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1、2017初中英语必备短语表归纳2017初中英语必备短语表归纳二1. wag ones tongue:喋喋不休The mans scandlghbors to waggues.这个男人的丑闻使得邻居们议论纷纷。替换短语:chatter away:说个不完The mans scandlghbatter away.这个男人的丑闻使 得邻居们议论纷纷。2.wake up:醒来,吵醒He moved softly and quietlase he wbaby up.他在 房间里轻手轻脚地走动,以免把婴儿吵醒。3.walk backwards:朝后走uldnt help but walk backward

2、swg the man.当她看见这个男人时忍不住往后 退。混淆短语:walk away:走开Walk away or I will call the police.走开,否则我要报警了!4.wandack:误入歧途The boy has wandered the trawas abandoned.男孩自从被遗弃之后就误入歧途了。替换短语:go astray:误入歧途The boy has gone astrawas abandoned.遗弃之后就误入歧途了。5. warn sb. against:告诫某人(提防).Twarnedldren agaangers thaa母亲告诫孩子们要提 防靠近

3、他们的陌生人。混淆短语:warn off:告诫离开Twarned the maldren.母亲告诫那个男人不要靠近她 的孩子。6. wash away:冲走The cllbeach were washed away ba waves.她留在沙滩上的衣服被海浪冲走了。混淆短语:wash out:洗掉It will be difficult to wash ouau你裙子上的墨渍会很难洗掉。7. wash off:冲掉,冲毁Please wash the dur hands bu touch anything把你手上的脏东西洗掉,才能碰这房间里的东西。混淆短语:to walf:洗澡Peter wa

4、shed himself right aal.彼得一从学校回家就去洗澡了。8. watch out:小心,留意男孩自从被Youd better watch oulandarea.你最好小心这一区埋伏着的地雷。替换短语:take care:当心,注意Youd better take calandarea.你最好小心这一区埋伏着的地雷。1. watch for:守候,注意The two polwwauar his place.这两个警官被派到嫌疑犯家的附近等待嫌疑犯的出现。混淆短语:watch ones time:等待时机All we can do allect as muation as we

5、can andwatch our time.我们现在所能做的,就是尽可能收集情报并等待时机2.wave aside:置之不理The man waved the womans complaints aside becauwag hecould do to help.因为爱莫能助,那个男 人对女子的抱怨置之不理。替换短语:turn ones back upon:置之不理The man turned his back uwomans complaints becauwag hecould do to help.因为爱莫能助,那个男 人对女子的抱怨置之不理。3.wax and wane:盈亏,盛衰Af

6、ter 100 years wax and wawefulaw a small country.历经百年盛衰,这个昔日强大的帝国如今只是 个小国家。4.wear out:耗尽He will not buy new shoes until the old ones are completelyworn out.在旧鞋子完全不能穿之前,他是不 会买新的的。5.win by a neck:险胜,略胜一筹Allants were very exceptionallucky that she won by a neck.所有的参赛者都非常优秀,她很幸运能够从中 险胜。混淆短语:neck and neck

7、:不分上下,并驾齐驱It was a neck and neck game. We didnt know who wouldlineuntil the last minute.那是个不分上下的比 赛,我们知道最后一刻才知道谁会率先冲过重点线。6.wink at:使眼色The manager winked at her as a siglence.经理向 她使眼色,要她保持安静。7.win over:把争取过来The candidate has successfully won over manyundecided voters blitical views.该候选人成功地用他 的政见争取到许多

8、中间选民。混淆短语:win the day:得胜It is a fact that useful products that give good value cawin theday.实用且实惠的商品通常卖得很好, 这是事实。8.wipe away:擦掉It will take the vwar many years to wipe awablad.战争的受害者需要花很多年的时间才能将这些可怕的记 忆从他们的脑海中抹去。混淆短语:wipe out:消灭Nadarted to attack thawas all wiped out.他们进 攻没多久,敌军就全数消灭了。1.with ones wh

9、ole heart:全心全意,一心一意The people are praying that the war willceawwhole hearts.人们全心地祈祷战争很快就会结束。2.wonder at:感到惊奇All of us wondered at he fact that he had bailwehn he was young.我们都对他年轻时曾坐过牢感到很惊 讶。替换短语:be surprised at:对.感到惊讶All of us are surprised at he fact that he hadbail wehn he was young.我们都对他年轻时曾坐过牢感

10、 到很惊讶。3.word by word:逐字地You dont have to translate the article word byword.不需要逐字翻译这篇文章。混淆短语:in a word:总之In a word, do waht I just told you.总之, 照我刚才说的做。4.wrap around:包围住Itwas a littlecold, so Jane grabbed a scarf andwrapped it around上。天气有点冷,简抓了条围巾围在脖子5.write down:记下,写下I always write down everythingg while travelling.我总是在旅行时记下所有有趣的事情。ar after year: 一年有一年Liwaitedunaway son at the window year after year.李太太年复一年得坐在窗户前等她出走的儿 子回来。替换短语:year in year out:年复一年Li waitedunaway sonat the window year in year out.李太太年复一年得坐在窗户前等她出走的儿子回来。ll at sb.:对某人吼叫The woman asked her husbandlling at her.女人要


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