



1、专题三代词高分冲刺V语诜集训白银theirI 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. My 18-year-old elder brother can take good care ofhimself (he).(2021 武威、2. Can you talk tothem(they)and play games with them?(2021 常德)3. Transportation engineers have a lot to think about.Problem-solving is a big part of (they)jobs.(2021 永州)4.Some people like

2、 reading on WeChat,butothers (other)don '5.This piece of music can touch not only your heart,but alsomine (I).n.单项选择(A )6.We all think quite necessary to stop school bullying ( 校园欺凌).(2021 大庆)A.it B.herC.that D.this(A )7. Where would you like to go tomorrow,Hua ngguoshu Waterfall or Drag on Pala

3、ce? is OK for me.It 'sup to you.(2021 安顺)A.Either B.NeitherC.Both D.All(C )8.Lily sat on the sofa just now.Maybe the wool scarf is .(2021 镇江)A.she B.her'find a bookstore here.C.hers D.herself(A )9. Excuse me,I want some books,but I canI knowon my way home.Come with me,please.2021 天水A.o neB.t

4、hisC.it D.thatB 1O.Last month the stude nts in Changjiang Road Primary School held theTen Years ofGrowth Ceremo ny "to celebrate 10th birthday together. 2021 南京A.they B.theirC.them D.theirsB 11.Tennis can exercise all of our muscles 肌肉.And it requiresto spend time withothers.This is good for ou

5、r health too.2021 临沂A.ours B.us C.weC 12. Jack,you swam very well.Who taught you?Nobody.I taught .2021 黄冈A.I B.meC.myself D.mineC 13. You look pale today,Madam! What 'the matter with you? serious.Just a cold.2021 泰州A.Someth ing B.A nythi ngC.Nothi ngD.Everyth ingC 14. New kinds of morning exercises like dancing are beco ming popular. can help us keep fit and have fun.2021 山西A.We B.You C.TheyC 15.Lear ning is a life long journey because we can lear n every day.2021 哈尔滨C.somethi ng new(D )16. Can you spare the time to go shopp ing with me thi


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