



1、小学英语五年级下册 Unit 7 We will go by train 教学设计 (第二课时 )一、教材分析:Module 4的话题是Travel,本节课是Unit 7 We will go by train的第二课时,学 习Unit7 Let ' s课文,学生在Module2已经学习了一般将来时态 be going to的运 用,第一课时学习了新单词、P39的词条和初步掌握了 Where will you go ?- I will go to How will you go there ?-We will go by train.What will you do in?-We wi

2、ll及其回答形式,并用这些句型进行 look and say (P40.2)的操练。 本节课运用第一课时所学的句型,借助思维导图来学习课文,阅读,同时能够读懂 相关的信息,制定旅游计划。二、学生分析: 五年级学生经过几年的学习,学生具备一定基础的听说读写能力,但还是需要老师给予一定的指导和帮助。因此,以思维导图为切入点,创设情境,并联系生活 实际,让学生在接近现实生活中使用语言,培养学生的语言运用能力。三、教学内容: Unit 7 We will go by train 第二课时 (Let ' s talk)四、教学目标:(一)语言知识目标1. 能流利朗读和理解课文,能根据课文对话提炼

3、 where, how, who, when, what will do 所表达的内容。2. 巩固并运用下列句子:Where will you go? - I will go to .How will you go there ? -I will go by train.When will you leave /come back home ?-I will leave /come back home on October 4th.What will you do there? -I will (二)语言技能目标1. 能读懂课文,填写表格。2. 能正确朗读课文,能正确运用旅游计划用语于实际生活

4、当中。3. 能借助思维导图去阅读朋友的旅游计划。4. 能借助思维导图,制定旅游计划,分享旅游的计划并能形成书面表达。(三 ) 情感态度目标1. 鼓励大胆地、礼貌地与人交流。2. 通过小组合作学习活动,培养合作精神。3. 通过教师的引导, 学生积极参与课堂学习活动, 养成积极开口说英语的好习 惯。(四) 学习策略目标1. 引导学生通过所给的关键词,获取有关的信息。2. 鼓励学生积极参与活动,大胆地说英语、用英语,发展其听说读写的能力。五、教学策略:1. 通过video、chant、制作思维导图等活动激发学生的学习兴趣,树立学习自 信心。2. 充分利用生活实际和以问题为主导 ,引导学生用英语来干事

5、情。六、教学重难点:(一)教学重点:1. 巩固并运用旅游的日常用语:Where will you go? - I will go to .How will you go there ?-I will go by train. When will you leave /come back ?-I will leave /come back on October 4th.What will you do there? -1 will 2.课文的朗读和理解,能根据课文对话提炼 who, where, how, when, what will do 所表达的内容。(二)教学难点1. 能借助思维导图去阅

6、读朋友的旅游计划。2. 能借助思维导图,制定旅游计划,分享旅游的计划并能形成书面表达。七、教学步骤:(一 )Warming up1. Free talk2. Let's enjoy“Let's travel”【设计意图:热身阶段,通过 free talk, video 形式,激发学生学习的兴趣。 】 (二RevisionMay Day is coming! Do you know my plans for the holiday?Go over these sentences : Where will you go ?- I will go to How will you go

7、 there ?-I will go by train. When will you leave/ come back home ?-I will come back home on October 4th. What will you do there?-I will 【设计意图:复习已学的新句型,引导学生用关键词 who, where, how, when, what - do去了解别人的旅游的计划,从而引入思维导图。】(三)Presentation and practice1. T: Children, Ben has some plans for the holiday. Look a

8、t this picture, can you guess ,where will Ben go? How will he go? Let's ask some questions about Be'ns plan.【设计意图:引导学生看图找课文相关信息,并通过chant引导学生要了解别人 的旅游的计划要怎样提问 】2. Watch VCD and fill in the blanks.【设计意图:初步感知课文 ,填写 Ben 的旅游计划导图,根据关键词 who, where, how, when, whatdo记住课文重点句子。】3. Read the dialogue af

9、ter VCD or by themselves.4. Recite the dialogue.【设计意图:根据 Ben 的旅游计划导图复述课文,巩固重点句子和训练学生的 思维能力。】(四)SummaryHow to ask and make a travel plan. 【设计意图:利用思维导图小结怎样问别人的旅行计划的方法】(五)Consolidation and development1. 让学生借助思维导图去阅读外国人的旅游计划。(详见练习页一)2. May Day is coming! Make your travel pla n and share with your classm

10、ates 制定 自己的“五一”旅游计划并与同学分享) (详见练习页二)【设计意图:根据本节课所学,通过分享旅游计划引导学生用英语来干事情。 】3. Write your travel plan. (布置完成 My travel plan 书面表达 )(六)Homework1. 熟读本课课文,能根据 where, how, who, when, what-do的相关信息复述课 文。2. 完成 My travel plan 书面表达。Unit 7 We will go by train 堂上练习(姓名: )一、阅读下面的文章,填写旅游计划导图I am Lucy. Here's my tra

11、vel plan. I will go to Hong Kong on my summer holiday with my pare nts. We will go there by bus. We will get there on July 25th .We will stay in Hong Kong for two days. On the first day, we will go to the Ocean Park. We can see many animals, such as例如)dolphins seals and jellyfish. I think they'r

12、e cute and lovely. On the sec ond day in Hong Kong, we will go to visit the Disney Land. In Disney Lan d, I can see many ani mals and people, who in films and carto on s. I hope, we'll have a good time on my summer holiday.二、练习。I.May Day is coming! Make your travel plan and share with your class

13、mates.(制定自己的“五一”旅游计划,并与同学们分享旅游计划)Jwhere1 howrWhat doMy travel pla njJ4Iwhen分享例子:A: xx. May Day is coming! Where will you go? B: I will go toA: Who will you go with?B: I will go with my.A: How will you go ?B: I will go by.A: When will you leave?B: I will leave on.A: When will you come back ? B: I will come back on.A: What will you do there? B: I will.2. Write your travel plan.(完成旅游计划的书面表达)Model(例):My travel pla nMay Day is coming! I have a plan for the holiday. I will go to BaishuiWaterfall with


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