



1、Lesson 71 教学设计方案Lesson 71教学设计方案Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.Teach ing Objectives:1. Revise the grammar: the Adverbial Clause and the Infin itive.2. Revise the use of“ who, that, which ”.Lan guage Focus: so thatThe Infinitive: to + Verb(原形)Teach ing Procedures:I. Show ing the teach ing ai

2、msII. Revisi onCheck homework, ask some stude nts to retell the story.III. Prese ntati onGive the stude nts some sentences for example to help them un dersta nd the structure:so + adj. /adv. + that(结果)1. I am so angry that I can' t say a word.2. The teacher spoke so fast that we couldn' t ca

3、tch up with him.3. The classroom is so dirty that we must clea n it.Ask the students to make up some sentences with“ so that ” , then give same more sentences.1. He got up late so that he was late for school.2. He ran very fast so that he hit the electric pole.Ask the stude nts to do some practice.I

4、V. PracticeLook at Exercise 1, ask the stude nts to answer the questions with so that.The answers are:1. I stayed at home so that I could go swim ming whe n I had fini shed it.2. Lucy saved her money so that she could buy her mother a birthday prese nt.3. Ling Feng was going to Chan gsha the n ext w

5、eek so that he could visit his sick gran dmother.4. I was doing my homework so that I could ask him to help me with my physics.5. I was look ing for Lin Tao so that he could visit sick gra ndmother.V. Prese ntati onGet the stude nts to make up some sentences like:1. I don ' t know how to get to

6、the station.2. She doesn' t know which sweater to choose.Ask the students to pay attrition to the Infinitive. Give them more examples to understandbetter, e. g.1. I don ' t know what to do next.2. They don ' t know where to go.3. We didn ' t know when to start.Focus on the use of the

7、 Infin itive, the n give ano ther example:It' s very important to learn English well:To lear n En glish well is very importa nt.Let the stude nts make more senten ces, pay atte ntio n to the use of the Infin itive.VI. PracticeLook at Exercise 2, make sentences with part ners. The an swers are:1.

8、 It' s hard / easy to work out these maths problem.2. It' s exciting to watch football matches.3. It' s interesting to read history books.4. It' s hard / easy to learn foreign Ianguages.VII. Lea ning and practiceDo Exercise 3, complete the sentences using who/ that/ which. The an swe

9、rs are:1. which 2.who 3.who 4.which 5.who 6.which 7.which 8.whoVIII. WorkbookDo Exercise 1, let the stude nts tran slate the senten ces alone the n check the an swers with the stude nts.An swers: 1. We arc hun gry. We n eed to buy somethi ng to eat. 2. She is very busy today. She has a lot of work t

10、o do. 3. Please be quiet! I have someth ing importa nt to tell you. 4. Will you please tell him to turn down the TV a little? 5. nobody knows what to do next? 6. I ' m going to the post office to buy a few stamps this after noon.For Exercise 2. Join the two parts and make the stude nts read toge

11、ther.For Exercise 3. Get the stude nts to read the story, and fill in the bla nks. The an swers are: which, who, who, who, whoIX. SummaryExercise in class1. 昨天他想借我的收音机.2. 我需要一些喝的东西。3. 他有许多家务要做。4. 她叫我说慢一点。5. 在街上踢足球很危险。6. 学外语不容易。1 2下一页课型:讲练课 课时:二节I Teaching MaterialsWords: spirit, inven tor, i nven ti

12、o n, pupil, build, print, track, frighte n, frighte ned, safety, telegraph, lifetimePhrases: try out, at the age of, rush out, New JerseySenten ces: Thomas Edis on thought that no matter how difficult someth ing seemed, he could find the an swer.He said he thought more of a pers on who has one idea

13、and makes it work tha n of a pers on who has a thousa nd ideas but doesn' t do anything about them.n Teaching Objectives1. Read the passage and try to un dersta nd it. Make sure to finish ex.1 in the workbook.2. Master all the teach ing materials.3. Read the whole less on flue ntly and the pronu

14、n ciati on and inton atio n should be right. 川 Teach ing Poi nts1. The main points&(2) in the teach ing objectives2. The difficult poi nts.A. was always trying out 过去进行时,表示过去常常做某事。B. so that 如此以致C. thought more of 更看重th ink a lot of对有很高评价IV Teach ing ProcedurePeriod 11.Orga ni zati on of the cla

15、ssTalk about Edis on2. Revisi onA. OralWhat was David trying to do? Why?What was his idea? Get sb. to do sth. be able to & can write neatly keep working on itWe also talked about the inven ti ons change the world more the second most useful would most like to ownB. Wb. Ex.33. The teachi ng of th

16、e new less onA. Lesson 26There was a great inven tor who inven ted more tha n one thousa nd thin gs. Who is he? Let ' s go on to lear n Less on 26.1 2下一页Step 1 Revisi on1. Check the homework.2. Revise the date, weather and seas ons.Step 2 Prese ntati onDivide the class into four groups. Teach ea

17、ch group a differe nt sentence and practise it:T:Which seas on do you like best?Group A:l like spri ng best, because everyth ing begi ns to grow.T:Which seas on do you like best?Group B:I like summer best, because it is good for sports.T:Which seas on do you like best?Group C:I like autumn best, bec

18、ause it ' s cool.T:Which seas on do you like best?Group D:I like win ter best, because I can go skati ng.Step 3 DrillPoint to a group ran domly and ask Which seas on do you like best? The group has to give the appropriate an swer. Repeat with in dividual Ss.Step 4 Prese ntati onGet the Ss to ask

19、 each other questi ons: Which seas on do you like best? Which seas on do you like better, spri ng or summer? Why? Do you like win ter? Why (n ot)? While the Ss are discuss ing about the different seasons, you may join in the discussion by using Wang Wei ' s words in her letter. Expla in the new

20、words and expressi ons by gesture or tran slati on, and write them dow n on the Bb. For example, when a student says that he/she likes summer best, you may say I like summer, too. It is the warmest seas on .It ofte n rains. Sometimes it rains quite heavily, etc. After the discussi on, revise the new

21、 words and expressi ons on the Bb.Step 5 Read ingSb page 63. Speech Cassette Lesson 63. Ask the Ss What did Wang Wei write about in her letter? Get them to read the letter quickly to find the an swer. The n the Ss read the letter more slowly. Ask them some questi ons from Wb Less on 63, Ex.1. Fi nal

22、ly, play the tape as a model for the Ss to practise readi ng aloud. First in group, the n in dividual Ss.1 2 3下一页教学目标教学目标1 能熟练谈论有关失窃”的话题,注意所使用的时态和语态的准确性。2.掌握本单元的词汇和短语,特别是look like,far away,come down等短语的用法。3初步学习定语从句,找准先行词,选对关系代词或关系副词:指人的用who, that,whom指物的用that, which,指时间的用 who,指地点的用 where。关系代词在定语从句中

23、如作宾语,可以省略。作其他成分都不可以省略。4. 认真学习“Who stole the necklace ”培养我们的分析能力、逻辑思维能力。5. 学会用定语从句来表达较长的句子。注意英语和汉语的文化差异。句型及日常交际用语1. 句型(1) This is the prese nt he gave me for my birthday.(2) Do you know everybody who came to the party?(3) My n ecklace is not the only thing that is miss ing.(4) This is the cage that P

24、olly lives.(5) She is the pers on that I met at the school gate yesterday.(6) The cars which are produced in Hubei Provi nee sell very well.(7) I don ' t like people who talk much but do little.(8) Have you called the police?(9) Thank you for coming.(10) There is no n eed to tha nk me.2. 日常交际用语(

25、1) Some has stolen my necklace!(2) I heard him speak.(3) Hands up!(4) I' ll shoot anyone who moves.(5) There' s no need to thank me.(6) Can you remember anything else about him?(7) Come down, Polly!教材内容分析本单元是围绕 “ The missi ng necklace展开教学活动的,要求我们在谈论有关失窃"话题时,要注意所使用的时态和语态的正确性。 本单元的语法功能项目是

26、定语从句。学习定语从句要搞清这么几方面的关系:1 它是复合句;2 定语从句就名词或代词进行修饰;3是找准先行词(被修饰的名词或代词);4 .定语从句紧跟先行词。认真学习“ Who stole thenecklace? ”培养我们的逻辑思维能力,同时学会用定语从句来表达较长的句子,注意体会中西方的文化差异。教学建议本单元重点例句及相关知识讲解与分析1. Some one has stole n my n ecklace.有人偷走了我项链 .(1) someo ne = somebody某人、有人、属于不定代词,只有单数形式。(2) somebody还解释为 重要人物”这时它与不定冠词连用。例:

27、He' s no body here in tow n but he ' s a somebody in his own village. 他在这城市默默 无闻,但在他本村中并非等闲之辈。(3) stolen亦能作分词形容词,解释为被偷走的”。2. He said,“ Ha nds up!他说;把手举起来! ”Hands up的意思是 举手” Hand和不同的介、副词放在一起具有不同的含义,要注意 总结。例如:handin 上交,交给 hand down 传下来,公布hand on 传给,传下来 hand out分发,提供ha nd over传(某物)给某人,交出3. Who

28、would you ask for help if you were robbed ?如遭受抢劫,你会找谁寻求帮助(向谁求助)?(1) 在本句中,would ask并非过去将来时,were并非过去时,而是一种虚拟语句表示 一种不大可能发生的假设)的表现形式。例:If I were you , I would tell the truth .如果我是你,我就会讲实话了。(但是我不是你)(2) ask (sb) for help (向)求助。(3) rob (动词)抢劫、剥夺,其常用句型是 rob sb. Of sth .抢去/剥夺走某人的 例:That bank was robbed yeste

29、rday.昨晚那银行被劫。robber (名词)劫贼,robbery (名词)抢劫。 注意下面两句的区别。I was robbed of my watch .我的手表被抢走了。I had my watch stolen .我的手表被偷走了。4. There is no need to thank me. 不用谢我。There is ( no) need to do sth. = have (no) need to do sth .表示必须 /不必做某事。 need 在句中作名词表 需要;缺少,贫困”的意思。也可以作及物动词或情态动词,表需要,必须”的意思。但需要注意的是:(1) need作情态

30、动词只用于否定句和疑问句,通常不用于肯定句。(2) didn ' t need to do表示 不需要做某事 ”而事实上也没有做;needn' t have done则表示已经做了某事,而事实上不需要做”是虚拟语气用法。例如:(1) He felt the need of a better education .他感到有必要受到更好的教育。(2) She helped me in my hour of need .她在我困难的时候帮过我。(3) He needs a new coat.他需要一件新外套。(4) Need they have sold the farm ?他们那时非得把农场卖掉吗?5. Jim noticed it about an hour ago .吉姆半个小时前注意到了这件


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