已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit1 B 卷: 课后巩固题一.选择( )1.This sweater looks so nice. Can I _ ? A. try it on B.try on them C. try on it( )2.-Do you have_ nice clothes _ shoes? - No, I dont.A. some,and B. any, and C. any, or( )3.The shoes fit every one. A. doesn't B. don't C.isn't( )4.-What _ your mother like _? - She _

2、drawing nice pictures.A. do; doing; likes B. does; doing; like C. does; doing; likes( )5.Let him it. A. doB.does C. doing( )6.There _any cakes in the fridge, but there _ some soup in it.A. are; is B. arent; are C. arent; is( )7.【易错】There are some windowsthe wall .A. on B. between C. in( )8.- your pa

3、nts(裤子) fit you ? -Yes,They fit .A. Do ;well B. Does;well C. Do ;good( )9.【易错】Reading our study.A. are good for B. is good for C. is bad for( )10.Let go. A. them B. they C. their二填入适当的词1.fairy(复数) 2.party( 复数) 3.bad( 反义词) 4.try(三单)5.take(现在分词) 6.have(三单) 7.foot(复数) 8.can't (完全形式) 9.angry(反义词) 10

4、.story(复数) 11.try(三单式) 12.happy( 反义词) 13.cold (反义词) 14.after(反义词)15. 【易错】Who_(have) to go back now?16. Let _(we) go and have a look.17. Who _ (help) me ?18. She _(come) and _(visit) every house.19. 【易错】Whose shoe _ the girls _(try) on.20. Who _ (try) on the dress?21. Why can't you _ (play) footb

5、all?22. My hands _ (hurt).23. He also likes_ (make) cakes.24. They _ (try) on the shoes.25. Who _(want) the book?26. Peter _ (study) Chinese after school.27. The shoes dont_(fit) me.28. Who_(like) playing computer games?29. There _ (be) a chair, a desk and a bed in the room.39.I can skate very _ (go

6、od).三翻译1.穿上 2.留下 3.试穿它们 4.脱下你的鞋子5.在王子家 6.对.有好处 7.不得不回来8.玩得开心 / 9.造访每户人家10.be late for school 11. 童话故事12. 所有的女孩都能去参加聚会。_ _ _ _ go to the party.Unit2 B 卷: 课后巩固题一.选择( )1.Its late, she _ to go home now. A. have B. has C. having ( )2.【易错】Lucy always _ home by bike. A. goes to B. goes C. go( )3.【易错】_you o

7、ften late_ school? A. Do, for B. Are, for C. Are, to ( )4.-Where _ they live? - They live _ City Library.A. does, on B. do, near C. do, on( )5.-Where _ your sisters _? -They _in Nanjing.A. do;live;live B. does;live;lives C. do ;lives;live( )6.Can _ go to the park by car? -No, _ cant.A. I, you B. I,

8、I C. you, you( )7.Bobby wants _ his bike to his friends.A. shows B.to show C. showing( )8.-Is that a plane? - It looks like a bird.A. Yes,it isn't. B. I don't think so. C. No,it doesn't.二填入适当的词1.young(反义词) 2. taxi(复数) 3.buy(同音词) 4.bus(复数) 5.want to(同义词组) 6.near(反义词组) 7.there(反义词)8.city(复

9、数形式) 9.drive(名词) 10.far(反义词)11.take off (反义词) 12.sit(动名词)13. Su Yang (live)near the City Library.14. 【易错】The wheels on the bus_(go) round and round.15. We want16. Can you(have)a picnic. (draw) a picture for me .17.Bobbys mum _(not) read books.18.【易错】I cant see any(taxi) in the street.19.We _(not wat

10、ch) TV on Mondays. 20.How _ (do) Mike come to school. 21.Where _ (do) they live?22.My grandparents are (farm) .23.Bobby likes(ride)a bike in the park .24.I like _ (read) the stories about Monkey King. 25.He rides very _ (good).26. There26. he(be)some fruit in the basketball. (do)his homework every d

11、ay?三翻译1.坐在篮子里 2.喜欢骑车 3.非常喜欢. 4.住得靠近5.步行 6.在月亮街 7.靠近城市图书馆8.乘地铁 9.住在阳光镇10.【易错】步行去上班 11.【易错】骑自行车去那里12.【易错】坐地铁去购物 13.乘飞机去Unit3B 卷: 课后巩固题一.选择( )1.Turn _ at the traffic lights. A .the left B.the right C.left( )2.The bookshop is _ my right. A. in B. on C.at( )3.A young man_ the bus and sits down in front o

12、f me.A. gets off B .gets on C. gets to( )4.Would you like there?A.to goB.goC.goes( )5.How do you get _ the library. A.to B.from C./ 二填入适当的词1.write(同音词) 2. make( 现在分词) 3. try(第三人称单数形式)4.left(反义词) 5.zoo(复数)6.right(反义词,2 个) / 7.library(复数)8. Turn left at the _ (three) traffic light.9. 【易错】He is asking

13、Yang Ling how _(get) the train station.10. I dont know how _ (get) to the park.11. 【易错】We can't play on the s .12. 【易错】He w _to school every day.13. How _ (do)his brother get there?14. 【易错】See you _(late), Mike.15. How do I get to _(he) home.16. Tom(not like)playing computer.17. The boy sits nex

14、t to _ (they).18. Lets go _ (shop), Helen.19. My brother always _ (walk)along Moon Street.20. 【易错】Please tell me which one(choose).21. My (foot) hurt. My (foot) hurts.22. 【易错】Let her (take)the bus to the park.23. I like (步行) to school every day.24. 【易错】The bag is full of (mango).三翻译1.在公园站台下车 2.走到太阳街

15、 3.该选哪一个4.寻求帮助 5.看一场新电影 6.在交通灯处右转7.从医院出来 8.等地铁 9.在公交车站10. 在书店隔壁11. 劳驾,我怎样到书店去呢?沿这条街走,在交通灯处左转。Excuse _, _ _ I _ _ the bookshop? Go _ this _, turn _ _ the traffic lights.12.我们不能上车。车太满了。 We cant get the bus. Its 13.【易错】向阳中学就在你的左边,你不会找不到的。.Xiang Yang middle school is _ _ _, you _ _ it.Unit4B 卷: 课后巩固题一.选

16、择( )1.【易错】-Where's Nancy? -She is bed. A.stays at B. stay on C. staying in ( )2.- your mother ill? -Yes,she . A.Does;does B.Is;is C.Are;am ( )3.Youve got a _ cold. A. bad B. good C. too( )4.-_ you cold? -No,I'm _. A.Do;hot B.Are;hot C. Are;cold( )5.My brother shouldnt takemedicine. A. some B

17、. any C. many( )6.Im thirsty. Heres a glass of juice _ you. A. give B. of C. for ( )7.He lives City Park Station. A.in B.on C.at( )8.Shall we the station by car?A.go to B.goesC.go二填入适当的词1.tooth (复数形式) _ 2.brush (第三人称单数) _ 3.her (主格) _4. them (主格) _5.on(反义词) _6.it(宾格) _ 7.you(主格) _ 8.full(反义词) _9. 【易

18、错】Im very happy_(see)you.10. Elephants come to see _(they).11. Yang Ling does not _(feel) hungry. She _(feel) thirsty.12. Please _(drink) some warm water.13. Whats the matter with _(she)? She has a _(head).14. What (不应该) they do?15. What should he _(do)? He should _(brush) his teeth.16. She should t

19、ake some _(medicine).17. The old man can't do _ (something).三翻译1.看医生 2.吃太多糖 3.喝太多水4.就寝前 5.喝一些温水 6.刷牙 7.吃一些药8.喝一些暖水 9.患牙疼 10.给我看他的自行车11.在医院附近 12.乘地铁去医院13.听清楚 14.指着15.他们怎么啦?他们生病了。 _ wrong _ _? _ _. 16.他牙痛。不能吃任何东西了。He a . He eat .17.听说你这样生病我很抱歉。我真希望你能快点好起来。Im _ to _ that. I _ you get _ _.18.服些药,待在床

20、上。 some and stay .一.选择 ( )1.You cantUnit5 B 卷: 课后巩固题the dog. A. playing with B. play with C. are playing with( )2.Do you to school every Saturday? A. is walking B. are walking C. walk ( )3.【易错】Sometimes Mike and I to music.A.am listen B. listen C. listening( )4.-What they have? -They have some pets.

21、 A.doesB.are C.do( )5. Ben and his mother buying things in the supermarket?A.Is B.DoC.Are( )6.- you medicine? -No,I'm not.A. Are;take some B.Do ;taking any C. Are;taking any( )7.-HowNancy get to Yang Lings home? -She can take a bus.A. is B. do C. does( )8.The pests go away,but the ladybirds . A.

22、can'tB.aren'tC.don't( )9.It is Monday morning. A.in B.at C./( )10.It's five o'clock. I should . A. go away B. leave away C. leave behind 二填入适当的词1.wash (第三人称单数) 2.dish(复数) 3.try(第三人称单数) 4.students(所有格)5. Do you like_ (看) football matches?6. 【易错】He is (ask) Yang Ling how to get to

23、the cinema.7. The little girl (take)a bus to the supermarket.8. Jim (go) to school by bike.9. 【易错】Lets _(make) a cake now.10. 【易错】Let (we) (wash) the dishes now.11. Tom and his brother often (walk) to school.12.【易错】-Wheres your little sister? She(play) with her cat.13. 【易错】We shouldnt _(watch) TV no

24、w.14. 【易错】_ (not open) the door now.15. They _(not water) the flowers now.16. Can Kate _(ski)? Yes. Look, She _ _ (ski) over there. 17.【易错】Shall we _(learn) the English song now?18.Look!Wang Bing _ (种植) flowers in the garden. 19.-What are you (do)? -We (walk) to school. 20.-Wheres Mike? -Hes _(brush

25、) his teeeh in the bathroom. 21.-What _ your sister _(do)? -She's(make) the bed. 22.【易错】There (be) any books on the desk.三翻译1.洗车 2.擦桌子 3.铺床 4.在周日下午 5.又大又甜 6.未完待续 7.葡萄上的一些害虫8.烧早饭 9.星期天晚上10. 他们正在读书. They _ books now.11. 孩子们正在卧室睡觉。The in the . 12.刘涛擅长画画。看,他正在画一艘轮船。Liu Tao is. Look, hesa .Unit6B 卷:

26、课后巩固题一.选择( )1.Is your mother _Suzhou? Yes, she is.A.live B. goes to C. visiting D.live in ( )2.【易错】-_ on the fridge? -There are some oranges.A. What are B. Whats C. Are there( )3.-There _ some meat for you. -Thank you. A.is B. are C. have( )4.My mother wants _ some vegetables. A.washesB. to wash C.

27、to washing( )5.How do people eat in China? They eat with_.A. a knife and a fork B. hands C. chopsticks( )6.Is your bag big _small? A. and B. with C. an D.or( )7.I can't _ my puppy. I'm _ it.A.look for;finding B. finding;looking for C. find;looking for( )8.-_ the meat? -It's yummy. A.HowB

28、.WhatC.Where's( )9.Can you _ the dog _ for me?A.leave;behind B.go ;away C.drive;away二填入适当的词1.drive(现在分词) _ 2.catch (第三人称单数)_ 3.go(反义词)_ 4.knife ( 复 数 ) _ 5.win( 现 在 分 词 ) _ 6.love( 近 义 词 ) _ 7.tomato(复数) _8.Jims brother(watch) TV at eight every evening.9. 【易错】My father should (brush) his teeth e

29、very day.10. Its eight oclock . We_(have)supper.11. What _Tim_(do)? Look, he _(do)his homework.12. There are a lot of _ (potato) in the basket.13. My little sister wants _ (listen) to music.14. He cant _(cook)some tomato soup.15. 【易错】Can you help _(we)_(clean)the table.16. Shall we _(learn) the Engl

30、ish song now?17. They _(not water) the flowers now.18. Can Kate_(skate)?Yes.Look,she_(skate)over there.19. What is our granddaughter doing? She _ (listen) to music.20. 【易错】Look!The bus _(stop)21. 根据首字母填空(1) Sam c_ a bird in the tree.(2) I like eating v_ and fruit.三翻译1.洗一些蔬菜_ 2.煮些土豆汤_ 3.迫不及待 _ 4.赶走那条

31、狗_ 5.上午六点 6.用刀吃7. 所有的女孩子正在操场上跑步。_ the girls _ _ in _ _.8. 海伦在书房看书吗? Is Helen _ a book in the study?9. 你的奶奶正在找扫地吗?是的。_ your grandma _the _? 10.你正在做家庭作业吗? _ you_ _ _?11. The man is _ _ the _.(沿街走)12. 碗里有一些肉。There _ _ _ in the bowl.Unit7B 卷: 课后巩固题一.选择( )1.On Halloween, children shout for sweets.A.Whats

32、 the trick? B.Whats the treat? C.Trick or treat?( )2.【易错】I usually go to the park_ May Day. A.in B. at C. on( )3.What should your father_? He should _ some medicine.A. does, take B. do, take C. do, takes( )4.【易错】Fathers Day comes Mothers Day. A. before B. after C.with ( )5.-What festival is in May?

33、-It's .A.Mother's Day B.Women's Day C. Father's Day( )6.They are talking _ festivals in china. A. about B. to C.with二填入适当的词1.two (序数词)_ 2.September(缩写)_ 3.Feb.(完整形式)_ 4.ninth(基数词) _ 5.Oct.(完整形式) _ 6.eat(现在分词) _7.Danny(名词所有格) _ 8.look at the moon( 同义短语)9. Who _(teach) you English this

34、 term? Miss Li.9. _(do) Nancy often go to the party on Childrens Day?9. My mother is _(make) rice dumplings .10. 【易错】 (he) birthday is on (five) of May.11. 【易错】What festival _(come)before Mothers Day?12. How many _(place)are there?13. _(child)love festivals.14. Liu Tao's mother _(call) him Taota

35、o.15. _(be) there any _(flower) in the vase?18. 【易错】People _(call)it Chinese New Year.19. People (look) at the moon at night with (they) family now.9. 【易错】 What festival (come) after the Spring Festival?9. Liu Taos mother _ (call) him Tao tao.22. There are twelve _ (month) in a year.23. Mr Green _ (

36、go) to work by bike every day,but Mrs Green _ (do).24. 根据首字母填空(1) M_ comes before April.(2) There are dragon boat r_ at the Dragon Boat Festival.三翻译1.团聚 2.谈论_ 3.打扮_ 4.赛龙舟5.喜欢所有的节日 6.老人们的一个节日7.在五月的第二个星期天 8.赏月 9.父亲节10.在这个节日里人们干什么?他们和家人团聚在一起。What_ people_ _ _ _?11.在这个季节他们也爬山和吃粽子。They_ _ _ and eat _ _ a

37、t this _.12.你会包粽子吗?不会。 _ you make _ _? No, I _.Unit8 B 卷: 课后巩固题一.选择( )1.Whens her birthday? Its _the fifteenth September. A. in B. at C. on ( )2. comes after November . A. December B. September C. October( )3.【易错】 your birthday in November?A.Is B.DoesC.Are( )4.People in the West usually open their presents .A. after the party B. the next day C. at once( )5.Helen opens her present she receives it.A. as soon as B. because C. b


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