



1、 Unit 1 Lifestyles 课时训练 Section I Warm-up & Lesson 1 A Perfect Day? i. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示 ,用合适的单词填空 1.0n such a sunny day, lying on the beach is really r_ 答案:relaxing 2. Regular exercise is part of a healthy l _ . 答案:lifestyle 3. Richard, could you please s _ on the radio? I weather forecast. 答案:swit

2、ch 4. Dad is afraid of waking up late, so he always has an his bed. 答案:alarm 5. The man ager always has a lot of things to do.He lives a s _ life. 答案:stressful 6.1 often miss my grandmother who lives in a _ (遥远的)mountain village. 答案:remote/distant/faraway 7.Sue bought a _ (手提式的)computer so that she

3、could carry it here and there. 答案:portable 8. Wait a moment.l have something _ (紧急的)to discuss with you. 答案:urge nt 9. This evening, my secretary will send you my _ (文件)by e-mail. 答案:document 10. Ma ny people now ofte n _ (抱怨)that there are always too many ads on TV. 答案:complain n .用适当的介词或副词填空 1 .Al

4、l of us have bee n ready _ the coming exam. 答案:for 2. Nobody could live _ air. 答案:without 3. Lots of people have compla ined _ the no ise. 答案:about 4. Don t switch _ the TV.It s too early to go to bed. 答案:off M .用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 be filled with,take up,switch on,live through,complain about 1 .The old

5、woma n is badly sick and is n ot likely to _the wi nter. 答案:live through 2.1 hope that your heart _ love. 答案:is filled with 3.1 will not _ much of your time. 答案:take up 4. Why does that bli nd girl the light? 答案:switch on 5. _ My mother always the no ise. 答案:complains about IV .用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 d like

6、 to listen to the a clock at the end of 2 1. Why did you eat your words, Billy? Sorry, dear.But I really forgot where I was 答案:supposed 2. Last month Jack together with his pare nts spe nt a _ evening in the coun tryside and felt very .(relax) 答案:relax in g;relaxed 3.Some passe ngers compla in it us

7、ually (take) so long to fill in the travel in sura nee docume nts. 答案:takes 4. Ma ny stude nts are now un der _ (press) from their pare nts to en ter a key uni versity. 答案:pressure 5. We were doing our homework whe n the lights (go) off. 答案:we nt 6.0n the way to work Mr Joh nson got (catch) in the t

8、raffic jam. 答案:caught 7. The hall was (fill) with stude nts on that day. 答案:filled 8. As soon as she _ (arrive) at the office, Mary will turn on the computer. 答案:arrives V .阅读理解 A During my eleme ntary school years,I used to compare my mom with my best friend Tiffany s mom. Tiffany s mom always gave

9、 her lots of money to buy the most fashi on able clothes and favorite food.Her mom allowed her to do any thi ng she liked .I really admired Tiffany.My mom didn t give me much pocket money and she always told me that I should behave myselfwas anno yed with her. When ever I did n t get what I wan ted,

10、I would compla in to my mom:Tiffa ny s mom would give her that!I wish she were my mom.Every time,my mom would calmly say “ Poor Tiffany ”couldn t understand her. “ She shouldn t be feeling sorry for Tiffany! ” I thought. “She should be feeling sorry for me. ” One day,I couldn t help saying to Mom, “

11、Poor Tiffany?Lucky Tiffany!She gets everything she wants!Why do you feel sorry for her? ” I burst into tears. My mom sat dow n n ext to me and said softly. “ Yes,I do feel sorry for her.I have bee n teach ing you a less on that she will n ever be taught. ” I looked up at her. “ What are you talk ing

12、 about? ” Mom said with care, “ One day she will really want someth in g.Maybe she ll find out that she can t have it.Her mother won t always be around to give her money,and what s more,money can t buy everything. ” She continued, “ I have taught you valuable lessons by not giving you everything you

13、 want.You ll know how to look for bargains and save money,but she won t.You ll un dersta nd that you n eed to work hard to get the things that you want but she won t.When Tiffany is a grown woman,she ll wake up one day and she will be wishing that she had a mom like the one you ve got.Life lessons a

14、re more important than moder n clothes and delicious food. ” It took some time,but I eventually understood my mom s words.Now I am a happy and successful woma n. _ (suppose) to meet 3 1 .During the author s elementary school years,she _ . A. wished that her mom were as good as Tiffany s B. we nt to

15、school with Tiffany every day C. usually compared her less on with Tiffany s D. sometimes gave lots of money to Tiffany4 答案:A 提示 : 细节理解题。根据对文章前三段的整体理解 , 尤其是第三段的“ I wish she were my mom. 可知,选项 A符合文意。 2.Why did the author s mom always say “ Poor Tiffany ”? A. She felt sorry for Tiffany because Tiffany

16、 was poor. B. She wanted to tell a lie to comfort the author. C. She thought that Tiffany was spoiled by her mother. D. She told the author this and wanted her to help Tiffany. 答案 :C 提示:推理判断题。根据对文章倒数第三段的整体理解可知 为这个孩子被她的母亲宠坏了 , 想要什么就有什么。故选项 3. What do we learn about the author s mother? A. She was str

17、ict and taught the author to be independent. B. She cared for other people s children more than her own. C. She thought that life lessons were as important as money. D. She was so poor that she couldn t give the author much money. 答案 :A 提示:推理判断题。根据对文章倒数第二段的整体理解可知 ,作者的母亲对作者很严格 ,并有意识地 培养其自立的能力。故选项 A 符

18、合文意。 4. What can we infer from the passage? A. The author was quite annoyed with her mother in the past. B. The author s mother felt sorry for Tiffany. C. Tiffany s mother took the author s mother s advice. D. The author is thankful to her mother now. 答案 :D 提示:推理判断题。根据文章的最后一段可推知 ,作者从妈妈的教育中受益匪浅 ,因此很感

19、激妈妈。 故选项 D 符合文意。 B In 2012,Anshu Gupta and his wife Meenakshi heard about an earthquake and they wanted to help the victims( 受害者 ) by donating clothes.As the Guptas looked at their collected clothing,they were surprised.They had so many extra clothes!The Guptas began to wonder how many people just l

20、eft these clothes in their homes. Gupta remembered one time when he visited a village after an earthquake.He saw an aid organization throw clothes at the people from a truck without any care or respect for how the people felt.The people were so shocked and troubled by this event that they would not

21、use the clothes. As Anshu and Meenakshi looked at the clothes,they had an idea.They wanted to start a new clothing organization which collects clothing all year not just at times of crisis( 危机 ).So the Guptas began their organization and called it GOONJ.GOONJ encourages people with more than enough

22、clothes to donate.It also wants to change the way people think about giving away clothes. “ One of t he biggest problems with clothes donation is that you give what you have,not give what people need.Often,you do not give away old clothes as a gift.Instead,you just throw them away.But someone who is

23、 using your second hand used material is doing you a se rvice.They are extending ( 延长 ) the life of a material.We need to move the importance away from the giver s pride, ” Anshu Gupta said. GOONJ hopes to make sure the clothing is given to people who can use it,so it sorts the clothing.GOONJ does n

24、ot give the clothes away for free.Instead,it helps organize projects that improve the community( 社区 ).People receive clothes in return for their community work.Gupta believes this helps the receiver have respect because they have earned the clothes .It also helps the receiver be proud of what they , 作者的母亲为 Tiffany 感到遗憾 , 是因 C符合文意。 5 have done to help their com munity. 5. What happe ned in the aid eve nt? A. The donated clothes couldn t meet the


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