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1、计算机科学与技术学院嵌入式综合实验课程设计报告设计题目:基于stm32和wifi终端控制与检测控制的激光防盗系统2014年6月目录一、摘要21.1. 屮文摘要:21. 2.abstract:3二、stm32 模块:32.1.1:芯片的选择:stm32vet632.1.2:芯片的介绍:32.1.3.stm32vet6增强形模块框图: 42.1.4.实物图:72.2. wifi 模块8221 .采用芯片:wm-g-mr-0982.2.2. wifi模块应用电路: 82.2.3wifi模块电路原理图92.3激光传感器92.3.1 原理92.3.2原理图10三、底板设计原理图:113.1:原理图:11

2、3.2:pcb 图:123.3:实物图:(待扌门)12四、调试与结果124.1. 连接 wifi124.2. wifi测试连接134.2.1 通过 pc ping 开发板 ip13五、八、设计总结 成绩报告14错误!未定义书签。摘要中文摘要:智能家居是在物联网的影响之下的物联化体现。智能家居通过物联网技术将家屮的各 种设备(如照明系统、窗帘控制、空调控制、安防系统、数字影院系统、网络家电以 及三表抄送等)连接到一起,提供家电控制、照明控制、窗帘控制、电话远程控制、 室内外遥控、防盗报警、环境监测、暖通控制、红外传发以及可编程定时控制等多种 功能和手段。与普通家居相比,智能家居不仅具有传统的居住

3、功能,兼备建筑、网络 通信、信息家电、设备自动化,集系统、结构、服务、管理为一体的高效、舒适、安 全、便利、环保的居住环境,提供全方位的信息交互功能,帮助家庭与外部保持信息 交流畅通,优化人们的生活方式,帮助人们有效安排时间,增强家居生活的安全性, 茯至为各种能源费用节约资金。智能家居让用户以更方便的手段来管理家庭设备,比如,通过触摸屏、手持遥控 器、电话、互联网来控制家用设备,更可以执行情景操作,使多个设备形成联动;另 一方面,智能家居内的各种设备相互间可以通讯,不需要用户指挥也能根据不同的状 态互动运行,从而给用户带來最大程度的方便、高效、安全与舒适。所谓智能家居时 代就是物联网进入家庭的

4、时代。它不仅指那些手机、平板电脑、大小家电、计算机、 私家车,还应该包括吃喝拉撒睡、安全、健康、交友、甚至家具等家中儿乎所有的物 品和生活。其口的是让人们的家庭生活更舒适、更简单、更方便、更快乐。本实验设计是基于stm32和wifi的,通过网页配置,以实现对激光传感器防盗 系统的控制。关键词:stm32嵌入式开发版,安卓软件、wifi无线传输、激光传感器、'便携控制。1. 2.abstract:smart home is reflected in the composition of the union under the influence of things. through sm

5、art home networking technology will be the home of a variety of devices (such as lighting systems, curtain control, air conditioning control, security systems, digital cinema systems, network appliances, and three tables cc, etc.) connected together to provide appliance control, lighting control, cu

6、rtain control, telephone remote control, indoor and outdoor remote control, anti-theft alarm, environmental monitoring, hvac control, infrared repeater and programmable timing control and other features and tools. compared with ordinary home, smart home not only with traditional residential function

7、, both buildings, network communications, information appliances, equipment, automation, assembly systems, structure, service and management as one of the efficient, comfortable, safe, convenient, environmentally friendly living environment providing a full range of interactive features information

8、to help families keep the information exchange with external flow, optimize people's lifestyles, to arrange a time to help people effectively, enhance the security of home life, and even save money for a variety of energy costs.smart home allows users to more convenient means to manage household

9、 equipment, such as touch screens, handheld remote control, telephone, internet to control home devices, but you can perform operations scenarios, enabling multiple devices to form a linkage; hand, smart home various devices can communicate with each other within, no user can interact with the comma

10、nd to run depending on the state, thus giving users the greatest degree of convenience, efficiency, safety and comfort. the so-called smart home era is the era of things into the home. it not only refers to those phones, tablet computers, small appliances, computers, cars, should also include eating

11、 and sleeping, safety, health, friends, and even furniture and other household items and almost all life. its purpose is to make people's family life more comfortable, easier, more convenient and more fun.the experimental design is based on the stm32 and wifi, and through the web configuration t

12、o achieve the laser sensor alarm system control.二、 stm32 模块:2.1.1:芯片的选择:stm32vet62.1.2:芯片的介绍:内核:arm 32 位的 cortex-m3 cpu-最高72mhz工作频率,在存储器的0等待周期访问时可达1.25dmips/mhz(dhrystone 2.1)-单周期乘法和硬件除法存储器:-从64k或128k字节的闪存程序存储器-高达20k字节的sram时钟、复位和电源管理-2.0-3.6伏供电和i/o引脚-上电/断电复位(por/pdr)、可编程电压监测器(pvd)-416mhz晶体振荡器-内嵌经出厂调

13、校的8mhz的rc振荡器-内嵌带校准的40khz的rc振 荡器-产生cpu时钟的pll-带校准功能的32khz rtc振荡器低功耗-睡眠、停机和待机模式-vbat为rtc和后备寄存器供电 2个12位模数转换器,1 u s转换时间(多达16个输入通道)-转换范围:0至3.6v -双采样和保持功能-温度传感器 dma:-7通道dma控制器-支持的外设:定时器、adc、spl i2c和usart2.1.3.stm32vet6增强形模块框图:jtck/s.vclk jtmswdiojtdo3st=vkcec j< thacec(n 3 38 as _jntsl jtdeutracetngsw/j

14、tagccrtex-m3 cpufp: 72mznvicnr3*vddavssa8oafpa(i5o:p6(lso; pc: iso;pd(15:o:pe(is 0foe con er<n8888gpiocgpoepll& clock mamact=clk1<- pclk2 jmclk j fclk jr-5-j 2llfxr 128 io64 0!:pwervojt. peg.|3.3vto1.8viv3d = 2 to 3 6vvssvzosramxkbgp dma7 channesqvdoaxtal osc4-16mhzqvccawakbupamb2ahb2l88&l

15、t;j=>46af=ef-2bl: adc1if12tlt adc2if1*8te sersorvcoa<=><=>ma3.1.4 管脚图:iw&gstanaby nt erf ace©vbatosc32.n o5c32 ouwosc32 no5c32 ouwt1m2tampcr-rtctampcr-rtct1m3a 6annmtim 4usarpsp 24cnanntuitxjx cts, rts, ok. snwtcaro 曲 af 珂xjxcts,買ts_ ck. srraoard as afw5 .miso.&ck.nss36 a

16、fusb 2.0 fssram 5123i2c1i2c2txcanwwdgscl gca.smbal38 afscl soa 3sa=zt_hd usec/cantxmvd us8cmcanrxa 14390b旨wpppppppp _c $ii0543209872i0547654443 仃门口口仃门口仃仃仃仃仃仃仃仃门仃门口仃厂1厂1仃口厂1/5 44 4 44 4 44443333333 3332 2 22 /098765432098765432 09876=1 svd=> ivd dnxw-ova=i vaaa *d3ha=1 -d3ha vssa £od sodoodnj

17、lsbn ino"oso nroso caaa 9ssa=1 ino"3£9solod=3 n厂乙£0scm9d立陀比况lz0z6l8l“9lglsl3lx0k68oolddoi 1v9a=1 93 d 93 d t3d 3d sbd99r£ 乙9gq-sgsgsg9999999999zzzzzzl 乙 £9g2860lrj£.ugd>/6?6ol 乙£片9c匚匚teu 匚ecljueu 匚 ue匚t匸匚一j 匚 ut匚dddddddddddddddddydnaaaa99qggcgogooooowvwv9so

18、ldkl86ikl 11kl 9 £ g 6 oo 6 l- ill- sa乙£pg o l 乙 £ p g ol乙£ -乙乙u u u lj uuvdd 3 vss3 pei p0pb9pb8ubo0toupb7upb6upb5upb4 u pb3upd7 upd6u pd5 u pd4 pd3 pd2upd1 updoupq2 u pc二l-ipclo 2jrm5 zjrm42丄4实物图:22wifi模块2.2.1.采用芯片:wm-g-mr-092.2.2. wifi模块应用电路:fewermnb > 1 mamuia boat xatarfa

19、e* aalctm.上«» mm 1ml2.2.3wifi模块电路原理图2.3激光传感器2.3.1原理激光传感器由两部份构成,一部份为发射部份,一部分为接收部份。发射部份曲一个 振荡管发出180khz频率的振荡波后,经三极管放大,激光管发光;接收部份由一个 相匹配180khz的接收管接收返凹的光强,经过电容滤波后直接接入s12单片机的 接口,检测返冋电压的高低。由于激光传感器使用了调制处理,接收管只能接受相同 频率的反射光,因而可以有效防止可见光对反射激光的影响。另外,配合大透镜使用, 接收效果和抗干扰能力更强。232原理图1)发射管原理图jeshou1a7u1111/&g

20、t;333(11*丿4fa/r1203f *2)实物图:(待拍)三、底板设计原理图:3.1:原理图:亠ij “:5衣:n;l力汀:1一k.3h2-2e-5s- 2z逗二vi £xzz-三n鬲 1 id>11一wnzl*!e12l«lftllh nuuxlxj:24“4i«qu x “£1 : huulrsxlnisrsl»ur»<:«3v r亠gof:vn1 34i < sp 士 b coa. ehtt fiex二aj4、3:3.2:pcb 图:jisi严j 严x cx zs丿一'ttoi卜p7 flpl? qgpii |n oo| 巴q = lag oia d计书 d财0鬲 di%m-o ri3 d少口p3181pqp5p6p7p8|oq:p23.3:实物图:(待拍)四、调试与结果41 连接wifipc上连接小车载wifi, wifi名称:wulianwang无线网密码:123456789012342wifi测试连接4.2.1通过pc ping开发板ipc:docunents and settingspdninistratof>ping 忖ith 32 by


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