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1、山西省晋中市寿阳县朝阳镇第二中学2020-2021学年高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -i hope youre enjoying your stay here.-if it _ for the climate, i would like it here very much.       aisnt   bhasnt been          cwerent     

2、     dhadnt been参考答案:c2. the drug bosses and their organizations have become part of mexican society, _ every aspect of the nations life. a. corrupting  b. having corrupted  c. corrupted d. to corrupt参考答案:a3. we have eight managers in our company , and five of _ are in their

3、 twenties.a . them        b. whom         c. who          d . which  参考答案:a4. i heard that the famous film star married _ foreign singer yesterday!    

4、0;    what _ surprise to all his fans!         athe; the          bthe; a                ca; a      

5、          da; the参考答案:c略5. the parking tickets     within two months; otherwise, you will be fined $200 for delayed payment.  a.must pay b.shall pay c.might be paid d.should be paid参考答案:d6. having pictures to color1 will keep children _ for

6、 hours.aamused bamusingcamuse  dto amuse参考答案:a试题解析:本题考查非谓语动词,非谓语动词在此作使役动词keep 的补语,要判断宾语children 和补语amuse 的关系,从children are amused.可以判断,两者是被动的关系,所以选择过去分词a amused7. tom's first job was at a local restaurant in his early twenties,_he worked for seven years.awhere  bwhen  cwhich 

7、 dthat 参考答案:a考查非限制性定语从句。句意:tom的第一份工作是他二十出头时在一家当地饭店的工作,在那儿他工作了七年。根据句意,先行词是a local restaurant,在定语从句中作状语,故选a。8. he decided to          for the new position after he took everything into consideration.a. apply b. afford c. offerd. find参考答案:a略9. i do not feel  

8、;      give you everything you want.  a. confident to            b. convenient to             c. troublesome to          

9、; d. bound to参考答案:d略10. - we expected you yesterday   - i'm sorry, i        you to say that i couldn't be here until today(原创)   amust have called                

10、  bwould be calling   ccould have been calling           dshould have called参考答案:d略11. wed like a double room, please. im sorry, but all but two single rooms with sea view        .a. have been reserved

11、0;           b. had been reservedc. were reserved                d. has reserved参考答案:a12. enough of it! nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any   

12、0;     .       aexcuse                bsense                  cuse   &

13、#160;                 dvalue参考答案:b13. its extremely boring to have vacations that last for roughly one week and consist of hurrying from one place to another., traveling means more than that.a.you can say that againb.you

14、 cant be seriousc.i really envy youd.it depends参考答案:a那种持续大概一周,总是奔波于景点之间的旅游是极其无聊的。你说得对。旅行不应该只是这样。you can say that again 在交际用语中用于对他人的观点表达赞同,意为"你说得对/好"。14. a recent survey about“shanzhai”culture was conducted by china central television    that 50 of the netizens expressed supp

15、ort for itashowed    bto show    cshowing   dto have shown参考答案:c  15. as a teen, i think we         learn to take good care of ourselves in life.a. may    b. must    c. neednt参考答案:b16. hi ,t

16、om, why not attend my birthday held last week?i am sorry, i had meant to, but i       something unexpecteda have met       b had met         c meet      d met参考答案:d  二、 翻

17、译17. directions: translate the following sentences into english, using the words given in the brackets.71.你是不是就在这家新开的饭店里看见疑犯实施犯罪? (it)72. 学外语时没有必要不懂装懂,否则你总有一天会后悔的。(need n.)73. 人们很难想象像他这样一个体面的政府官员是如何一夜之间就沦为阶下囚的。(reduce) 74. 这个年轻人向朋友保证在任何情况下他都不会违背做一个诚实和守信人的承诺。( under no circumstances )参考答案:71.was

18、 it in the newly- opened restaurant/  that you witnessed / saw(that) the suspect /commit the crime? 72.there is no need to / pretend to know what you dont know / when you learn a foreign language, / otherwise/or you will regret it some day.73,people could/ can hardly imagine/ how a decent

19、government official like him /can/ should be reduced to/ a prisoner overnight74the young person assured his friends that/  under no circumstances would he/ break the promise that/  he should/would be faithful/trustworthy and honest.三、 阅读理解18. how was your day today? if it was just sort of

20、ok, with nothing much happening, then scott shaffer wants to hear from you. mr shaffer is the editor of the journal of mundane behaviour. "we can learn a lot about the way that society works by examining normal patterns of behavior,” he says. "all the ordinary decisions we make and ordinar

21、y things we do are society in action."the idea that social scientists should “study the unmarked”,in mr shaffer's words, has also spread to historians. traditionally, most history has been written as the story of greatness. it is all about great ideas, great people and great economic and so

22、cial forces changing the way that millions of people live for ever. albert einstein's theory of relativity changed the way that we look at the universe. but has he been of more benefit to humanity than the unknown person who invented the first really comfortable shoe? try thinking great thoughts

23、 when your feet hurt.in recent years, books of micro-history have been a great success with the public. most micro historians like to relate their subject to wider developments in society. according to historian catherine gallagher, the potato was once a matter of great argument. supporters pointed

24、out that it could grow cheaply and easily and help feed the poor. opponents said that this would lead to the poor becoming more powerful, since they did not have to spend every hour working to feed themselves. it seems that european socialism started with an argument about vegetables. british histor

25、ian colin jones wants us to look at pictures painted hundreds of years ago. he wants us to notice the fact that nobody smiles in these pictures. compare that with today, when everyone smiles for the camera and refusing to smile is seen as an unfriendly act. it is all because of dentistry, he says. o

26、nce people were able to look after their teeth, they began to smile and the world became a happier place.whether stories like this are true or not, they put ordinary people at the center of history. most of us are not going to change the world in a big way. but we might be able to do something that

27、makes life a bit easier for other people. and maybe one day a historian will come along and write the story. it is something to get excited about, though perhaps not very excited.8. why does the author tell you to try thinking great thoughts when your feet hurt?a. to show the ordinary is necessary.b

28、. to show history is created by the unknown.c. to show great thoughts are unnecessary.d. to show greatness comes from the ordinary.9. what was the most important thing about the argument about the potato?a. it helped the poor to feed themselves.b. it helped to spend less money on food.c. it brought

29、about a struggle against the rich.d. it led to great changes in society.10. why didn't people smile in pictures painted hundreds of years ago?a. they lived a hard life.b. their teeth looked terrible.c. they were not friendly.d. they preferred to look serious.11. what is mainly discussed in the t

30、ext?a. the ways to make life easier.b. the importance of the ordinary in history.c. the increasing interest in micro-history.d. unknown people who invented small things.参考答案:8. a    9. d    10. b    11. b【分析】本文是一篇议论文。文章讨论了关注社会中普通人的重要性。【8题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段中 m

31、r shaffer 所表述的观点(all the ordinary decisions we make and ordinary things we do are society in action.)及第二段的主题but has he been of more benefit to humanity than the unknown person who invented the first really comfortable shoe? try thinking great thoughts when your feet hurt.可知第一个发明舒适的鞋的未知人的重要性。作者以此来印证普

32、通人和普通人的想法的重要性。故选a。【9题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段according to historian catherine gallagher, the potato was once a matter of great argument. 以及 it seems that european socialism started with an argument about vegetables. 可知作者在文中提到了potato,而恰恰是对potato的讨论带来了社会的变革。故选d。【10题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段it is all because of dentistry,

33、he says. once people were able to look after their teeth, they began to smile and the world became a happier place可推断当人们会照料自己的牙齿的时候,人们才敢笑,这表明在此之前人不敢笑,是因为他们的牙齿很糟糕。故选b。【11题详解】主旨大意题。本文主题为“the importance of the ordinary in history,(历史中普通人的重要性)”各段落紧扣主题内容,论证了作者在本文中的观点普通人是很重要的。故选b。【点睛】主旨大意题做题技巧1) 主旨大意题属于归纳

34、概括题。如有标题,标题中蕴含的信息往往是关键信息。2) 找准文章的主题句是关键。“主题句定位法”是一种行之有效的方法。在答题时,我们可以:读首句抓大意;读尾句抓大意;读首尾段抓大意。3.) 无明显主题句时高频信息词,任一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,有的文章中最明显的特点之一是有一个反复出现的中心词,即高频词,也叫做主题词。抓住了它,便容易抓住文章的中心。比如小题4,通读全文可知,本文主题为“the importance of the ordinary in history,(历史中普通人的重要性)”各段落紧扣主题内容,论证了作者在本文中的观点普通人是很重要的。故选b。 19.

35、 college is a fresh start, and a chance to make new friends. these friends may become your lifelong friends, or the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. whether you are going to a nearby college or the university far away from home, you are likely to meet new people wherever you are.

36、 here are some advice to help you make friends at college.clearly, your classmates are all possible friends! get to class early on the first day, and if you get there early enough, you will be in the room, or waiting outside it, with one other person, or a small group. a good casual opener would be

37、to ask if youre in the right classroom, then introduce yourself, and explain that youre new, and a freshman. do this at all of your classes, and you will have a group of friends that you can make study groups with, take notes for you when youre absent or sick.if you live in a dormitory, your hall will most likely have many fun activities to take part in. take advantage of them, and go to as many as you can. knowing your friends li


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