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1、Lesson 87教学设计方案Less on 87 教学设计方案 Teachi ng Objectives: Finish readi ng the passage about the relay race and grasp one sentence pattern“ not so/as. . .as.”Lan guage Focus: far behi nd, come on, bad luck, the finishing line, well done, con gratulati ons to sb. on sth not. . .as/so. . .asProperties: Ta

2、pe-recorder, Overhead projectorTeach ing Procedures:Step 1 Revisio n1. Revise the vocabulary of sports meeti ngs by retell the story on Workbook Less on 86, Ex.3.2. Ask the stude nts to retell the passage about the relay race.Step 2 Readi ng1. Ask the stude nts to guess which class won the relay rac

3、e.2. Ask the stude nts to read the end of the story and see whether their guess is correct.3. Expla in the Ian guage poin ts.1) not far behind在后面不远处说一个物体离另一个物体(一处离另一处)很远或不远,用far from或not far from。2) enough作adv.修饰adj.或adv.时,必须位于其后。作为 adj.修饰n.时,一般位于 其前,也可位于其后。 The questi on is easy eno ugh. We can wor

4、k it out. The water is cool eno ugh to drink. Let ' s drink. We are all thirsty. Don' t worry. We have eno ugh tickets for all of you.3) Class 3 were the winners! class集体名词,指全体,是复数概念,所以were, winners均为复数。类似的集体名词还有family, school等。 His family are all sports lovers. They all like watch ing games

5、. The whole school are shouti ng with joy at the good n ews.4) con gratulati ons to sb. on sth.con gratulate sb. on sth. -Congratulations to you on your good result!-Tha nk you! Congratulate you on your good result!4. Ask the stude nts to read the story after the tape, and an swer these questi ons:W

6、ho won the race?Who was sec ond?Who was third?What happe ned to Wu Peng?5. Get the stude nts to make senten ces using fast/faster tha n/fastest of all about the race.Jia ng Hon gli n ran fast. Lin Tao ran faster tha n Jia ng Hon gli n. Wu Peng ran fastest of all.Step 3 Prese ntati onShow these sente

7、nces form Part 1 Read, and revise the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.Lin Tao didn ' t run as fast as Wu Peng.Jia ng Hon gli n did well. Wu Peng did better tha n Jia ng Hong lin. Lin Tao did best of all!well/ better/best badl/worse/worstStep 4 Read and lear n1. Call several pairs of

8、 stude nts and make comparis ons like:A is tall. B is tall, too.A is as tall as Bi.dB'Aru n as fast as B.A studies as carefully as B.A is as old as B.A runs as fast as B.A isn' t as/so hard-working as B.A doesn' t play basketball as well as B.2. Show the pictures on Page 38, summarize th

9、e sentence patter n not as/so. . . as . An swer these questi ons:Who did worse, Han Mei or Lucy?Who did better, Lily or Han Mei?Who did the worst of all?Explai n the meaning of rather=quite.3. Ask the stude nts to make sentences with“ (not) as/so, .as ”.The girls '100-metre raceHan Meimei18” 7 (

10、not very well)Lucy20” 91Li Fang21”8The boys'long jump:Li Lei5, 15m (very well)The girls '1metre race;Han Meirnei didn ' t do very well. She did rather badly. Lucy di worse than Han Meirnei. Li Fang did worst of all. Bad luck!4. Practice: Ask the stude nts to finish Exercise 3 on the book

11、.Step 5 Exercises in class选择一个词并用其正确形式填空(如名词,反义词等)congratulate good start far bad1. Lin Tao was first past theline and Class 3 won.2. Well done!, Han Meimei!3. I got up early and hurried to the statio n, but the train had already gone.luck!4. Lucy jumps muchtha n Lily.5. Lily did ratherin the shot-p

12、ut, but Han Meimei didof all.Keys: l.fin ish ing 2.C on gratulati ons 3.Bad 4.farther 5.badly, worst在下列空白处填上适当形容词或副词的比较级或最高级。1. A tortoise istha n a duck.2. The Chan gjia ng River istha n the Yellow River.3. Hares rantha n cats.4. The peasa nts arein autu mn tha n in win ter.5. It isin wi nter in Ha

13、rbi n tha n in Beiji ng.6. Mary ' s handwriting isin her school.7. When spri ng comes, the weather getsand.8. Jenny usually gets uptha n her sister.9. The Mount Qomola ngma ismoun ta in in the world.10. Which is,the sun, the moon or the earth?Keys: 1.slower 2.lon ger 3.faster 4.busier 5.colder 6

14、.the best 7.warmer, warmer 8.earlier 9.the highest 10.the biggestStep 6 Homework1. Finish exercises on page 105.2. Recite the end of the relay race.3. Make ten senten ces, using( not) as. . .as, tha n, of all, in. . . .respectively.4. Fi nish the workbook exercise.Writi ng on blackboardLesson 87At l

15、ast: Class 3 were the winn ers!Make comparis ons:Lin Tao didn ' t run as fast as Wu Peng.Jia ng Hon gli n did well. Wu Peng did better tha n Jia ng Hong lin. Lin Tao did best of all!well/ better/best badl/worse/worstA is as tall as B. But A didn ' t run as fast as B.A studies as carefully as

16、 B.A is as old as B.A runs as fast as B.A isn ' t as/so hard-working as B.A doesn ' t play basketball as well as B.Lesson 91 教学设计方案 Teach ing Objectives:1. Get more in formatio n about Bill Gates.2. 掌握I' m sure that.句型的运用。3. Grasp the using of Articles.Lan guage focus:1. Object clauseI&#

17、39; m sure that.2. Articles: a, an, the3. Useful expressi ons1) pla n to do sth.2)2) milli ons of, thousa nds of, hun dreds of3) decide to do sth.4) give away5) It' s adj. for sb. to do sth.Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projectorTeach ing procedures:Step 1 Revisio n1. To dictate new words

18、lear nt.2. To say someth ing about Bill Gates.3. Get the stude nts to say someth ing about themselves.Step 2 Leadi ng-i nSay “We all love our parents. We have special days for them. Mother ' s Day and Father' sDay. Do you know when these days are? Have you spe nt these special days with your

19、 pare nts?What did you do for them? Are you going to buy someth ing as prese nts?” Call them to an swer.如果学生感兴趣时间允许的话,教师可讲讲关于父亲节的信息,使学生增加对父母亲的爱。Then say: Let' s see what Kate and Jim' s plan is for Father' s Day.Step 3 Read and practicePlay the tape for the stude nts to liste n carefully

20、 and try to find out the an swer: Will Kate buya gift to her father?或者播放本课对话的视频文件:Lesson 91情景对话。Teach the new words: T-shirt, pleased,教师可展示物体和表情图片教学。Then get stude nts to repeat after the tape.教师也可播放此对话的动画文件:Lesson 91 Read and practise让学生跟着朗读对话,并讲解I' m sure that . . . /I' m sure if .句型的用法,并让

21、学生练习。教师还可播放视频文件:I ' m sur句型,让学生观看此句型的运用。Explain: plan to, be pleased, I ' m sureThen get the stude nts to read in pairs and act it out in front of the class. (They may add therole of the mother to make some suggesti ons about the prese nt.)Step 4 Read and completeStude nts read the passage a

22、nd fill in the bla nks with the proper articles, (the an swers: a, a,The, a, the, a, a, the).Expla in the usi ng of articles.教师可运用动画来进行演示讲解。Lear n the new words: disease, TB, decide, etc. Compare lucky with uni ucky and millio n withbilli on.Expla in some words and phrases.1. millio ns of, thousa nd

23、s of, hun dreds of1) There are thousa nds of people in the square.2) Milli ons of people die of disease every year.2. It' s+ adj. + for sb. to do sth.(1) It' s easy for them to climb the trees.(2) It' s good for you to do more sports.Step 5 Liste ning practiceStudents listen to the tape

24、and fill in the blanks on Page 111.教师可运用听力课件进行教学,可根据学生的不同水平选择方式:Lesson 91课文听力练习。The answers are: friends, when, grew, different, young, smarter, 9, 10, talked, sometimes,un dersta nd, better, scie nee, in terested, at, famous, bright.Step 6 Exercises in class1. Rewrite the senten ces.1) When shall w

25、e go to see our teacher?I' m not sure.2) Can they finish the work in time?I' m not sure3) The little girl is wait ing for us.I' m sure.4) What shall I do to help him?I' m not sure5) How can we solve the problem?I' m not sure.2. Fill in the bla nks with proper articles.1) Yesterda

26、y I sawgirl in the street. I don ' t know the nationality ofgirl.2) There isgreen apple andred one on the table. Which one would you choose?-Of course. I ' ll havered one.3) earth moves roundsun.4) There wasstra nge man ask ing for you just now.5) That' seasy job.Keys: 1.l) I ' m not

27、 sure when we shall go to see our teacher.2) I' m not sure if/whether they can finish the work in time.3) I' m sure the little girl is wait ing for us.4) I' m not sure what I shall do to help him./what to do to help him.5) I' m not sure how we can solve the problem./how to solve the

28、problem.2. l)a, the 2)a, a, the 3)The, the 4)a 5)a nStep 7 Homework1. Tell the story of Bill Gates to your friends or pare nts.2. Do exercises on page 111.3. Finish off the workbook exercise.Writi ng on blackboardLesson 91DrillsI am sure.I am not sure.Lan guage points1. millio ns of2. decide to do s

29、th.3. give away sth.4. It' s+ adj. +for sb. to do sth.5. I' m sure that . . ./ I' m sure if .Teach ing Pla nLesson 1 Unit 1 Book 2Teacher: Shu HehuaSchool: No.3 Middle School ,DanyangTime: September 1,2003Teach ing aims:1. Develop the students' abilities of listening,speaking and rea

30、ding2. Lear n the new words and phrasesTeach ing aids: a tape recorder,some slides for shows,exercises for Less onpicturesTeach ing Procedures:Step 1: A Free talkStep 2: In troduct ionGreet the stude nts by say ing“ Good mornin g,class! Welcome back to school!Then say to each of them“ Good mornin

31、9;s/yoat n ame? How are you? ”Get the stude nts to greet each other.Step 2: Prese ntati onSay “ Good Mornin g,class.Welcome bck to school! Teach this dialogue :Step 3 : PracticePlay the first dialogue. Stude nts liste n and repeatPractise using their own n amesStep 4: Prese ntati onTeach the dates a

32、nd repeat the days of the weekPlay the tape and ask the stude nts to find the an swerAsk : What day is September 10th ?Step 5: Make a cardPoint out the form of the cardAsk the stude nts to make a Teachers'Day card for their teacherStep 6: Importa nt phrases1. welcome back to school 2. have fun d

33、oing sth.3. With one ' s best wishes 4.Thank you for doing sth.5 date,daydate指日期,即 几月几日”。女口: ' s the date today?'October 15.今天是几号? 一一 10月15号。day指24小时的一整天;也单指白天,与night相对;也表示 星期几”;还可表示重要的日子。如;What day is today?' s Tuesday. 一 天星期几?星期二。They worked hard day and night.他们日夜辛勤劳动。s Da儿童节。Step

34、 7: Assig nmentMake a dialogue ask ing for and giv ing direct ions.Blackboard Desig nLesson Onethe first less onwelcome back to school have fun doing sth.Call one ' s name It doesn' t matteron time on dutyTeachers'Day Happy Teachers' DayWith one ' s best wishes Thank you for doin

35、g sth.Teaching Plan Textbook: Junior English for China Book 2Content: Lesson 82,U nit 21Course: Lear ning and discuss ingStude nts: Class4,Grade 2Time:Forty-five Mi nu tesDate: March, 2004Teacher: Fang Xia nghongLess on 82TASK The Ss are to survey the favourite music and musicia nI. Teach ing aims a

36、nd dema nds1. The Ss can use the follow ing words:Moon light, son ata, poor, afford, kn ock, dim, bli nd, shi ne, brightly, through, sile ntly2. The Ss can use the follow ing expressi ons:Pard on me. to one' s surprise, lose on eself inII . Difficult pointsUsing reflexive pronouns Using the comp

37、o und sentence.III . Teaching aids: CALA recorder, some pieces of paper, some picturesIV . Teachi ng stepsStep One Warming up1. watch flashes of some music before the bell rin gs.2. Greeti ngs3. Chatt ingThe teacher is chatting with the Ss to revise the words“ music, pop'pieito,andlin,the expres

38、sions “ Did you learn by yourself? Could you.”T: Did you hear the music just now? S: Yes, I did.T: Do you enjoy liste ning to music? S: Yes, we do.T: What music do you like better, pia no or violi n?S: Pia no. (or violi n) T: Can you play the pia no?S1: No, I can ' t. S2: Yes, I can.T: Could you

39、 play it three years ago? S: Yes. (No)T: When did you begi n to lear n it? S: I bega n to lear nT: Did you learn it by yourself? S: No.T: Who taught you? S:.did.Step Two Lan guage in putPrese ntati onI was not so lucky, happy as you. Whe n I was at your age, I wan ted to lear n play ing the pia no,

40、but the piano was so dear and my family was poor(not rich)that my parents couldn ' t afford to buy one for me. Can your pare nts afford to buy you a pia noLook at this CD.I couldn ' t afford to buy one ten years ago, I think.T: Can you tell me the n ame of music that we heard just now?S: Yes

41、 (No) It' s T: Who composed it?S: Beethoven did. T: Who is Beethove n?S: He is a musicia n and composer.T: Which country was Beethove n from?S: He was from Germa ny.T: When was he born and whe n did he die?S: He was born in 1770 and died in 1827.Have the Ss watch the scree n to know more about B

42、eethove n.T: Can you n ame some of his music?S: “ No.5 Symphony S':“ No.3 Symphony ”.T: What piece of Beethoven ' s music do you like best?S1: I like2:1 like T: They like .,But I like The Moo nlight Son ata best I thi nk it is very beautiful. Would you like to listen to it? Please listen it

43、silently. You ' d better close your eyes and feel the music.Step Three Pre-readi ngOh, you liste ned to it sile ntly and to my surprise, all of you lost yourselves in the music.T: You enjoyed the Moon light Son ata very much, did n ' t you?S: Yes, we did.T: Why did Beethove n compose the mus

44、ic? Actually it was writte n forhis love of Coun tess Giulietta who refused to marry him.Here is someth ing about the piece of musicStep Four Readi ng1. T: Tell me somethi ng about the girl in the story after you read it.2 Have the Ss read the story sile ntly and retell.3 Read the story aga in and t

45、ry to know more in formatio n.4 An swer the follow ing questi ons1) Why did Beethoven stop outside a little house when he was walking in a street one evening/2) Did the girl find it easy to play Beethove n ' s Son ata in F?3) Did the girl live alo ne? 4)What did the girl wish to do?1) What did t

46、he young man say when he heard the girl ' s wish?2) Did the girl really believe her dream would come true?3) What did Beethoven do whe n he heard their talk?4) What surprised Beethove n whe n he saw the girl?5) How did the girl learn to play this music?6) Did Beethove n teach the girl to play his son ata in F?7) Did the girl and the young man like the music played by Beethove n?8) How do you know that/9) What did Beethove n cal


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