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1、2015_2016学年八年级英语上册lesson12KarensHairStoodUp教案新版冀教版Karens Hair Stood Up教学目标1. Remember the words and phrase.2. Understand the meaning of text.3. Review the grammar: The past tense and the present perfect tense.教学重点Understand the meaning of text.教学难点the grammar: The past tense and the present perfect

2、tense.教学方法Listening, speaking, reading, writing and practice.教学资源Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware, A recorder, PPT.教学步骤教师活动学生活动调整与思考教学过程设计教学过程设计Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)1. Homework check.2. Review we learned, in last lesson. What important Day did we learn?Then ask some Ss to

3、 come to the board and write one sentence in the present perfect tense.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)1. Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.2. Ask some Ss talk about the following questions:Have you

4、done anything interesting this week?What have you done in your favourite class?Then ask some Ss translate the title.Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 Prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No. 2 Text: Give them some time to read the text thems

5、elves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.At last, the teachers explain the text in Chinese, make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No. 3 Important sentences.1. I miss everyone at home.2. Today at school, we talked to the class about

6、 our favourite subjects.3.We had a good discussion about how to stay healthy.No. 4 Finish the practice “Lets Do It!”Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text, then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned, the new words, phrases,

7、and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Greet the students as usual and make sure they can response correctly.Ask some Ss to answer “Think About It”. For the Ss to learn the main concept better. After learning and understanding, give the Ss chances to use the language to do things. Ask the studentsTo learn

8、 the Sentences by heart作 业1. Finish the activity book and the practice.2. Copy the new words and phrases twice.板书设计Lesson 12: Karens Hair Stood Up!1. New words and phrases: mine, finally, discussion, ocean, remind, remind.of.Stay healthy.2. The meaning of text.教学反思2015_2016学年八年级英语上册lesson13ILoveAutu

9、mn教案新版冀教版I Love Autumn教学目标1.Mastery words and expressions: celebrate, round, however, wonderOral words and expressions: Mid-Autumn Festival, watch the moon, a seven-day2.Talk about Mid-Autumn Festival.教学重点1.Talk about festivals in autumn.2.Learn something about foreign festivals in autumn.教学难点The kn

10、owledge about festivals and how to talk about them in English.教学方法Communicative Teaching教学资源Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware教学步骤教师活动学生活动调整与思考教学过程设计教学过程设计Step1. Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Review: In last unit, we talked about our interests and our favourite school subjects. Can someone

11、 tell me about his or her favourite school subject? Why is it your favourite?Step2. Lead in.(引入)1. Introduce the unit topic: Families get together to celebrate. When there is a big festival in China, the family

12、 members always get together to celebrate.2. What do you know about the Western festivals? What festival is coming soon in Canada? If someone knows what it is, ask&#

13、160;him to describe it. Step3. Step 3. New lesson.(新课)1.Teach the new words and phrases. make sure the Ss can read it correctly.2.Read and answer the questions of “Lets Do It”No.1(1) What will Li Mings family do on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival?(2)Where will Jenny go on Thanksg

14、iving Day?(3) When is Canadian Thanksgiving?(4)Why do Li Ming and Jenny like autumn?Grammar.1. Adverbial Clause with “when”.(时间状语从句)Eg: When I was a little boy, my grandma told me the story of change.2.Possessive Case:单数名词词尾加“s”,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加“s”。例the boys bag 男孩的书包 mens room 男厕所 Li Mings family.若名词已

15、有复数词尾又是s ,只加“”。例 the workers struggle工人的斗争 Teachers day用of+名词构成短语修饰前面的名词或表示两个名词间的所有关系。例 the story of change.s 所有格多用于有生命的东西,of 所有格多用于无生命的东西,也有许多例外。双重所有格即 “ of + 名词s 所有格”,表示整体中的一个或部分。No. 4名词所有格练习.1. _(李明的父母)work in a big hospital.2. This is _(我妹妹的语文书)3. _(教师节) is on September 10th .4. He is in _(老师的办公

16、室) now.5. Are these _(男生们的书包) ?6. That is _(Tom和李雷的教室).Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.(听)Make the Ss listen the text, then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned, the new words, phrases, and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Review and strengthen wha

17、t learnt last class. Talk about the questions and some volunteers will do it.Try to master the new words in short time.Work in groups and answer them.Work in groups and find out more language points and explain them in their own words. Learn. the grammars and do the exercises.Sum up what learnt together with the te


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