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1、 Secti on 皿 In tegrat ing Skills 一、单词拼写 1 .You n eed to make some c before handing in your compositi on. 答案:corrections 2. _ The patient s recovery was a(n) _ (鼓舞)to the doctor. 答案:encouragement 3.1 watched him until he _ (消失)from sight in the distanee. 答案:disappeared 4. The teacher told us to pay a

2、tte nti on to our En glish p _ . 答案:pronunciation 5. The new school _ (占地)an area of 1,500 square metres. 答案:covers 6. Collect ing stamps is a great e _ to me. 答案:enjoyment 7.1 can speak En glish with f _ after 3-m onth drill in this programme. 答案:fluency 8. There is a big un dergro und railway _(体系

3、)in London. 答案:system 9. _ (失望)at the bad result,the boy left without saying anything. 答案:Disappo in ted 2 10. There must have been some m _didn t order all these books.3 答案:misunderstanding(s) 二、完成句子 1. 鼓励学生参加各种各样的课外活动。 The stude nts are en couraged _ of after-class activities. 答案:to take part in 2

4、上大学是我一直期待的梦想。 The dream that I _is to . 答案:am looking forward to;go to college 3. 我刚从国外回来,他也是。 I ve just come back from abroad,and _ 答案:so has he 4. 我厌烦每天课前唱的那首老歌。 I _ the old song sung before class every day. 答案:am bored with/am tired of 5. 有 60 个学生,其中 3 个来自英国。 There are 60 students, _ _ are from E

5、ngland. 答案:three of whom 6. 她把一天一半的时间花在工作上 ,一半用于放松。 Her day is evenly _ work _ relaxation. 答案:divided between;and 7. 这辆车每小时可行驶 100 千米。all kinds 4 _ per hour. 答案:cover 100 kilometres &她不会介意搬到新房子的。 She won t the new house. 答案:mi nd movi ng to 三、阅读理解 Educati on Mini ster Nick Gibb said that havi ng

6、 a teacher speak to the class as a whole from the front was much more effective tha n childre n work ing on their own.More than 70 maths teachers from British primaries went to Shanghai to study the teaching styles of their Chinese counterparts( 相似之物). Researchers have found that childre n in China

7、achieve marks in maths up to 30 percent higher than English pupils of the same age.Mr.Gibb told The Mail on Sun day, “ I would like to see schools across the country adopt whole class teachi ng methods,particularly in maths and scie nce.Research shows it is sig ni fica ntly more effective tha n othe

8、r methods that co ncen trate more on pers on alised lear ning. ” He said Shan ghai schools topped intern atio nal league tables,with 15-year-olds there three years ahead of their En glish coun terparts in maths. Mr.Gibb added, “ In Shan ghai primary schools,whole class teach ing with all taking part

9、 in questi on and an swer sessi ons is the key to their success.All their pupils are taught the same curriculum( 课程)and all are expected to reach the same high sta ndard. ” Mr.Gibb s comments have been backed by recent research,which concluded success of pupils in the Far East is largely dow n to te

10、ach ing methods. Maths tests take n by 562 nin e-a nd ten-year-old stude nts in classrooms in Southampt on and Nanjing in China found that the Chin ese pupils scored betwee n 20 and 30 perce nt higher tha n the En glish youn gsters. The car can pupils that the 5 Researchers also used video to analys

11、e what was going on in lessons and found that in the Chinese classrooms where pupils sit in rows of desks facing the front “ whole class interaction ” was being used 72 percent of the time,co mpared with only 24 percent in England. By contrast,the classes in England,where pupils are often grouped in

12、 clusters of desks,spent nearly half 47 percent of their time in “ individual or group work” ,compared with 28 percent in China. 1.What is the main idea of the passage? A. Many maths teachers from British primaries went to Shanghai to study the teaching styles. B. Having a teacher speak to the class

13、 as a whole was more effective than children working on their own. C. Children s marks in maths in China are higher than those of the same age in England by 40 percent. D. Shanghai schools topped international league tables. 答案:B 解析 : 主旨大意。根据第一段“ Education Minister Nick Gibb said that having a teach

14、er speak to the class as a whole from. ”可知答案。 2. What is the key to their success of students in Shanghai primary schools? A. Whole class teaching with all pupils taking part in question and answer sessions. B. Their newest teaching methods. C. Their pupils grouped in clusters of desks. D. Their pup

15、ils enthusiasm about study. 答案 :A6 解析:细节理解。 根据第四段的In Sha nghai primary schools,whole class teachi ng with all pupils tak ing part in questio n and an swer sessi ons is the key to their success 可知答案。 3. What is the author s attitude towards the result of the research? 解析:推理判断。由全文可知,作者没有提出自己的观点,只是客观地描

16、述研究的结论,故选 A 项。 四、语篇填空 导学号 69540003 Like Chin a,i n the Un ited States,high school is usually 1. _ (divide)i nto two periods.The first two or three years are called “ Junior High school ” and the other is “Senior High school ”. In China,children enjoy free education of nine years,but in the United St

17、ates,the stude nts enjoy free educati on 2. - they are 18 years old.As 3. _ result of the free educati on system,America n childre n have little difficulty in 4. _ (go)to Senior High school. America n high school stude nts can take part in a lot of activities outside the classroom.The activities are

18、 5. - (orga ni ze) by the school,such as joi ning a music group or a sports team.6. _ (certa in),j ust like us stude nts in Chin a,America n stude nts have to work 7. _ (hard) in order to get better marks 8. -they want to go to a good university.They take classes in all kinds of subjects all through the high school period.A nd those 9. _ come out with low marks at the end of a school year and who should 10. - (repeat


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