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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神高考英语改错题解读高考改错题:i am very excited to have acceptedreceived/got an e-mail from you. imglad you have made such a删 除 a great progress that you can write youre-mail(添加 in) good chinese. iread your e-mailto myparents andshowshowed them the photo you sent it删除 it to me. how time

2、flies. ourfriendshiphas lasted forseveral months. wehave gottoknow butand learned a lot from each other. yes、 it is clearlyclear that yourlife in your country is quite different from memine.thanks again for writing to me. i m looking forward to hearhearing from you soon. best wishes to you and your

3、family.高考改错题:my car just wouldn t move any further. it was completecompletely dead、 and i was a few miles far 删 除 far away from anywhere on a cold、 wet night. i decided添加 to walk around a little before accepting id have tospend the night in the car. maybe i cancould find a telephone. actually、 i did

4、n t have to walk far before i found a small house standing onin a field with a light shoneshining from the sitting room. i knocked at the door and was delightingdelighted when a pleasant old man opened thedoor butand listened to my story carefully. he said he had no telephone、 and itthere wasnt one

5、within walking distance、 but offered to come and精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神look at my car. 高考改错题: dear ralph、i m a newcomer here offrom a small town. i would describe myself asshy and quietlyquiet.before myclassmates、itseems always difficult for me to do things 添加 as me and see me as a fool. s

6、o i feel unhappy every day.besides、 i have few friends. i dont know thatwhy they dont like to talk with me. sometimes、 we talkedtalk to each other very well in class、 butafter class we become strangerstrangers at once. i am trying to improve the situation sincebut it doesnt seem to work. can you tel

7、l me about删除 about what i should do.yours xiao wei高考改错题:when i first learned to write in english、 i ran into many difficulties、 the main problem was in删除 in that i always thought in chinese and tried to translate anythingeverything into english. my teacher advised me to keep myadiary. ifollowedher a

8、dvise and should删除 shouldputdown 100 words or so each day. soon i began to enjoy talktalking to myselfonpaper as iwas learningtoexpress memyselfinsimple english. one day i wrote a little story and showed添加 it to my teacher.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神she liked it very much and readsread it to m

9、y class. all said the story was a good one. their wordwords were a great encouragement to me.这种题型通常选自同学习作;像日记模式的一篇短文,按十行编排;一行正确,其他三种情形实删词.添词.改词,四种情形的比例如下:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载改年 份法正确删除添词改词精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载200612162005111720041117200312162002122520011216各年的话题为:“我”回伴侣的e-mail(电子邮箱)和伴侣之间的文学沟通; 途

10、中车子抛锚,“我”寻求帮忙的经受; “我”和同学相处显现心理障碍,写信求助;表达“我”学写英语书面表达的感受,在老师的勉励下,坚持每天写一篇,并取得进步;表达“我”和父母去四川峨眉山旅行的见闻和感受;表达“我”一个独生子女在家中的状况及心理感受;高考英语短文改错为测试考生判定.订正文章中的词法, 句法及规律等方面错误的才能;试卷题目排序为7685,错误以行为单位设计,精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破万卷下笔如有神记住解题方法要以篇章,至少以句为单位来找错误;解题技巧指导:一.看动词的时态,语态,非谓语动词;二.看名词的数和格;三.代词看前后指代为否一样;四.看形容词,副词的三级; 五.看介词搭配;六.看冠词;七.看并列句,复合句的连词;八.看主谓为否一样;九.看词性与成份的关系;十.看行文规律;按词性运用来看:词性精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载个动名代年数度词词词形 容 词 /介冠连副词词词词精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载20xx 年302111120xx 年301310120xx 年110330120xx 年313011020xx 年211111220xx 年2212011按句法及规律关系来看:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载读书破


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