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1、2020年浙江宁波市中考英语试题卷附参照答案2020年浙江宁波市中考英语试题卷考生须知;1坡越莓n/瞽趣相 嫩朝uiL富6a烈鼠打小小血精分为12(J分.考武斗再为我小分钟,工请将出名.堆才林号介赛地写在俄勤总加不延卷的投定隹关上.X常跄时&指豫昭落I为霸烧睿1上H在妁蠹现值笠觎口若逑瑶西木祝 融< s摹*舄因息用矽电或至宇电串军1内作鼠版点试四卷上支做出各社区城商为盾寒爰无敦.试题卷Ir究形填空本题震加小事争HEH就册 龄分)下面鼠,掌握划序翅文为C、D四花拆中迎出最睡嵬One dav while I was w®lkm为i flu? parknnticed a li

2、ttle eirl Bareiooi f 赤脚的)mC 1 / she a 卜 xlun7nd did mF say a wool She Wtts _ 2 皿 the pwple 呼岫 好球erybodv |U4 pissed h and did nolf jy any aucalion to _JIhc next d4 i w/tt kffk tu th吼 park tu see ii the girl 心 曲疑& lb tuMjnee sbt ws ridltacL sadly locking arrund. I began io f her as at that lime a

3、park fiiU of ._ 6 waa not & nW -LN 一 一 = * -HEF -SF 一 厂门! n n n 厂 E- - a. qjjock: place R§niHl Hd% to play 酎oneI Went lowftrds the girl t&d 'nntiS6dhM sema妣庭 tu« 的Bng with Kfif 自3t A thnupbl- 二 wJ-,一 一! -cusicJ mv mnd 也前 u】坐 be this ,g the i r In 口 ci> 心再心 S hei d2tliQ i jL

4、S L> Leip. 1 got c1r injiin曲dto» let her How iM I 晔 由mM &d& to 9 .1 started wilh "Hello" and Ihan 辅t down IS her 加 图时 *is Vary shptttNik 31 , aftir a long look inu> my e«s, she repMl 1 期: We talked wid 糖Ikad, tn ninv hours passed bv 1£ The park kcam* mcnl andB

5、; Then I atMifiif asked lh。littU eifl 14 slu was * sad and h melv“l am difterertLtjiat s M”和 was her15 通 1 a旦簿喊smiled '"Yes, vau aref 1 分加ihsn 1:6一 坨 Bui veu remind me of a sweet 如电感(大使 1 full of love ”*-f 1:- -;3' %式廿 -r0Sheskmir 17 up, smiled and said, "Realh? she molded her heal

6、ud II her wings I= UT J平,、qadding, "t am m 办用式,I UM *q . p ihat 1 couldcii't 时 & word. Think 行 sfltrwene 酶i陋16With these h。:小i. she diipptaretl into the skvQ happyD coolC- heariruD1. feci inuQ herD. meC上 everDi onceC,场及 ioDiuxifTy 百 bout,fip,C sirnueisD;cleaners-E? - L- P-0yciutU tint 牌

7、於 ths. b -= - -= =y L A. rich2JV n etching VHP工人ll4,1 slwav'" .5. A 帆h 5&A politcmen_2U_ ul mv jut" here 现而rtyB. leaving 百JgE B.lillB.plav withB.thildrtfn7 A hsnflv tlKxA bchirllLA«so12; Aff ram13 Agw艇I14, A w hy idvcz'I&A ea破auad it A wd® a1丸*卬惟曲laA tWdD NTkli 咋B

8、 P附E CVcr b. mi 氏 shnw 队闻咿y Bh When H: reply B* 城区嗔氏 pushed 艮嘲喀dCJudsihC miningC. b«xulcC unlejs darkness C um耻reI)酣妣nWIX loiinD喊m*11 dmu虱噎m献也iC £aveC Jxat( 4JUOM1C dream口窗配mth H special C, g i笛曲甘f D:cm;se D。sang Rpul二,阅读理解 同*加胴毓分共计40痴Tdhirt中躅外Shitfl-slcekcd shinV;h iblcMade cettmOrder num

9、ber:hndlsitftScotland T-shinWnles Tfl0tKQ 81M KQ8151 KQ«279tLik Iducd;ik green$ 10Swimsuit (wirnn's) Sul and canil'ortabk. Klitdfe of新%厢限 2州 nv!0a 承 a i *雷必:地12/鸳16 Order number;GQW92Suikhiwn GQ 9963 dffikblue SISThm-quarter kngth jacket <w3mcn 】Made of fashionable teattHT谶鞘Fully lli

10、ncd, Length R ins,De not h即 J q I canS就炭叮Q喀14 IC谒OH? number:CQS2(Mld.irk hfacCQ «20l dark 际珊&$ HNS(buy thrw! nne lr«*4)INSmWURLEA:il:LR JACKET嗯|i电 1 being sullen -mJ K-cidEnUl dwt, Fm hl 卸 k see Piigc 11432k Wliai you have.just read is a/an.D.lbcd orderA. M fi>r clo曲晶B movie revicwr

11、 C ncs report22 From |hc pa"够c abo e. WPOK knowlhai,A. the swinisuil is nud&of silk aid ere HueB. licit are 6、c GesihAgMe fix ihcT-shfcteC Ihc order number of the dark bluejnckci 店 CQ 般瓶Dz bolh the T-shirt and ihc juckc: can be uashed b hmid23. Ho 幽 much do ?ou need io ps :if>ougci lour

12、jacket ifA, $ 2iMlHBC $期肛Mund ” Juhu;叮 21"Hm a i】rus(痛毒 Iftrffic common cold. It has been a 10ng untc since 1 m隹cicd(Vm) Abdiwits last Umc I Lned to infcci h boy i(tis name is Sam. I waited 0111Hs desktop, and when he toudicd the desk I jumpedhis filler I HluckiU, Sain ddn 1 touch liiscycs4 m典小

13、口门】5l Then jighl alieriliiss/he washed his hands Now I'jh IuumIuj. Janunrj 22"fidl of soap and sitting in a sink,prim an* sedodI all 邮OHI拈河小岫This in的i in善 I j tun ped into ilionbsccf SamUdtuckih. the rnucus Ianose caught m? I thought it 冒调 over fi&r nic, when suddenh Bill 5119czcd ivhdc

14、 he was talking to 3am.sJ a 6- Jfc.1 皿5 Ml 桢式 send me riglu into Sam s face* 口.nHvever. Sam quickh g毗和 BiH 9wd Billsnceznl tnlo 山源 instead! Infecting people is harder th&n I imagined. -T>Wednesday, Jan unn 13:I” Mme v£ft miltapp? Loda). Some sdatfete 血gM 蜂friend Haj球 anti pat him 1 tder

15、amwroscopc, Harn' is a flu virus and hcls > dangenous hftk gny Besides. Sam ate all his vegetables心吧,and he 5 «el(ihg 匕塔hl h口口口 of叩 3/ n唱M Hij be® j& loo stnjftg fbr 1喝Thunilai, Januan 24fcT trial Ie ni(«t Sam 飓属ri Uxhn. but Ik trashed h/ hand(s live limes and never lonctit

16、d his fowl K ako gave 欣sues m every studert in hg chs who was siKcwng. ltRs impossible 10 give kbi a cold1 Sa I hac Lo Q up andm mg uig to aiiodicr school24> According la the paage. hie af the vins 加 te 60mmon 81d cnuild beB luck*D difficult2 71k unilcrlmed “ad in ihc pis迪c refers trA. SamiB Bill

17、'sD BiU s friend s26. The writer is in big to lell n$ dial*Visser feel happ>城 and aogrv just people 曲 should be fncndk uhen oilier people around you arc sit 】l ' IlV:j)iLhiI Ie ph<cjI rm卜口dt Ji?;r nl1) tnm iniscq iirnund ir like 1。inkii h、in pnnim、修:uoh凯T1/ best lillc for the passage a

18、bcwtimlLA“ Dagger of u VinjiD. Leiter of 4 VirusB Hubil of u Vims C. DiurV yf a VirusLElobotsAre Nim Tt窜 hi 皿心旧岫,Gel ready. Robots are about io imadp our classroom. From Korea to Japan io the Im ledputting En<*li sh-speaki R»bot$ in front of their stuJente, InKorta robots arc the new lhing a

19、ssistants m a numbar心f pfImhjIs jikII he yoS muds代孙ihal 昧 nybols are luns tuu 脚昧w 由随即 really learningI don'l iliink a cori pukr will be abk (o do hul j【cclwrdws. Ahjachcr kb loK able to respond (0 students a$ iodhiduats (个体 *snd a icjchcr has ro changelus or her tedchiog snle 10 fli the needs of

20、 1 Ik: siudoit 1 striousk doubt that a compiucr w ill cvei h able to do this cvn ihouli the big diLi ( : A: ) is wideh ued in Ilie norliL4 Comments on_ m期沿卜English!”“r9 ws .hi nn epinua klhx?l< shmld s|knd money UJituni: human icavlurs rather ihanbuinj jobofen i<E«ian;h shews fl at childr

21、cs learn more from rc&l tspskeitAsn from rordeti ewvtwic叫潞IKn SiiyiI d(m"t tiiink 5tiu can kam a language nichLii real human intculinn /ftcr allT ro6d& £itn:i id ihink ” hun皿叫 daHa 爵*n Ktvs:K £Robots might be able io help people kaai a Imguagc. but I dotH Think ftcy sltould re

22、place teachers because robots jru just nuchinc& vr ilhout human fcclu.Nanev savs:1 thinl roheMs nughl be very he Ip tut in the classroom child might be 3 由aid W mke 3 miW口kxin fmnt oi rnbol thin in fnnl of a ivat jxrrMmAdd s comment2& Jlw undeitiiurd nwl iM' in Para> probably means ,A

23、, enterB. kavcC acceptD. fight物 Which of the fdliming can be best put in 上 一 itfPnn 2?I Eadi leaderi* diffirnilR Each stuckni is difTertniCAM t/展ivim arc helplulD, All stuknh ait fun3IX tMlk 4 commemsthinks 向 robois could gn e lots ofhfilp 10 learners in dws.A. Sara& KeikoC IlasanD. Nancy51. 4痴飞

24、 thfrhcr&lttirud门)towards robote,ccachinc 坳gli冬啸A.1 iKaring.II Supportive.C Ikuhtful.D, Agreeable.In Ihc ilijc 四甲卜 mv -rave! Min i 以星;h' Mil仃-p/pmship' gJ”q sp KT.hns"s fine1- r ELn捻11】1月声、mbi hu: thvv <re iw:t :< 卜 J jI U-vvlhn kn,I ht&c spohtm burn diemkil luck (堰科and th

25、ey 邵 veiy 第p3isiw. ScicnUsk say that a walpowered speeship could make die trip m Mars much cheaper The idea isjw in the planning stages non; bin scientisls thidk such a gpat无号hip could be developed wait(戈动机)Kcgular cngmcs push spaceshipby tnirning luel The water eaigme willuse steam, creared by sola

26、r panek太IB做板 j that heat WdterTh key fid fee WfeK-$ffWOed里吐is the engineg a h独 kmperatUR i l wum 也感 spaceship will have co carry i kt of waivr 敢 dw long (rip 2 Mars Iri卜一 ii :r* l I f. ch k iM gii xwnlkl% ihink lh:U ;i qn;iiThi# hhr,n “nlike a h 31飒 H + ill beahk 储airOsk US company hajs alrcadr dcve

27、hpcc a spaceship like thiSa These 5P k匚5 峥s arc nude ofa strongmaterial. Iwo of them haw alrelv been sent up into spate, using rockets and 由on later tilled with叶加Hd* 印斓ewld he veiy 加萨新d皿irF flnpgh m ntei tw a bng 出骷 W% th«Ihiniaspaceships. 6iugh water cnuldte cashier er (he engines and grow fb、

28、J Jun ng the trip. And the国0P拈 on the spaceship mighk even ge:除tahe a hot btfh?Scienlijh say 由心 蛹犀h画此事 of剪fih I nndap would H cart. TheUdonTs 普irt± lb ”的渝加油* ws aod向one ttieft d . doniM s0k*帅.8Hh由0 naturally fncpilrage cjUUthUed i esedi :h into bull日匕口 spaceships ftnd walrt exines. If tbcxe iC&

29、amp;sls are comCiKny 30M besaourWwWs m a spaceshipp«iBred by wao 4? W hich senlmce het drsenbes the main idea nf Ih亡 pMss?u*e ihnve;*A. Thf 婀the water-psweicd,r':尸 叼 什肺 wyh*D. m Ihc fuk仁 peopleHavMloMars % water-pmmed sp蚓dgC. CteUS companv h他 already dTloped a $pseesWjphkedMJ ftefeiggasisuc

30、h a pncehip wnuld bt?朝* 4工 What dcycu thmkia omitted省略underlined sentence7久睦stftamC. h«ai waier& push 卬通ghip3D, biHv ftat much water34 Bod逐窗值i吧 Imxl what else m培ht cUnxi&u信 tlo with the resl nl' the water *A. liikc a hot b此C BBowfp abalkon3S. OttwhiflhBMte&kwiB_ Frwae d迤eioiu =i

31、mgyD Change ihu surns «fKhrs prcbabK frnl I his ms 瑞塔e?温 "WKinOIKL幽而用山C, mxAs.chinadailvcam cn cBjturcD HR四明印的亡为国spaccfligltt 但Long tnng Eig<x there lived a nnn m)d a wnmui v4» hidensnn工 The u juple wanted a d tuphirrVttjriQQck andhad a girl Sh a1her l9Wdfe*Vtty CbKJav ihe 曲山口 need

32、ed wattrfftir ihc child. 3ch icni ihc sevea hr岫crx io a well- ri? (, it CfrKie there, ihmigb, the hoys heg;m tn fighl and the water jug (走 i 闺I mtr> the well Thabny?i lock闻 加bMtc *dl 3矗嘎hi 川版h 1蚓瓯 Rkt wmdhbogi»h(KB&:Hour* passed 'Wliere are tboie 户旷 shouted 出亡 jnyry 抬加rThuv are proh

33、ibly playing JAnti whengjmc and hove forgonen about the uittcr 1 wish they were aJI turned imo r&vcns加 looked up. he saw seven black birds ih uig auay. 1加 血加r m 富 shocked 曰Vhw h印 c I dun#* tluughl. But il uas loo hte. He can Id Hui take b;i£k hl n©r<k.Later ihe 匕川 greu up and dhaA%r

34、td she h»d broihcN. The sioiy of their bad Kick 询眠【忙ed her deeply, and she decided to find than. R?ryears, she searched and did met stop. She made up her mitid io find iheA土加出1、. she round ihcir home. Tblsneeded « special kc> made frtiffi9Sieben bone, uhich flha did not hac The gir AoMd

35、ht for a nicmcntT and then look a knife and 匕威 off one 碑 bet fingcHi With il. she opened the irom door and wcni inside On a labk. there crc seven pluics and set cn cups. She 皿 and dnuik a little from wh t>f them. In the last cup. she ctociduii国小 droppgd a ring (hat her parents IWgiten her.Later t

36、hai d格; the ravens rctumni tor their meal. 11k gitA 1】M be扪nd the door and vwchcd WhenIhe 耶 Eh raven drank frvnr his cup, something hit 3 mou血 The wen recog而蒯 H 口I onw-it 恸!ihi$ ptrcuU' ring*1 wish our lister were here/' he said、"imd then wt could be free " Ai thm mamcnl,lhgx|stteM

37、and sndclenK ihe raers uene human aain The brolhns Kissedmdall eight of diem 翡cm home together happiK; - 3G. Whdie邨*例be*辰rs厘而也0押hum©机G墀I?ATIrhsiI】由 fnrhcr-$ ringC Fhesr didnA g hack 画 umcrB They 巾nm avfn the wcr jugD Sem blxl ravens shocked diem初 cii hciW& hid behind a doorD She sM and vvii

38、cd fbir (hctgicnsA They ate magic ringC. Their sisuer kid ihetnB Wurk liard and y>u will be h叩p) Th in k carefully a twin ivlut to sam任舒型阅读片新§小抽捌幽工枷我寸加砌似的酗常有不同的尊倬蜩机堵你阅读虱下M料.将所给的身作结构图供工)与相座的间建材料 C4I4S)37 Whul cun xkc infer (推断)from the underlined sentence in Puru J?A; lie . aiher regrdled uha

39、l he hid said ".B. The ahcr 切居 mot pleased uiili his life.C. rhe l atlicr na? uomed about his httlc girl.D Ihefather 帆相 ungry with whsil 庙 sons hM done4ak. JB , 1 - fl fca_4 q _第 Wh抵 nas the firsl thing the gid did after she entered theAi; Sha ale anddiatikC Slw look au sknilc.独白did岷 ravt'i

40、s hccOTic humnn 吗ain?R One mven made a msh after seeing the rinD, Th电 drank uilh a specul cup £rom iheir laiher,4ft, Wtral lesson cuii we Icum frun» the stor?A. Dtn t liilk Iq slmnge peopkC Yen】r parea$ ah' : ys know bestcxpenmT The first Air Jordan Meq were rmd也稗蛛Tbdm版Alf薰心巴岛屿cawitoul

41、in I9M 党部匚耳huwere speciril h>r hasketbiill shihesgme曲wm吗*血后喙茹觎对蒯1螂£血如itawryi曾作的匈cL即期ars latcu止 third Air Jordan shoes were produced.曲 ffytai anl Io make your shzs !<x)k nev. IkiL gel uni aIT厂 i (w) Unjfl 向 the 讣0 U蚪dirt nff wflj the tnofl曲nh gstcdk 箕柏卜 wnareSSfdbbirig (棍).Finally, scruh t

42、he shms with » piper kwwfi Iclean clndh If ysi did a 即odgav;»ur sho, should look 阴 nice as 收 hen 、廿 iirsl gol ll»m. wIp*41 If tto go tn a dnnce 押叫 yotffl need to wear drcsi, shoes Hnwcvcr, wcanng dress 曲fnr a fbw <r 1 aminides can be realk pamlul. Ta solve Lhe prcbleni van can bnng

43、 a box i)l band-iids (创口财)wi班 y典Rhen )重丽堇内睡8型0篝国晅闻赴111e乩。二2 ,a iHottte s)mdhingthittwill reduce pM“ddf special dull、h y,hde sharpnn s44 W1疝 play ing jioll and bowling I保龄;:' pcuple need tonvrJ spikes i *H7 黄hh tz1k_£ shv; hive画时嘱 Bsides loofchg 4班 goll shg 曲4唱 shoa 曲 not have sc崛(集JBL) Ihit

44、 财粮 for street u$e,41 Aret、?, ari ng sh日如The fira iind import储出 reason讯 to protect their teet Shoes keep people from hwtmg lh«ir t«i 再桁用 walking on 域d mt* Some penpk u c<ir Special 蜘纪s igfied tn belp them pUy a game S<wne penpie u ea- expen*Hve 由oes lo look <Bhinnahte. And a lot o

45、f ate penpit war Aofiio ihfti ihcir feet) up tetoAm试题卷II瓯觥运用(辆有15小整,每阈佛册监缈A楣E丽RMM耀性明 驰空跳蝴酬蛔I耐 «4-B%4& Tim A (加L ) al the sennd crossing Affilywft&n find 版 biink.41 "Efyttn work hard, vour rxani score will一岫), the teacher said to Jim.(优为)断珥呼哂血瓯响 hi鼠蜜1噜gmdualinfi ceremonv hstvear5U O

46、ar adffiol A (逆请)weral heroes Io ?川d(必讪w&rhelmets诞熊爵皿埴51. Now all ihc e-bike riders iftUfoghn. A色Ed踊】ng AJ礼阳国nulhmy«bui it bi mgs a IM53. This 普 Mr ehssrem and(偏幻的升血也ZhHI口 R<, v.i' A :跟 I - b 川广 hml 屋一";口a口. _saQaNo% itmopro曲咖射哨闾 WioMitlm_A目方框中所绘羊工:忆与过韧心 每硼遍一版(每空黑,i , > , II

47、tbecause”Iaay happy oneforU_,._._Mug help: us cxcrejse - M why dcs ilhavc Oik c 11 ctlExpens say there are|hc 5(' simple mgIC 1心eM 乳tcnti in dUav When tic listen ti a s ing Ai? Itkr cur hamglocus Mthe mustc ForcxnmWeAfib in twrHse.写?姐碎鼻的f ha加 might be tired. Buif j sicnmg 1mustCL tffi can exerci

48、se a liLtle i?ngerMusic ;小1 makes us ujhL menu W hen we heaFhnte mus% !br 妙乂丽pl& U<! ruldjalh?写EU tO短This以丫圜曲cncrf) find elps us exercisemove to a Ix'-it A 户”示式 Hung aho pub lh 岫 h gMdmooJ no tW nwhwltl cuick and ccnlmumg hen il fOOlfv eSCSO "DEthe music shouldn't be too Auta*10

49、Dfcr CmtH a Amous ert In gcrwraL s:ngs m the五、语法填空本廓'HJ小磊睢HI I东酬附分)阅读f面短文在飞胃后一廿七洞,或填入括号卜所揩单词也正确形式I«dStrMoaner 上舸 the chance lo 印®d i 阈nth helSig闻如 gbe卬ital in Africa. I had one vear left al school andIwm 61 (mteresl in Mudying medicine at universityit* a nouM 曲u changed 丽 H&10doe同讨

50、京 world 由世 Uvuy 田坪e 而 to nuat i: 7:iK:v 2vs 1 w 2s ihikkcc j1 h.:w piM i sii rridn o.? ;:dmiH j dei J:cic 引und 猫m JiI!.l-1 中凹t hr亡c ir he Hil I .11 sc surnsL ,'i1 卜小瑞"山丁不内甲卜 ”:pund 31 rhe; d nl The wny Thep erff®together indMp 曲 Mher 皤 a rcnl insptrftTirn and 配旭出他户 I think Im 'fits here ih the UK hwe tbrgoUai. 1 thrk manv rf us doa'l Dualize 的 加国叶 Wc m族 的r work in theI_hospital was Mt 做 0* 胭a 1st of: re cleaning Io吟but 裕 lyrtta setmetime looking after the paticnls. And C got&chaMC 47 (talk)


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