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1、review of units 7-12教师寄语:four eyes see more than two.集思广益。fact speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩一、 学习目标:1、vocabulary: sea, dj, los angeles, central, diner, curry, deli, leader, band, easy, piece, brown bread, forbid, forbidden city, camel, rat, not at all, cow, ha, seriously, hen, lay, cruise. 2、target

2、 language.7-12单元语法要点。提高听和写的能力。二、教学重点、难点7-12单元语法要点。提高听和写的能力。三、知识链接 7-12单元语法要点。四、学法指导:讲授法、交际法、归类法、听说法五、导学过程一)预习课本pages7780页,找出下列词组和句子。(1)离远 _ (2)与相同 _ (3)一年中的第四个月 (4)给我们留许多作业做 (5)把倒入里 _ (6)在和之间 _ (7)需要这个做三明治 _ (8) 小提琴拉得非常好 _ (9)生活在海中 (10)在周六晚上外出 _- (11)在每两顿饭之间 _ (12)喜欢帮助别人 _ _(13)看望他表兄 _(14)去中心公园 _(15

3、)怎么做蔬菜汤_(16)再煮几分钟_(17)令人厌烦的食物_ (18)乐队的领导_(19)全世界_ (20)在报纸上刊登广告_(21)你最喜欢的小吃_(22)怎么做它_(23)切两片面包_(24)哪种面包?_(25)我喜欢有益健康的黑面包。_ (26)下一步呢?_(27)折叠这张纸_(28)你所写的_(29)轮流做某事_(30)世界上最著名的乒乓球运动员_(31)世界上最有才华的影星_(32)世界上最棒的足球运动员_(33)二十年后的生活_(34)故宫_(35)小学_ (36)另一种有创意的工作_(37)谈论有趣的动物_ (38)我是来自6班的国强。_(39)正如你所知道的_ (40)世界动物

4、日_(41)最不寻常的动物_(42)几乎不需要喝水_(43)我一点也不喜欢他们。_(44)牛肉汉堡_(45)我只是在开玩笑。_(46)最有用的动物之一_(47)下蛋_(48)你怎么认为?_(49)通过广播(三种)_二)完成下列活动1、模仿3c编对话。2、朗读第9部分,分小组展示。3、找出并记忆所给词组或句子,小组展示。六、学习小结通过本节学习,你学会了哪些知识? 七、达标测试:一)填空1. he lives far_(离)school.2. he is a boy _(来自) class 9.3. may is the _(five) month of the year.4. do you g

5、o out _(在) saturday night?5. the teacher is going to give _(we) lots of homework_(do).6. he plays the piano very _(好).7. we need these _ (make)a sandwich.8. your bag doesnt look the same as mine(同义句). your bag _ _ _ mine.9.we need to cook the soup for another 5 minutes . (同义句) we need to cook the so

6、up for _ _ _.10. snacks are food you eat between _(meal).11. im only _(joke).12. i think hens are one of _(useful) animals.because they can_(lay)eggs.13. i think rats are the _ (ugly) of all the animals. i_(not ,like)them at all. 14. it _ _(几乎不)needs _(drink) water. 15. they are _ (ask) students _(t

7、alk) about interesting animals_(通过) the radio. 16. do you know how _ (make) it?二)词汇练习unit 11. my mother goes to beijing_(two) a year. 2. can you find the_(different) between this box and that box? 3. you should look after your _ (healthy). 4. please t_this sentence into chinese. 5. i'm a student

8、. i'm in class one, g_ one. 6. my favorite p_is the cctv news. 7. a_she was ill, she still went to school.8. she is very fat because she always eats j_ food. 9. some students watch tv three or four t _ a week.10. everybody can talk with friends on the _(互联网). 11. who is the _(health), peter, mik

9、e or jane? 12. you did well, but your brother did _(well) than you . 13. its about twenty _(minute) walk. 14. you must eat _(更少)meat. 15. grandpa is pretty healthy because he _(exercise) every day . 八年级(上)unit 2 1. i'm s_ out,i shouldn't study tonight,i need to have a good rest. 2.

10、 i'm t_,can you give me something to drink? 3. it's i_ us to eat b_ diet. 4. i don't b_  the story, it's not true(真实的)。5. the patient(病人)is so w_  that he can't stand up.、 6. if you are too t_ , please lie down and rest. 7. if you have bad bread, you

11、 may have a s_. 8. what's the m_  with you, madam? 9. can you work out the math p_ ?10. can you give me some a_  on how to study english well?11. eating a b_ diet helps you keep healthy.12. we walk with our f_  and eat with our t_ .13. t_ chinese doctors believe we need

12、a balance of yin and yang.14. she has a terrible c_,and she needs to see a doctor.15. i'm not f_  well today,i can't go to school.八年级(上)unit 31. jack _ (meet) a friend in the street yesterday.2. there are 60 seconds in one m_.3. im _(babysit) my sister during the vacation.4. we dec

13、ide to go _(露营)this weekend.5. going by air is more interesting than _(take) a bus.6. where are you going _(观光) this weekend.7. i like going bike _(骑车旅行) in autumn.8. lin feis home is about 10 k_ from school.9. im _ (计划)to spend time on the countryside.10. mr. smith had to stop working because of hi

14、s _(ill).11. my cousin always _(租)some videos and watches them at home.12. its easy to stay _(健康).13. he is _(前往) for beijing this weekend.14. when i got the _(令人激动的) news, i felt _(激动的).15. i _(听说) suzhou is a good place to go sightseeing.八年级(上)unit 41.yesterday ,i _( 骑 ) my bike to the park .2. th

15、is is the _ (9) lesson , its very difficult.3. thanks for _(help) me.4. all the _(leaf) turn green in spring.5.-are you going swimming with me tomorrow ?-it d_ on the weather.6. tom usually gets up late and has a q_ breakfast.7it t_ me about ten minutes to school by bike on weekdays.8. classes begin

16、 at around seven _ (四十).9. the old woman looks very _(着急).10.that must be m_ more fun than taking a bus.11.in other _(地区)of the world, things are different.12.we live in a _(镇)called wukang.13-how far is it from your home to the town?    -two _ (hour) walk.14.   look at the

17、sign! its dangerous to swim in the r_.15.there are about seven _(百)in our school.八年级(上)unit 51.can you come to my _(生日) party?2.i have to help my _ (父母亲).3.i have to s_ for a math test.4.i have a cold. im going to the d_.5.i want to learn to play the piano. im going to have a piano l_.6.tom is

18、free this sunday. hes v_ his aunt.7.i have too m_ homework this weekend.8.im sorry i cant go to your party. maybe a_ time.9.thank you for your_ (invite).10.im going to my_ (堂兄) home.11.on wednesday, i have tennis t_ with the school team.12.i have to study for my_ (化学) test.13.my_ (america) friend is

19、 coming to visit me.14.please keep q_ ! im trying to study.15.i have to_ (完成) the project this evening.16.tony is watching a soccer m_ on tv.17.he was so tired that he slept the w_ day yesterday.18.can you come o_ to my house.19.the teacher asked them to_ (discussion ) the science report.20.i have t

20、o babysit my sister. im not free t_ 10:00 p.m.21.there is going to_ (有) an interesting movie.22.please w_ to me as soon as you get the letter.八年级(上)unit 61.toms hair is _(long) than _(tim).2.tom has bigger eyes than _(tim).3.who is _(thin) , tara or tina?4.i think paul is the _(heavy) of the two.5.i

21、m _ (serious) than before.6.this is my _ (双胞胎) sister, liu ying.7.in some  w_, we look the same.8.my sister and i  _ (都) have black hair.9.my hair is shorter than _( he).10.my favorite s_ are math and english.11._(然而) , we enjoy _ (play) tennis.12.pete is as _ (well) at sports as his siste

22、r.13.he likes to do the same things _(像) me.14.i don t like him because he always _ (使) me cry.15.my good friend is a good _(listen).16.in a _(friend), its not _(必须) to be the same.17.the monitor sometimes b_ me in physics.18.i dont really _(在乎) .19.he always has good g_.20.are you good w_ kids?21.m

23、y father is funny , he often _(讲) jokes.22.they are too excited to stop _ (talk).23.i don t like talking a lot, i am c_ and quiet.24.we play basketball every day, we are _( athlete).25.here are photos of _ (我) and _(i ) sister.26.everyone likes to have friends who _ (be) like himself.27.he finds no

24、_ (interesting) in such books.28._(尽管) he was old , he worked hard.八年级(上)unit 71.be careful with the knife. you may c_ your finger.2.we need two t_ of honey.3.mary finishes her homework f_( at last).4.can you m_ it all up?5.my hand hurt, please  p_the banana for me.6.would you like to pour some

25、 milk i_ the glass?7. i dont know how to make potato soup.- well, there is a r_ book on the desk, you can read it first.8.we have never planted trees before.-dont worry. i ll give you some i_ to how to plant trees.9. could i t_ on the tv? id like to watch the football match on it.10. to make a banan

26、a milk shake, you have to m_ the bananas, the ice cream and the milk.11. check you have all the _(ingredient).12. this is his _(finally) exam.13. the room is very dark. please t_ on the light.14. you had better p_ the milk into the blender.15. how do you m_ a banana milk shake?16. he often has two _

27、(碗 )of rice for lunch.17. what can you see when you are on the _(顶部)of the mutton?18. please add some _ (调味品)before cooking.19. most people like eating _(烙饼) before cooking.20. do you like _(有生菜的) in sandwich?21. put one teaspoon of _(佐料) on the _(三明治).22. put the _(西红柿) on the bread.八年级(上)unit 81.y

28、oung people like going for a d_ (兜风).2.many v_ from different countries come to china every year.3.which team won first p_(奖赏), class one or class two?4.luckily, we bought our u_(雨伞) and raincoats.5.she got lots of g_ on her fourteenth birthday.6.tina got jack deans a_.7.we had a good time on the sc

29、hool t_.8.in the aquarium, we saw a big o_.9.at the e_ of the day, we took a bus back to school.10.the students had a t_ school trip.11.we went to a gift shop and bought a lot of s_.12.did you have fun _(camp)?13.first they visited the _ center. (visit)14.there _ a lot of  rain last year. (be)1

30、5.did toby meet a famous _? (act)16._, we took umbrellas with us, so we didnt get wet.(luck)17.i dont want _ (go) for a drive.18.i _(go) _(hike)  with my friends and i took lots of photos.19.i helped my mom _ (clean) the yard.20.that sounds _ boring.(real)21.our _(班长) cleans the classroom every

31、 day.22.how was your day _? (休息)23.my uncle put his old things out in the _(庭院).24.toby _ (win) the game in yesterdays competition.八年级(上)unit 91. -_ (be) your mother a teacher three years ago?  -yes, but she _ (be) a doctor now.2. he played for his _ (民族)team when he was seventeen.3. mark twain

32、 is one of the most _ (杰出的)writers in the world.4. mei lanfang first _ (perform) beijing opera when he was ten.5. in october 2000, li yundi _ (take) part in the piano competition in poland.6. ronaldo is a _ (brazil) football player.7. she had an _ (usual) life as a child. her father left home and mo

33、ther was badly ill.8. his grandfather is a _ (慈爱的)man.9. is your grandfather dead or _ (live)?10. stop _ (make) noise. the patients need to be quiet.11. -when _ the match _ (begin)?  -it began half an hour ago.12. he ate up all the food in three minutes and started _ (hiccup).13. it is the thir

34、d time for zidane _ (win)  “world player of the year 2020” award.14. sonia _ (spend) two hours doing her homework last night.15. she was  b_ on july 12, 1989.16. she made a lot of _(成就)during her life.17. liu xiang broke the _ (记录)in the olympic games.18. although she didnt become a _(冠军),

35、we admired her.19. shes reading a book about a famous _(小提琴手).20. richard clayderman played several _(首)of music that night.21. in winter, many people go ice  s_ in north china.22. wang lei _(主修)in computer and management in his _(大学)now.23. have you seen the cartoon _(叫做)“lion king”?24. michae

36、l jordan is a  w_ basketball player in the world.25. they  t_ the great wall last week.26. they spend much time _ (surf) the internet.27. shall we go to the _(电影)together, lisa?28. my brother _(加入)the army two years ago.29. china is an _(asia) country.30. he is good at playing the _(手风琴).八

37、年级(上)unit 101this  magazine  has  lots  of_(read)2thanks  for_(give)me  so  much  help .3would  you  like_(go)shopping  with  me .4dont  forget_(bring)your  homework  to  school .5there_(be)a  football  match&#

38、160; next  sunday .6teds  mother  is  often_(worry)about  his  study .7olive  kahn  is  a  famous_foootball  player . (profession) 8mr  smith  is  the_in  his  village  ,but  not  the  happiest . (ric

39、h)9they  are  going  to  help  the_ . (tour)10wu yong made money as a p_waiter when he studied in the university11im  not  s_  where  im  going  to  work .12they  want  to  t_  all  over  the  country .13j

40、enny  is  going  to  learn  a  _  language. (外国的)14mr.  black  often  climb  the  hill  to  keep  f_.15jack  is  a  computer  _  in  microsoft  company . (program)16li  lei  studie

41、s  english  _  hard.  (real)17ronaldo  is  one  of  the  famous  football  _. (play)18he  always  _  much  but  does  little.(梦想)19the young woman is very _ (have lots of money),but she doesnt have a happy life.20we

42、  are  going  to  hold  a _ (the way of dressing or behaving as the best at a certain time) show  next  week.21the  old  man  is  going  to_(stop working because of age).22she  works  hard  every  day  to_ (make saf

43、e from danger ; to keep or add to an amount of money for late use ) money  for  her  son  in  college.23my  father  is  an _ (工程师) in  australia .24tony  likes  computer _(科学)very  much .25what  are  you  going _ ( be ) when&

44、#160; you  leave  school ?26im  going  to  practice _ (play) basketball  every  day .27when he _ (grow) up , hes going to do what he _ (want) to do .28shes  going  to  take _ (act)  lesson .29he  wants _ (find)  a  part-time 

45、 job .30shall  we  go  to  the  movies  tonight ? that _  (sound) interesting .八年级(上)unit 111. she always helps me f_ my clothes.2. i h_ making my bed.3. will you i_ your classmates to your birthday party this evening?4. can i b_ your bike when i go to the party th

46、is evening?5. every day after school we always s_ the floor before we leave the classroom.6. who does the most c _in your home.7. my parents have opposite views.  they often d _ with each other.8. what do you f _your dog?9. its my duty to take out the t _in my family.10.it takes l _time to go t

47、o beijing by plane than by train.11.students often go out to buy some drinks and s _after class.12.did you receive his i _to the party last week. 13.i dont think t _should ask their parents to clean their room.14.bill had to take c _of the baby when aunt sally was away.15.could i please_(使用)your bik

48、e for an hour?16.i have to go to a _(会议).17.his pen is longer than_(我的)18.mary _(忘了)to feed the dog. so it was very hungry.19.my parents often _(带)me for a walk after supper.20.the old man likes to _(玩)with his grandchildren.21.i hate doing the dishes. its_(令人生厌).22.i dont like cleaning the windows

49、_(因为)i dont like ladders.23.i do the _after supper every day.24.the boy is too young to _the bed.25.my father _on computers.26.i_to read english books. its boring.27.i am going to do the _on sunday because i am too busy to wash clothes on weekdays.28.you look tired. .i think you _some rest.29.could

50、you look after my cat when i am on_?30.-how_do you clean your room?  three times a week.八年级(上)unit 121.what is the best clothing s       ?2is the f    in that restaurant good?  3.-which animal is the b     ,a dog, a horse or an elephant? -an elephant, of course.4.-is your headache getting b      ? -no, its worse.5.im a r  


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