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1、写作题库目录官方题(一) Intelligent Machines 1官方题(二) Public Health and Individual Freedom 2官方题(三) 9 月 12 日北美题 Unjust Laws 3官方题(四) 9 月 12 日亚太题 Creativity 4官方题(五) 10 月 24 日亚太题Challenge 5官方题(六) 12 月 12 日亚太题Mastery 5官方题(七) 12 月 12 日北美题Tech free time 5官方题(八) 12 月 12 日 香港广告 6官方题(九) 12 月 12 日 新加坡 Being wise and deter

2、mining 6叮叮小文库官方题(一)In tellige nt Machi nesThis sample prompt, I ntellige nt Mach in es, is represe ntative of the prompts that will be used for the ACT writ ing test.The test describes an issue and provides three differe nt perspectives on the issue. You are asked to "evaluate and analyze"

3、 the perspectives; to "state and develop" your own perspective; and to "expla in the relatio nship" betwee n your perspective and those give n.Your score will not be affected by the perspective you take on the issue.Sample promptIn tellige nt Mach inesMany of the goods and servic

4、es we depend on daily are now supplied by intelligent, automated machines rather than human beings. Robots build cars and other goods on assembly lin es, where once there were huma n workers. Many of our phone con versati ons are now con ducted not with people but with sophisticated tech no logies.

5、We can now buy goods at a variety of stores without the help of a human cashier. Automatio n is gen erally see n as a sig n of progress, but what is lost when we replace huma ns with mach in es? Give n the accelerat ing variety and prevale nee of in tellige nt mach in es, it is worth exam ining the

6、implicatio ns and meaning of their prese nee in our lives.Perspective OnePerspective TwoPerspective ThreeWhat we lose with the replaceme nt of people by mach ines is some part of our own huma ni ty. Even our mundane daily encoun ters no Ion ger require from us basic courtesy, respect, and tolera nee

7、 for other people.Mach ines are good at low-skills, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better tha n huma ns. This efficie ncy leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for every one.In tellige nt machi nes challe nge our Ion g-sta nding ideas a

8、bout what huma ns are or can be. This is good because it pushes both huma ns and mach ines toward n ew, uni magi ned possibilities.官方题(二) Public Health and In dividual FreedomPublic Health and In dividual FreedomMost people want to be healthy, and most people want as much freedom as possible to do t

9、he things they want. Unfortunately, these two desires sometimes conflict. For example, smoking is prohibited from most public places, which restricts the freedom of some individualsfor the sake of the health of others. Likewise, car emissions areregulated in many areas in order to reduce pollution a

10、nd its health risks to others, which in turn restricts some people' s freedom to drive the vehicles they want. In atsocatvalues both health and freedom, how do we best balance the two? How should we think about con flicts betwee n public health and in dividual freedom?Perspective OnePerspective

11、TwoPerspective ThreeOur society should strive to achieve the greatest good for the greatest nu mber of people. When the freedom of the in dividual in terferes with that prin ciple, freedom must be restricted.Noth ing in society is more valuable tha n freedom. Perhaps physical health is sometimes imp

12、roved by restrict ing freedom, but the cost to the health of our free society is far too great to justify it.The right to avoid health risks is a freedom, too.When we allow in dividual behavior to endan ger others, we' ve damagedboth freedom and health.官方题(三)9月12日北美题 Unjust LawsUnjust laws are p

13、art of our legal systems. They can restrict our freedom and violate our privacy. People often question themselves whether they should obey those laws. MartinLuther King Jr famously called upon people to oppose the laws that were racially discrim in atory and morally wrong. But how do we, as private

14、citize ns seek ing justice, approach these unjust laws? What is the best way to act in order to en sure that the harms of these laws are minimized and that they are eventually repealed - without bringing harm on on eself or those for whom one cares? These are questi ons worth exam ining both histori

15、cally and in our moder n society.Perspective OnePerspective TwoPerspective ThreePeople have rights to break the laws whe n the laws are unjust or immoral.Break ing the law should not be en couraged even if the laws themselves are problematic, because such action would result in chaos.Even if the law

16、s are bad, people have reas on to comply with them and seek other ways for cha nge. To defy the laws ope nly would only bring dan ger and harm on themselves.9官方题(四)9月12日亚太题CreativityCreativityExplore the role of creativity in the life of in dividual people (回忆版).Perspective OnePerspective TwoPerspec

17、tive ThreeMany n ewly created things today defy traditi on and ignore history. The best ideas are often based on prove n methods and theories.People can live without creativity, but in order to thrive in the fast changing world, one n eedsto becreative.Creativity has no sta ndard or set defi niti on

18、 .It makes more sense for us to focus on other qualities that are productive and accurately defi ned.官方题(五)10月24日亚太题 Challenges thoughtsPhysical challenge may make you stronger. However, if you didn ' Consider your physical attributes, an arbitrary challenge may bring harm and risk. Sometimes ch

19、allenge brings improvement. For instanee, challenge one' s mind could train oneEach perspective suggests a particular way of thinking about challe nge.Perspective one : Si nee life has provided us with eno ugh challe nges, over challe nge could drive people stressed and un happy.Perspective two

20、:Through challe nge, one can boost his pote ntial and push his limits.Perspective three :Whether challe nges bring us ben efits or harm depe nds on specificsituati on so we should have the in sight to recog nize them.官方题(六)12月12日亚太题 MasteryResearchers claim that it takes 10,000 hours of study, pract

21、ice and repetition of a particular skill to truly atta in mastery. That's the equivale nt of practic ing someth ing-amusical in strume nt, a sec ond Ian guage, a sport, etc.-for 8 hours a day, everyday, forabout three and a-half years. Given the level commitment required, it is worth considering

22、 the value and practicality of mastering a complex skill.Perspective OneDedicatio n to goals gives purpose and meaning to life. The persiste nee and determ in ati on put forth allow us to develop in to stron ger people and is a reward in itself. Perspective TwoMastering a complex skill is worth the

23、effort for some, but most people need variety and fun in their lives. It is more important to maintain a well-rounded and relaxing lifestyle. Perspective ThreeFind someth ing you are good at and stick to it. By default, you will eve ntually achieve mastery without requiri ng special character traits

24、 or effort.官方题(七)12月12日北美题 Tech free timePerspectives (回忆版):Perspective1:Tech no logy defi ned us as moder n people;Perspective2:Some tech free time is esse ntial to restore our true selves. The n we havetime to explore the real world;Perspective3:Most people cannot stay away from their digital devi

25、ces, so they havelittle time with livelihood and family connection.官方题(八)12月12日香港广告观点一:广告帮助人们做出最好的选择观点二:人们应该理性对待广告观点三:广告会误导人这套题行文重点是广告的功能和特点一一商业广告主要用于介绍产品以达到销售目的。可以结合对观点一盒观点三的分析。需要分类讨论这些广告中的静态图像,动态视频,音乐,对白旁白,文字等对人的视觉和听觉的冲击。同样可以通过这些联系到广告对消费者的引导和误导,如观点三。再分析人们把广告中的产品与自己进行联系的过程,从而产生购买之后的利弊和影响,所以提出与观点二一致

26、的态度。官方题(九)12 月 12 日 新加坡 Being wise and determining新加坡题目和本月 sat写作题目 certainty and to be wise 惊人的一致,sat也曾考过 uncertainty。这道题需要在文章中明确哪些行为是体现wise,哪些行为是 determining 。两者优劣判断(价值判断)的标准是什么,两者是否有交叉的部分。自编题 Creativity and ImitationCreativity and Imitatio nCreativity is valued by moder n society. It is regarded a

27、s the drivi ng force for social progress, and all the inven ti ons and tech no logical adva nces are con sidered the results of creativity. However, some one holds that nothing is created, and everyth ing is built upon the previous achieveme nts. Both the prese nt and the future are based upon in he

28、rita nee. So which one do you think of decidi ng the social progress?Perspective OnePerspective TwoPerspective ThreeCreativity decides the progressofhuma ncivilizati on.Ina sen se,creativityis equal totech no logybecause almostalldevelopme ntsintech no logy are the products of creativity, which prop

29、els econo mic prosperity.Nothi ngis totallycreated by human beings. We are heirs of nature and our predecessors, and all our achieveme nts are based on imitation.For example,tech no logical developme nts inbio nicsderive fromanimals or plants. Besides, many creations are just the developme ntofthepr

30、eviouson es.Itisimitati onwen eedtofacilitate social adva nee.Creativity and imitati on are in separable with each other and play an equal role. Every creati on is the product of creative transformation or improveme nt of earlier thin gs. What we n eed is the ability to find new direct ion from past

31、 and prese nt, take adva ntage of the heritage, and improve it for a better use for the future. Huma n civilizati on relies in both inheritance and innovation.The question of how society progresses nowadays becomes one that pertains to the determining factor in human social advancement, opinions on

32、which are divided between creativity and imitation. Perspective One and Perspective Two resort to these two factors ' con tributi ons respectively to tech no logy developme nts an d/or creati ons and con seque ntly sig ni fica nee to social progress, while lose sight of the in teract ion betwee

33、n the two parts. As Perspective Three conten ds, it is the comb ined force of creativity and imitati on that pushes forward huma n society vigorously and in cessa ntly.Creativity plays an importa nt role in tech no logicalinno vati ons,which stays inaccorda nee with Perspective One' s argume nt

34、that creativity is productive of tech no logyimprovements rangingfrom general revolutionsdown to subtle ameliorations.Both ofthe in dustrialrevoluti ons have massively boosted the economy, in whose duratio nscreations took place in abundance due to unprecedented thrivingof human creativity.Were it n

35、ot for the ground breaking introductionof multi-spindlespinning frame toweavi ng mach ines and steam power to engines duri ng the first In dustrial Revoluti on and the inven ti ons emplo ying electricity in the sec ond In dustrial Revoluti on, huma n society would not have bee n fun dame ntally cha

36、nged. Abse nt the assista nee of adva need tech no logies and equipme nt,huma n beings would still be grop ingin dark ness withmind innocent of greater kno wledge and finer manners tha n what is with in the capacity of caveme n.Imitatio n con stitutes an in tegral part to tech no logical inno vati o

37、nssince huma n beingshave successfully improved their liv ingcon diti onsand ushered in one era ofcutt in g-edge tech no logies after ano ther through lear ning from n ature and other species livi ng there in. This sta nds in agreeme nt with Perspective Two that huma n beings have greatly benefited

38、from inheritanee of nature' s fortune and fornaetsabhievempredecessors. By way of applying biological principles to engineering, countless bionic mecha ni sms and biomimetic products have bee n desig ned and manu factured. Sharksk in swimsuits after the outer skin of sharks, Velcro after burdock

39、 burrs, bullet trains after kingfishers, turbines after whale fins, dustproof paint after lotus petals, and the list goes further on. Rudime ntarykno wledge and imitati onbased there on of our environmentand other creatures provideinnovationswith a foundationto make consequentadaptati ons to in order to better accommodate huma n n eeds.On account of the significanee of the two factors mentioned above, it should not be overlooked that the cooperation of creativity and imitation as is pointedout inPerspective Three, and their in flue nces on one ano ther has bee n o


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