《山东省临沂市兰山区义堂镇八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A(Words)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)》_第1页
《山东省临沂市兰山区义堂镇八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A(Words)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)》_第2页
《山东省临沂市兰山区义堂镇八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A(Words)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)》_第3页
《山东省临沂市兰山区义堂镇八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A(Words)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)》_第4页
《山东省临沂市兰山区义堂镇八年级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A(Words)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(通用)》_第5页




1、unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came【学习目标】1、熟记本节单词,达到灵活运用。2、熟记重点单词的用法,并能组词、造句。【预习·合作·探究】1、rainstorm n. 暴风雨 storm 是猛攻,捣毁,起风暴的意思,是动词。 人们在实际应用中习惯加上前缀表示特定的storm,如:sand-storm(沙漠风暴); rainstorm(雷阵雨);financefanæns -storm(金融风暴)。 其中rainstorm最常见,也就成了一个单一的名词。2、alarm n. 闹钟 he returne

2、d to the airport to find his car alarm going off.他回到机场时听到自己的汽车报警器响了。3、go off (闹钟)发出响声 go off 是不及物动词短语。your phone is going off. _。 my alarm didnt go off so i got up late. _ 1)表示“离开”:he went off early this morning. 扩展:go off的其他含义2)表示“(食物、饮料等)变质;变差”:meat goes off quickly in hot weather.4、begin v. 开始 1)

3、. begin to do / begin doing 开始去做 2). begin with sth 以开始;开始于the english alphabet begins with a.英语字母表的第一个字母是a。一般来说,begin to do和begin doing可以互换,但在以下三种情况下,用to do: (1). 主语不是指人,而是it等。如:it began to rain. (2). begin后接表示心理活动的词。如:begin to know ,believe, wonder, think等。 (3). begin本身是ing形式,为避免重复后接to do 即,beginn

4、ing to do p.s:doing 一般有正在做的意思 ;to do一般有正准备做的意思。所以doing 就是开始做了to do开始要做,还没做讲解: 复习:beginning n.开端,开始 at the beginning of / at the end of5、heavily adv. 在很大程度上,大量地 i am waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily.拓展:heavy adj.重的,沉重的; 大量的,浓密的; 激烈的; 重型的; a heavy box; heavy traffic; the heavy rain6、s

5、uddenly adv. 突然地 suddenly做副词,意为“意外地;忽然;冷不防”。sudden是suddenly的形容词形式,意为“突然的;忽然的”。 suddenly it began to rain. _ when the rainstorm suddenly came, what were you doing? _7、pick up(=pick up the phone) 接电话 动副组合短语代词放中间。i called you at 7:00 but you didnt pick up. 1) 拾起,拎起,捡起:pick up a book. 拓展:pick up 2)收集,收拾

6、:picked up the broken pieces of glass / pick up the room. 3)开车接送某人=take up:the car stopped and picked me up.8、strange adj. 奇怪的,奇特的,陌生的(反义词:familiar) what a strange idea! a strange face拓展:stranger n. 陌生人 im a stranger here.我在此人生地疏。10、storm n. 暴风雨 a snow storm 暴风雪 a sand storm 沙暴11、wind n. 风 ben heard

7、 strong winds outside his home.拓展:windy adj. (windier-windiest或者more; most) 有风的,多风的,风大的:a windy day12、light u 光;光线;光亮 with no light outside, it felt like midnight.light: c 发光体;电灯;电筒:a red light means to stop. adj. (-er; -est)亮的,光线充足的:a light room明亮的房间 v. (过去式有两种:lit/lighted) 点燃,生(炉子):light a candle点

8、着蜡烛 adj.(重量)轻的:he can carry this light box.他能搬得动这个轻的箱子。拓展:13、report v. 报道;公布。后跟名词、代词或that 引导的宾语从句:the news on tv reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area. p35n. 报道;公布:make a 作报告 / a school 学校的成绩报告单= card(美)1)it is ed that据说。:it is reported that the movie star is going to come to our city. 据报道

9、这个电影明星要来我们市。2)reporter n. 报告人;汇报人;记者:a sports 体育新闻记者拓展: 14、wood u 木头:bens father was putting pieces of wood over the windows.p35wood c (常用复数)woods=forest树林,林地:walk through the woodswooden adj. (无比较级) 木的;木制的:a wooden house 一个木屋拓展: 15、match c火柴 a box of matches一盒火柴 she put some candles and matches on

10、the table.p35拓展:match c比赛: play a football match 举行足球比赛 / have a match 进行一场比赛16、beat v. (过去式beat) 敲打,打败。既可以做及物动词,也可作不及物动词: the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.p35 / someone is beating at the door.有人在敲门。/ he beat the child hard.她把这孩子痛打了一顿。beat v.打败,战胜(宾语一般是竞争对手):she beats her brother a

11、t tennis. 她打网球赢了她弟弟。win v. 获胜,赢(宾语一般是游戏、比赛、战争、金钱等):we won the competition yesterday.拓展:17、against prep.碰,撞,倚:he hit a tree. 他撞到树上了the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.p35 he put the ladder the wall.他把梯子靠在墙上。拓展:against prep.反对(反义词:for):be against (doing) sth. 反对做某事:we are for peace and

12、war.我们支持和平发对战争。she is against smoking at home.她反对在家吸烟。18、asleep adj.(无比较级最高级,反义词awake,常作表语,不能作前置定语) 睡着的,熟睡的:fall asleep入睡,睡着sleeping adj.睡着的,常作前置定语;还能和一些词构成复合名词,表示与睡觉有关的东西。如:sleeping bag 睡袋,sleeping car卧铺车厢,sleeping pill安眠药 a sleeping baby was lying in his moms arms.一个睡着的婴儿正躺在妈妈的怀抱里。sleepy adj. 想睡的,

13、困乏的。可用作表语或定语。he often feels sleepy. 拓展:19、rise v.(过去式rose) 上升,升起:the sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。拓展:v.上升,上涨:prices have risen surprisingly. 物价上涨的惊人。对比: rise raz & raise rezrise是不及物动词,后面不能加宾语,可译为:升高, 上升; 上涨, 增高,指有形的东西。如:the sun rises in the east.raise是及物动词,后面一定要加宾语,可译为:提起,使升高。如:raise one's

14、hand 举手20、fallen adj. 倒下的,落下的 fallen trees./ fallen leaves.落叶 v. (过去式fell, 反义词rise) 落下,跌落:he fell down. 拓展:fall v.变成 (某种状态)(=became) +表语: fall ill生病fall asleep 入睡 n.秋天:= autumn21、apart adv. 分离,分开:when the clock stopped he took it apart to find out what was wrong.钟一不走了,他就把它拆开看看哪儿出毛病了。the storm broke

15、many things apart.p3522、icy adj. (icier-iciest) 覆盖着冰的,冰冷的: an hand一只冰冷的手 / the roads were icy.p3623、kid n. (口语)小孩; v.(kidded; kidding)欺骗; 开玩笑:you are kidding. 【形成性检测】一、单项选择(5分)1) if you stay up for your favorite tv programs, you will feel _ in class next day.a. sleep b. asleep c. sleepy d. sleeping2

16、) the wind was blowing_ and there was no _ in the sky. a. heavy; cloud b. heavy; cloudy c. heavily; cloud d. heavily; cloudy3) it seems to be at night now because we cant find _ in the room.a. enough lights b. enough light c. light enough d. lights enough4) you should believe in yourself. nobody els

17、e can _ you.a. win    b. beat     c. beats     d. wins5) the sun _in the east.a. rise     b. rises     c. raise     d. raises二、首字母填空(5分)1) the news on tv r_ that hot weather was in the area.2) there are candles and m_ on the table.3) he couldnt run quickly because the w_ was so strong.4) while he was walking in the street, s_, he heard someone call his name.5) i was late for


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