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1、牛津译林版8B unit2词组归纳1 / 48B Unit 2词组及句子Welcome to the unit1.go to South Hill for oneholiday = goto spendonesholiday2.joi n sb in sth /doing sth3.get ready4.get ready for sth = prepare for sth5.get ready to do sth = prepare to do sth6.get everyth ing ready7.want to find out more about differe nt places8

2、.look at pictures of places of in terest from aroundthe world8.the Lea ning Tower of Pisa9.the little Mermaid10. the Statue of Liberty11. the Syd ney Opera House12. Tower Bridge13. Ive bee n there before.14. Im gett ing all my thin gs.15. I donVthink itVlbe a holiday for me.16. Where have you bee n

3、on holiday?17. Whatspecial about it? It comes from the story18. Have you ever been there? No, I havenReading19. a trip to Hong Kong20. visit Hong Kong duri ng the win ter holiday去南山度假加入某人做某事准备为做准备准备做某事把一切准备好想要找到更多不同地方看世界各地名胜的图片比萨斜塔小美人鱼自由女神像悉尼歌剧院塔桥我以前去过那里。我在收拾所有的东西。我想对我而言,这不会是个假期。你去哪里度过假?(written)by

4、Hans Christian Andersen.它有什么特别的吗? 它来自汉斯克里斯蒂安安徒生的故事。V.你(曾经)去过那里吗?去过。一次香港之行寒假中游览了香港如此/非常想念李老师错过某物/做某事牛津译林版8B unit2词组归纳2 / 421. miss Miss Li so /very much22. miss sth /doing sth牛津译林版8B unit2词组归纳23. look for the miss ing / lost bike寻找丢失的自行车24. have a fan tastic /great /good / nice time过得很愉快25. spe nd th

5、e whole day /all the day at Disn eyla nd在迪士尼过了一整天26. have fun on Space Moun tai nan in door roller coaster在太空山一室内过山车玩得愉快27. ride/ move at high / full speed高速/全速骑车/运行28. travel at a speed of thirty miles an hour以每小时30英里的速度前进29. n eed an hours ride需要乘车/骑车一个小时30. keep singing through the ride on the wo

6、od horse乘坐木马时一直唱歌31. hurry to a restaura nt to have a quick meal = go to a restaura nt to have a quick meal in a hurry匆忙去个餐馆吃了顿快餐32. meet some Disney cartoon characters遇到了一些迪斯尼卡通人物33. later in the after noon/in the day/ that morning在下午/白天/那天早晨晚些时候34. cant help/stop king photos情不自禁地和睡美人拍照35. watch th

7、e fireworks at the end of the day那天快结束时观看了烟火36. We have ntsee n each other since last week.自上周我们就没见面。37. My pare nts and I have bee n in Hong Kong for two days.我和父母已到香港两天了。38. We were scream ing and laugh ing through the whole ride.我们整个旅程中尖叫与大笑39. Everybody got excited whe n a parade of Disney chara

8、cters bega n later in the afternoon.傍晚,当迪士尼人物开始游行时,每个人都很兴奋40. After the parade, we watched a 4-D film. It was like magic.游行后我们看了部四维立体电影,它像魔法一样41. We could even smell the apple pie and feel the wind.我们甚至能闻到苹果派的味道并感觉到风43. Do you have the same feeli ng?你有冋感吗?44. I bought a couple of key rings for class

9、mates.我为冋学买了几个钥匙环45. You n eed to stay in bed for a couple of days.你需要在床上躺几天。46. Therea couple tak ing a walk along the street.2 / 4有对夫妇在沿街散步。42. Im not feeli ng well today. Silk feels soft.我今天感到不舒服。丝绸摸起来很柔软牛津译林版8B unit2词组归纳牛津译林版8B unit2词组归纳5 / 461. I have kept the book for 3days/ since 3 days ago.这

10、本书我已借二天了。62. The dolph in show has bee n on for about half an hour.海豚展已进行半小时了。63.I see Andy play ing on the sand too.我看见安迪也在沙滩上玩。Integrated skills64. give me some advice on traveli ng in China65. places to go in China在中国要去游玩的地方47. The young couple are /is walk ing along the street.这对年轻夫妇在沿街散步。48. Sl

11、eeping Beauty Castle looked bright and beautiful under the fireworks.烟火中,睡美人城堡看起来明亮美丽。49. I know youe gone to Hainan. Hope youve enjoyed yourself there.我知道你已经去海南了,希望你在那里玩得开心。50. Who did you go to Ho ng Kong with?你和谁一起去香港的?51. Where did you go duri ng your stay there? We went to Hong Kong Disn eyla n

12、d.你在那期间去过哪里?我们去了香港迪士尼乐园。52. What do you thi nk was the best part of the day?你认为那一天中最好的部分是什么?53. Who do you thi nk has bee n to Ho ng Kon g?你认为谁去过香港?Grammar54. He has bee n to the Great Wall twice.(have/has bee n去过某地,且已经回来)他去过长城两次。55. We have never been there before.我们以前从未去过那里。56. Where have you bee

13、n? Ive bee n to the library.你去哪里了?图书馆。57. Have you bee n any where recen tly?最近你去过什么地方吗?58. Andy isn there . He has gone to the countryside. (have/has gone已经去,但还没回来)安迪不在,他去乡下了。59. I havenVseen Mr Wu for days. Where has he gone?我几天未看见吴老师了。他去那里了?60. He has bee n in Hong Kong for a couple days.他已至U香港几天

14、了。(have/has been in已经在/到某地,常和一段时间连用)就在中国旅游给我些建议牛津译林版8B unit2词组归纳6 / 466. love water sports, such as saili ng爱水上运动如航行67. visit a seaside city like Dalia n游览了像大连这样的海边城市68. like places of n atural beauty喜欢自然美的地方69. enjoy the beauty of the theme park with the beauty和美女 起欣员主题公园的美70. take a direct flight

15、to Chen gdu乘直达航班去成都71. run in all direct ions四处奔跑72. look directly/straight at me直视着我73. forget my flight nu mber忘了我的航班号74. do bus in ess with sb和某人做生意75. go abroad /go to Hong Kong on bus in ess去国外/香港出差76. have a small bus in ess abroad在国外有个小企业77. She can go there in any seas on except win ter.除了冬天

16、她可以在任何季节去那里78. They have bee n there except me.除了我他们都去过那里79 There may be some rain, but the weather is usually nice at that time of year.可能会下雨,但每年的那个时候天气通常都不错。80. Do you have any pla ns for the May Day holiday?五一假期你有什么打算?81. My dad has bee n to Che ngdu on bus in ess twice.我爸出差去成都两次了。82. I can check it for you with my dad.我可以为你向我爸爸核对一下。83. His computer n eeds check ing.他的电脑需要检修了。Study skills and task84. give details to support the main points用细节来陈述主要观点牛津译林版8B unit2词组归纳7 / 485. take sth as an example用某物做个例子86. arrive


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