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1、徐汇区2020学年第一学期九年级英语学科学习能力诊断卷(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)part 1 listening (第一部分 听力)i. listening comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)a. listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) a b c d e f g1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _b. listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据

2、你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分)7. a) water. b) tea. c) coffee. d) juice. 8. a) on tuesday. b) on wednesday. c) on thursday. d) on friday. 9. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d) 5. 10. a) a waitress. b) a teacher. c) a secretary. d) a doctor.11. a) a prize. b) a book. c) a bike. d) a cd. 12. a) by bus. b) by car. c) by

3、 bike. d) on foot. 13. a) in the hotel. b) in the hospital. c) in the library. d) in the museum. 14. a) weather. b) a film. c) news. d) an accident.15. a) because she is dirty. b) because she is noisy. c) because she is crazy. d) because she is lazy. 16. a) the parcel doesnt belong to him. b) she do

4、esnt know the way. c) the man is like a kid. d) the man can walk there. c. listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“t”表示,不符合的用“f”表示): (共7分)17. charles dickens was a famous american writer. 18. dickens was fond of reading books when he

5、was little. 19. dickens childhood was hard and he had to work for long hours. 20. after writing a christmas carol, dickens became rich.21. in his books, he described a beautiful life in victorian england. 22. often dickens wrote sad and dark stories about children. 23. most dickens books are full of

6、 hope and have happy endings. d. listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共7分) 24. steve and tom were classmates in a _ class at an american university. 25. as an _ student, tom wanted to learn more about american culture. 26. steve seemed friendly at first a

7、nd he always greeted tom _ before class. 27. after the term was _, steve and tom stopped seeing each other very often.28. when steve and tom are no _ classmates, their “friendship” has changed.29. in toms opinion, friends are friends _, but americans view friendship differently.30. in america, frien

8、dship may _ when people dont have common interests to share.part 2 vocabulary and grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)ii. choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)31. _ only key to the safe is kept in mrs. whites room. nobody knows where it is. a) ab) anc) the d) /32. a young couple decided to sell their shop and s

9、tarted to travel around the world _ their thirties. a) inb) atc)ond) for33. on school open day, parents _ know how colorful their kids school life is. a) shouldb) canc) must d) need34. look! a car almost hit that little girl and the woman driver seemed _. a) frightb) frightenc) frightenedd) frighten

10、ing35. _ jeremy broke his leg last year, he performed very well on the basketball court in the new season. a) whenb) becausec) althoughd) if36. after the discussion, most people at the meeting chose janes plan instead of _. a) i b) myc) med) mine37. it is essential for a good detective _ the innocen

11、t and to find the guilty. a) to protectb) protecting c) protectd) protected38. it is known to all that bad news has wings and always _ very fast. a) spreadb) spreads c) is spreading d) has spread39. a: _ lecture will you attend, professor wangs or professor lis? b: professor lis. his lecture is more

12、 interesting. a) where b) whose c) whend) why40. jennifer has two children and _ of them were born in winter. a) all b) either c) bothd) neither41. people _ about if there are aliens on the other planets since many years ago. a) are arguing b) arguec) have arguedd) argued42. terry did very well in t

13、he interview, _ he got his dream job in ibm. a) forb) soc) butd) or43. when our parents get old, they will need _ of our time and attention than before. a) manyb) morec) lessd) few44. _ came to see john this morning and left a note on his desk. a) somebodyb) anybody c) everybodyd) nobody45. in that

14、small seaside village, most children are good at _. a) swimb) swamc) swimmingd) swims46. _ amazing film the story of pi is! a) howb) what a c) what and) so47. spending a whole day working in the field let the children _ the farmers hard life. a) understandb) to understandc) understoodd) understandin

15、g48. the kids are taught to stay calm and go out of the building one by one _ there is a fire. a) untilb) becausec) ifd) although49. a: i am afraid i cant finish my report on time. its so difficult. b: _ a) sorry! i dont know. b) that really sounds good! c) take it easy. maybe i can help. d) thank y

16、ou for telling me!50. a: would you like to have a look at my new painting? b: _ a) you are welcome! b) ill be glad to. c) not at all! d) congratulations! iii. complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)a. di

17、sappearing b. without c. betterd. such ase. interesting f. so thatg. excitedh. environment i. reasonszoos are places where different kinds of animals are kept and shown for the public. at most modern zoos people can see, smell and hear animals in their natural way. some zoos even have “friendship fa

18、rms" where people can touch some of the animals. here are some 51 why people need zoos.firstly, zoos help people know more about animals and their 52 . they give interesting information about each animal, 53 where it comes from and how it lives. special teachers at the zoo help children underst

19、and more about the animals. trained guides show visitors around the zoo.secondly, zoos are working hard to find out more about animals. new knowledge leads to better ways of looking after animals in the zoo and 54 understanding of the same animals in the wild.thirdly, zoos play a part in protecting

20、animals and stopping them from 55 . zoos work together with each other to help the animals in danger. for example, gorillas (大猩猩) from taronga zoo were sent to live with gorillas at the melbourne zoo in the hope that they would give birth to babies 56 gorillas can be kept in this way.finally, zoos g

21、ive people a lot of fun. people enjoy getting close to animals 57 having to cross the plains (平原) of africa or climb the mountains of china. in the past, animal shows were common in zoos. visitors were 58 when they saw monkeys in human clothes, and they even took rides on elephants or horses. howeve

22、r, today people prefer to see animals in a more natural way.so a modern zoo is a place where animals are well taken care of.iv. complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子): (共8分)59. mo yan is the _ chinese to win the nobel prize in literature. (one)60. afte

23、r andy was retired, the company wanted to find a new _ urgently. (drive)61. chinese people_ clean their houses before the spring festival. (usual)62. mrs. anderson has a little garden and she grows some _ in it. (tomato)63. liu xiang received an _ in the usa and it was very successful. (operate)64.

24、according to the plan they have made, i am sure they wont _. (success)65. the chemicals in the bottle are dangerous and it must be _ locked in the lab. (secure)66 when the news came, everybody was _ at the rare flood in beijing. (shock)v. rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格

25、限填一词): (共14分)67. i prefer to sleep with the window wide open unless its really cold. (保持句意不变) i prefer to sleep with the window wide open _ it _ really cold.68. schools should offer more fruits and vegetables to students in their meals every day. (改为被动语态) more fruits and vegetables should _ _ to stu

26、dents in their meals every day. 69. the korean pop music video gangnam style is very popular. many people would like to learn the funny dance. (合并两句, 保持句意不变) the korean pop music video gangnam style is _ popular _ many people would like to learn the funny dance.70. little lucy has learnt to play the

27、 piano since she was five years old. (就划线部分提问) _ _ has little lucy learnt to play the piano?71. there is little time left for us to work out a solution. (改为反意疑问句) there is little time left for us to work out a solution, _ _? 72. i wondered. will jack recognize me after such a long time? (合并两句) i won

28、dered _ jack _ recognize me after such a long time. 73. remember to say sorry to others if you do something wrong. (保持句意不变) remember to _ _ others if you do something wrong. part 3 reading and writing (第三部分 读写)vi. reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)a. choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)

29、more than forty years ago, a group of artists gathered to develop a television program. they planned to make a television show that would teach young children about subjects like reading and math in a fun way. sesame street was first shown on tv on november 10th, 1969. it was produced by a group cal

30、led the childrens television workshop, and today it was called the sesame workshop. the show combines animation (动画), music, large puppets (布偶) and human actors to create funny and creative lessons. some of the most famous characters on the show are big bird, cookie monster, oscar the grouch, and be

31、rt and ernie. puppet maker jim henson created these lovely characters.research is an important part of what made sesame street special. the shows creators studied children very carefully to understand how to best keep them having fun and learning. when the show was first introduced to children, some

32、 of its creators were not sure whether it would last one season. but forty years later, sesame street is the longest running childrens television program in the united states.as part of its fortieth anniversary (周年纪念日), sesame street had a special guest on its show. first lady michelle obama showed

33、a group of children and big bird how to plant. she explained that the seeds would grow into vegetables, which are healthy and good to eat. she also had a message to the parents who watch the show with their children. she said parents can help their children do things to have healthy lives, like gett

34、ing enough exercise.74. sesame street is a program shown _. a) in the cinemab) on the radioc) on tv d) on the internet75. the characters in the program were created by _. a) the sesame workshopb) jim hensonc) big birdd) michelle obama76. sesame street was produced mainly_. a) to make money b) to int

35、roduce the united states c) to teach parents d) to help children learn77. on the programs fortieth anniversary, first lady tried to help parents learn _. a) how to grow and eat vegetables correctlyb) to watch the show with their childrenc) to teach children to do enough exercised) the importance of

36、a healthy life for their children78. children may find the lessons taught by sesame street very _. a) funnyb) difficultc) stranged) useless79. sesame street is a successful childrens program because _. a) it was developed by a group of artist b) it is the longest running childrens program c) it has

37、invited many famous actors and actresses d) it knows very well what children really wantb.choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)like underground systems all around the world, there are two main rules on the london underground: please mind the gap and please g

38、ive up your seat to a person carrying a child or heavy luggage. but londons 150-year-old underground system is a little bit different 80 there are also another two rules: never look at others and dont get too close to the other passengers. if you do any of these things, you will break 81 , and the w

39、hole carriage(车厢) will look at in an unfriendly way. on the london underground, people do not talk to one another, nor look at one another. if they have to look at each other, they will 82 faster than you can say duibuqi. passengers usually keep some distance away from the others. in crowded carriag

40、es people will stand near the door at station stops, so the carriage looks full when actually there is plenty of 83 . there is no pushing yourself in as beijing subway passengers do. the biggest problem comes with getting a seat, and some people in england even explain how to get a seat on the inter

41、net. if you are lucky enough to find yourself sitting in one of the few seats 84 wants, you will catch the attention of the whole carriage, so you cant win. sometimes the train driver will make a joke over the loud speaker, saying something like, “how is everyone getting on in there?” a few people w

42、ill smile and realize that how strange the underground environment is. 85 , it will be back to the basic rules as soon as this moment passes,: no eye contact, no touching, no getting into personal space and no standing on the left. 80. a) althoughb) when c) becaused) if81. a) the friendshipb) the ba

43、lancec) the carriaged) the darkness82. a) look awayb) set offc) jump up d) fall asleep83. a) airb) roomc) moneyd) information84. a) the driverb) a touristc) everybodyd) nobody85. a) in additionb) insteadc) besidesd) howeverc.read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内

44、容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)some people believe that schools will not be necessary in the near future. they say that because of the internet and other new technology, there is no need for school buildings, classes or t86 . perhaps this will be true one day, but if the world had no schools, i couldnt ima

45、gine how our society would be. in fact, we should learn how to use new technology to make schools b 87 . we should invent a new kind of school that is l 88 to libraries, museums, science centers, labs and even companies. companies should create learning programs for schools. scientists could give ta

46、lks t 89 the internet. tv networks and local tv stations could develop programs about the students who are studying at school. labs could set up websites to show new technology so that students could see it on the internet. is this a d 90 ? no. this is beginning to happen in many cities. in those ci

47、ties, learning can take place at home, at school and in the office. businesses provide programs for schools and society. schools provide computer labs for people with their own computers at home. everyone can visit faraway libraries and museums as easily as n 91 ones and everyone can go on the inter

48、net, and older people use it as much as younger ones. how will this new kind of school c92 the usual way of learning? it is too early to be sure, but it is very exciting to think about it. d. answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 12分)when paul was a boy growing up in utah, he happened to live near a

49、 copper smelter(炼铜厂), and the chemicals coming out of the smelter made a beautiful forest become a wasteland. one day a young visitor looked at this wasteland and called it an awful area. paul got so angry when he heard these words. from then on, something happened inside him. years later paul was b

50、ack to the hometown and he went to the smelter office. he asked if they had any plans or if they would let him try to bring the trees back. the answer from that big industry was “no.” paul then went to college to study the science of plants. unfortunately, his teachers said there weren't any birds or squirrels(松鼠) to spread the seeds. it would be a waste of his life to try to do it. everyone knew that, he was told. even if he was knowledgeable as he had expected, nobody accepted his idea. pau


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