1、faa-s-8081-15faa-s-8081-15with changes 1 and 2u.s. departmentof transportationfederal aviationadministrationprivate pilotpractical test standardsforrotorcraft helicopter gyroplaneapril 1996flight standards servicewashington, dc 20591faa-s-8081-15faa-s-8081-15private pilotrotorcraftpractical test sta
2、ndards1996flight standards servicewashington, dc 20591faa-s-8081-15notematerial in faa-s-8081-15 will be effective april 1, 1996. all previouseditions of the private pilot rotorcraft (helicopter and gyroplane) practicaltest standards will be obsolete as of this date.faa-s-8081-15forewordthe private
3、pilot rotorcraft (helicopter and gyroplane) practical teststandards (pts) book has been published by the federal aviationadministration (faa) to establish the standards for private pilot certificationpractical tests for the rotorcraft category, helicopter and gyroplane classes.faa inspectors and des
4、ignated pilot examiners shall conduct practical testsin compliance with these standards. flight instructors and applicants shouldfind these standards helpful during training and when preparing for thepractical test.thomas c. accardidirector, flight standards servicefaa-s-8081-15record of changeschan
5、ge 1: 4/28/97reason: wrong terminology. changed airplane to aircraft.? helicopterarea of operation: preflight preparationtask g: minimum equipment listchange 2: 5/21/97reason: under the new rule (8/4/97) the note is not applicable.? helicopterarea of operation: night operationstask a: physiological
6、aspects of night flying? gyroplanearea of operation: night operationstask a: physiological aspects of night flyingfaa-s-8081-15contentsintroduction.iiipractical test standard concept.ivprivate pilot rotorcraft practical testbook description.ivpractical test standard description.ivuse of the practica
7、l test standards book.vprivate pilot rotorcraft practical test prerequisites.viaircraft and equipment required for thepractical test.viimetric conversion initiative.viipositive exchange of flight controls.viiuse of distractions during practical tests.viiiapplicant s use of prescribed checklists.viii
8、crew resource management (crm).viiiflight instructor responsibility.viiiexaminer responsibility.ixsatisfactory performance.ixunsatisfactory performance.xuse of rating tasks tables.xsection 1: private pilot rotorcraft helicoptercontents.1-irating tasks table.1-iiitask vs. simulation device credit.1-v
9、flight simulation device levels.1-viiapplicant s practical test checklist(helicopter).1-xiexaminer s practical test checklist(helicopter).1-xiiiareas of operation:i.preflight preparation.1-1ii.preflight procedures.1-5iii.airport and heliport operations.1-7iv.hovering maneuvers.1-9v.takeoffs, landing
10、s, and go-arounds.1-12vi.performance maneuvers.1-17vii.navigation.1-18viii.emergency operations.1-21ix.night operations.1-25x.post-flight procedures.1-26faa-s-8081-15section 2: private pilot rotorcraft gyroplanecontents.2-irating tasks table.2-iiiapplicant s practical test checklist(gyroplane).2-vex
11、aminer s practical test checklist(gyroplane).2-viiareas of operation:i.preflight preparation.2-1ii.preflight procedures.2-5iii.airport operations.2-7iv.takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds.2-9v.performance maneuver.2-15vi.ground reference maneuvers.2-16vii.navigation.2-18viii.flight at slow airspeeds.
12、2-20ix.emergency operations.2-21x.night operations.2-24xi.post-flight procedures.2-25faa-s-8081-15introductionthe flight standards service of the federal aviation administration(faa) has developed this practical test book as a standard to be usedby faa inspectors and designated pilot examiners when
13、conductingprivate pilot rotorcraft (helicopter and gyroplane) practical tests. flightinstructors are expected to use this book when preparing applicants forpractical tests. applicants should be familiar with this book and refer tothese standards during their training.information considered directive
14、 in nature is described in this practicaltest book in terms such as “shall” and “must” indicating the actions aremandatory. guidance information is described in terms such as“should ” and “may” indicating the actions are desirable or permissivebut not mandatory.the faa gratefully acknowledges the va
15、luable assistance provided bya nationwide public “job task analysis” team that developed theknowledge, skills, and abilities that appear in this book. we would alsolike to thank the many individuals and organizations who contributedtheir time and talent in assisting with the revision of these practi
16、cal teststandards.this publication may be obtained from fedworld through the use of acomputer modem or purchased from the superintendent of documents,u.s. government printing office, washington, dc 20402.comments regarding this publication should be sent to:u.s. department of transportationfederal a
17、viation administrationflight standards serviceoperations support branch, afs-630p.o. box 25082oklahoma city, ok 73125faa-s-8081-15practical test standard conceptfederal aviation regulations (fars) specify the areas in whichknowledge and skill must be demonstrated by the applicant before theissuance
18、of a private pilot certificate. the fars provide the flexibility topermit the faa to publish practical test standards containing specifictasks in which pilot competency must be demonstrated. the faa willrevise this book whenever it is determined that changes are needed inthe interest of safety. adhe
19、rence to the provisions of the regulationsand the practical test standards is mandatory for the evaluation ofprivate pilot applicants.private pilot rotorcraft practical test bookdescriptionthis test book contains the following private pilot practical teststandards:section 1rotorcraft, helicoptersect
20、ion 2rotorcraft, gyroplanethe private pilot rotorcraft practical test standards include theareas of operation and tasks for the issuance of an initialprivate pilot certificate and for the addition of category and/or classratings to that certificate.practical test standard descriptionareas of operati
21、on are phases of the practical test arranged in alogical sequence within this standard. they begin with preflightpreparation and end with post-flight procedures. the examiner,however, may conduct the practical test in any sequence that results ina complete and efficient test.the reference identifies
22、 the publication(s) that describe(s) thetask. descriptions of tasks are not included in the standardsbecause this information can be found in the reference list. publicationsother than those listed may be used, if their content conveyssubstantially the same meaning as the listed publications.faa-s-8
23、081-15reference list:far part 43maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alterationfar part 61certification: pilots and flight instructorsfar part 67medical standards and certificationfar part 91general operating and flight rulesntsb part 830notification and reporting of aircraft acciden
24、ts andincidentsac 00-2advisory circular checklistac 00-6aviation weatherac 00-45aviation weather servicesac 61-13basic helicopter handbookac 61-21flight training handbookac 61-23pilots handbook of aeronautical knowledgeac 61-65certification: pilots and flight instructorsac 61-84role of preflight pre
25、parationac 90-48pilots role in collision avoidanceac 90-87helicopter dynamic rolloverac 91-13cold weather operation of aircraftac 91-23pilots weight and balance handbookac 91-32safety in and around helicoptersac 91-42hazards of rotating propeller and helicopter rotorbladesaimaeronautical information
26、 manualafdairport facility directorynotamsnotices to airmenhelicopter flight manualsgyroplane flight manualsindustry related manualsthe objective lists the important elements that must be satisfactorilyperformed to demonstrate competency in a task. the objectiveincludes:1.specifically what the appli
27、cant should be able to do;2.the conditions under which the task is to be performed; and3.the acceptable standards of performance.use of the practical test standards bookthe faa requires that all practical tests be conducted in accordancewith the appropriate private pilot practical test standards and
28、 thepolicies set forth in this introduction. private pilot applicants shallbe evaluated in all tasks included in the areas of operationof the appropriate practical test standard.faa-s-8081-15in preparation for the practical test, the examiner shall develop a written“plan of action.” the “plan of act
29、ion” shall include all tasks in eacharea of operation.the examiner is not required to follow the precise order in which theareas of operation and tasks appear in this book. theexaminer may change the sequence or combine tasks with similarobjectives to meet the orderly and efficient flow of the pract
30、ical test. forexample, lost procedures may be combined with radio navigation. theexaminers “plan of action” shall include the order and combination oftasks to be demonstrated by the applicant in a manner that will resultin an efficient and valid test.examiners shall place special emphasis upon areas
31、 of aircraftoperation that are most critical to flight safety. among these areas areprecise aircraft control and sound judgment in decision making.although these areas may or may not be shown under each task,they are essential to flight safety and shall receive careful evaluationthroughout the pract
32、ical test. the examiner shall alsoemphasize wake turbulence avoidance, low level windshear, inflight collision avoidance, runway incursionavoidance, and checklist usage.the examiner is expected to use good judgment in the performance ofsimulated emergency procedures. the use of the safest means fors
33、imulation is expected. consideration must always be given to localconditions (both meteorological and topographical), the examiners levelof performance at the time of the test, as well as the applicants, atcworkload, and the relative condition of the aircraft used. if the procedurebeing evaluated wo
34、uld put the maneuver in jeopardy of safe operation,it is expected that the applicant shall simulate that portion of themaneuver, i.e. - engine governor, trim system malfunction, etc., unlessotherwise indicated by the note in a particular area ofoperation or task.private pilot rotorcraft practical te
35、stprerequisitesan applicant for the private pilot rotorcraft practical test is required byfederal aviation regulations to:1.pass the appropriate private pilot knowledge test since thebeginning of the 24th month before the month in which thepractical test is taken;2.obtain the applicable instruction
36、and aeronautical experienceprescribed for the private pilot certificate or training sought;3.hold at least a current third-class medical certificate issuedunder far part 67;faa-s-8081-154.be at least 17 years of age, and;5.obtain a written statement from an appropriately certificatedflight instructo
37、r certifying that the applicant has been givenflight instruction in preparation for the practical test within 60days preceding the date of application. the statement shallalso state that the instructor finds the applicant competent topass the practical test and that the applicant has satisfactorykno
38、wledge of the subject area(s) in which a deficiency wasindicated by the airman knowledge test report.ac 61-65, certification: pilots and flight instructors, states that theinstructor may sign the instructors recommendation on the reverse sideof faa form 8710-1, airman certificate and/or rating appli
39、cation, inlieu of the previous statement, provided all appropriate far part 61requirements are substantiated by reliable records.aircraft and equipment required for the practicaltestthe private pilot applicant is required by far section 61.45 to providean airworthy, certificated aircraft for use dur
40、ing the practical test. thissection further requires that the aircraft:1.have fully functioning dual controls, except as provided in thisfar section; and2.be capable of performing all appropriate tasks for theprivate pilot certificate and have no operating limitations thatprohibit the performance of
41、 those tasks.metric conversion initiativeto assist the pilots in understanding and using the metric measurementsystem, the practical test standards refer to the metric equivalent ofvarious altitudes throughout. the inclusion of meters is intended tofamiliarize pilots with its use. the metric altimet
42、er is arranged in 10meter increments; therefore, when converting from feet to meters, theexact conversion, being too exact for practical purposes, is rounded tothe nearest 10 meter increment or even altitude as necessary.positive exchange of flight controlsduring the practical test, there must alway
43、s be a clear understanding ofwho has control of the aircraft. prior to the flight, a briefing should beconducted that includes the procedure for the exchange of flightcontrols. a positive three-step process in the exchange of flight controlsbetween pilots is a proven procedure and one that is recomm
44、ended.faa-s-8081-15when the examiner wishes to take the controls to allow the applicant toadjust the seat, headset, etc., he/she will say “i have the controls.” theapplicant will acknowledge immediately by saying, “ you have thecontrols.” the examiner again says, “i have the controls.” when controli
45、s returned to the applicant, follow the same procedure. a visual checkis recommended to verify that the exchange has occurred. thereshould never be any doubt as to who is flying the aircraft.use of distractions during practical testsnumerous studies indicate that many accidents have occurred whenthe
46、 pilot has been distracted during critical phases of flight. to evaluatethe pilots ability to utilize proper control technique while dividingattention both inside and/or outside the cockpit, the examiner shallcause a realistic distraction during the flight portion of the practical testto evaluate th
47、e applicants ability to divide attention while maintainingsafe flight.applicants use of prescribed checkliststhroughout the practical test, the applicant is evaluated on the use ofthe prescribed checklist. the situation may be such that the use of thechecklist while accomplishing the elements of the
48、 objective would beeither unsafe or impractical, especially in a single-pilot operation. in thiscase, it may be more prudent to review the checklist after the elementshave been met.crew resource management (crm)crm “ .refers to the effective use of all available resources; humanresources, hardware,
49、and information.” human resources “.includes allother groups routinely working with the cockpit crew (or pilot) who areinvolved in decisions that are required to operate a flight safely. thesegroups include, but are not limited to: dispatchers, cabin crewmembers,maintenance personnel, and air traffi
50、c controllers.” crm is not a singletask, it is a set of knowledge and skill competencies that must beevident in all tasks in this pts as applied to either single pilot or acrew operation.flight instructor responsibilityan appropriately rated flight instructor is responsible for training theprivate p
51、ilot applicant to acceptable standards in all subject matterareas, procedures, and maneuvers included in the tasks within theappropriate private pilot practical test standard. because of the impactof their teaching activities in developing safe, proficient pilots, flightinstructors should exhibit a
52、high level of knowledge, skill, and ability.faa-s-8081-15additionally, the flight instructor must certify that the applicant is able toperform safely as a private pilot and is competent to pass the requiredpractical test.throughout the applicants training, the flight instructor is responsiblefor emp
53、hasizing the performance of effective visual scanning, collisionavoidance, and runway incursion avoidance procedures.examiner responsibilitythe examiner conducting the practical test is responsible fordetermining that the applicant meets the acceptable standards ofknowledge and skill of each task wi
54、thin the appropriate practical teststandard. since there is no formal division between the oral and skillportions of the practical test, this becomes an ongoing processthroughout the test. to avoid unnecessary distractions, oral questioningshould be used judiciously at all times, especially during t
55、he flightportion of the practical test.examiners shall test to the greatest extent practicable the applicantscorrelative abilities rather than mere rote enumeration of factsthroughout the practical test.throughout the flight portion of the practical test, the examiner shallevaluate the applicants us
56、e of visual scanning and collision avoidanceprocedures.satisfactory performancesatisfactory performance to meet the requirements for certification isbased on the applicants ability to safely:1.perform the approved areas of operation for the certificate orrating sought within the approved standards;2
57、.demonstrate mastery of the aircraft with the successfuloutcome of each task performed never seriously in doubt;3.demonstrate sound judgment aeronautical decision makingand skill competencies in crm.1 the word “examiner ” denotes either the faa inspector or faa designated pilotexaminer who conducts
58、the practical test.faa-s-8081-15unsatisfactory performanceif, in the judgment of the examiner, the applicant does not meet thestandards of performance of any task performed, the associatedarea of operation is failed and therefore, the practical test isfailed. the examiner or applicant may discontinu
59、e the test any timeafter the failure of an area of operation makes the applicantineligible for the certificate or rating sought. the test will be continuedonly with the consent of the applicant. if the test is either continued ordiscontinued, the applicant is entitled credit for only those taskssati
60、sfactorily performed. however, during the retest and at thediscretion of the examiner, any task may be re-evaluated includingthose previously passed.typical areas of unsatisfactory performance and grounds fordisqualification are:1.any action or lack of action by the applicant that requirescorrective
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