions.5 . the word "intciriationalists" has 4 morphemes.6 . “tycoon, tsunami sashimi, kimono” all come from chinese.7

20、. contradictory terms do not show degrees and are mutually exclusive.8 . when a word with more than one meaning is used in unclear context, it creates ambiguity.9 . the words "preliminaries, a christian, a white" are converted from adjectives, so thisfonnation is called partial conversion.

21、1 0 the language used in england between 450 and 1100 is called middle english.1 1 .in the phrase “the tongue of the shoe", the word "tongueis semantically motivated.iv. (20%) 10*21 according to traditional classification, linguistics consists of three branches: phonetics,grammar and.2 is

22、a smallest form that may appear in isolation. it is a unity of sound, form andmeaning.3 is the relationship between the sturcture of a word and its meaning. a wordwhose meaning is revealed or implied by its form or sound is called a motivated or transparentword, otherwise it is called a non-motivated or opaque word.4-6. the followings are idioms related to precise choice of words: easy come, easy penny wise, pound; no pains, no7 . the full form of the word &


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