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1、title:andritz (china) policyinterim provisions of private cars for business use私车公用管理暂行规定created by:hr/hanxuebingapproved by:thomasschmitzreleased by:thomasschmitzdate of release: nov.28th,2014effective date : dec.1st, 2014 version: v1.6.2table of content1 purpose22 scope of application23 applicatio

2、n requirement24 approval procedures of private cars forbusiness use25 standard of expense36 the application process ofprivate carsfor business use47 other stipulations41. purpose 目的in order to standardize the management of private cars for business use in company,improve working efficiency, and stre

3、ngthen the cohesion of company, the interim provisions are formulated as follows.为了规范现有私车公用行为,提高工作效率,增强公司的凝聚力,公司特制定本规定。2. scope of application 适用范围as mentioned in interim provisions,“private cars for business use” refers to some of the staff who use their private cars for official business under und

4、er the approval of their gm and the president. in accordance of the interim provisions, company will pay certain expense to the approved staff. 本规定所称私车公用,是指符合一定条件的人员报经公司部门总经理以及总裁批准,将其私车有车辆用于公司公务 活动。适用于经公司审批确认符合一定条件的工作人员。对于通过审批的人员,公司将按照本规定向其支付一定的 费用和补贴。3 application requirement 申请条件3. 1 the applicant

5、 and car must meet the following requirements:申请私车公用的员工及其车辆必须满足以下全部要求:the car owner must be the applicant himself;driving years must be more than 1 year;there is no accident record in traffic police department.申请人和车辆的实际使用人必须是车主本人,驾龄超过1年并且在交警部门没有主要责任事故记录;the car must be in good condition and with com

6、plete certificate and it is valid is valid in annual inspection.申请使用的车况良好,证照齐全,且经年检有效;the car must be insured with compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles and commercial insurance. compensation for each accident of the third party liability insurance and liability insurane

7、e should not be less than rmb one million.it takes effect continuously. 申请车辆已购买交抢险和车辆商业保险,其中第三者责任险的每次事故保险赔偿限额不得低于人民币壹佰万,且 持续有效;the driving license of applicant must be in line with the requirements of car driving;申请人所持驾驶证照与所申请私车公用车辆驾驶要求相符;the price of new car shoule not be less than 80, oormb.申请私车公用

8、的车辆新车购置价格不得低于人民币八万元。work in special position, the applicant needs to work outside frequently.在本公司担任特殊职务人员,经常外出办事;president' s approval to the applicant. 总裁特批。4. approval procedures of private cars for business use 报批程序4. 1 private cars for business use obey the principle that each applicant can

9、only apply for one car each year. before using private cars for business use, staff hinself must fill the applicatin form of private car for business use and submit to division general manager. president approves the application form after approval of division general manager.私车公用采一人一车,一年一批原则。员工需申请私

10、车公用的,应填写私车公用申请表,然后提交给所在部门 总经理。经部门总经理审核同意后报公司总裁审核批准。4.2 when submitting the application form ofprivate car for business use, applicant needs to enclose the following documents: 提交私车公用申请表时,员工还需同时附上以下证明文件:the individual certificate of ownership (car purchasing, ownership transfer);个人车辆持有证明(购车,过户证明);the

11、 individual driving license;个人驾驶执照;the certificate of vehicle annual inspection and license plate number;车辆年检证明及车牌号码;the certificate of vehicle insuranee insured at this year ineluding compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles and necessary commercial insurance.当年车辆保险凭证,包括交通

12、强制保险及其他商业性保险。4. 3 when the application is approved, hr division saves all the documents andgives a copy to divisionassistant for record.申请通过,全套申请资料交人力资源部存档,另需制备复印件一套交各部门助理备案。5 standard of expense 费用标准5. 1 once the application is approved , company pay the following subsidy to the applicant :经批准允许私车公

13、用的员工,公司将向其支付以下费用:the mileage subsidy standard of private cars for business use is 1. 5rmb/km/person. the subsidy is gross before tax.里程补贴:标准为1.5元人民币/公里,该补贴含税,个人承担个税;the subsidy of insurance is 500rmb /year gross before tax.保险补贴:500元人民币/年,该补贴含税,个人承担个税;the toll charge can be claimed with valid bills a

14、ccording to the expense actually incurred during official business. traffic violation bill cannot be claimed or chared against. 公务期间的路桥费根据实际发生金额,凭有效单据报销,交通违章罚款单据不得报销或变相冲抵。5. 2 the employees who are approved to get subsidy of pricate cars for business use can no longer enjoy other transportation subs

15、idy except the above subsidy.上述费用之外,公司无需就私车公用再向员工支付任何费用,员工也不再享受公司发放的其他交通 补贴。6. the application process of private cars for business use.申领流程6. 1 mileage subsidy 里程补贴before using cars ,staff himself needs to fill out the application form in duplicate ande be chekcked approved by the department manage

16、r the approval paper should be submitted to the hr and finance department as evidence for subsidy and claim of toll charge 私车公用出车前由员工本人填写出车申请单一式两份,交由部门总经理审批。审批后的出车申请 单交财务和人力资源部将作为补贴申领以及路桥费申请报销的依据。division and department collect the name list of subsidy , application form, mileage report and subsidy

17、summery list and submit to division general manager to check and approve and submit to hr division once a month. after checking all the documents, hr division will calculate the subsidy amount into the sclary of applicant and arrange paymentmonthly. emplyee needs to bear individual income tax. the t

18、oll gate and high way fee invoice will be submitted to finance for reimbursement.业务部门每月汇总一次申领里程补贴的人员名单,出车申请表,出车公里数以及补贴金额交部门总经理审 批,之后将上述申领资料交人力资源部。人力资源部审核申领料无误后会将补贴全额计入申请员工工资内 按月发放,员工自行承担相应的个人所得税。所对应的路桥费发票交财务部审核以及费用报销。employees can only apply for subsidy once a month , and the subsidy for the dispatc

19、h time must be last month, and suraddle month is not allowed ;the expire date for the applion of last month is the 10th on current month.员工个人每月只能申领补贴一次,且申领补贴所对应的出车时间必须为上一月度,不允许跨月度申领,上 月度申领补贴截止日期为本月的10日。6. 2 insurance subsidy 保险补贴insurance subsidy will be paid once a year in the next month when the a

20、pplication was approved employee needs to bear individual income tax.保险补贴按年支付,于员工通过申请审核后次月入工资内发放,员工自行承担相应的个人所得税。6. 3 toll charge 路桥费toll charge will be claimed once a month.路桥费按月报销。7. other stipulations 其他7 1 to ensure traffic safety, the private cars for business use are only limited within the sco

21、pe of 500km from central dountoun of the working location; company will not pay for the applicant and not accept any claim exceeding the mileage of 500km within one day under such circumstances , employees need to take other transportation为了确保行车安全,私车公用只允许在距离市中心500公里范围内使用,员工在一日内累计驾驶距离不 超过500公里;超过此范围仍

22、私车公用的,公司将不予支付补贴和报销费用,在此情况下员工应搭乘公 共交通工具。7.2employee must obey the traffic rules strictly, drive carefully and try to avlid traffic accident. if an employee breaks the tiaffic rule and gets punishment or receives fine tieket, the employee himself/herself bears the fines and cost .私车员工必须员工遵守道路安全和交通法律法规

23、,谨慎驾驶,避免发生交通事故。如有违章罚款,应员工 自行承担责任与费用。7.3the employee who is approved by president to use private cars for business use need to submit a new application and ask for approval again , if there is any variation of the employee7 s position during the validity, if the employee leaver the company the subsidy of private cars forbusiness use w


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